Ghost 1: Rise of a Ghost

Yuya: Death. It's something we have to deal with in life. I know it scary, but you can't let it effect your life. I should know, I die once. But when I did, I see other people who will die if I didn't do something. I realize everyone has infinite potential inside. You can't throw it away without trying. You have to let your life burn bright. Either alive or dead, you can always believe in yourself to do it, no matter how hard it is.

Yuya was at Noboru's dojo for duelist for his birthday. He didn't care about it though. Yuya and Gong decide to work on their decks for a bit for the next tournament. While Gong is meditating, Yuya works on his deck. He was at Gong's room to look at his deck. But while he was doing it, a girl burst into the door.

"YUYA!" the girl yell.

"Oh, hey Yuzu." said Yuya.

"Do you know how long you were here, I was worry you wouldn't come back to our duel School!" Yuzu yell.

"Okay, I'm sorry geez, I'll come back tomorrow."

"No you won't, cause your going back there if you like it or not!"

"Just give me a rest and wait until tomorrow."

Yuzu grab Yuya's arm and try to pull him. Although Yuya a doesn't want to go Yuzu was strick if he doesn't come to her duel school.

"Come on just let me celebrate my birthday first." Yuya complain. He try to pull back. But by doing that, he accsadentlly pull Yuzu too. She fall right on top of him. They both blush not knowing what to do. "Yuzu, I uh...... I......." Yuya words were lost.

"Yuya you jerk!" Yuzu slap Yuya and got up.

"I'm sorry okay." Yuya got up too. The next thing that happen is Noboru burst in his room.

"What's going on in here?" Noboru ask. He saw Yuzu and how angry she is. "Never mind. Yuya, a man wants to speak with you."

"A man?" Yuya wonder he came downstairs and saw the man in the front door way. "Are you looking for me?"

The man didn't spoke but gave Yuya a box. Yuya look at it. "Is this for m-". The man was gone as Yuya look up. He open the package and see a eye. Yuya drop the box and step away form it. The eye fell and Yuya pick it up.

"Well,well,well, what do we have here?" Yuya look up only to see a monster.

"Ahh!" Yuya scream. Yuzu and Noboru ran outside to see him.

"What's wrong?" Yuzu ask.

"There's a monster." Yuya try to explain.

"What monster?" Yuzu ask. "I don't see a monster."

"I agree. said Noboru.

"But there is!" Yuya point to the direction where it is. The monster has a black face with red painting on it and blue eyes.

"Well I guest I can start with them." the monster charge at them. Yuya push the monster to keep them safe.

"Stay away from them!" Yuya challenge a fight with the monster. Yuya ran in another direction forcing the monster to follow him.

"If that how you want to play, so be it." the monster follow him causing his friends to follow them.

When Yuya got to the woods he hide. The monster was looking for him. Then Yuya attack him from the back. The monster push him off.

"Do you think you can defeat me." said the monster. "I am the Katana Gamma. I'll cut down my enemies bit by bit."

"Yuya!" Yuya turn seeing Yuzu running torward him.

"This is the end." the Katana Gamma raise his right arm. Before Yuya look, Katana Gamma slash him. Yuya slowly fell to the ground.

"YUYA!" Yuzu and Noboru cry.

Yuya look up and saw the necklace his father gave him. "No. I can't.... die like this." he said as he pick it up and hold it. "I..... made a promise." He start to remember what his father said when he die.

Yusho: Yuya....... Remember..... to keep your life bright.

"I can't forget want dad said. I won't break his promise to..... to make my life bright....... so I can't die..... I-....I have to live on....... I don't want to die." Yuya close his eyes as he die.

"Yuya!" Noboru cry.

"Yuya!" Yuzu cry.

Yuzu and Noboru kept crying hopefully to wake him up.

*Later with Yuya*

Yuya woke up in a place near a waterfall.

