Truth or Dare part 3
In the hotel there was a dinning room. Inside the dinning room there's a stage with curtains on either side where people can perform. Scorpio was standing on the stage grinning as she clutched the microphone in her hands. All the other zodiacs except for Virgo were sitting in front of the stage. Cancer was feeling self conscious about wearing her cat ears and tail in public but she had to because it was her dare.
Where's Virgo?
-Impatient Gemini
"Someone tell Virgo to hurry up so we can laugh at him," said Aquarius.
"Booo Scorpio!" tormented Aries. Scorpio stuck her tongue out.
"Maybe Virgo has stage fright," said Taurus.
"Since when does Virgo get stage fright?" asked Sagittarius.
"He gets nervous in language class when we need to present," said Pisces.
"Virgo will probably be here soon since there's no way Scorpio will perform without him," said Cancer. Then the music started. Virgo still wasn't on the stage. Everyone was wondering what was going on.
"We clawed, we chained our hearts in vain, we jumped, never asking why," sang Scorpio. She wasn't a bad singer but at least she was better than Leo.
"She's singing wrecking ball my Miley Cyrus," said Libra.
"Don't you ever say I just walked away I will always want you. I can't live a lie, running for my life, I will always want you~"
Capricorn gasped. "Oh no. I think I know where Virgo is," said Capricorn.
"I CAME IN LIKE A WREEEEEEEEECKING BALL~" sang Virgo as he sat on top of a wrecking ball that swung across the stage.
"I NEVER HIT SO HARD IN LOVE~" sang Scorpio and Virgo.
"ALL I EVER DID WAS BREAAAAAAAAK YOUR- AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Virgo as he fell off the wrecking ball.
"ALL YOU... PFFT... EVER DID WAS... AHAHAHAHAHA," laughed Scorpio. Scorpio and Virgo were too busy laughing their heads off to continue the song.
Let's run so people don't think we know them. Deal? 😳
-Embarrassed Gemini
"Deal!" said Capricorn. Then the ten other zodiacs fled the dinning room while Scorpio and Virgo were too busy crying with laughter to notice.
"I don't know what I expected to happen but it certainly wasn't that," said Taurus.
"Okay, what's everyone's most embarrassing moments?" asked Pisces. Everyone looked at Aries. Aries blushed.
"Probably that time I was dancing around in my room with just my underwear and bra on and Leo walked in. He blushed and ran back into the elevator screaming 'I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!'," explained Aries. Leo blushed too.
"This was before we were dating so that makes it even more awkward," said Leo.
"Probably that time that I was on my period and I started crying in the middle of biology because the photos of animals in the book looked sad," said Taurus.
"Being on your period makes you over emotional?" asked Aquarius.
"Sometimes," said Taurus.
Ansndhdhebrbdinrfb djdnd dirhfb fjrnfjd ono bd sndndhjdrnne. Have fun deciphering my writing losers!
-Badass Gemini 😎
"Gemini you have to write so that we can read it," said Capricorn. Gemini rolled her eyes.
That time that I was asleep and I was dreaming that I was killing zombies. Anyway I woke up in the middle of class and everyone was staring at me because I fell asleep
-Gemini who hates being stared at
"Everyone was staring at you because you were screaming 'die wahahahahaha die die die' in your sleep and when the teacher went to wake you up you took your pencil and tried to stab her," explained Pisces.
Wait WHAT?!? ☹️😳😧😱😬
-Gemini. Look at my amazing emoji drawing skills lololololololol
"My most embarrassing moment was when I was shopping at Walmart and this guy started flirting with me and saying that he was going to date me and other stuff and I told him to stop talking to me but he kept it up and I was so embarrassed. Anyway Sagittarius got banned from Walmart for knocking him out and beating him up even when he was unconscious," explained Cancer.
"I don't regret it," said Sagittarius while showing off his arm muscles.
"I don't have embarrassing moments because I find everything like that funny. Like if I showed up to school in pyjamas I'd just laugh and continue on as if nothing happened," explained Leo.
"It's true. He never gets embarrassed," said Aries.
"An embarrassing moment for me was when a rumour spread throughout the school that I was gay for Libra. That part didn't bother me but it embarrassed me when everyone kept telling me and Libra to kiss," said Virgo.
"Mine was when Virgo kissed me on the forehead to shut everyone up. Good job dumbass, half the school still thinks we're dating," said Libra.
