I can smell the perfume from here.

I tryed to get the picture as close in likness to Yuko, (and yes she is darker skinned.) but it only let me add one scar so shes not as intimidating as i try to think of her... let me know what you think.. of both the picture and the chapter. . Sorry it took so long,school has been getting stressful.

tell you something, it has been a long month. defiantly interesting and different, but long no the less. yet at the same time it feels like I just got here and that no time has passed... that this is all a dream.

I've done soo much in this time that it feels like it should be forever, but yet everytime I get up in the morning I have to remind myself that I'm not in the mist anymore. that all the others, myself included, are safe with a new family.

let me fill you in, so I just got off of "Work" at the bar. its not really work but its a place for Pa to drop me off and keep me occupied while he's off doing his job and Idate is on missions. not that I mind, its actually pretty fun, I convinced one of the bartenders to teach me how to make drinks and even do all those fancy tricks well making them. though I'm still learning, and am stuck on dishwashing and clean up duty but he says ill work my way up. the drunks seem to like throwing empty or half empty bottles at each other and when those run out some of the ninja start throwing around weapons until they get kicked out, soo needless to say I got pretty good at dodging.

speaking of dodging Pa has been making time to train me whenever he can, once he woke me up at 4am to do so. I couldn't complain because I had asked for it, and Pa took great joy in that fact, going out of his way to wake me up at untimely hours to teach me. "when your a ninja you can be called away at anytime, you've got to be able to be awake and alert at almost all hours. you do want to go to the academy don't you kiddo" he would always say when I tried to go back to sleep.

Think of the devil (or in this case interigator) and he shall appear, he just popped out of nowhere like he dose everyday to pick me up outside of the pub. "comeon squirt you have to get up early tomorrow, if you want time to train before you head out"

"?" was my only responce

"did you forget already kid?"he deadpanned at me ", you start the academy tomarrrow at 8"

my face lit up like Kimi in a flower field as it finally clicked, I swear there where hearts in my eyes. "I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT, do you think they will like me? wait why do I care again? oh ya because I need friends. hold on a second " I realized and pointed at him accusingly " YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD TAKE ME SHOPPING BEFORE HAND, I NEED STUFF FOR SCHOOL" I shouted before grumbling out a quick "you still haven't gotten me new cloths yet, I've been wearing the same ones since I got here." such irresponsible parenting. I mentally remarked.

"I think that's the most you have spoken sence you got here.. breath would ya" he remarked sarcastically before considering my ranting and how to respond to his new daughter.
"tch alright, its not like I would want to rest for a while after a long day of work" oh so he's deciding to stick with the sarcastic approach , I see how it is!

"well you should have thought about that and got me stuff earlier, stop milking the "i worked to hard" cow, im your daughter not your wife Popps" I shot back easily

if I didn't know any better I would have thought he was blushing... its a good thing I know better. hehe

Yuko- 1. Scar face/Pa- 0
-----------------------------time skip----------------------

I was shaking. .. I had just finished early morning training with Ibiki, Konohas head interigator and over all very scary man with a big reputation... and I was shaking.

Over the thought of 8 year olds

How embarrassing

Today was my first day in the academy. I had Changed out of my sweaty dirty clothes and into one of the outfits I forced pa to get me yesterday.

To be honest I looked pretty darn intimidating myself. I gave myself a once over in the mirror. Smirk placed devilishly on my face, my new baggy black pants that go just below my knees. reveling every muscle I worked so hard to get. Red muscle shirt,witch I took out of the boys section, much to the displeasure of the lady behind the counter at the store (well untell she saw pa, and mumbled something about a young lady needing a proper role model instead of a hardnd shinobi with an intimidation factor.. 0_0 whatever that means)

I remained bare footed as I shrugged on my durable lether jacket, Enjoying hiding my stolen treasure in its multiple hidden pockets. I looked over at my new ninja sandles by the corner of my bed, Desiding in that moment NOT to bother wearing them as I was more comfortable actually feeling the ground beneath me.

Running my fingers threw my hair with my left hand and I was ready to go... gosh I love short hair...

I walked out the door,not bothering to say a goodbye as no one was home. I strolled comfedently down the street slowly leaving the interigation HQ far behind. I came to a happy er part of town and waved to Koko as she opened the small tea shop.

She seems to be used to me by now as the pub I work in is just down the street and I would go therefor lunch with pa somtimes. Successfully running off customers, but I've never heard her complain about that.

After steeling a apple from a near by vendor with the skill only a seasoned street rat could pull off. I made my way to the academy. 5 minutes before the bell rang.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I walked up to the lady at the front desk of the school. Holding my half finished apple in my mouth, I took my bag off my shoulder and ruffled threw it looking for my entrance paperwork.

Normally Pa would have to be here for ID and to pay the school learning fee for the year, as well as for the extra ,and unforchanitly mandatory, konoichi classes. (Sorry if I spelled that wrong)

However sence he's at work I ended up stopping at the hokages office and he took care of it for me.

I set the papers in front of the lady who was reading some sort of fashion magazine, And took a bit of my apple before I spoke.

"Hey lady I'm new here.. I would like too know what class I'm being placed in" I waited and began tapping my foot. When I got no answer I kicked the desk successfully alerting her of my presents "sometime today would be fine," I could feel an irk mark making its way to my forhead.

"Hey watch it kid learn to respect your -" she lifted her head and stopped mid sentence as she got a good look at me and my scowling face. Her eyes went halarious ly wide and her mouth agape.

"Do I have to repeat myself. What class have I been put in.. or do I have to break into your little Booth and find it myself " I glared and had to resist the snarl threatening to leave me. Don't get me wrong I'm used to being ignored However I will NOT be dismissed for a stupid women's magazine. I can smell the perfume samples from here.

"O-oh yes sorry for the wait.. um miss-" she trailed off obviously trying to find my name

"Morino." I stated hardly

"M-morino!! No way that can't be tru-" I snarled and tapped my foot a few times

"if you would read the paperwork I gave you, you would know that " I glared ( been practicing with scarface so far he says I'm up to a 7 out of 10)

"A-ahhh yes of course my mistake Morino-san " she quickly went threw the papers and cross check them with her own. "Oh you've been placed in Iruka Umino's third year class... its umm down that hall to the right third door down"

I took another bite of my apple and chewed obnoxiously as I put my back to her,picked up my discarded bag, and walked toward my new class. Throwing my apple core out the window as I went.

Least to say my mood lifted considerably knowing that Iruka was my sensei once again. At least I'll know someone.
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