"Where am I?" Yuya question. He look up and saw Yuzu and Noboru crying out for him. "Yuzu! Noboru! I'm right here!" but they didn't hear.

"So, you die fighting agenst the Gamma." Yuya turn and saw the same man from before.

"You, your the one who give me that eye." said Yuya as he point his finger at him.

"Eyecon you mean." said the man. He took the black cover off of him.


"I have a name you know, but Grandpa will have to do for now. But I'm here to give you a chance to live again."

"What, you'll help me live again?"

"Well you better off living than staying dead and fight Gammas."

"But he kill me, there nothing else I can do."

"But there is, with that eyecon I have gave you."

"Eyecon?" Yuya pulls out the eye Grandpa gave him.

"Remember Yuya, once you choice to help you'll become Kamen Rider Ghost. As Kamen Rider you must find all Fifteen more eyecons call heroic eyecons to bring you back to life."

"Kamen Rider?" Yuya ask as he look at the man again. "Alright, I'll do it."

"Good choice." said Grandpa as he teleport a belt in Yuya's waste.

"What's this?" Yuya ask.

"That's a Ghost Driver." Yuya turn and saw a little ghost.

"Aaah!" Yuya scream. "What the hell is that?!"

"His name is Yurusen, who will help you in your mission to protect earth and defeat the Gammas. Good luck Yuya and be careful." said Grandpa.

"What, how do you know my-." Grandpa push Yuya into the water before could finish. "-NNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME?!" Yuya was in the water.

*Back where it started*

Yuzu and Noboru still cry out for Yuya.

"YUYA!" they both yell. Tears start coming out of their eyes.

The next thing a light apears on top of Yuya. Yuya came back But his body disapear.

"Yuya?" Noboru question.

"Yuya?" Yuzu question.

"Guys I'm here." said Yuya. But they didn't hear but only go back the path they went to look for him.

"So you manage to live as a Ghost." said a monster next to the Katana Gamma.

"Yari Gamma, glad to see you." said the Katana Gamma.

Yuya notice he still wearing the belt. He then pick the necklace his father gave him.

"You may have kill me, but I'm ready!" Yuya yell. "I won't let you hurt anyone else!" Yuya was ready for battle but he doesn't know what to do.  "So um, what do I do?"

"Idiot, you need to push the button on that eyecon." Yurusen appear next to Yuya.

"Button?" Yuya ask. He pull out the eyecon Grandpa have him and press left side of it.

"Now put it in here." Yurusen push the button on top of Yuya's belt. Yuya then put the eyecon in his belt and close it.


The ghost came out of the eye of the driver.

*Batchiriminā! (repeat)*

"Whoa." Yuya was surprise of the ghost. The ghost did a silly dance while moving around

"Pull the level you idiot!" Yurusen Yell

"lever?" Yuya saw a lever on the right side of the ghost driver. "Well, here it goes." Yuya pull and push the trigger causing him to transform into a transient. 

*Kaigan: Ore!*

The ghost target at Yuya as he dive right in front of him.

"Ah! Stay away!" Yuya try to avoid the ghost until he fell. The ghost stop and land on Yuya's back.

*Let's Go! Kakugo! Gho-Gho-Gho-Ghost! GO! GO! GO! GO!*

Yuya stand up and put the hood down, realizing, he became Kamen Rider Ghost.

"Impassable." said the Yari Gamma.

"He becomes a Kamen Rider?" said the Katana Gamma.

"Your a ghost Yuya, which mean you can't die." Yurusen explain.

Ghost turn in front of the Yari Gamma and the Katana Gamma. A sword was release from Ghost's Ghost Driver.

*Gan Gun Saber!*

"I may be a ghost, but I won't loose again!" Ghost charge at the monster with his Gan Gun saber at him. he swing at them and the fight went on. The Yari Gamma hit him, but Ghost starts to fly. "Whoa, I'm flying. This is kinda of fun."