"I refuse my admit my embarrassing moments. If you want to know so bad you can fight me," said Scorpio.
"She gets embarrassed when I call her cute names like princess and sunshine," said Virgo.
"Probably that time Leo threw a banana peel on the ground and I slipped and fell backwards," said Sagittarius.
"My most embarrassing moment was when I was singing in the shower and Taurus came in my room and heard my singing voice," said Capricorn.
"My most embarrassing moment was when the principal made me clean up the garbage around the school for spreading the rumour that Virgo is gay for Libra," said Aquarius.
"Bruh, not cool," said Virgo. Libra shook his head in disapproval.
"My most embarrassing moment was probably when I accidentally called Lyra mom and she played along and called me 'Pisces, my child' for the rest of the day," said Pisces.
"And she patted you on the head whenever you answered a question right," said Cancer. Everyone chuckled.
"Now Aries has to wear a pink poofy dress for the rest of the day," said Pisces.
"WHO CAME UP WITH THAT?!?" roared Aries.
"I FOUND ONE!" shouted Scorpio while holding up a pink dress.
It came with matching ribbons for her hair. Aries shot Scorpio a death glare.
"Scorpio you forgot about the heels," said Leo. Then he held up a pair of heels. Aries snatched the dress and heels and stormed into the washroom.
When Aries walked out of the washroom, she was wearing the dress and heels. Everyone started clapping.
"I fucking look like Barbie," said Aries.
"Oh, I didn't realize Barbie had brown hair," said Sagittarius. Aries elbowed him in the ribs.
"Also Barbie doesn't have a scowl on her face," said Leo. Aries elbowed Leo in the ribs as well.
"She's violent. I'm moving away," said Sagittarius who sat on the other side of Cancer so that Cancer was sitting next to Aries.
"Who wants to read out the dares now?" asked Pisces.
"I can," volunteered Cancer. Then Pisces passed Cancer the phone.
"Aquarius has to dye Taurus' hair neon colours," said Cancer.
"But it's already dyed blue on the ends," said Taurus.
"Hmm... well the light blue is kind of a neon colour so I guess we already did that," said Cancer.
"Haha I got out of a dare," said Taurus.
"Gemini has to fall to the ground and say "I can see the light"," said Cancer. Gemini gasped and collapsed on the floor with a piece of paper stuck in her hand.
I can see the light...
-dead Gemini 😵
"I have to insult everyone. Okay... oh no what can I say? Um... Aries pink really isn't your colour, Taurus you read a bit too much, Gemini talks too much sometimes, especially when she's excited. I'm so mean for saying all of this, Leo is too dramatic, Virgo is a bit too clingy with Libra, Libra your hair looks better blond than black but the dye should wash out soon... guys I don't want Scorpio to kill me."
"Go ahead. I won't hurt you," promised Scorpio.
"Scorpio is a bit too obsessed with being creepy, Sagittarius takes his jokes too far sometimes, Aquarius with your hair curled and while you're wearing a dress you honestly look like a girl and I heard a group of guys in the lobby talking about how hot you are and Pisces should probably try not to day dream so much. Okay now that my dare is finished Leo has to kiss a stranger..."
Aries glared at Leo. "Don't you dare."
Leo ran his fingers through his hair. "Guys what do I do?"
"Well you kind of have to do it," said Aquarius.
"You don't have to kiss a stranger on the lips," said Pisces.
"I suppose..." said Leo.
The zodiacs were in the lobby. Leo walked up to a girl and kissed her on the cheek.
"At first I was going to get mad but you're actually really cute so I'll forgive you. Do you have a number?" asked the girl.
"Yes he does, let me read it out for you. H-E-S-M-I-N-E," said Aries who walked up to Leo.
"Woah I didn't know. You need to chill," said the girl before walking away.
"You really hate wearing that dress don't you?" asked Leo. Aries growled in reply.
"Okay now that that's over with Virgo has to... pfft... he needs to sing wrecking ball," said Cancer.
"I think we've heard enough of Virgo singing that song," said Libra.
"Pffffft you weren't supposed to fall off the wrecking ball dumbass," said Scorpio. Virgo shrugged.
"What can I say? I was falling for you," said Virgo with a wink.
-Fangirl Gemini 😍😍😍
"Cheesy," said Scorpio who tried to hide her smile.
"Libra has to wear an animal onesie," said Cancer.
