Chapter 1

Bold: Actions

Third Person Pov


Ninety-nine buckets of milk on the wall, ninety-nine buckets of milk... Take one down, pass it around... Ninety-eight buckets of milk on the wall!!

Slice, slice, slice

Ninety-eight buckets of milk on the wall, ninety-eight buckets of milk ... Take one down, pass it around... Ninety-seven buckets of milk on the wall!!

Slice, slice, slice


Seventy-seven buckets of milk on the wall, seventy-seven buckets of milk... Take one down, pass it around-

"Please stop!!... Please!...I'll give you anything you want!!" The man whimpered.

"Don't fucking interrupt me! Geez! I lost my count! Fuck!" Ketsueki shouted, scratching his shoulder. "I'm bored anyways... So let's get over with it."

"No please! Please!"

"Well... You should of never tried to stop me! Honestly, the fucking nerve! I had one job and your bitch ass tried to get in my way!" He said throwing his arms in the air, but then brought it down at the person's chest. "Either way, I'm get money off all of you." He said looking at the other corpses.


"Eh... I made a mess..." Ketsueki said balancing the blade on his nose. It wasn't really a challenge to him, but most of these days he only found bounties on old, fat, rich men. And they usually paid a lot.

"... Well it said dead or alive right... so it's okay...." He said trailing off, looking around the house and whistled. It was pretty damn nice. It was large and decorated with gold and a bunch of other expense looking shit.

"It's pretty nice in here... He gots some pretty nice stuff, too..." He mumbled to himself, rubbing his hands together.


Ketsueki hummed a tune, heading to the bounty shop to get his bounty reward. He carried five bags in total. One bag for the weapons he bought, Two to carry the dead bodies, and two more bags for all the shit he stole. He was a busy man, not to mention an assassin.

But hey! Mans gotta make living, right?!

He opened the door with his foot, slamming the door open in the process and strolled in like if he owned the place.

"Heeeey! Ricky!" He said with the blade in his mouth and his bags securely in his hands but still throwing them in the air with happiness. He liked Ricky. Ricky was cool. He always had a smile on his face. And he was such a nice guy.

"Hey Ketsueki!" Ricky said with an equal amount of joy, waving at him favorably. "What's going on, man? Ya got some more bounty done?"

"Yep! Got four of 'em today! There in great condition!" He said flashing a smile at his favorite collector. Ricky was cool.

"Come on back, man! I'm sure the boss would like what you've got!" He said getting up from his seat, and pushing in some buttons underneath the wooden desk before leading Ketsueki to the steel back door. "So what you got today, huh Ketsueki?" He said raising his eyebrows playfully.

"Some daiyamo if that's what the fuck they're called, some accountant that cheated people, some dick who fucking interrupt me." He said looking around the corridor. "And some other dick head." He shrugged

Ricky shook his head and hummed. He then stopped in front of the third door and knocked. A buzz went off and he opened the door quietly.

Ketsueki squinted. It was kind of dark in there... Also he couldn't see the boss of the storage rooms, Mr.Hokio. He was usually in his room.

"Hey what the... - ack!!" A rope wrapped around his neck, pulling him into the dark room. He slammed into the wall, blood drip down his face.

"Musta opened my wound..." He grumbled, wiping the blood that reached his eye.

The lights were turned on, around him stood 9 men dressed in black, Anbu.

"No-Surname, Ketsueki your under arrest for the murder of 36 clansmembers, 12 civilians, and 24 noblemen!"

"What the fuck!" Ketsueki shouted angrily at the Anbu, holding his head. "You couldn't do that shit outside or what?!" He sneered, pulling himself off the wall.

"Who the fuck sent you anyways?!"

"I did." Rick said, stepping out from behind the Anbu. "It was for your own good." He shrugged.

"Bullshit! You did it cause you knew you would get payed!" Ketsueki snarled, pulling against his restraints. "You little bitch! Wait until I get free!" He huffed, "Ima kick your ass and send ya ta hell!"

"Ha. With those restraints, you can't do shit." Rocked sneered tauntingly, waving a large pouch in front of Ketsueki face.

He gasped, looking in his pockets. Helmet Splitter was gone and so were his jaw rippers and his throwing chains.

"How'd you get those?!!" He roared, struggling against the Anbu's grip. "Ya fuckin' dickhead! Give em' back!"

Rick snorted, picking at his nail in disinterest. "Why the fuck would I do that? I have no interest in setting you free. Beside you'll kill me if I do."

"You bet your ass I'm going to kill you! So give em' here!"

Rick snorted again, turning his back to Ketsueki. "Sorry bud, but I gotta go..."

A gag was put over Ketsueki's making his shouts and snarls into muffled screeches. He thrashed and struggled as a sack was placed over his head. Rick only smiled.

He continued walking, ignoring the muffled cries and struggles, skipping a step and smirking as he walked out the warehouse. 'Sorry not sorry..' He shrugged.

His walk started slow and easy, worry was missing in his steps, he walked causally, almost without a care in the world but then he heard screaming, loud screaming, coming from inside the warehouse.

He began to walked faster. 'Maybe that's Ketsueki screaming?' He suggested to himself, chuckling nervously, heading into the forest.

The screaming faded away as he went in deeper and slowly, his walking began to slow down. Only the sound of crickets and the wind were heard. Rick sighed, here he felt safe... He might have even possibly escaped Ketsueki.

Continuing to walk into the forest aimlessly and looking at the trees that towered over him, he felt the aura around him change violently. It felt cold and murderous, he began to tremble violently at the feeling of a new presence.

Pulling a knife out with shaking hands, Rick stood still in the clearing, sweat began to roll down his face.

A deep growl emanated from behind him, he felt a heavy thud near him. He spun around, panting, his body shook with terror.

"SuP, bItCH"


Hey howdy hey. I'm sorry but er... Ill continue updating my bullshit. I just been working on other stuff and shit. *sigh* Laters.


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