Stardust Dragon p.o.v
Me, Elemental Hero Neos, Number 39: Utopia, and Exodia were watching many duelists duel against a duelist named Zarc and were losing to them.
Neos: Stardust what should we do
Utopia: we need to do something heartland city is in ruins and it's all because of one selfish person
Exodia: we can't go there even if we do we will only be in card form but we can only move around in spirit form
Stardust: I may have a plan
Neos: let's here it
Stardust: the boy that showed up here when the human Ray Akaba made the four dimensions
Utopia: you mean the boy Galaxy-Eyes has been taking care of what about him
Stardust: I propose we send him there back to before the two humans named Rin and Lulu were infected with that man made duel monster
Neos: I agree that parasite never should've been made it gives contact fusion a bad name
Exodia: Galaxy-Eyes won't send his adoptive son willingly Stardust
Stardust: I know that which is why I'm proposing Galaxy-Eyes goes with him
Neos: and then what Stardust
Utopia: he was copied and chiper dragon was born when the four dimensions were created and his old partner was resurrected he is angry that he can't be with his old partner
Exodia: have you talked to him to see what he thinks Stardust
Stardust: let's call him here and talk to him
Utopia: Photon dragon won't listen not even to me Stardust
Neos: even if he sees kite again he will be angry to see Chiper Dragon
Exodia: Stardust my have a point if we talk to Galaxy-Eyes he can help we can send him with his adoptive son
So I called Galaxy-Eyes and told him to bring his adoptive son Yozora because we have a plan and Galaxy-Eyes needs to know about this. When Photon Dragon showed up with yozora and Tachyon Dragon was with them.
Photon Dragon: you wanted to see me Stardust
Stardust: yes we need to talk to you
Photon Dragon: make it quick me and Tachyon Dragon need to get back to training yozora
Neos: stardusts plan is rewind time and send yozora to the Fusion Dimension to save two girls named rin and lulu and destroy that man made duel monster
Photon Dragon: I'm not sending my son there
Utopia: he won't be alone photon dragon you, Tachyon Dragon and I will be also be there
Tachyon Dragon: brother if we go you can see your old partner
Photon Dragon: he won't recognize me that's the problem
Yozora: father be reasonable there is only so much that you and Tachyon Dragon can teach me about duel monsters so I need to learn by dueling others
Photon Dragon: fine I'll let my son go only if means destroying that man made duel monster and seeing my old partner kite
Exodia: if your going then take this duel disk
Exodia: also make sure to send that doctor who made the parasite monster to the shadow realm you can only use that feature twice so choose wisely, you can also travel to other dimensions and send someone to other dimension
Stardust: good luck and thanks to the duel monsters who deal with time are already turning back time as we speak
Yozora p.o.v
I saw a portal open up and put the duel disk on my left arm and my father, Tachyon Dragon, and Utopia stood next to me and I just looked at the portal.
Utopia: are you ready to go to your real home the human world
Yozora: that may my home but the duel monster spirit world will always be my home
Utopia: also take this field spell it let's you XYZ summon with monsters from your hand
Yozora: thank you utopia
Then I walked through the portal with Utopia, Tachyon Dragon, and my father when I exited the portal I saw my father, Tachyon Dragon, and Utopia were gone. When I looked at my deck I saw all of them and saw I was standing in front of a tower.
Photon Dragon: son the one named lulu is in this tower
I walked up the tower to free this girl named lulu
Photon Dragon: son activate your duel disk and place my card on it
Yozora: ok I will
So I did what my father said and activated my duel disk and placed my Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon on it.
Photon Dragon: son she hadn't been infected with that parasite it was still being created
Then I continued walking up the stairs when I got the top I saw some guy standing there and my father attacked him knocking off the tower. Then I opened the door and saw more stairs so I walked up them and soon I ended up at another door so I opened and saw a girl sitting at a desk.
???: who are you
Yozora: my name is Yozora are you Lulu
Lulu: yes I am
Then I held up my duel disk with my father's card still on it.
Yozora: I'm sending you to the Standard Dimension
Lulu: what
Yozora: don't move
My duel disk lit up and she disappeared and I left his room, when I got down the stairs I jumped off the tower and my father caught me and he flew over to the other tower. When we got to the other tower I saw a woman standing there so my father attacked her before she could activate her duel disk and knocked her off the tower, and like the last tower there was a door and when I opened it there was another set of stairs so I walked up those to and then I ended up a another door when I opened it I saw another girl sitting on a bed.
???: who are you
Yozora: my name is Yozora are you Rin
Rin: yeah I am
Then I held up my duel disk and like I did with lulu but this time I removed my father's card.
Rin: what are you doing
Yozora: don't move
Rin: why
Yozora: I'm sending you to the Standard Dimension
My duel disk lit up again and rin disappeared and when she did I left and made my way towards the this building and it was a good thing it was night time.
Utopia: I'll walk you through the whole building to the doctors lab
Yozora: ok utopia
So utopia led me to the doctors lab when we got their I saw him the one called the doctor.
The Doctor: who are you
I didn't answer him I held up my duel disk like I was ready to duel him.
Yozora: the one who's sending you to a place you won't be able to create those stupid parasite just looking at them knowing they aren't real duel monsters they have no soul I'm sending you to the Shadow Realm, when my duel disk started to glow purple the doctor was gone.
Yozora: now to destroy this place
I put Tachyon Dragons card my duel disk and he appeared.
Tachyon Dragon: time to blow this place SKY HIGH to make sure these parasite won't infect the duel monster spirit world.
So Tachyon Dragon unleashed blast after blast destroying this lab setting the place ablaze then I removed his card and activated the teleportation function on my duel disk and teleported to the Standard Dimension.
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