"Looks like he has the option to be a penguin, a zebra or a unicorn," said Taurus. Then Virgo took the zebra and penguin onesies.
"What was that Taurus? I only see a unicorn onesie," said Virgo.
"Oh no looks like Libra doesn't have a choice," said Aquarius. Libra sighed and went to the washroom. When he came back he was wearing a unicorn onesie.
"HORSIE!" screamed Leo while jumping on Libra's back and accidentally pushing Libra down.
"Okay, now Scorpio has to... hehe... Scorpio has to put on cat ears and a tail. Then she has to act like a cat," said Cancer.
Hehe now we'll have two cats in our group
-Cat lover Gemini
Scorpio put the cat ears and tail on.
"Now you have to act like a cat," said Libra. Scorpio crawled towards Virgo on all four feet. Then she started crawling around Virgo.
"Ooh Scorp looks sexy," said Virgo.
"Meow," said Scorpio before scratching Virgo on the arm.
"You still look sexy," said Virgo. Scorpio hissed and pounced on top of Virgo.
"Okay while they do that... Sagittarius has to act like my favourite animal for four rounds," said Cancer.
"Uh... Cancer's favourite animal... she doesn't have one because there's too many to choose from," said Sagittarius.
"Then just pick one," said Capricorn.
"Okay. Woof, woof." Then he licked Cancer's face. Cancer blushed and shyly wiped the saliva off her face
"Hehehe Capricorn has to act insane," said Cancer.
"How do I act insane though? Like I'm not naturally a super outgoing and insane person, I'm more on the calm side," said Capricorn.
"Yeah, my wife doesn't go crazy. That's why she's so cute. I'm the one that goes out and makes the money while cute little Cappy takes care of our kids," said Aries.
"I am not your wife. Don't say stuff like that again," said Capricorn.
"Okay wifey~"
"THAT'S IT!" then Capricorn jumped on top of Aries and tickled her like crazy.
"You will learn to behave one way or another... ahahahahahahahahaha," laughed Capricorn.
"CAN'T... BREATHE... AHAHAHAHAHAHA," screamed Aries. Then Capricorn got up and sat back down.
"WOOF WOOF," said Sagittarius while smiling at Cancer.
"Aquarius has to break something in the hotel," said Cancer.
"Can I break this dare?" asked Aquarius.
"No," replied Cancer.
"Okay," then Aquarius got up and grabbed Virgo's leg.
"YOU CAN'T BREAK MY LEG! I'LL KILL YOU!" screamed Virgo.
"I'm kidding," then Aquarius ripped the curtains off the window, took a pair of scissors and tore them up. Capricorn ran over and started tearing the curtains with her bare hands.
"The girls don't have curtains anymore... interesting," said Leo.
"Interesting indeed," said Sagittarius.
"Now... uh oh. Pisces has to flirt with someone except for Gemini," said Cancer. Pisces' face went red.
"Uh... um... uh... L-Libra? A-are you from Tennessee? Because you f-fell from heaven. Hehe. AHHHH NO THAT'S NOT HOW IT GOES! Are you from Tennessee? Because I can only see tens AHHHH NO THAT'S WRONG AGAIN!" said Pisces. "Let me try a different one... ahem. Did it hurt when you fell from Tennessee? Because you're the only heaven I see. NOOOOO HOW DID I MESS THAT UP?!?"
"It's okay Pisces we know you tried. Aries what's your favourite ship?" asked Cancer.
"My favourite ship is Ayushiki from Corpse Party." (a/n: Anyone get the reference?!?!?!?!? Anyone at all?!?!?!?!?!)
"Taurus, do you read fanfics?" asked Cancer. Taurus bit her lip.
"SHE DOES!" shouted Libra.
"Virgo and Aquarius make fanfics about Libra and send them to me since I like to read," said Taurus.
"WHAT?!?" asked Libra.
"Scorpy protect me," said Virgo who hid behind Scorpio. Scorpio hissed at Libra.
"Uh... uh... Capri protect m-"
"I'll hurt you for Libra!" then Capricorn rubbed her knuckles against Aquarius' head.
"You're messing up my hair!"
"Its revenge for messing with Libra. Wahahahahaha."
"Gemini, what's your deepest secret?" asked Cancer.
Only two can keep a secret if one of them is dead ❤
-Silent Gemini
"If you don't we'll take away your notecards so you'll be unable to communicate with us," said Cancer.
