The Penitentiary part 3.
As a copycat I have copied many people over the years. It was both exciting and fun. However, there comes a time where you also need to use your own true power. It is then you truly shine.
Thoughts from Dimitri.
Resistance member.
Ace's p.o.v.
When Ace woke up, she was found in similar surroundings. In those who looked like a digitized computer world. Ace was not sure what she had actually thought she would be send to, but this computer world had not been one of them. However, just like Aster, she didn't waste time sightseeing. She quickly realized that light who surely would bring her out to the real world and approached it. However, unlike Aster her opponent was just not stopping her. He was all out rude, and Ace soon tripped surprised to the floor. She groaned in confusion as she looked up to see what had happened. In front of her was a boy dressed in a weird knight outfit, and a sword on his back. He was growling angrily and looked pretty pissed at her.
"Oh, so sorry. I didn't see you there, Ace. Or not! I am pretty mad at you, you know!" the boy sneered, and it looked like he was about to bite off her head here.
"Hu? Teraoka? What are you doing here?" she questioned in a puzzled tone.
"The name is Anger mask you know!" he then yelled and crossed his arms over his chest in an annoyed matter "It is pretty rude getting people's name wrong, you know. But guess Kagemaru's granddaughter can afford to be rude. Unbelievable! They don't have manors in that family at all". Ace looked puzzled at the boy.
"But Teraoka, that is your name" she then replied "What in the world happened to you? You disappeared one day at the research facility. Along with your friends...".
A high five soon hit her cheek and Ace looked stunned at the boy in front of her. She had never seen him like this. He had been different in the research facility years back.
"Will you shut it!" he yelled "Don't you dare talk about this like you don't know what happened! It is all your fault! All you and your stupid grandfather fault! The only successful experiment. Ha! What are we then? Yamanaka, Harada and me? I tell you what we are. Failed experiments! A fusion of human and monster. Just like they wished! But of course, since none of us can control our emotions, we are discarded. Discarded I tell you! Into cyberspace as some kind of security system and Ahr! It is all your fault Ace! I am so looking forward to beating you in a duel!".
"Beating me in a duel? How? Why?" Ace questioned stunned and rubbed her cheek.
She couldn't believe what had happened to her friends. She had silently hoped they had all died. Living through Banner's tortures experiment was almost hell since he didn't consider his guinea pigs humans at all. If Bastion hadn't helped her escape Ace wasn't sure what life she would have had. If she even had any. Or what kind of future this world would experience. They just had to stop Banner and Kagemaru!
"Grr Ace! You should know about cyberspace you stupid girl" Anger mask sneered out "You were one of us, or have you forgotten since you are sitting up at that high horse of yours. Cyberspace creates everything! You have to defeat me to get outside. I suggest you choose wisely which desk you want. You and your companions has only 10 turns in defeating us".
Ace eyes widened at that. Now that she thought about it, they had many simulations in cyberspace to check out their power and skills, without breaking Banner's lab. Ace had wanted to of course. Oh, how she has wanted. However, she needed to get out of here first to do so.
"Oh, um yeah I got it!" Ace mused out slowly.
Thought were running though her head as she was about to select a deck. Well since I am half spellcaster, I guess I go with this deck. A deck and disk materialized in the air as she was ready to duel. Anger mask and Ace walked a little away from each other, so they had space to duel at. She prayed a silent prayer that Aster and Dimitri was okay. That and she hoped Teraoka could forgive her from kicking his butt in this duel.
Ace: 4000 LP
Angry Mask: 4000 LP
"I will start off" Angry mask sneered out and drew "It is only fair after all".
Ace didn't say anything to that. If he wanted to start of then so be it. After that they could discuss what was fair or not. After all was it fair to hold her here when her friends all were in danger? Of course not, but since Ace treasured her friend, she would let him for now. She wasn't gonna be so merciful when the duel was underway. However, Angry Mask started of his turn by activating the spell "Cost down". By discarding one card from his hand, he could now lower the level of the monster by 2. He chose to summon this level 6 monster called "Berserk Orc" in att mode onto the field. It lived up to its name being this orc with a giant nonhuman bone it its hand and were having 2200 att and 1800 def points.
"Then I activate the spell I just discarded called 'Orc rage'" Angry mask told her as he hissed angrily at her "And that is bad news for you. Since I banish this card from the grave, I can summon yet another 'Berserk Orc' from my hand, and I of course summon it in att mode".
Ace hummed at that when another Orc appeared onto the field. That and he ended his turn with a face down.
"Your turn. But don't think for a sec that I will let you win!" angry mask then stated.
"Fine, brace yourself" Ace said as she drew. She started of her move by summoning "Apple Magician girl" to the field in att mode. It was a new version of Dark magician girl but had only 1200 att and 800 def points.
"Then I activate the spell 'Card destruction, meaning we have to discard all the cards we are currently holding and draw equal to the number we discard'" Ace told her opponent which of course surprised her opponent big time.
"Grr what are you planning?" Angry mask sneered as he discarded his only card to draw another one.
In Ace's case she had to discard 5, which all happens to be cards similar to dark magician. It was Lemon Magician girl, Kiwi Magician girl, Chocolate Magician girl, Magician girl union spell card, and lastly Dark magician girl herself.