"Stop or you get-" before Yurusen can finish, the Yari Gamma hit Ghost in his chest.

"AAAAAHHH!" Ghost scream from the hit. He fell on the floor. "I thought you say I can't die!"

"Well it doesn't mean you get hurt." Yurusen laugh.

"Well what do I do then?!"

"Pull the lever again for an omega drive."

"Omega drive? Okay." Ghost pull the trigger again as he start his standby phase. "I may have die, but, I know that, my life is burning bright. Ghost push the lever as the Yari Gamma runs after him with force.

*Dai Kaigan: Ora, Omega Drive!*

Ghost then kick the Yari Gamma with all his force.

"No, how.......can I.............Be defeated?!" Ghost destroy the Yari Gamma while he scream of defeat."AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" A spear fell and and eyecon too. But the eyecon was destroy after that.

"I did it." said Ghost. "I did it! I did it, I did it, I did it! Ghost cheer happily as he transform back.


"Not bad, not bad at all." said  the Katana Gamma. Yuya stop celebrating after that and saw him. "Come face me near the ocean beach site." the Katana Gamma ran away after that.

"Don't just stand there, GO AFTER HIM! Yurusen yell.

"Uh, ah, right." said Yuya as he ran to get his bike.


Yuya rode his bike to the ocean beach site. He decide to transform while riding on his bike to get him starting.

"Henshin!" Yuya yell. He press his eyecon and and put it inside of his belt.


*Batchiriminā! (Repeat)*

Yuya pull and push the lever.

*Kaigan: Ore!*

*Let's Go! Kakugo! Gho-Gho-Gho-Ghost! GO! GO! GO! GO!*

He's bike began to change too. "huh, what the-?" Ghost couldn't question what happen, but he knows what must come first. Normally Ghost wasn't a fighter, but he knows what to do. As he reach to the ocean beach site he jumps out of his bike.

"So, you have come." said the Katana Gamma.

"Thats right, I came to finish our fight." said Ghost.

"Why not face them first?" the Katana Gamma hold up a bunch of eyecons and throw them up. The eyecons change to ghost soldiers.

"Wha, What are-." Ghost remember what Grandpa said about 

Gramps: Defeat the Gammas.

"So these are Gammas. Some of the Gammas were a hood with black face while others doesn't and has blue eyes. He summon his Gan Gun Saber from his belt.

Ghost charge at the Gammas with all of his force. He sing his sword at them but no luck.

"There's to much of them!" Ghost scream while getting beat by the Gammas. He feel to the ground and drop his sword. "How can I defeat them now? No, I can still do it no matter what! If I follow my dads foot step, I might beat them. My life will burn bright!" All of a sudden Ghost's dad necklace starts to glow bright red. "Huh, What the heck?"

"That's the spirit of the ghost is in there!" Yurusen appear behind Ghost.

"A ghost?" Ghost ask.

"Make and eye around it!" Ghost began to trace an eye around it. A ghost appear in front of him. The ghost has swords both left and right and his head is a mo-hock 

"What the-?" He lost his words to describe the ghost.

"The great swordsman Musashi." said the Katana Gamma.

"I'm sorry, that thing is Musashi?" Ghost was shock in surprise to see the legendary Musashi. The ghost then went into his Ghost Driver's eye, and came out as an eyecon. It fell to the ground and Ghost pick it up. "I can use his power."

"Yes you can, good luck." said Yurusen as he disappear.

Ghost recall Grandpa saying 'heroic eyecon'. "Alright, lets see what he can do." He press Mushashi's eyecon and replace his eyecon with it. The Gamma charge while He close his Driver.


Out came was Musashi and attack the Gamma.

*Batchiriminā! (Repeat)*

Ghost pull the lever to finish his new transformation.

*Kaigan: Musashi!*

*(Biwa chord) Kettō! Zubatto! Chō Kengō! (Biwa chords and slashing SFX)*

He took Musashi and put him on him. A new face plate appear showing two red swords. He than took his Gan Gun Saber and pull the left side of his sword to change it to Nitouryu Mode.

