Chapter 42 - Errol isn't all smiles

Nadia POV

I woke up in my room at Yōso Academy by my alarm that was set at 3:00am. For a while I forgot why I wanted to wake up so early.

Crap....I forgot Hollis and Nelson is going to train me!

I quickly put on my clothes and ran out of my room. I reached at the school field were they were. Hollis looked very tired and fell asleep on on of the benches on the field.

"I'll train you...until he gets his energy" Nelson sighed.

"Awe, Hollis can't wake up at these times!" I screamed hugging myself.

"I had to drag him out here, he hissed after me" he smiled nervously.

"So.....Light" I said looking at the night sky.

"Yea, it's a very hard element actually.....and takes a lot of energy-"

I smiled looking at a light I created in the palm of my hand, "This is so easy" I laughed.

"Yeah" he glared at me. He controlled many small lights around us, "It looks like stars huh?" he chuckled.

"Pretty" I said drooling looking at them.

"I was afraid of the dark when I was I always did this when I got scared" he laughed.

"That's so cute, I wish I could see you when you were younger" I smiled softly.

"I was an extreme crybaby" he laughed nervously.

"That even makes me even more desperate" I smirked.

"Um.....shouldn't we wake up Hollis?" he sighed.

I ran to Hollis and poked him in his arm. He hissed after me and went back to sleep.

"Hollis wake up!" I wined.

"Shhh, I need my beautiful rest" he giggled.

"Since....he's sleeping why don't we call Saffron" Nelson sighed.

Nelson and I ran to Saffron bedroom door. She smirked leaning against her door, "What?" she chuckled.

"Could you train Nadia? Hollis is still sleepy" he smiled nervously.

"Saffron would but I'm trying to control-"

Errol tackled her to the floor and cuddled her, "My Saffron, did you miss me?!" he smiled extremely.

"Saffron wish she haven't met you" she sighed.

"Awe, young love" I smiled softly.

"No, it's not like that! Saffron hates him" she said shaking me while I thought of many things they would look cute in.

Errol became really disappointed and then smiled to hide his emotions, "Well....I better be going" he spoke softly.

Nelson and I stared at him smiling at us, "You don't look okay" we glared at him.

He looked pale and very tired. Saffron looked at him worriedly, "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I.....-"

He lost his balance and fell on top of Nelson.

"Errol!" I became really worried about him.

"Why she had to leave me?" he spoke softly.

"Errol.....Saffron let's bring inside your room, where is your roommates?" I said trying to calm down.

"They are at a party....Saffron was going but..." she rolled her eyes.

We carried inside her room and I checked his temperature. He cried hugging one of her pillows tightly. I looked in his pockets and found a letter.

His mother died......

"She didn't tell me she was sick" he cried harder.

I looked closely at the letters address and realized he lied he was from Kanari, he's an Erufu like Zander. I rubbed his hair and looked at his ring that looked similar at Zander's.

"Errol, you are not 13 year old huh?' I sighed.

"No" he hiccupped, "I'm 359 years old" he said wiping his tears.

"The other Erufus are expressing themselves, why are you not?" I asked.

"Because I'm too young" he sighed.

"What do you mean by that?" Nelson said looking at him worriedly.

"Could you put on back my ring later on?" Errol smiled a little.

"Sure" Saffron smiled nervously.

He took off his ring and he turned into his Erufu form.

He's a baby!

He cried on the bed and I took him up slowly. I tried to make him stop crying but he wouldn't.

"Make him stop before he wakes other people" Nelson said closing the doors and windows.

"I can't, he won't stop crying" I smiled nervously trying to cheer him up with funny faces.

"He lost his mother and that's his only family" Saffron read his letter.

"He's smart for a baby" I rubbed my chin.

I put on back his ring on his finger and he turned back to the form we are all use to.

"Errol, how do you know so much for a baby?" Nelson chuckled.

"I'm an Erufu baby, I have been living for many years to know many things" Errol smirked.

We looked at his mother picture. Nelson and I looked at Saffron and at the picture many times.

"You look like his mother!" we trembled.

"That's why you like Saffron" she glared at him.

"You look like mama," he laughed nervously. He smiled taking milk out of her fridge and drank it, "this is so good" he giggled.

"So....Errol are you okay staying in your room by yourself?" I said hugging him.

"Are you crazy?! He needs to stay with Saffron today. Saffron will make sure he's okay" she smiled proudly.

"Really?" he smiled softly.

Nelson and I waved goodbye to them then went on the field and I carried Hollis on my shoulder.

"Note to self, don't wake Hollis up early" Nelson smirked.

"Yep" I laughed.


I went to check on Saffron and Errol. I laughed silently watching her playing with him in his Erufu form.

"Errol, come on...try to walk" she smiled softly.

He laughed playing with his feet and played with some toys she made.

"So Saffron has a soft heart for babies?" I smirked.

She quickly hid him behind her, "What are you talking about?" she smiled nervously.

"Don't deny he's adorable" I pouted.

She sighed revealing him to me. She even did his hair and bathed him.


"He was sleeping so I....just wanted to play around with his Erufu form. I took off his ring without him knowing" she sighed.

"Well it looks like he knows" I smiled softly.

He dragged her hair and puffed up his cheeks.

"Awe!" we smiled while our noses bled.

He glared at us and crawled into her lap and took up his ring. He turned back his teenage Ningena form, "I think that's too much cuteness for one reader" he sighed.

"I seriously don't know what you are talking about" I said shaking my head at him.


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