"You'll see" Ace replied as she discarded her hand and drew a new one.
To be honest she didn't really have much of a plan. Her hand was just not very useful at the moment, but if she had stated that she was sure Teraoka would throw an angry fit, being the anger emotion and all. Luckily her deck didn't let her down. She activated the spell "Monster reborn" to summon back Dark magician girl from the grave.
"Her? You went through all this trouble to summon her?" Angry mask sneered "My monster is still stronger. And you were supposed to be fused with a spell caster. Have they raddled your brain and made you forget to count?".
"I am not done yet" Ace sneered back.
Teraoka lashing out on her was beginning to get on her nerve. She did however continue her move by activating the spell called "Sages stone" which allowed her to special summon "Dark magician" from her deck to the field in att mode. A move which made angry mask speechless. After all this monster was indeed stronger than his, with his 2500 att points.
"Dark magician attack his orc with dark magi attack!" Ace then shouted and made her monster attack and destroy Angry mask's first Berserk orc. He lost 300 life points. Surprisingly angry mask didn't even seem faced by it.
"Is that all you got? I thought Kagemaru's granddaughter was tougher than this!" Teraoka then sneered back at her.
Ace clenched her fists, but she didn't comment on his statement. Instead she made her Apple magician girl attack and get destroyed since it was weaker. She lost 1000 life points which once again tossed Angry mask for a loop. He looked like he was about to explode.
"What the heck is wrong with you? Now you are destroying your own monsters?! Unbelievable! You are just like your grandfather. No respect for anyone or even the monsters who serves you!" he then yelled at her. That was the last straw.
"I am not like my Grandfather!" she yelled back at him. "He is a very despicable man and I hate him! He did this to me. He did that to you three. I can't forgive him. You should know. I told you, Yamanaka and Harada?". Angry mask snort at that.
"That I don't remember" he then sneered out in a voice that almost sounded calm besides for the growling's. "Stupid girl. You should know by now what cyberspace does to one when you spend too long in here. Our realities mixes up together, until you can't see the difference. You forget and the known reality becomes your only reality. Do you think it is fun being angry all the time. Well I tell you it isn't!".
"Oh Teraoka I didn't know, I..." Ace began but Teraoka cut her off.
"Shut it with that name! I am angry mask!" he then sneered "And I don't want your false pity either. Just continue your move already!".
Ace looked stunned at her former friend, but in the end she nodded. It seemed like her words went to deaf ears anyway. He was completely gone. However fear did run through her at the thought of what happened to her other 2 friends. If Teraoka was this gone, then how bad was it for Yamanaka and Harada? She however did continue her move. The effect of her apple magician kicked in. Since it was destroyed in battle, she could choose up to 3 magician girls in her grave and add them to her hand. Kiwi, Chocolate and lemon magician girls were now back in her hand. But she was not done yet. She also activated the spell called "Magician girl union" from her grave. By banishing it, she could special summon a magician girl from her hand to the field in att mode, since she had Dark magician girl on her field. She decided to summon "Kiwi magician girl" who had 1800 att and 1200 def points. Furthermore, the second effect of Magician girl union activated as well. Since Ace special summoned a magician girl this turn, her opponent's monsters attack points are cut in half, meaning angry mask's remaining Berserk Orc att point got halved down to 1100. Ace of course attacked right after with Dark magician girl, killing the last of his Berserk Orc and afterwards attacked angry mask directly with Kiwi magician girl which made his life points go all the way down to 1000 life points. What surprised Ace the most, was that Angry mask hadn't done anything to stop her, which she of course found weird. For that reason she tossed down 2 face down's, in case he had something major prepared for her, and then ended her turn.
"About time!" Angry mask sneered and drew. "Now prepare yourself".
He then activated that face down he was having, revealing it to be the trap called "Orc Retribution". Since he have got 2 or more Orc monsters in his graveyard, he can banish both of them to special summon his ace named "Ultimate Raging Orc king" from his deck in attack mode onto the field. Ace was staring in rather horror as an Orc who was twice the size and double so ugly as his former Orcs. That and carrying a giant club and having 3550 att and 2750 def point. That made it even scarier.
"Meet my most powerful in my arsenal!" Angry mask introduced in an angry hissy fit "It is the monster who resemble me. Myself and all my anger, who I am directing towards You and your Grandpa Ace! So brace yourself!".
"But Teraoka, please!" Ace tried reasoning, but angry mask wasn't even responding.
The rage from his orc and himself was literally colliding, making him lose almost all reasonings beside the duel. He just wanted to let out all the anger at her, which was clearly shown when Angry mask activated his monster's effect. By giving up half of his life points his monster could attack twice this round, leaving him only with 500 remaining. Then he attacked. In his angry fury of mayhem even and Ace's dark magician were soon the first to fall. All which made Ace's life point drop down to 1950. Had Angry mask been calm and collected he might had realized that since he destroyed Dark magician and not his student, Dark magician girl's att rose to 2300. Or maybe he did, Ace wasn't sure. Maybe he wanted to save Dark magician girl for later since she resembled the monster Ace was fused with? Whatever the reason Angry Mask made his Orc attack Kiwi magician girl next, and if he had succeeded, Ace's life point would have dropped down to 250, but Ace was not letting him. She activated one of her face down's. The trap "Magicians defense". Since Ace has got 2 magicians on the field, the damage she takes is cut in half. She was still having 1075 life points remaining. Angry mask however snort at that.