"Cool, now I have a fighting chance!" Ghost yell.

[Play Kamen Rider Ghost Warera Omou, Yue ni Warera ari Opening]

Ghost fought off the Gamma and took them out one by one. As the Ganma charge, he ran to  different direction. He stop and starts attacking them until there were no more.

"Not bad, not bad at all." the Katana Gamma stare at hi,.

"Your the last one." said Ghost. Both of them were prepare to face each other.

The Katana Gamma made his first move as he ran towards and attack him. Ghost however manage to hit him and attack With another swing.

"Put the eye of your sword in front of the driver's eye." said Yurusen

"Really?" Ghost put the eye of his sword in front of the driver's eye.

"I can not be defeated!" the Katana Gamma yell.

*Dai Kaigan!*

He prepare to fight when a red eye from his sword appear behind him.

*Gan Gan Mina! (repeat)*

Ghost hit the Katana Gamma with his charging swords. They both turn as He raise his swords and finish him off.

*Omega Slash!*

"No, it can't be! the Katana Gamma scream in defeat. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" A sword and an eyecon fell but the eyecon was destroy.

[End Kamen Rider Ghost Warera Omou, Yue ni Warera ari Opening]

"I did it." Ghost sigh as he fell to the ground.

On top of some rocks were two mysteries people. They watch the whole fight.

"I see the boy has unlock Musashi." said the man on the right. "What do you think?" The person didn't talk. "I see, the old silent treat meant." The man walks away so did the other.

*At Yuzu's dueling school*

"Where can Yuya be?" Yuzu began to worry about Yuya.

"I check everywhere, but I couldn't find him." said Noboru. He started to cry.

"He's probably gone?" said Yuzu. She starts to sob and cry as she put her head down. "We'll never see him again. Both of them cry knowing they might not see Yuya again.

"I'm right here." Yuzu look up and saw Yuya in front her.

"Yuya?" Yuzu ask as more tears starts to come down from her eyes.

"Yay, it's me."

Yuzu stand up. "Yuya........ Yuya you JERK!" Yuzu was about to hug him before he disappear. "Yuya?"

"Huh, what the?" Yuya start to question why he disappear. "Oh yay I'm still a ghost." he walks around Yuzu and appear again.

"Yuya!" Yuzu yell at him.

"I'm sorry, you see I'm a Ghost so I'm still de-" Yuya disappear again.

"Yuya a ghost?" said Noboru. "Which mean more training."

"Wha- are you kidding me Noboru, Yuya is a ghost now!" Yuzu yell.

They both arguing about Yuya is a ghost. Yuya took off his shore and went inside of the school. He than went to the room were the technology is store.

"Man, I didn't know they'll be that work up about me being a ghost." Yuya sigh.

"Indeed." Yuya look up and saw Grandpa in the room.

"Grandpa, what are you doing here?!" Yuya ask in shook.

"I just move in." said Grandpa.

"Well, at least don't touch my friend's stuff!"

"Oh, by the way, you won't be a Ghost for a while."

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"If you don't collect all fifteen heroic eyecons then you'll be gone within 99 days."

"WHAT?!" Yuya scream in shook that he'll be gone soon.

"Yep, good luck, won't be easy though." Grandpa joke.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I just did."

Yuya knee down confuse. "99 days, one eyecon found and 14 more to go, what do I do?" Yuya starts to panic not knowing what to do.

"Oh wait, today is already over, so you 98 days left to find them."

"Ninety-whaaaaaaat?" Yuya panic even more. "I got to tell the others!" Yuya race to the door to warn his friends.


P.S If your wondering why I didn't save the opening to the very end like my Power Rangers Ninja Steel is because it's already too long. But I'll put the opening in the beginning of the next chapter. BYE. :)

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