So you all know I vanished but most of this I managed to make on April Fools before I left. I finally finished it so this is it. And yes, I finally updated something! So happy VERY LATE April Fools!
And for this ooooone chapter, it'll be on nobody's POV for the general amount
"Yuto?" Yuya called out as Yuya entered his house. The eggplant wasn't at school and when Yuya had texted earlier, he didn't responded. If he was sick, Yuya felt that Yuto would've texted or call in. He always does.
Yuya opened the door to his room. Empty, but a mess. His bed was torn and scattered across the floor while some of the windows were broken. Scared, Yuya ran around his room, looking.
"YUTO?" Yuya yelled. "YUTO WHERE ARE YOU?"
Now panting, Yuya started tearing the house up looking for Yuto. Little did our tomato realize that his love wasn't even in the house, but watching from a nearby tree.
The devious eggplant muffled his laughs as he watched Yuya check everywhere, even the oven, twice. Yuya was now going outside while Yuto, who decided that enough was enough, sat down on a low branch.
When Yuya went outside, he noticed Yuto smiling at him on the tree. Relieved, Yuya ran to him crying.
"Why the tears Yuya?" Yuto jumped off the tree, smile gone, and hugged Yuya when he got close enough.
"I was s-s-s-s-s-so s-s-s-s-s-scared that s-s-s-s-something happened to you Yuto-o-o-o!" Yuya sobbed into Yuto's chest as he hugged him back.
Yuto started to feel guilty. "I'm sorry..."
"Just d-d-d-d-dont d-d-d-do it agai-i-i-in!"
"I promise I wont Yuya," Yuto pulled the tomato away a bit and wiped some of Yuya's tears off his face. "Never again."
A relieved Yuya pulled a small smile. Yuto smiled back at him.
"Yes Yugo?" Yuya looked at Yugo, who had his face in Yuya's shoulder currently.
"I'm sad."
Yuya, now concerned, pulled away from Yugo and stared at him. "Why you sad Yugo?"
"Well, this life sucks..." Yugo looked down. "Nobody gets my name right, my parents are dead (I think that's a true fact...), Rin doesn't want to be my friend anymore, and I keep getting bullied. Maybe I'll do better in a different life..."
"... AW HELL NO!!" Yuya shouted, shooting up like a rocket. Yugo watched as Yuya ran into the kitchen. Then the tomato ran out the house, carrying all the knives, box cutters, lighters, forks, fireplace tools, weapons, and anything else that someone could kill themselves with. Yuya then ran back in holding a bunch of locks. Yugo, who was pranking him, covered his mouth with his hand, hiding his smile and laugh.
Yuya was locking all the cabinets, windows, and doors closed after he put everything that Yugo could harm himself with in his car outside. He badly didn't want Yugo to leave him. When Yuya was finished, he went back to the now crying (from muffled laughter but he doesn't know that) bluenana.
Hugging him, Yuya whispered into Yugo's ear. "You won't do better in a different life. And even if you did, you'd leave us all sad. Think about me. I'm yours! How could you even consider leaving me behind Yugo? That makes me sad..."
Suddenly, Yugo bursted out laughing. Confused, Yuya pulled away and stared at Yugo, who was holding his stomach. Yugo tried to explain but the only thing that came out his mouth was more laughter and wheezes. Yuya was patient though.
"Huh?" A confused Yuya tilted his head cutely.
"It's April 1st, or April Fool's!" Yugo explained, hiding his newly formed nosebleed. "Did you forget Yuya?"
"Yeeeeess..." Yuya pouted cutely. This made Yugo actually faint from his huge nosebleed.
Yuya stared at Yugo who was falling off the sofa. "Yugo...?"
Dont worry, Yugo lived (barely)
I was watching anime with Yuzu (He's an otaku in all my one-shots btw) when Yuto and Yugo fell down the stairs tied up screaming. Yuzu paused the episode of Death Note and turned to the eggplant and bluenana, clutching her paper fan. "This better be good..."
"Uh..." Yugo took a breath in.
Yuto sighed. "Yuri."
Yuzu stormed up the stairs with her paper fan, her face red from anger. A few minutes later, she landed on top of Yugo and Yuto, tied up with her paper fan.
"Yuya, whatever you do, don't go up there!" Yuzu yelled, but Yuya was filled with determination. This wasn't the Yuri he knew and loved. Grabbing a baseball bat, Yuya went upstairs.
-Yuri POV-
I watched my tomato go upstairs and checked every room. Yuya seemed determined to stop me, since he ignored Yuzu's warning and went to find me anyways. Little did my innocent Yuya realize that I went inside him.
I continued to watch, through the eyes of Yuya, his epic journey to hunt me down and stop me. It took him a good 30 minutes before he realized where I was.
"Ha ha, very funny Yuri!"
"Well, it is!" I unfused myself from Yuya and stared into the frowning face of the tomato. Giggling, I continued. "And it took you long enough to figure out where I was."
Yuya sighed before hugging me. "Don't do it again, ok? I was worried that Zarc got to you."
"But we are Zarc."
"You know what I mean!"
I hugged Yuya back, enjoying his warmth. "Thankfully for you, I do."
Yuya watched the candy-lover called Sora with careful eyes. It was April 1, or April Fool's, and Yuya knew that he was bound to pull a prank on him. It was one of Sora's many favorite things to do to him after all.
