Chapter 4: trade bait part 1

A/n: Hello my fellow readers, here is the next chapter to this story but before it begins, there's going to be some minor changes to some of the cards that I've shown in the future cards to be used in this story, just some effects and art work of some of the monsters that me and a friend of mine thought of. Now with that let the chapter begin!

3rd pov

-At Yusho duel school arena-

In the dueling arena both Yuya and Gong dueling each other, to help Yuya's practice with Pendulum summoning with the said girl panting and looks up at Gon, then brings up her two magicians.

Yuya: Okay! Here goes, I'm going to use my Stargazer Magician and my Timegazer Magician to set the Pendulum scale.

Once she plays the two cards at the far ends of her duel disk, making two pillars of light appear and reveals the two magicians coming up in the middle of the pillar, then the numbers 1 and 8 appear below the magicians feet.

Yuya: My monsters are ready to swing into action! *Whip snake appears on the field* Snap to it, Whip Snake. *Sword fish appears on the field* Slice and dice, Sword Fish. *Odd-Eyes Pendulum dragon appear* Turn up the heat, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon.

Performapal Whip Snake ATK: 1700

Preformapal Sword Fish ATK: 600

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK: 2500

Once all three monsters were summoned, Yuya's Odd-Eyes let out a mighty roar that can be heard throughout the field, While Gong shakes in excitement and let's out tears of joy while Y/n watches from the observation room, smiling seeing Yuya mastered Pendulum summoning.

Gong: Yuya! *runs up to Yuya putting his hand on her shoulders* You were finally able to Pendulum summon. Gong can't believe you insisted we duel all night and then pulled that awesome move against him! *hugs Yuya* You failed 247 times, but you pulled it off. Gong needs sleep.

Yuya: ahh, finally. [I can't believe I did it. I never thought things would swing my way again.]

-next day at Paradise City's Prep school-

At the Prep school Yuya is seen sleeping on her desk during class, mumbling in her sleep as the teacher of the class is writing equations on the board and has yet to hear Yuya's sleep mumbling, while Y/n and Yuzu were near Yuya's desk seeing their friend sleeping during class.

Teacher: Class, who can tell me what the value of "y" is? Yuya!

Yuya: *mumbling in her sleep* Halting Horoscope.

Yuzu: *lights gasp*

Y/n: [Oh, boy.]-.-

Then not only the teacher, but other students in the class were looking at the sleeping girl and calls out a name of one of her cards.

Teacher: Yuya!

The sound of the teacher's voice was enough to wake the sleeping girl, who then looks on seeing that she was called out by the teacher.

Teacher: How would you solve this equation!?

Yuya: *without realizing what's going on* I set the Pendulum Scale with my two Magicians!

Now fully awake, Yuya realizes that she was sleeping through class and the teacher goes up to her making the said girl put her hands up.

random girl: detention time!

random boy: Yuya's in the doghouse again.

teacher: Have my math lessons put you to sleep?

Yuya: Well, they don't really "add up" to a fun time.

Just then Yuzu smacks Yuya with her fan knocking the said girl out of her chair, while the teacher just sighs putting his hand on his head while Y/n just nervously smiles at what's going on in front of him.

Yuzu: Sorry, wrong answer! Go back to sleep, Yuya!

Y/n: [Ouch, glad that's not me.]

-time skip after class-

Y/n's pov

As me and the girls leave the school, Yuzu was lecturing Yuya form sleeping in class again though I was rather surprised that the teacher didn't stop Yuzu for smacking Yuya with her fan.

Yuzu: Congratulations, Yuya. You're obsession with Pendulum Summoning just reached an all-time low. You'll have to show up for our next math class with a paper bag on your head.

Yuya: A paper bag... That's not a bad idea. I get some huge laughs.

Y/n: Yuya, don't get any ideas

Yuzu: I think you've gotten enough laughs in school.

The three of us then see, Allie, Tate and Fredrick standing just outside the gate of the school calling out to us and waving.

Allie/Fredrick/Tate: Hurray for Yuya!

Y/n: Yo!

Yuya: What's up, guys?

Fredrick: Gong told us you finally Pendulum Summoned again.

Tate: Is it really true?

Yuya: You bet!

Y/n: I can agree, saw it happen with my own eyes.

Yuya: I'll show you at the duel school.

We then start to head towards the direction of the duel school, but suddenly three darts with small suction cups at the end fly towards Yuya's head, but I quickly grabbed all three of them just before they could land on her head. Yuya was stun a bit from the sudden darts, while Yuzu also noticed that if the darts would have landed would have been a bull's eye.

Yuzu: Triple bull's eye!

????: Impressed? I assure you, that was mere child's play.

We turn to see a blonde haired kid, wearing a uniform that belongs to the Leo institute and noticed that he also has another dart in his hand, he gives what looks to be an "innocent" smile but I know better that he was clearly hiding something.

blonde boy: I could have done it blind-folded.

Yuya: Uh, who are you?

blonde boy: Me? Merely one of your biggest fans.

Y/n: [I smell bs coming out of his breath.] *hands the darts back* Due try to be more careful, wouldn't want to poke an eye out of someone's head.

blonde boy: Of course, my apologies. *takes the darts back and looks Yuya* To be precise, the name's Sylvio. It's an honor. *shakes Yuya's hand*

Yuya: Oh, hi.

Sylvio: I caught yours and Y/n's duel with Sledgehammer and Kariya on TV. You two were Tres magnifique! Your new Pendulum Summoning technique took my breath away. And those cards you used- Sorry what do you call them, Yuya, hmm?

