Final Boss Fight

The ghosts were waiting for everyone to wake up. The others decided to sleep in the library since that way they'd be together. Gemini and Pisces were cuddling on a table, Leo and Cancer slept in their chairs and Aquarius was sleeping on a book shelf. Sagittarius was sitting beside Cancer, wishing he could cuddle her.

Since they were the only two with nothing to do, Virgo and Aries were impatiently waiting on top of a book shelf.

"If Aqua can't die, then somehow he'll be able to beat the maze, right?" asked Virgo.

"I hope so. I can't stand the idea of spending the rest of my life only talking to you and Sag," replied Aries.

Virgo gasped and fell of the bookshelf. "You mean I'm that annoying to be around? I'm shocked!"

Aries chuckled. "Stop acting like Leo. It's his job to be dramatic."

Virgo got up and flew back on top of the book shelf. Then he grinned.

"What are you so happy about?"

"I thought of an idea!"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. It involves you."

"Uh oh."

"How would you like to become one of my besties? Being Virgo's bestie is highly recommended by Capricorn!"

Aries laughed so hard she almost fell off the bookshelf. "I'm sure she highly recommended it. Are you already tired of annoying Capricorn?"

"Nah. You're best friends with one of my many, many best friends and your closest friend is my girlfriend. So we should get along just fine."

"What's the catch?"

"There's no catch. I'm just looking for a new bestie!" Then Virgo's grin stretched from ear to ear.

"Oh no. What did I get myself pulled into?"

"I can see it now! In the future, me and Scorpy will be happily married, and I'll still be good friends with Libby, Aqua, Cappy and you can join the cool squad too! Our kids will all be good friends too."

Aries sighed. "If I agree to this, you won't annoy Capricorn as much, so sure."

"Yay! I have a new bestie!" Virgo hugged Aries.

"Yay. Now I have another person to annoy me!"

"Aww. Look at the two new best friends. I can't believe I'm being replaced!" Sagittarius wiped a tear from his eye.

"Is Leo giving out drama lessons behind my back? Do I need to beat him up for this?" asked Aries.

"What's Aries going to beat Leo up over this time?" Cancer yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"You're awake. Good morning!" cheered Sagittarius.

"Were you watching me sleep?"


"YES!" screamed Virgo and Aries. Sagittarius shot both of them a glare.


"Aww Cancy don't make that face. It's not weird or anything."

"Nah. It's perfectly normal."

"I was waiting for you to wake up."


"Not it's not!"

"You're cheesy and now creepy too."

"WHAT? No! I'm not even cheesy, or creepy!"

Cancer chuckled. Then she leaned in and kissed Sagittarius (despite the fact that she was technically kissing thin air). "Why are Virgo and Aries sitting up there?"

"I don't know. I think they're best friends now."

"Really? I think Cappy's going to be jealous."

Sagittarius chuckled. "Super jealous. She'll cry tears of jealousy."

"She'll be so upset that Virgo has someone else to torment now."

"Why is Cancer talking to herself?" asked Gemini.

"Sagittarius, Aries and Virgo are ghosts. She can talk to them," replied Pisces.

Gemini looked around. "Where are they?"

Cancer sighed. "Saggi is in front of me, Aries got up and now she's sitting in front of Leo and... Virgo is... making weird faces behind your head."

Gemini turned around. Virgo continued making funny faces. Cancer laughed because she was the only one that could see them.

"Good morning!" Leo stretched.

"I wish you could see me," muttered Aries.

"I wish Aries was here with me," muttered Leo.

Aries blushed. "Aww! He's thinking of me."

Aquarius climbed out of the book shelf. "Yeah, yeah. We all wish we could be with the people we love. But we can't all be Pisces or Gemini, can't we?"

Pisces frowned. "It's not our fault that we're good at surviving."

"Bit if you're immortal, you can win the game and save us all!" said Leo confidentially.

"The dead don't fucking leave. I don't want to live in a world without Taurus, Virgo, Cappy and Libby!"

Gemini smiled nervously. "You'll... uh... you'll be with the rest of us. Air sign buddy!"

"I don't give a flipping fuck if we're air sign buddies! Wanna know why? Because we're still missing one air sign. And you'll probably die and leave me too, then I'll have absolutely no one. I also want my three earth sign friends back. But that's not going to happen. I'll never see any of them again!" Then Aquarius pushed a bookshelf over.

"NauGhtY beHavIor!"

"And why-" Aquarius kicked another bookshelf over. "Can I-" he used air powers to blow books around the room and made them crash into walls. "Hear Virgo's voice!" Then a strong wind blew all the bookshelves into the walls.

"BecAuSe I'm A ghOst DumbaSs!"


"BuT it Is I, VirGo, yoUr bEstIe, thE One aNd OnlY!"


"MakE Me!"

