the smell of smoke calms me
(Ivan's POV)
I sat there on the concrete, my back against the brick that made up my school, my cheek stung from the recent slap that I got from my now ex girlfriend, I flicked the ashes that came from my cigarette that was between my middle finger and my pointer finger, Smoke leaving my mouth and nose in the summer air, ' what a way to end your last day of school ' I thought to myself taking another drag from the poisonous stick, my cheek still stung a little not just because of the impact of the slap but because of the bleeding cut that came from the one my loves beautifully painted finger nail, how could I screw this up, we were so happy together why did I have to ruin everything,
Why do I hurt the ones I love the most, Before going into my dark thoughts I heard a noise, well more like a voice say, "shit come on not again, I just had it where did it go"the voice said having an agitated tone to it, the sound of rustling could be heard from the direction The Voice came from, I decided to get up cigarette still in mouth and walk over to the what sounded like a boy, I finally turn the corner that hit the small space where people usually come to smoke hidden behind some large trash cans from the soccer field, a smaller Boy with Raven black hair and the normal school uniform was rummaging through his bag, a clear unlit cigarette in his mouth, Damnit this kids going to get us caught, I grabbed him by the arm not giving him any warning of my presents or my sudden actions, he screeched a little his Freckle plastered cheeks puffing up as well as he nearly dropping his cigarette onto the concrete ground,"WHAT THE HELL IS THE BIG IDE-" I cut off his loud words with my hand to stop him from screaming and drawing attention to us,"quiet or we'll get busted"I said to him in a frustrated tone, he just stared at me with annoyance and then nodded, I release my hand from his mouth giving him back his cigarette which I swiftly took away before placing my hand on his pink lips, I then realized who this was, the gang leader of the jury, Zane Ro'meave the middle child of the Ro'meave family, he is most well known for having one of the biggest gangs in all of town, no one angers him without a death sentence, I know this because one of my good friends jubly is one of the big three with his group, there's three main people of the group Zane obviously being the leader, Jubly being the manipulator and the information gather with him always getting what he wants with his looks, then there's the Brute Fang he's one of the reject werewolves because he doesn't like the new Alpha they have, he's usually the one to be The Bodyguard of Zane he's pretty much just an excited 210 lb werewolf with the muscle mass of someone who's been working out non-stop for the last 30 years, But there was something non-threatening about him at the moment, his eyes were stained with a slight pink hue, he seemed to be shaking a small bit, and his cheeks seem to be stained with a liquid, of course I put all these Clues together and came up with that he was crying, honestly the kid wasn't bad looking, he had fluffy black locks and a piercing blue eye, not only that but I think I'm the only one at the school other than family that knows about his freckles which he keeps hidden under a mask which is now Loosely hanging from his neck, he had to piercings above and Below his eyebrow, As well as snake bites.
He took back his cigarette and leaned against the brick wall, again searching through his small bag,
I glanced over at him as I leaned against the wall as well, looks like he lost his lighter, well might as well be a Good Samaritan now,
"Need a light kid"I said to him nonchalantly tilting my head in his Direction, and by Direction I mean down, this kid is so short and honestly without his mask he looks pretty non-threatening especially in the state he's in at the moment,
He just nodded, I took out the lighter that was in my pocket a nice black and steal one that I got from my older brother before he left,
I went over to him leaning in and lighting the cigarette as I covered the opposite side of it so wind wouldn't blow it out,
"Thanks umm?"he paused not knowing what my name was,
"Ivan, the name's Ivan"I told him giving a cheeky smile,
"Well Ivan might I ask why there's such a large red handprints and cut on your cheek"he said in an amused voice.
I took another drag of my house finish cigarette blowing the foggy substance into the air in front of me,
"My girl-well my ex girl give it to me"
I said to him trying to make it sound like a joke even though I was hurting quite badly not physically but emotionally,
"What did you do to deserve such a warming end of the year present?"he asked looking up at me,
"Well you're going to laugh, I thought that my girl was cheating on me so I went ahead and got her back, turns out she wasn't and I completely goofed"I explain to him, him taking a large a drag from his cigarettes,
He blew out his puff of the cancer stick before saying,
"Sorry man"I just Shrugged this always happens to me I always hurt the people I think are going to hurt me but truly don't want to,
"So now that I told you about why I'm back here smoking why are you?" I asked him looking at his now soothing red eyes,
"Looks like you've been crying"
"I HAVE NO-" I cut him off before you can finish shouting,
"What the hell did I tell you about being loud you're going to get us caught"I got off the wall and stood in front of him trying to use a tactic to get him to shut up
"And I know you've been crying because your voice is scratchy and your eye is red and your face is tear-stained so just tell me it's not like we'll be seeing each other after this" I say to him.
He stared daggers right into my eyes before relaxing and leaning against the wall while taking another drag
I also went back to my position on the wall
" I just had a moment I didn't want to have "
He said looking down and taking another puff,
"Wow specific"
He said agitated while I laughed,
" fine if you don't want to talk about it it's your business not mine,
Besides I would have expected nothing less from a high powered gang leader"
His head snapped toward me when I finish my sentence I looked at him with a smirk on my face
" calm down cutie I'm not going to rat you out, besides everyone cries it's not like you're any different from Human"
He relaxes and goes back on the wall but then I see him tense up again,
"Did you call me cutie?"