"Like I would let you escape! I am not letting you escape me Ace! You have to pay for your grandfather's crime!" he then yelled at her and activated a quick spell from his hand called "Orc fury".
This allowed his Ultimate raging orc king to attack once again as long as he cuts his monsters attack strength by a 1000 points until the end of this turn. It is still stronger than Dark magician girl, and he then of course targets her, but Ace was not letting him. She activated her second face down card. A quick spell card called "Magician girl crisis" which allowed her to summon "Lemon magician girl" to the field in att mode from her hand and made her the target of his orc instead, but his monster's att was cut in half. (2550-1275) Sadly it was still not enough since Ace's Lemon Magician girl was only having 800 att and 600 def points. Luckily Ace could work around that by activating her spell's third effect from the grave. By banishing it from her grave, she could direct the attack to any other monster on the field. Like her Dark magician girl and since the attack was angry mask's own attack, he couldn't stop it. Not when it already were underway. His raging orc got destroyed and so did the rest of his life points. Ace had won the duel.
As soon as the duel ended, Ace fell to her knees. Few tears were even peeking out of the corner of her eyes. With all the bravura she had doing the duel, it had disappeared instantly now. It had mentally been draining for her to fight a former friend, no matter how much he resented her. It had been hard defeating him. It also didn't help that Angry mask had disappeared as soon as the duel ended. It made it even harder, since it was almost like he was dead now. However, in the end, Ace did manage to pull herself together and get up on her feet. She walked with slow steps though as she tried to stop herself from crying, and when she finally reached the light that made her leave this world, Ace looked around one last time.
"I am sorry. I am sorry Teraoka. Everyone. I will make my grandfather and Banner pay for what they have done to you and everyone else. I promise" she then said and began entering the light only to find it rejecting her.
"Foolish little Ace" he could then suddenly hear Teraoka say as he surprisingly reappeared behind her with an angry look on his face "Do you really think you can leave this world this easy?! Ha! As if! We are the three masked knight! Meaning your colleagues also have to win their duels, and to make it even more difficult. You had 10 rounds in total. Meaning...".
"...We have to win in three rounds or less" Ace interrupted and looked rather horrified.
She had won a duel at the 3 round, but first now had she understood Angry mask's dueling strategy. He had tried to drag on the duel so she couldn't have won. Or tried at least. Angry mask nodded eagerly at her responds though.
"That's right. Now let's see how well your friends are doing" he then stated and swung his arm out in the thin air, creating a window to 2 different duels. "If not, you will be my prisoner for eternity".
Ace bit her lip worriedly. An eternity with angry mask was not something she was looking forward to. That's for sure. That until she noticed a certain person in another window actually looking stunned at her.
"Ace? Ace is that you?" Aster Phoenix then questioned which made Ace eyes widen in surprise.
"Aster? You can see me?" she then asked which made the destiny duelist nod.
"Of course, and you can finally see me too. I was worried, but it seems like you defeated him rather quick" he then replied. Ace knew he meant Anger mask who was beside her right now. Then he sighed relieved and continued "You defeated your opponent in three turns too it seems. Then maybe, maybe there is still hope".
"You too? Does that mean you won your duel in three turns too?" Ace then replied and a smile showed on her face. Maybe there was really hope.
"Of course. I am former pro after all. I know how to finish up duels pretty quickly" Aster stated rather proudly and send her a big smile "Only Dimitri's duel is left, but if he wins in 4 turns or left, we might get out".
"What?! You defeated laughing mask? Oh when I get my hands on him, he will be sorry" Angry mask suddenly yelled up rather annoyed, but then managed to not flip out too much as he sneered out "But there is no way he can beat Harada. He is silence himself. You will all be prisoners here too. Just like we are!".
Aster and Ace exchanged glances now and Ace hoped inside that he was wrong.
Dimitri's p.o.v.
Dimitri found himself lying on the ground in similar surroundings as his two companions. However, unlike the other two, he was helped up by this silent dude in a knight costume. He was even given something to drink, but when Dimitri asked him a lot of questions, he was answered with silence and shaking heads indicating 'Not now'. Dimitri, who was used to or who tried to be the center of attractions, this was very weird for him. He was used to communicate through words, not hand signs. However, this silent masked dude, as he saw him as, lead him over to this golden light and pointed at it. Dimitri figured he told him this was the exit, but when he tried to enter, he was repelled and send a little backwards.
"What the heck? What's going on here?" Dimitri sneered and looked at the stranger. The masked dude summoned a duel disk out of the blue and directed it towards him.
"What? What are you trying to tell me?" Dimitri sneered annoyed. This silent dude flicked, and signs appeared in the air as speech bubbles. Dimitri eyes narrowed.
"Hello, my name is Harada, also referred as Silent mask of the masked knight trio and I honored to your opponent" Dimitri read out loud "To get out of here you need to duel me and beat me before the 10th turn is over. If not, you will be stuck here'. You gotta be kidding me. Are you some kind of safety system?". At that silent mask nodded eagerly. Dimitri sneered annoyed.