"He's not going to be able to beat the maze like that," whispered Cancer.

"I know. Maybe we're doomed after all," whispered Sagittarius.

"Why are you whispering? He can't hear you."

"Oh. Right!"

Gemini smashed her head into her pillow and sighed. "Someone shut Aqua up. He's been nothing but annoying!"

Leo walked over and sat by Gemini and Pisces. "Imagine if you were in his situation though. Aqua is the most unemotional out of us all, and he finally snapped. I think that kind of experience would break anyone else."

"I suppose you're right," said Pisces.

"Wait! I have an idea!" Gemini grinned. "BABY PULL ME CLOSE-" Aquarius ran over and smacked Gemini with a pillow.

Aquarius clenched his teeth and pointed at Gemini, his finger shaking. "Do. NOT. Ever. Sing. That. Again. Got it?"

Gemini glared at Aquarius. "Sheesh! Fine!" Aquarius walked away.

"Don't walk away! No one gets to smack Gemini with a pillow and get away with it!" Pisces balled his fists.

"And what are you going to do?" asked Aquarius.

"Pisces it's fine. Trust me, I'd confront him too if he weren't in the kind of mood he's in now."

"Aqua is very angry. Fighting him right now could be dangerous," warned Leo.

"No one hurts my girl!" Then Pisces charged at Aquarius. Aquarius held Pisces back with one hand.

"NO ONE HURTS GEMINI! YOU WILL PAY! HEY, STOP THAT! THAT'S NOT FAIR. LET ME TEACH YOU SOME RESPECT!" screamed Pisces while swinging his fists around.

"Normally I'd laugh, if I weren't so worried," whispered Gemini.

"At least his heart is in the right place," said Leo.

"Your final boss fight will begin in three... two... one..." all the zodiacs teleported away.

Sagittarius jumped up. "We better go find them!"


Warning: the next part involves a lot of death and details, but this is the last chapter where people die 😏

Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Aquarius and Pisces teleported in a boss room.

Gemini's eyes grew wide. "Final boss fight? But the monsters aren't all dead yet."

Cancer got her shruikens ready. "She's implying we're all going to die here."

"I'll take my weapon back, thank you very much." Aquarius (who had the mace) switched Gemini's mace for his sword.

"What's the boss this time? Ophiuchus herself?" asked Leo. Then the dead zodiacs appeared.

"Or we'll have to fight our friends," said Pisces.

"We're coming after you Aqua!" Libra pointed his knife at Aquarius.

"And we'll kill you slowly!" promised Capricorn who swung her lance around.

"And you'll want to die!" Taurus tightened her grip on the mace.

"I already want to die. I want you guys to kill me." Aquarius walked towards them.

Scorpio smirked. "I think I'm going after Gemini." Pisces stepped in front of Gemini.

"What if I told you there was a plot twist?" asked Ophiuchus who appeared out of thin air.

"And what's that?" asked Cancer.

Ophiuchus smirked. Then she stepped in front of Cancer, and twisted her neck.

"CANCER!" screamed Pisces. Then Cancer re-appeared, wearing a collar.

"That one was killed earlier. I'm taking her back now." Then Ophiuchus disappeared.

"Hehehehehehe," laughed Cancer as she looked directly at Pisces.

Leo pouted. "No one is going after me? I'm not special enough I guess."

"That's a good thing, idiot!" spat Gemini.

Taurus, Capricorn and Libra all charged and Aquarius and repeatedly tried to kill him. Aquarius sighed and stood still as nothing affected him. "I want to die. I'm sorry to disappoint you guys."

Cancer threw shurikens at Pisces. Gemini made a wind wall. Then Scorpio charged forward with her axe. Gemini used air currents to lift her and Pisces in the air.

"Let's go for Leo then," suggested Cancer. Gemini made an air current lift him up too.

"That won't stop us." Scorpio used her black mist to get rid of the current. Gemini, Pisces and Leo fell down.

"We're going to die," whispered Pisces.

"Guaranteed," agreed Gemini.

"Why can't we kill him?" growled Taurus.

"I'm immortal."

"There's got to be some way to kill him," hissed Capricorn.

"Nope. You're wasting your energy."

"Why won't you bleed?" screamed Libra.

"Aqua fight back! They can't hurt you but you can hurt them!" screamed Leo.

"I can't hurt these guys. Like psychically I can, but mentally I can't."

"Kill Scorpio and Cancer then!" screamed Pisces.

"I suppose I could." Then Aquarius ran forward. Scorpio swung her axe, but it didn't even scratch Aquarius. Then Capricorn, Taurus and Libra walked over to the others.

"We found you guy- why is Cancer wearing a collar?" Sagittarius curled his fists.

"Because she's dead now, like she should be," replied Libra.

"This is bad," said Virgo.

