Chp 12
The scene opens with a familiar body leaning over the partially rebuilt engine of a 2005 Subaru Impreza WRX. Something that will move but not stand out as much. Amelia had spent the day inside the main garage doing work orders and now she has time to work on her car. Her progress is interrupted by two cars pulling into the main garage. She listens to Tej talk to the drivers, one of which she recognizes. Amelia shakes her head and goes back to work hoping to stay out of sight.
"Luck was not on my side," Amelia quietly commented but the supernaturals heard her.
It was now that Vince and Katherine rejoined the group. Letty noticed first, "Oh great. Just what we need." Everyone follows her line of sight. Dom stands, "You keep to your side and I won't rip your heart out." The crew has come to realize how toxic Vince always has been. The new vampire just shrugs without a care in the world while thinking of how good it'd feel to drain them all dry.
Amelia huffed when she couldn't find the tool she needed. She did not want to go into the main garage.
Roman laughs under his breath but then it becomes louder when he remembers when Amelia sees Brian again.
Tej, Suki, and Jimmy were talking to Brian and Roman about the trackers hardwired into the engines of the cars the FEDs gave them. Roman watched Amelia walk in, "Who's that?" Tej, Suki, and Jimmy all answered in sync, "Off limits!" Brian turned to the girl trying to use her hair to hide her face but alas, "Amelia?"
Brian wasn't thinking, because if he was he wouldn't have approached Amelia. Brian put a hand on her shoulder and turned her to face him, only to receive a right hook to the jaw. She hit him so hard, he saw stars and hit the floor.
Everyone but Brian was laughing.
Roman almost fell over laughing. He stood over Brian, "You got knocked the fuck out!"
The laughter became louder, even Brian is laughing at this point. He knew he deserved that.
Then he moved over to Amelia and put an arm around her shoulders, "You're my new best friend." Amelia shrugged him off as Brian shakily stood up. She began to yell at him, "Two years, Brian. Two years! I was held captive. I just barely escaped the bastard and now I see you here. Leave me the fuck alone, Brian," Amelia clenches her fist. Brian keeps his head down, nods, and walks back to Tej with Roman following. Amelia leaves back to the smaller garage and finishes working for the night.
Brian, of course, couldn't help himself, "How long has she been here?" Tej side-eyed Brian, "Why? You gonna take her in?" Brian knew he deserved that, "Nah, man." "Then don't worry about it," Tej pushed their attention back to the 'Hot' cars. Tej knew Amelia's story was not the whole truth. He knew she went through some messed up shit, but he was not going to bug her about it. Brian on the other hand wants to know exactly what happened.
Dom shook his head, "Once a cop, always a cop." Brian wouldn't admit it but he does still think like a cop sometimes. Most of the group stayed quiet, they too were curious and hoping Brian digs a little deeper into the time Amelia was held captive.
Damon leaned forward, bringing Nora forward with him, "Hey, Brian?" Once Damon had Brian's attention, "Is Verone still alive?" "He's in prison," Brian answered shortly. Roman scoffed, "Not for long. And he'll be gunning for the three of us." Damon's chest vibrated from the growl, "Not if I get to him first." Amelia doesn't say anything, she's not used to having someone care as much unless it's her mother.
The next day, Amelia is in the main garage when she sees Brian come back. She huffs, "What do you want, Brian? I told you to stay away from me." Brian leans against the car she's working on, "I know. But, I have to ask. What happened in those two years?" Amelia narrowed her eyes, "I'm not telling you a damn thing. Now, get off the car and let me go back to work." She pushed him over using a little magic to force him to move. Brian stumbles a bit before going to talk to Tej.
Soon, Roman joins them. He gets cocky, "I bet I can get her to talk." Brian and Tej shake their heads. Tej warns Roman, "The last guy that hit on her ended up mysteriously breaking his arm in several places. The idiot slapped her ass thinking she was one of Suki's friends." Brian snickers, and says under his breath, "At least she didn't set him on fire."
Brian snorts, "That guy's entire arm never healed right. He had to learn to write left-handed." Nora was proud her daughter was able to defend herself after going through such a horrific ordeal.
The camera follows Roman and Brian out of the garage. Then pans to a car with two men sitting in it. It was Verone's goons, Roberto and Gino. They followed them to the garage. Roman slaps Brian on the chest, "I got this." Roman goes back into the garage and grabs a grease stained rag, and lighter fluid. Where he got the lighter fluid is anyone's guess?
Brian watches as Roman appears next to the driver side window and starts throwing insults at the two guys while 'wiping down' the windshield. Before running over to Brian, Roman opens a cheap zippo he stole, "Adios Puta." He tosses the zippo onto the windshield igniting the lighter fluid that was coated using the grease rag. Roman and Brian take off in his car as the goons fight to put out the flames.
"Well, that's one way to distract someone," Kol seems impressed with Roman. Klaus rolled his eyes and mumbles, "I just would've set them on fire." Damon and Stefan nodded.
After the goons drove off, Tej approached Amelia, "How're you doing?" Amelia stands up straight and faces Tej, "I'm doing alright. What's up?" "I'll just cut to the chase. How do you know Brian?" Tej was curious. Amelia sighed, "He was the UC that crashed into my family's lives. Broke Mia's heart and trust. We all trusted the guy." Tej hummed, "So...What happened during those two years?" Amelia became closed off, "I rather not talk about it. All you need to know is that I don't want to cause any trouble and as soon as that car is fixed I'm heading home."
Tej smiled, "Still didn't stop you from racing."