"Does it look like I have time to duel? Or have a duel disk and deck here? I haven't dueled in ages, you muted freak" he yelled rather annoyed. Silent mask tilted it's headed a little and flicked again. Another speech bubble appeared. 'I am not mute. I am just not able to speak duo to my transformation. I am forced to stay silent...'.
"Ahr isn't there an easier way to do this!" Dimitri interrupted angrily "I have never been a fan of reading". Silent mask tilted his head and were soon holding his hand out towards Dimitri. The copycat looked puzzled at him.
"What now? You want to hold my hand?" he questioned and were holding a hand towards his.
Silent however shook his head and pointed at the hand with his bracelet. The bracelet he was changing shapes with. Without warning, Silent mask grabbed the hand with one hand, while the other was placed over the bracelet. Light emitted all around it and Dimitri had to close his eyes for a sec. When he opened his eyes, his bracelet had changed completely. A tiny device was attached to it for some reason.
"Finally, I can speak" a computer voice then could be heard from the bracelet.
"Who are you?" Dimitri questioned in a puzzled tone. He was still progressing the changes to his favorite bracelet.
"It is I, Silent mask" The voice replied and made Dimitri look up at the masked boy "You wanted an easier way to communicate, so I gave just that. Now listen, you have to defeat me in 10 turns or less, or you and your friends are stuck in here forever. You will have to duel me Dimitri, or the world will never change".
"Duel you how? I told you I have no duel disk or deck" Dimitri sneered at first. Then his eyes widened in surprise as he stared down Silent mask. "Wait, how do you know my name? Who exactly are you?".
"I told you I am Harada alias Silent mask, the leader of the masked knight trio" Silent's voice ran through the device on his arm "I know everything there is to know about the outside world. We know about the current world's state, and you resistance members. As you, I want the world changed. That is after all the only way me and my friends can escape Cyberspace".
"Wait, so you stuck in cyberspace? But aren't you on their side? Why don't you escape?" Dimitri questioned. Silent mask shook his head.
"Banner decides over everything in here. Including us" Silent responded "You met Ace right? Like her, we were test subject, but unlike her, we are failed experiments. Banner kept us here as the security system. The cyberspace test subjects so to speak".
"What do you mean?" Dimitri questioned.
"Cyberspace is a dangerous world. You can easily be lost in here. Between what is real or not. Psychically and mentally" Silent replied slowly "The longer we stay, the more we lose of ourselves. Yamanaka alias Laughing mask is already losing his memory to intense laughter, and Teraoka alias anger mask, is losing all his emotions besides anger. I am slowly losing my humanity. A silent doll you see. That will happen to all of you if you three doesn't win and get out of here".
"Okay, okay, I get it. This is bad!" Dimitri uttered in distress "So how do I get a duel disk and deck to duel you".
"This is Cyberspace. You create with your mind and thoughts. But I suggest you choose wisely in what deck you use. I told you the stakes are high" silent replied.
Dimitri nodded, and thought were now running through his mind. Hmm a deck. A deck I can use. Man, not so easy since I am a copycat. What to do? I can't just use random cards here. Um, eh. Wait there was a deck I was pretty good at using. Hmm what if I use a refined version of that. Hmm yeah and add this and that. Yes! This is the deck I will be using. Dimitri looked over at Silent mask, as a duel disk and deck appeared in midair and attached itself to his arm.
"I am ready!" Dimitri proclaimed and silent nodded. Duels were about to being.
Silent mask: 4000 Lp's.
Dimitri: 4000 Lp's.
Without claiming it was his turn, Silent Mask started of his turn by drawing, which was Dimitri's way of finding out it was him starting. Dimitri felt that was very rude though, but then again, his opponent was usually also talk able. Then Silent Mask played the spell called "Advanced LV call" which allowed him to special summon his "Silent swordsman Lv 3" from his hand in att mode on to the field. However, he quickly sacrificed it with the spell "Level up" to special summon "Silent Swordsman Lv 5" from his deck to the field. It was this level 5 monster with 2300 att and 1000 def, and from what Dimitri knew of this card, was unaffected by spell cards and could evolve into a stronger version later on. That was not something Dimitri had on his agenda since it's next version also could cancel out spell cards. However Silent ended his turn with a face down and pointed at Dimitri, saying only two words, 'Your turn' which made Dimitri roll his eyes rather annoyed.
"Oh is that your words of wisdom?" he then joked rather annoyed and drew "You were must more talk able before. What happened man?". He was of course met with utter silence, which pissed off Dimitri even more.
"Fine be that way. I don't care. I don't need you screams either when you lose" he then stated.
What he didn't know was that Silent was sending him messages on that communicator he gave Dimitri, which explained everything, had Dimitri just looked. How Silent was forced to stay silent during duels and how he had to make his turn count, or he and his friends were stuck here.