"Teacher?" Sora asked.
"It's Yuya, please," Yuya smiled. "And yes?"
Sora pointed to the cotton candy booth. "Can I have one please?"
"Sure!" Yuya went over and bought two cones of cotton candy. When he turned around to give Sora one of the delicious cones though, the boy was gone.
-Yuya POV-
'Greeeeaaaaaaaaaat' I thought. I walked around, eating my cone of cotton candy. I knew I was bound to bump into the prankster eventually. I threw away his cone too. He ran from it so he doesn't deserve it.
Soon, I bumped into someone, but it wasn't Sora. There stood a tall Obelisk soldier.
"...?" I thought the war ended!
"YUYA SAKAKI!!" The soldier shouted.
"Uh..." I stared at the tall soldier. "GOODBYE!!" I summoned my hippo, jumped into it, and sped off. The soldier was yelling while I rode off. Laughing, I faced him. Then I got rammed into a pole.
My hippo continued on without me while I was clinging on the pole in pain. The soldier then grabbed my shirt and started to pull screaming about how I was gonna be one with Yuri. I wasn't letting go as I screamed back, now terrified.
Soon, he had a message. The soldier looked at it and smirked. "Well well! Seems like we have your friend the traitor!"
The moments after that are hazy but when things cleared again, the soldier was lying on the ground with bruises, Sora was rolling around in the grass, and my foot was on the soldier's face. Quickly, I ran to Sora and hugged him before slapping him.
"OW! What was that for?!"
"FOR MAKING ME WORRY!!" I yelled before pulling him back into a hug. "Dont do it again..."
Sora soon returned the hug. "I won't..."
"So whose the soldier?"
"Oh my GOOOD! It was hilarious! You beated the shit out of Yuri!" Sora started laughing.
"... oh god..."
It was April Fool's and Yuya wanted to play a prank on Shingo. Carefully, Yuya covered a brown balloon in enough butterscotch frosting so it wouldn't move and put it in a box. Yuya then made a real chocolate cake, put that in a different box, and ran out to find Shingo with both boxes carefully.
When Yuya found Shingo, he was busying staring into a bakery. "Shingo!"
"Hm? Oh hey Yuya!" Shingo waved. "What's up?"
"I have a gift for you!" Yuya handed him the box with the balloon. Curious, Shingo opened it. When he saw the 'cake', his eyes started sparkling and he drooled a little. Giggling, Yuya offered a knife (Don't ask how he hid that knife...) Shingo took it and put it in the 'cake', only for it to pop. Frosting and balloon bits went everywhere over the two boys. Yuya thought this was hilarious while Shingo... he wasn't the least bit pleased.
"Yuya..." Shingo growled.
"W-W-W-W-WHAT?!?" Yuya laughed as he held his stomach.
Shingo sighed before waving. Yuya, now curious, followed. After a bit, Shingo stopped at a cliff and looked over his shoulder and saw Yuya frowning.
"Goodbye Yuya!" Shingo then stepped off. Yuya, terrified, screamed and ran over. Then he groaned. Shingo, who was laying on a very close ledge, laughed. Yuya held out the box with the cake.
"I did make you a real cake but I guess you dont want it..." Yuya smirked at the wide-eyed Shingo.
Shingo made it back up there and had the cake in his hand in 0.002 seconds. Yuya laughed as Shingo made sure it was a real cake before slicing it. Thankfully, he shared some with Yuya, so they had a picnic with cake.
And they were still covered in frosting and balloon bits
Yuya was wandering around his room, looking for a certain book that he wanted to use to prank Yuzu with. Soon he found it.
"About time..." Yuya picked up his Death Note book. Grabbing a pen, he opened it but was shocked when he saw what was already written in the book.
Yuzu Higari
Frowning, Yuya stared at the name. He knew his copy was fake, since it didn't have all the other names in it. So Yuya turned to the previous page, but was shocked about what was written there. It was a list of all his friends and family members name. [This is all I managed to write before I left by the way XP] Yuya stared, confused. The notebook was fake, so why did Yuzu attempt to do this? Heck, why was he even attempting to prank Yuzu with it when she knows it's fake herself? Sighing, Yuya put down the notebook, got up, and went to Yuzu's house. After knocking on the door, he waited for Yuzu to answer. Skip answered instead
"HUUUH?!?!?" Yuya screamed before pushing Skip out of the way and running upstairs. He kicked down Yuzu's door (quite literally may I add) and saw Yuzu lying on the floor. In that small instant, he forgot that the notebook was fake.
"Yuzu..." Yuya walked up to Yuzu and collapsed onto his knees. He hugged Yuzu and started crying.
Yuzu, who was faking it AND had told her father about her plan, started to feel bad that she made Yuya actually cry, so she decided enough was enough, and hugged him.
"Uh..... April Fools!~"
"YUZU HOW DA-" Yuzu ran off before Yuya could finish making her feel more guilty. Yuya was left alone to sigh and question why he even fell for it in the first place.
Reiji Akaba
All Reiji did was repeatedly scare Yuya throughout the entire day. He wasn't one for serious pranks and Yuya couldn't prank him for his high security that day.
YES SO HI WASABIKITKAT HERE AAAND IM BACK TO UPDATING AGAIN!~ UUHHHH IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO MAKE!! I'll attempt to make it up to you guys! I hope you can forgive me T-T
Picture for friendliness
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