life goes on
Hey everyone check out my new book.. I just randomly got inspired to write it and im having some writers block with this story so I started a new one.. its pretty good if I do say so myself.
Any ideas are appreciated
Yuko POV
An awkward laugh came from one of the Gremlins.. " haha very funny sempai how much you pay her?"
"Pay me why would pa pay me?... oh ya that reminds me" I snapped my fingers and looked up at pa tugging on his jacket "im gonna need money for lunch tomorrow... apparently your not soposed to steel from the vendors "
"Hey look you did learn something new today, who told you that?" Pa smirked and I kicked him in the leg causing him to flinch slightly. "Alright alright "
sill hiding behind Pa's legs, concealing my scars just enough so they aren't obvious but i can see whats going on on the other side of my temporary protection(aka. Big and Scary).
"alright fine how do we know shes yours" the second gremlin stated smugly
"ya, how ya gonna prove it" these demands where put to an end by a glare shot at them by pa, i watched carefully for future reference.
"Oh sorry i think i left her papors at home" he grombled sarcastically.. after a moment of tense silence pa sighed and looked down at me," it looks like they still dont believe us kid" he stated " your gonna have to show your face"
"b-but PA!!" i stated shocked, giving him the puppy dog eyes.. that if it were anyone but Pa it would NOT go with my scars and just confuse them.
he cut me off before i could continue "these people deal with me every day i think they can handle you without to much judging" he argued
oh man i hate it when he has a logical explanation, its like early morning training all over again i mentally deadpanned. "fine i guess" i shifted nervously for a sec and took a deep breath before sliding out from behind Pa. Stupid ninja logic anyway...
the man, shikaku i believe it was, only studied me closely well the gremlins bugged out at the sight of me. Who i believe to be shika's dad had a calm but stern face to him, one of those people who make great and loyal friends but the type of guy who could discover your deepest darkest fears, literally enter your nightmares, and use it agents you, not someone you want to cross. he had a single scar going across his face, similar to my own though i had more to my collection.
shikaku crouched down to my eye level its just like that time in the flower shop with ino's father. his voice soft and deep, easy to listen to but holding enough authority to know better than to argue if he ever gave you an order. (sorry but that is litteraly how i think of his voice whenever i hear it) "well then little one i have a feeling your going to be the talk of my intelligence division for a while once they get a wif of this..." with the way he said it, in a slow, lazy yet matter of factually manner i had no doubt he was right. "say if it was your first day of school, do you happen to be in the same class as my son, you are about the same age as shikamaru?"
i brighten a bit at that pointing at him childishly, well i am a child arnt i "I KNEW IT, so you are related to shika" this causes he to let out a small airy chuckle.
"Yes I'm Shikaku Nara nice to meet you Yuko." He sighed "too be honest I didn't believe in your existence "
"Your not the only one trust me" I mumbled "you should have seen Izumo and Kotetsu when they found out" Pa chuckled at the memory of that spacific meeting.
By this point the gremlins regained there footing and looked back and forth between me and pa." Well.. shes.. and you... a father... with.. daughter. . When?.. how? .. what?..WHO THE HECK IS THE MOTHER "
chuckling Pa answered "wouldn't you like to know."
Seeing my chance I added on quickly
"Sorry guys" I continued " but that's a bit above your pay grade" I smiled teasingly and winked.
They deadpanned and looked to pa not believing me however "listen to the little lady she speaks the truth" was their only answer. I think one of them fainted.
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Time skip
It's been a few weeks now and I skip freely around the torcher and interrogation building during my Free time between school and dinner.
On the weekends I work at the bar and continue to educate myself on the behaviors of drunk people both ninja and civilian .
Not many of my class mates like me. Not even this one kid named naruto who's the class clown that everyone picks on. I tried being nice to him but he just called me a freak. Iruka-sensei talked to me about it that day after school. Saying how he dose it because if people think your a freak it takes attention off of him and let's him fit in about something.
Well lets just say the blonds don't seem to like me... I think they are just jealous of my orenge colorful hair.
But hey I was glad to help... ok no, no I really wasn't but there wasn't much I could do about it. I became the target of most of his pranks and the class would laugh at me tell choji dragged me away to get cleaned up and shikamaru tells iruka who would yell at Naruto causing him to leave me alone for the rest of the day before the process repeats.
The only ones who seem ok with me are a Aburame named shino who sits in the back corner, the dog akamaru (though his human counterpart dosent lime me much), and a Hyuga girl named Hinata who doesn't laugh at me but dosent want anything to do with me eather... hey at least she dosent call me names.
Of course then there's Choji and Shika who remain my salvation from these evil people. Hey I could do worse.
I was just getting into this rhythm of life somthing has to throw me.
" Hey Yuko" shikamaru waved as he and choji walked up to me before class started "I'm just gonna be blunt because it would take to long otherwise... its troublesome but my mom wanted me to invite you over for dinner" I gapped at this statment
"Ya" choji said threw a hand full of chips "my mom aswell so we figured you can go to the Nara compound with shikamaru tomarrrow and come over to my house the day after "
"Umm ya ok.. I'll I'll talk I'll talk to pa about it tonight " I said a bit unsure on how I should react.
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