However the copy duelist started off his move by activating the field spell "Gateway to Chaos". With this card activated Dimitri was allowed to add one "Black luster soldier" or 1 "Gaia the fierce knight" to his hand. Furthermore, each time a monster card is send from the hand to the grave, you can place a spell counter on it, and when he had three, he could trade them out for a ritual spell card in his deck and add it straight to his hand. But that of course was for later use, if that time ever came. His turn was not done yet though as he activated the spell "Graceful charity" to draw three cards from his deck and then discard two cards to the grave, being the trap "Chaos rebirth" and the spell "Super soldier blade". Then he activates a ritual spell called "Chaos Envoy Ritual". Since he has got no monsters on the field, while his opponent does, he can special summon "Black luster soldier" from his hand in att mode, ignoring its summoning conditions. With a monster having 3000 att and 2500 def points, he was sure to turn the ties on this duel. Especially since he banished the spell "Super soldier blade" from his grave to attack twice in a single turn.
"Black luster soldier attack his silent swordsman!" Dimitri then shouted killing of the silence in the process.
Silent Mask lost his monster and 700 life points, but when Dimitri was attacking him again, Silent mask was sadly ready for him. Or so Dimitri thought, since Silent mask was waving around with his finger, like he was lecturing him, being a little kid. Then he activated his face down card. The trap called "Battle silence" which literally cut Black luster soldier's att points in half until the end of Dimitri's next turn. Dimitri's direct attack was a success however, which made Silent's life points go all the way down to 1800. Dimitri growled annoyed as he tossed down two facedown's before ending his turn. Sure he was in the league for now, but that could soon change since he was now having a 1500 att monster on the field instead of one with 3000. That and he had a feeling Silent was toying with him.
"It is my turn, I draw!" he then suddenly could hear Silent say, which was very surprising considered that Silent mask had barely spoken since the duel began.
Then he started off his turn by activate a spell called "Level Announcement" which allowed him to add "Level up" from his grave, which he of course used to sacrifice his silent swordsman Lv 5 to special summon his "Silent swordsman Lv 7" from his deck to the field in att mode. (2800 att and 1000 def) Then he of course attacked Dimitri's Black luster soldier, dealing him a lot of damage. His life points dropped down to 2700 to be exact. However, Dimitri was not ready to toss in the towel just yet. He activated his trap called "Super soldier reincarnation" which allowed him to special summon two knight monsters from his deck that have less than 1000 attack points. His choice were upon "Evening twilight knight" and "Beginning knight" who both had 500 att and 2000 def points. They both also got summoned in att mode.
"That's a good move, but you need to do better to win" he could then hear Silent's mechanic voice say at his bracelet. All which confused Dimitri a great deal.
"What do you mean by that?!" Dimitri shouted rather annoyed.
"This is your last turn, make it count" Silent replied without giving any explanation. Then he tossed down one face down card before ending his turn. But then again, he really didn't need to explain himself, because someone else was doing it for him.
"Dimitri! Dimitri! Can you hear us?!" a voice suddenly shouted.
"It is no use Ace. If he could, he would have answers by now" another voice answered which made Dimitri look rather frantically around.
He was wondering if this was another one of Silent's trick, until he noticed two windows or screen's behind him, and in each of them was one of his friends, and they looked worried.
"Aster? Ace? What the heck? What are you doing there?" Dimitri then uttered.
"You can finally hear us?!" Aster then said and sighed relieved "We have been trying to contact you for a while now. but...".
"Oh thank god. Thank you so much Harada. Without you we wouldn't be able to..." Ace then thanked at first, but then she turned silent. Her eyes turned slightly away, but regret was shown in them. Dimitri was not sure what that was all about.
"Listen Dimitri, you have to win this turn or we are all doomed" Aster then said rather fiercely "I am sure He have somehow explained how you have 10 turns to win, but what none of them are telling you is that we all have 10 turns to share".
"Wait what? That doesn't make sense?" Dimitri uttered and then looked shocked "Wait that must mean you two already have won. How many turns took it you to...".
"Ace and I used three turns each, which makes you have 4" Aster then told him and bit his lip "If I am correct, you have to win this turn, or we all prisoners here!".
"Ah thanks for adding the pressure you guys..." Dimitri replied. His hand who was placing over his deck right now, since he needed to draw, was shaking. "Why am I the one who has to do this? There is no way I can win knowing that...".
"Just keep calm and analyze your opponent, then you should do fine" Aster tried reassuring, but that made everything worse.
"It is easy for you to say. You are a pro!" Dimitri uttered back in distress "Compared to you, I am a dueling clown. I copy people, I am not fit to duel for such high...".
"Dimitri listen to me" Ace then suddenly said and got his attention "Just duel the best you can. None of us will blame you if you don't win this turn. Just remember to stay calm and listen to the heart of the cards. I am sure that is something Yugi would say".
"I... yeah I am sure that is something he would say" Dimitri mused out slowly, recalling his meeting with Yugi that day he gave him the bracelet.
His words about him having potential was still ringing through his mind. He bit his lip, took a deep breath and drew. Now was the time to see if he really had that potential.
"I draw and activate the spell called 'Super soldier Ritual'" Dimitri stated and activated the card, only to find it negated by "Silent Swordsman Lv 7" ability in negating spells.