I... wait for it... wait for it... almost there... I like to... Move things around in Libra and Aquarius' rooms when they're sleeping. I can't do it to the rest of you because I don't know how to find your hidden elevators,
-Prankster Gemini 😋
"I have to tell who I liked before Sagittarius... I wasn't in love with anyone before Sagittarius," said Cancer. "Anyway Leo, what's the most dangerous thing you've ever done?"
"Probably lying down on top of a car next to Scorpio while Aries and Sagittarius drove over a ramp," said Leo.
"I wanted to sit on the top but they beat me to it," muttered Aries.
"Virgo, have you slept with a stuffed toy before?" asked Cancer.
"No," replied Virgo.
"Libra, what's your wannabe Disney character?" asked Cancer.
"I don't know. Ariel because she's a mermaid with awesome hair I guess," said Libra.
"Scorpio what's the weirdest thing you've done?" asked Cancer.
"Putting on cat ears and a cat tail while pretending to be a cat," said Scorpio as Virgo petted her head.
"Sagittarius, what's your weakness?" asked Cancer.
"Don't say Cancer because that will be too predictable," said Aquarius.
"But cancer is a disease that will kill you. That would be anyone's weakness," said Sagittarius.
"Smartass," muttered Taurus.
"Capricorn what's the most illegal thing you've done?" asked Cancer.
"I haven't done illegal things yet. That sounds fun though. LET'S GO DO ILLEGAL THINGS WAHOOOOOOOOOO!" cheered Capricorn.
Guys I think you broke Capricorn
-scared Gemini
"Aquarius, tell us an embarrassing story," said Cancer.
"I'm related to... Virgo," said Aquarius.
"If you don't tell them a story I'll tell a story. We can make Aquarius' embarrassing moments story time," said Virgo.
"One time we were watching a movie and Taurus fell asleep so I put my arm around her. Anyway in her sleep she grabbed my arm, twisted it and pinned it behind my back," said Aquarius. "It's embarrassing because she would have literally beaten me in a fight while she's asleep."
"I did? Really? I knew that I tend to be aggressive when I sleep but I didn't know I could do that. I guess my self defence lessons with Aries and Scorpio are paying off," said Taurus.
"Pisces, have you stalked someone before?" asked Cancer.
"Um... well... I'm sorry for bringing this up but when Libra rejected Gemini I caught her crying so I followed her around to make sure she was alright," said Pisces.
"Okay, Taurus what colour is your underwear?" asked Cancer. Taurus looked down her pants to check.
"The next truth is how many teddy bears do I have in my room. Guys just because I'm small and shy doesn't mean I sleep with stuffed animals. I don't need teddy bears because I am my own teddy bear," said Cancer.
"She literally does make a great teddy bear. Perfect for cuddling," said Sagittarius.
"Okay, now Aquarius gets to design Leo's hair, make up and pick out a dress for him," said Cancer.
Leo looked in the mirror. Aquarius gave Leo lots of purple makeup, tied his hair in mini pigtails with purple ribbon and picked out a purple dress for him.
"Not bad," said Leo.
"Why not pink? You guys LOOOOOOOOVE making each other wear pink," said Capricorn.
"Because Aries is already wearing the pink dress," replied Aquarius.
"Okay... now Aquarius has to shave his hair off," said Cancer.
"I can't do that!" protested Aquarius.
"Maybe he can wear a bald cap," suggested Pisces.
"If you can find one in the box," said Capricorn.
"Found one," then Pisces gave Aquarius a bald cap. Taurus helped Aquarius put it on.
"Hehehe now Sagittarius has to run through the lobby while screaming "Libra is the bestest friend ever I love him!"" said Cancer.
"Watch as Virgo and Aquarius get jealous," said Scorpio.
"Nah. I'm good," said Virgo who was still petting Scorpio like a cat.
"But Libby is MY best friend!" argued Aquarius.
He has to do it. I'm going to enjoy watching this
-soon to be entertained Gemini
The zodiacs were sitting in the lobby.
"LIBRA IS MY BEST FRIEND EVERRRRRR AND I LOOOOOOOVE HIM!" screamed Sagittarius as he ran through the lobby.
"Isn't he engaged to the guy in the purple dress?" asked a man.
"Mine your own business okay?" asked Sagittarius.
"Okay," replied the confused man.
"What's next?" asked Capricorn.
"The fire signs and Scorpio have to plan a stunt for the rest of us..."
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