Something else was bothering Tej, "When those goons were here, you tensed up and hid out of sight. It's Verone you're hiding from, isn't it?" Amelia didn't know what to say but her silence was his answer. "I see. Definitely explains why you hide your face as much as you can. Like we agreed earlier, keep working on these cars and I'll cover the parts for yours. Just let me know when you're leaving, alright." Amelia kept her eyes on the engine as she nodded her head.
Elijah looks at Tej, "That was a fair deal, considering some of those parts were not cheap." Tej nods, "She earned them with her work. Amelia outdid Jimmy quite a few times when it came to busy days." Stefan asked, "Is it just imports you guys work on?" Tej turns to face Stefan, "Why? What you got?" "1963 Porsche Karmann Coupe," Stefan answered. "356B?" Tej asked. Stefan nods, earning a whistle from Tej, "Nice."
That night Verone had asked Brian and Roman to meet at a club. He wanted to see where their loyalties lie. Brian and Roman casually walk through the club to the booth Verone was sitting with Monica. Brian noticed she looked too comfy to be in distress. Roman could see it too, and he will be asking Bilkins about her later. Verone smirked as he watched the two, "Have a seat, gentlemen. Drinks are on me." Verone signaled a waitress to take their orders.
Once Brian and Roman had their drinks, Verone got right to the point, "I asked you both here to discuss the job you were hired for." Verone went on to tell them about moving some product out of the city. Brian asked, "What about cops? They seem to be hovering over you, just waiting." This got a smirk from Verone as he stood, "Come with me." The four of them moved through the club to a private room where Det. Whitworth was waiting to meet Verone.
When Brian and Roman entered behind Verone, the detective got nervous. Verone sat down near Whitworth, "The Detective here will make sure you have that open window you need. Isn't that right, Detective?" Whitworth hesitated which pissed off Verone. Verone punched Whitworth hard enough to knock him off his seat. Two of Verone's thugs entered the room with a metal bucket, a blow torch, and a large sewer rat.
Those familiar with torture sat a bit forward in their seats, wanting to observe Verone's tactics. Kol was a little too giddy, but so was Klaus he just hid it better.
Verone had the thugs pin Whitworth to the small table in the middle of the room, then tore his shirt open. Verone ordered Monica, "Keep him quiet." She moved above Whitworth's head and clamped her hands over his mouth. Brian and Roman were shocked to see her so comfortable with what Verone was doing. Verone placed the rat on Whitworth's abdomen with the metal bucket caging the rat in place then proceeded to light the blowtorch.
As the room watches the flame get closer to the bucket, Verone says, "How about that window? Ten minutes and a clear path out of the city?" Whitworth couldn't speak so he would have to motion a 'yes' or 'no', but he didn't. Verone knew this, so he held the flame against the bucket. Everyone could see the area turning red from the heat. They could hear the rat trying to get out but couldn't touch the bucket. "By this point, the bucket is too hot to touch. The only way the rat can get out is to dig," Verone smiled.
Whitworth's muffled screaming was heard, as was the rat's screeching. Whitworth nodded his head causing Verone to lift the flame and kick the bucket off the Detective's chest. The rat quickly jumped down and scurried to a dark corner of the room where it stayed. "Glad we could come to an understanding," Verone said. Then he turned to Brian and Roman, "You have your window. Be ready when I call you." Then he and Monica left the room.
"That was gross," Bonnie was pale and felt her stomach churning. Elena rolled her eyes at her dramatics, and scoffed. But nobody paid her any mind. Kol and Klaus had Elijah write down what happened since the Noble Brother always seemed to have a notepad in his suit pocket. The others just wanted to get back to Amelia. And the girl in question wanted some street tacos.
Jesse's voice came over the speaker, "Why don't we take a break." Everyone took this time to venture into the resort kitchen and get some food. Amelia had made some tacos and opted to share with those who wanted them. Damon and Nora approached Amelia wanting to talk.
Damon sat and listened as Nora talked to their daughter, "I feel like I should say something in regards to what you're going through but I have no idea. I have no idea what has happened since I died. But now I'm back...At least for the time being. And I would like it if we can spend what time we have together." Damon moved closer to Nora, "You're not leaving me again. If you do, I'll find a way to bring you back. You're here now, I can't lose you again. I won't."
Amelia watched the two closely. She could see the man, her father, absolutely loves her mother. She cleared her throat, causing her parents to face her. She wanted to ask her father, "Did you know about me?" Damon shook his head, "Not until we were dropped into this cinema. It's one of those woulda, coulda, shoulda kind of things. If I had known about you sooner, I would've been there." He holds eye contact with his daughter, "I know about now, and I will be here for you until you tell me otherwise."
Amelia nodded her head, "I appreciate the fact that you're not trying to push yourself into my life." A snort could be heard from a certain doppelganger, "Please, if I know Damon you will be pushed to the side the moment someone threatens my life. I'm his number one priority." Damon, Nora, and the other eaves-droppers burst out laughing at Elena's audacity.
Elena's face turned an ugly purple color as she threw a toddler-tantrum. Her next words earned a hand wrapped around her heart, "You're nothing but a bastard!" She was face-to-face with the one person she thought would never turn on her. Stefan. He had enough, "You do not speak about my niece with such disrespect. You're nothing but a copy of a copy, and not worth anybody's time." He removed his hand from her chest and looked at the blood on his hand in disgust, "Ew. Now, I have to scrub myself raw to get rid of the ick." Everyone ignored Elena and her fake sobs.
Soon, it was time to take their seats in the cinema. Amelia wasn't sure how she felt about all these strange people watching her life, but they couldn't leave. Mia tried to reassure Amelia, "We'll get through this. Won't be easy, but we will." Amelia could only nod as the screen lit up showing the next scene.
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