In the background he could hear Ace and Aster shout to him that anyone could do mistakes, but to Dimitri this hadn't been a mistake. Since a spell card was destroyed by an effect thus turn, Dimitri activated his trap card known as "Ritual burst". By giving up half his life points (2700-1350), he could now banish one ritual spell from his graveyard, like the card he had just played, to have "Ritual burst" use that card's effect. So Dimitri banished "Super soldier Ritual" letting him tribute his two Knight's on his field to ritual summon "Black Luster Soldier- super soldier" in att mode onto the field (3000 att/2500 Def) However, Dimitri was not done yet. Aster had told him to analyze his opponent, and if he has guessed correctly, Silent mask intention was to stop him somehow, so they couldn't win within 10 turns. He needed to set a stop to that before he attacked. Therefore he activated the second effect of Ritual burst in his graveyard. By banishing it, his opponent can't use any spells or traps until the end of his next turn. Then he of course attacked. His black luster soldier- super soldier killed off Silent mask's Silent swordsman Lv 7, which dealt him 200 life point damage. However, Dimitri was not done yet. There was a reason he had summoned his super soldier after all. It had a special effect. It dealt damage to the opponent equal to the monster that it destroyed. That was 2800 points of damage, which made Silent Mask's life points go all the way down to 0. They had all won their duel within the duel limits.
Dimitri let out a surprised growl as his feet couldn't carry him any longer. The last turn here had taken a lot out of him, but at least he had won. Suddenly a hand was been hold up in front of him, as Silent Mask was helping him up so he could stand.
"Thanks" Dimitri mused out. He wasn't commenting on how Silent mask was so quick to recover. This was after all Cyberspace. Instead he asked, "So we are free to go?".
At that Silent Mask paused. Or at least he wasn't saying anything. Instead he flicked with his right hand making something break and before he could say or do a thing Ace and Aster were suddenly beside him in flesh. Or more or less.
"Oh you were so wonderful!" Ace uttered and hugged Dimitri like there was no tomorrow, which made Dimitri blush like crazy.
He had never been hugged by a pretty, if any, girl at all. Aster even padded him on the shoulder stating, 'Good going there' and for the moment Dimitri understood why people would try becoming pro. The fame and cheers would be incredible to say the least. But then everything turned back to seriousness again, as all three of them were staring down Silent Mask.
"Don't make them leave Harada" a voice said as Angry mask popped up from out of the blue beside his companion, glaring angrily at all of them. "None of them deserve that freedom, if you ask me".
"Now, now, Ha-ha, they all three vanquished us within 10 rounds. Hi-hi" Laughing Mask replied as he appeared beside both of the other masked knights. He was grinning like crazy "Besides Silent is our leader. He decides".
"Yamanaka, Harada, Teraoka..." Ace mused with tear-filled eyes "Please let us through. You know we have the right to leave, and the outside world needs us, or the resistance is doomed. We were friends once. We were in the same facility. And I know you feel like I abandoned you, but it was not my intentions. Never been, but you know Banner. He is never satisfied. If one experiment was a success, he just continues on to the next and...".
"Why should we believe you? You are Kagemaru's grandchild..." Anger began but a hand was placed in front of him by silent himself. Then he walked forward and pulled Ace into a big hug, which surprised everyone, even Dimitri and Aster.
"Go" was all that could be heard from Dimitri's bracelet, and laughter chuckled.
"You better hurry Ha-ha. The security system is about to restart...:".
"Unbelievable. We are letting them go!" Anger growled but then pointed at the light in front of them "If we have to let you go, I expect you will free us...".
But he was interrupted when Aster, Dimitri and Ace rushed forward towards the light, since it was about to disappear.
Tara's p.o.v.
Time skip.
Tara was not completely sure what was going on here. Everything was really confusing to say the least. She had been having a discussion with her Dad on how they could escape Cyber space, when everything around her had turned blurry and Tara had a weird feeling that she passed out. When she had woken up, hell was pretty much loose. They were back in the penitentiary, and what was more impressive was that they were all in the weapon storage, while the resistant members were literally robbing the place in a big hurry. Freya was literally storing herself with all the weapons she had made, along with a sack of other materials she surely could use.
"Welcome back to the real world Tara" Kaiba greeted with a big smile. Him and Axel was surprisingly tying up the paradox brothers to one of the shelves, before he turned his attention to Tara, helping her up on her feet.
"Isn't it a lovely day?" Her father asks and smiled up at her. The adrenaline was clearly pumping in his veins "Now that you are finally up, we can leave".
"Um okay, but what happened?" Tara questioned rather puzzled.
"Ace, Dimitri and Aster reset the system Badabing. They were like amazing" Lorenzo uttered and sent the three heroes a big smile. "Now we actually have a chance to fight back".
Kaiba nodded encouraging and placed a protective hand on his daughter shoulder. Then he looked at all the members.
"Okay listen up. Here is the plan. We need to get out of here as fast as possible, before the minions of the rulers appears here. Serena is waiting with the headquarter outside somewhere near the penitentiary. All we need to do is get there" Kaiba informed them and smirked "Brute force is all I ask of you today. Get through the remaining guards and away to freedom. Do all hear me?!".