Aries walked through the wall. "How can we help them?"

"Like this! It'S mE VIrGo!"

Libra screamed from the headache. "Virgo leave me alone!"

Aries nodded. "Don'T hURt mY frIEnDs!"

"Ahhhh! What's that?" screamed Capricorn while gritting her teeth.

"CAnCEr WoULDn'T HUrT HeR frIeNDs!"

"My head feels like it's splitting in half!" shrieked Cancer.

Scorpio and Taurus looked around. Scorpio shrugged. "I guess it's up to us."

"Yeah." Then Taurus swung her mace at Leo. Leo dodged and lunged at Taurus. Scorpio fought with Aquarius.

"I'm sorry, but if I don't do this, you'll kill us." Then Pisces plunged his trident into Cancer's heart. Cancer screamed. Sagittarius wanted to get mad at Pisces, but he knew Pisces did the right thing. Then Cancer dissappeared.

"Kill the others too!" Then Gemini tried to kill Libra with her mace, but he dodged it.

"This is for Cancer!" Then Scorpio swung her axe at Pisces. Her axe decapitated him. Gemini froze in her spot. Then she started breathing heavily as she sprinted over to Scorpio and started trying to kill her.

Scorpio swung her axe at Gemini. Gemini used her wind to blow the axe away. "This... is for Pisces!" Then Gemini smacked Scorpio as hard as she could with her mace.

"I can't watch this." Virgo closed his eyes.

Gemini swung her mace at Scorpio again, but Scorpio dodged. Then Gemini swung it as hard as she could. Scorpio fell to the ground. Then Gemini crawled over to Pisces and sobbed, not caring as blood stained her clothes.

Taurus and Leo were trying to kill each other. Leo dragged his claws down Taurus' face. Taurus picked up her scythe and slashed at Leo but he jumped back.

Aquarius was staring at everyone. "I'm sorry, I can't kill them. It's too hard."

"IF YOU HELPED, MAYBE PISCES WOULDN'T HAVE DIED! I HATE YOU AQUARIUS!" screamed Gemini. Then Libra snuck up on Gemini and grabbed her by the neck. Gemini struggled and tried to break free but Libra held her in his grip until she stopped struggling. Libra dropped her body on top of Pisces.

Leo watched what happened to Gemini. "You guys just killed two of my friends. This is unacceptable!" Then Leo slashed his claws at Taurus. His claws pierced her heart. Taurus fell to the ground. Leo looked away when blood poured out of her mouth.

"You will die!" Then Capricorn charged at Leo. Leo slashed his claws, but Capricorn blocked him.

Ophiuchus reappeared. "Don't think I forgot about you three!" Then Aries, Virgo and Sagittarius' simulation bodies appeared. Ophiuchus adjusted their collars and the ghosts were sucked back into their bodies. "By the way, I changed the rules. As of now, Aquarius can be killed again." Ophiuchus smiled and disappeared again.

Aquarius ran forward and tried to kill Aries and Sagittarius. Sagittarius grinned and threw fire at Aquarius.

Aries focused her attention on Leo. She pouched on him. Leo fought back.

Aquarius looked at Leo and smiled. "I'll finally be with you guys. I'm sorry Leo, you're on your own."


"Take me away, guys." Aquarius dropped his sword and kicked it over to Leo.


Virgo walked over and turned his flamethrower on. "Ready Sagittarius?"

"Ready!" Then Virgo and Sagittarius scorched Aquarius with fire. Aquarius screamed in pain but smiled because he was soon going to join his friends.

Leo picked up the sword and sword fought with Aries. Capricorn, Libra, Virgo and Sagittarius walked over to Leo. Aries was about to stab Leo when he disappeared.

"Did he die?" asked Capricorn. Then all the others disappeared too.


Everyone died. The end. I'm not making another book because I'm quitting Wattpad forever...

If you assumed that I was trying to trick you again, please pat yourself on the back because you were right. This isn't even close to the end 😂


The zodiacs appeared in the room with white walls, a white ceiling and a white floor.

"Where are we?" asked Pisces.

"You're still in the simulation. I found a way to join you guys." Everyone turned around to see Hydra.

"Hydra! How did you get here?" asked Taurus.

Hydra smiled. "I hacked the simulation and added myself in. I also brought you guys back to life. In the simulation I mean. Living outside the simulation will be a little more difficult."

"Why don't you tell them why?" asked Hydrus who was also there.

"Why?" asked Gemini. Then a door appeared other of nowhere and it swung open. Phoenix (who carried Pegasus in her arms) and Lyra marched in. Hydrus' face paled.

Lyra smiled. "We know why you guys are supposed to turn evil! And it's not because of your powers like everyone thought!"

Hydrus stared at Lyra. "You're alive. Your hair is a different colour but, I won't lose you again! I promise!"

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