He said looking up at me
" yes" I looked down at him with a slight smirk on my face,
"Huh" and that's all he said before looking forward again I expected him to snap at me from the way he was talking earlier but I didn't push on,
"So I never knew you were smoker"
I said to him
" funnily enough my older brother used to smoke, back when I was still a Junior High kid and he just started out in high school, he used to be a bad kid smoked, drank, made out with anyone, but he was there for me, he taught me things that can make me survive through my everyday bullying, his hands always smell like cigarettes, whenever he'd hold my face and call me down I would smell it and I'd feel safe because I know it was him, so I guess you can say the smell of smoke calms me" he said to me still looking at me I didn't expect that but I gave him a small smile telling him I understand.
Zane had finished his cigarette and put it on the ground stepping on it lightly and twisting his ankle back and forth to put it out completely,
I did the same since I had already been finished with mine,
"Well that was a fun chat hey "
I said waiting on my side against the wall,
" do you know what, it was, the reason why I was crying it's because no matter what I do my brothers always over shine me like a few minutes ago my older brother bumped me over and asked if he could help me up this wouldn't have been a problem normally but as you said I'm a well-known gang leader and people seeing that a simple bump could knock me over is like seeing an emperor being thrown down a temple stairs by a servant slave it's not the best feeling especially when there's a ton of people around you talking about it right in front of your face" he said with a shaky sigh,
I felt bad for him both his parents have a legacy and both of his brothers are fulfilling one of their Legacies his mother being the smartest kids in math and science to come to Phoenix drop and his father being strongest athlete there and both of them were extremely popular, as well his younger Brother is already moved up a grade and his older brother is very much well-loved and the best athlete in school,
I don't exactly know how to help him I've never had this feeling before my oldest sister went to college when I was only 12 so I guess I really never had a legacy to move up to she had a good job nothing too special my mother actually never went to school and my father well I never knew him he died in the war, before I was born.
I didn't know what to do so I did the only thing I thought I could do,
I hugged him,
I know it's crazy to hug someone with such a bad background and bad temper but he didn't do anything he just stayed still shocks for a moment soon I felt his arms snake around my waist and hug me as well it felt weird but a good weird I felt like I'm healing a bird whose Wing was broken I feel like I'm giving him love and I feel like he wants to give him back but doesn't know how,
"Oooh zane get some" a familiar flirtatious voice spoke out making both me and Zane jump out of the hug and looking in the other Direction I don't know about him but you couldn't understand how red my face was it can put a tomato to shame,
" well don't stop on my account keep it goi-Wait IVEN??"
yup that's exactly who I thought it was
"H-hey jubly hehe" I said to the candy person while I looked up beside him the maroon eyed werewolf was right next to him ears pinned back as he looked at me with daggers in his eyes,
"Wahahaow so you into guys now?
I'm hurt I wasn't your first choice"
He said with a fake pout,
"Haha yeah right I was just comforting him" I said my face getting more red
"Tsk so you want to explain how feeling up our boss is comforting"
The werewolf said getting off the trash can and stepping in front of me,
" how about whatever you do to him I do to you, come here so I can Crush you" he said moving his hand up forward I jump back a little but before he can grab me he was interrupted
" that's enough Fang " Zane said stepping in between us and putting his hand on the werewolf's chest,
"B-but he touched you and you said not to let anyone do that without them paying consequences " the werewolves ears pinned back and he looks like a sad puppy who didn't please his owner
" yes well consider this an exception"
Zane said while looking back at me I gave him a soft smile and he nodded,
Jubly finally jumped down from the trash can and started eyeing me up,
I sarcastically flexed in front of him, me and Jubly actually have known each other since we were kids,
He whistles
" putting on a show for me I see"
He says laughing a slight bit trying to act serious
"Only for you~" I coo at him,
Me and him break out into a slight laughter well Zane and Fang look quite confused actually Fang looks completely pissed,
"YEAH YEAH WE GET IT STOP THAT ALREADY" the werewolf yells already looking super pissed off,
" come down mute cant I have a fun conversation with my friend" I say mocking him while putting Jubly leg up so it looks like he was straddling me as he put his arm around my neck,
"FRIENDS DONT DO THAT" he slightly screamed
" awww poor Fangy what you're afraid he's got a bigger di-" Jubly with cut off
" that's enough Jublson "
Zane's voice cut through ours Like a Knife, it must have been serious if he was going to use Jubly's full name,
"Stop teasing Fang and you know what I mean" Jubly took his arm off of me and put his leg down obviously taking Zane's words seriously as he walk over two Fangs side petting his tail slightly to calm him down
" well it was nice meeting you Iven "
He said stepping closer to me
He took something from out of his pocket and raised it to my cheek I felt a silky fabric wipe across the blood oozing scrape that's on my cheek,
" but we must be going you should get a bandaid on this " he said still wiping away the blood he snapped his fingers behind him and both boys left the area
" it was nice meeting you"
He said before doing something I would never would have expected
He stepped on his tippy toes and kissed the scratch Mark that was on my cheek before taking out the cloth and putting it back into it pocket
" maybe we'll meet again"
Those were the last words he said before leaving giving a back hand wave as he walked away Not Looking Back.
I was completely shocked I couldn't believe what just happened and what I'm feeling,
Warm fuzzy feeling I haven't felt before even with other people I've dated I've never felt like that,
Zane Ro'meave I will find you again and I will never let you go.
And I kept that promise.
( I finally finished this yes I can't believe it's been and now I have to worry about the next chapter great tonight at 10 well I hope you guys enjoy this chapter bye)
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