A loud cheer could be heard from the resistant members, and it really overwhelmed Tara. That the members were having such a loud cheer, hadn't been heard since Jim and Hassleberry was part of the resistance, and Tara couldn't keep some tears away. This was spectacular and it gave her hope for a better future for all of them.
"Let's get out of here. Someone give Anderson a hand" was Kaiba's reply as they all began charging outside.
It was actually easy this time. Now that the most important people was out of the way, the resistance could easily charge themselves out of the penitentiary. Sure they had to fight members of police force and the rest of guards, as they managed to get outside, but Tara had no problem with it. She was fighting just as hard with her sword Freya had hesitatingly given back. Everything was looking great, as many of the members had managed to get inside the hidden headquarter Kaiba had the coordinates to. That and the barrier around the headquarter was active so anyone who wasn't part of the resistance couldn't enter. Everything was really looking great, but that of course changed rather quickly. Tara had along with Axel and her Dad tried to keep the guards at bey, so Jesse, Ace and other members who either was hurt or not the fighting kind of type could enter first. That was when hell was loose, because suddenly he was there as well. Tara could still remember the silent footsteps and the forceful wind that followed afterwards. Members fell to the ground without warning and then suddenly he was standing in front of her, staring at her with those purple beautiful eyes. Zane Truesdale was staring at her now.
"Found you Tara Yuki. My mistress has sent me to pick you up. Now let's go" he stated as a greeting and grabbed around her right wrist.
Her fighting hand. Tara sadly didn't have much time to react here at all. It was not easy since Vampires was pretty good at persuading. Even if Zane wasn't, it was hard not to follow him anyway, being the guy she had fallen in love with. But unlike last time he was not having that longing look in his eyes. Only her meetings with him as Vampire was remembered. That was what gave Tara the strength to finally fight him. With strength she didn't know she even had, she managed to pull out of his firm grip and even managed to walk some steps backwards, while glaring at him intensely.
"You broke the..." Zane began but Tara quickly interrupted him.
"I was never in it. The trance you vampires can make people go through by looking them in the eyes" Tara said and took another step backwards "Unless you are my brother who charm anyone with his voice alone, and even that doesn't work on me".
Tara took another step and then another step. She was trying to distract him while at the same time get to safety. After all Zane's spell might not work, but his vampire strength was way too powerful if he used full force.
"Aha. You don't say" Zane mused out and send her a cold smile "Well that doesn't really matter, because I will get you either way Tara Yuki. You will not escape me".
Then he attacked. Tara tried to come up with some kind of plan, in those few seconds she had, but the only thing that came to mind, was her sword. Even though she had raised to defend with, she knew she would never be able to stop him. She just couldn't slay the man she loved after all. However, then things once again changed, because someone was suddenly standing between Zane and herself, and were protecting her with a blade themselves. Her father was protecting her.
"You will not lay a hand on my daughter, you Vampire!" Kaiba hissed as his blade got swung towards Camula's first in charge.
Zane caught it easily with one hand, snorting confidentially, but then a sizzling sound could be heard, and Zane suddenly had to withdraw his hand. A certain burn mark were shown in his palm.
"Ah so the mighty Resistance leader has gotten his hand on a holy blade hu?" he then replied as he shook his right hand in annoyance "This might be tricky".
"That's right. I know all your weaknesses" Kaiba hissed back at him "Fire, a stalk to the heart and beheading. Sunlight would also do, but of course we haven't seen the sun in years. However weapons like Garlic, a cross and holy water can hurt you immensely. That is why I made a sword infused with my Blue eyes white dragon's breath. I can kill you...".
"If you have the strength to do so old timer" Zane mused and smirked "Even if you did and killed me, would you really risk it? My Mistress's vengeance. She can be rather terrifying when she is mad".
Tara eyes widened at that. She didn't want any of that. She didn't want a war with the vampires and worst of all, didn't want Zane dead.
"That said a mission is a mission" Zane mused out in a cold tone "And I have never failed her. I will bring Tara Yuki at the feet of my Mistress, no matter the pain".
"Tara back to the headquarter now!" Kaiba shouted as Zane strikes again. A sizzling sound was heard again, as his hand collided with the blade, but one claw did hit her dad's hand, creating a rift at knuckle. Tara however didn't move a muscle.
"I... I can't leave you to face him father!" she shouted back and raised her blade.
She needed to do something. Anything! She was not gonna lose her dad to the Vampires as well. Then a certain picture was shown in the blade suddenly, and Tara knew what to do. She charged forward, making her blade collide with Zane, while at the same time she pulled her dad backwards with her left hand. Then she took steps backwards, just before the line of intense fire separated them, creating a long line between Zane, the guards and them. If Tara hadn't seen Ember in the mirror effect of her blade, things might even have gotten worse. For them.
"What the...?" Both Zane and Kaiba almost said in unison.
"Come on you guys" Ember then shouted as she run towards them grabbing Kaiba's hand "This fire can't hold him or any of the guards at bay forever. We have to escape while we still have the time to do so".
"How did you... you were already inside!" Kaiba uttered as he looked stunned at Ember "And where did that fire come from?".
"Sartorius told me, but I really don't have to explain things now" Ember uttered frantically and, in the end, Kaiba nodded. That explaining had to do for now.
"So you are leaving?" Zane replied from the other side of the fire wall. He sounded hurt and vulnerable, which Tara knew was a trick on his side. "I thought your brother's heath was important Tara Yuki. He needs you. He is asking for you. Are you really just letting him hang?".
At that Tara of course couldn't keep herself from stopping up. Jaden? He needs me. He is not well? But then her father grabbed her hand and looked at her with begging eyes.
"Tara, we will save Jaden, but this is not the time. We need to escape first. Trust me" he said, and Tara nodded.
She took a quick glance at Zane and then turned regretfully away from him, From Jaden, and ran to safety in the headquarter.
Time skip. Somewhere else.
"Cheers!" sounds of glass colliding could be heard.
Happy faces was all Tara saw that night and who could really blame any. The resistance had their first major fight in years, so of course celebration was in order. Even her dad had gotten his fighting spirit back and was drinking one or two glass of sake. Nothing was really spared in the common room since this might could be their last feast, if the rulers had anything to say. Tara however wasn't joining them. Her thoughts always went to either Zane or Jaden. Had Zane told her the truth? Was Jaden not well?
"What's with the long face Tara?" A voice then suddenly said, and Atticus joined her holding up a cup of warm tea, since Tara was not a fan of sake. "We won. We escaped the penitentiary. A feed that to this day never have happened".
"I, I know Atticus. It is just... Zane said something about Jaden when we fought him earlier. He seem to be sick and that is why he was here..." she mused out slowly.
"So?" Atticus replied and drank from his cup "Not to speak bad of your brother or anything, but isn't Vampires immortal? Even if he is sick, he is not gonna die right?".
"Um... yeah... I guess he won't" Tara mused out slowly and sighed "But I...".
"Tara listen to me. I know you care about your brother, and I know you love Zane, but you have to remember they also are our enemies" Atticus advices and send her a big smile "You can't go in on their terms. No matter how Heartbroken it makes you. However that doesn't mean that they can't go in on your terms. Do you understand?".
Tara eyes widened as she starred up at Atticus's face. The brown haired male was smiling widely as he messed up her hair for fun. But Tara really took in his words. Especially since she had a feeling he was speaking from his own experience. Was he having similar problems regarding Yusuke?
"By the way I have good news too" Atticus then said "Jesse is almost up to full speed again with his arms. Ace, being what she is, has some fierce healing spells. With her help we can even more the frequently. I really feel like we are fighting again".
At that Tara nodded slightly. With Ace, Jesse, Freya and Ember things really had turned around for them. Ace, being half spellcaster and came from Banner's kingdom. Ember, who could use fire from a demon crystal, Freya who now were their blacksmith and a good archer. Then there were of course Jesse who wasn't that special compared to the girl, but the resistance could use any man available. That and Tara had a feeling Axel could make a good swordsman out of him soon. Everything really seemed to be turning to the better for them. Wait, Maid, Demon, Archer! Those were the people Sartorius predicted! But wait the maid, had two destinies? So Ace has two destinies? Either that or there are two people who resembling the maid? What does all that mean? Tara shook her head a little. Maybe she should visit Sartorius to get some more insight in that? However whatever Tara had decided to do got drowned the minute Lorenzo rushed in here from the commando central.
"Everyone. Everyone! Can I have your attention? This is very important" He shouted and of course got everyone's attention.
He walked over to the giant tv screen in the room. It didn't have any channels, being the resistance and all, but it always showed news or feeds appearing on the net, from people who was able to post. That was usually the bad guys, but it was never a bad thing to follow the latest insight from the enemies after all. The screen got turned on showing Kagemaru's face. Sure, that didn't mean he had hacked into their account. Especially not since this video clip was featured as "Message to the whole world".
"Kagemaru has a party tonight and announces this to the press but wait just gotta fast forward it" Lorenzo explained and clicked on the remote. Then "Bada Bing. Here. Here!".
Tara looked confused at the screen. Kagemaru was still talking. Nothing had really changed. That until she heard what he was truly saying.
"Is it true you captured the most wanted duelists Kagemaru sir?" A reporter asked holding a mic towards him. Tara could see the current ruler nod.
"Yes, that is right. They got tossed in front of me in chains" he answered and send them all an evil smirk "The most wanted. Yugi Muto and his crew are all in my grasps. Where is your hope now resistance? But then again, if there is still some hopes left, I challenge thee. In about 14 days' time, I will have a public execution of Joey wheeler, Mai valentine, and Chancellor Sheppard. It will happen in Amerika, at my castle. Try to stop me if you can". Then the video feed ended, leaving everyone rather shocked and speechless.
A,N: Dun, Dun, Dun. Oh I am so cruel. So cruel indeed. I haven't updated for so long, and I am terribly sorry for that, but then I end this latest update, on such a cliffhanger. You must surely be extremely mad at me, don't you? I hope and swear that the next chapter will not take that long. There is no duels in it or anything. Oh and a shout out to my boyfriend RobertDimascio on Wattpad. Without him, I could never even get here. He writes amazing stories by the way. Lol. However in the next chapter, we go back. Or sort of back to Kagemaru and his followers. Chazz, Maiyo and Yugi are the most important in that chapter. Hope that peeks your interests.
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