Y/n: [Okay, so he's wanting to know about the Pendulum Summoning technique and cards.]

Yuya: You mean, my Pendulum cards?

Sylvio: Precisely. I'd be interested in learning how you acquired them. Only a duelist of the highest caliber could possibly possess such rare cards.

Yuzu: There's no need to pump up her ego. It's already about to burst as it is.

Y/n: *mutters* Tell that to a certain guy with blue-eyes deck and screws the rules.

A/n: You get a cookie on who I just describe.

Sylvio: Seriously, you're a sensational duelist, Yuya.

Y/n: Well, we kinda promised a friend of ours.

Yuzu: *whispers to Yuya* Hey, Yuya, remember your promise to Tate. You're showing him and our friends how to Pendulum Sumon.

Yuya: *snaps out of her daze* Ah! That's right, I almost forgot!

Sylvio: If you're planning to demonstrate your Pendulum technique, then I have access to a most an ideal venue. An hour from now you cold showcase your talents at the Leo Institute. You'll take center stage on their center court.

Yuya: I thought that was for Leo students only.

Yuzu: He can't duel there!

Y/n: The Leo Institute?! [Okay, now I'm keeping my eyes on this guy.]

Sylvio: I've already reserved the space. I happen to be one of the school's top students. My father is also expected to be the city's next mayor.

Y/n: Mayor, huh? Well hope the guy doesn't work himself too hard being mayor since it can be a rather stressful job, almost as stressful as president.

Sylvio: I appreciate the concern. So I definitely have influence with the school's higher-ups.

Tate: Letting Yuya duel there is an amazing honor.

Allie: Can we come along?

Fredrick: Pretty please? We'll be your best friends.

I looks over to yuzu, to see that she was not exactly thrilled of the idea of Yuya going to the Leo institute to which I can understand, since it is a rather bigger school with a lot more classes than You's Duel School. But I can tell this guy is up to something and going to a school that he can reserve an arena, I'm not liking it.

Yuzu: I don't see why Yuya can't do his demo at our school.

Y/n: *chuckles* You know Yuzu, your rather cute when you make that face.

Yuzu: Huh?! *blushes*

Fredrick: It shall be a new experience. Plus I heard the Leo Institute has a great snack bar! We got to check it out!

Y/n: *chuckles* [Fredrick loves his sweet tooth.]

Allie/Tate: Mmhm! *nods*

Yuzu: *sighs* Fine then, but I'm coming along, too.

Y/n: You can count me in.

Yuzu: As me and Y/n are the only loyal students from You show, I think, we'd better check out our top competitor.

Tate/Allie/fredrick: Yay!

Sylvio: You're all more than welcome to join us. And now, au revoir!

We all go to the Leo school with Yuya being dragged by the kids with me and Yuzu following them, while I took a slight glance at Sylvio to see slowing down with a smile that I find suspicious.

-time skip brought to you by chibi Y/n giving Tate and Fredrick  a ride on his shoulders, while Allie is riding on chibi Malefic Rainbow Dragon's back-

Sylvio: On the behalf of my fellow students, welcome to the Leo Institute of Dueling.

We enter the building's main floor and see that it was pretty spacious with it's students talking amongst themselves, or dueling to test out their decks with some others in the halls of the giant school.

Sylvio As you know, the Institute is managed by the Leo Corporation. They've spared no expense to turn our school into one of the world's top dueling institutions.

Y/n: I will say, it is very impressive.

Sylvio: yes, we have only the best.

Tate: This place produced lots of champions.

Fredrick: I know! That's why they're the top of the top.

Y/n: True, but why do I feel I'm being eyed?

We all turn to see some of the students looking right at me, probably since I've beaten Kariya and Yuya and Yuzu grabbed my arms then glared at the girls in this school, which makes them back off and chat with their friends and fellow students.

Sylvio: Well, since word spread like wild fire about your victory over Kariya, not an easy feat to achieve especially with his ace monster.

Tate: I heard that they have the best equipment here, too.

Sylvio: Our faculty always says "that if you want to achieve excellence, you must surround yourself with excellence."

Allie: It's just like at You Show, but we surround ourselves with mediocrity.

Sylvio: I've heard that You Show's an okay school. But I'm curious Y/n, your dueling record is something that can make you a Leo student, but you chose you Show.

Yuzu: *sassy tone* Thanks for the compliment. I guess your school's better at everything.

Fredrick: No, not at everything. My mom says You Show's a lot cheaper. 

Y/n: Well, Mainly since I live with Yuya and her mother, it would be better if I went to the same school as her. But I like it there.

Yuya: Well, I got to admit. This place has a lot of things our school can't offer. Their classes are unbelievable. You can learn Xyz Summoning, Synchro Summoning... Whoa! They even teach Fusion Summoning.

I look over to Yuya to see that she was looking at a paper, that listed some classes they have which I walked up to her and glanced at my right to see a blue haired girl looking at Yuya, before glancing at me but gains a shocked look on her face. The girl then proceeds to walk away, just as Yuya looks at the same girl walking away.

Y/n: [why did she looked surprised when she saw me?]

Yuzu: Yuya, Y/n.

We look to see the group looking at us, while Sylvio points towards a direction of a hallway.

Sylvio: the central dueling zone is this way.

We follow them to the dueling zone, but as we do I walk pass a girl with orange and red hair wearing a pink outfit, we exchange a glance but continue on with our own business.

a/n: Not mine, but she'll be introduced later in the story.

3rd pov

As Y/n and his group head towards the Dueling zone the girl, that Y/n walked past turns back around to look at him and smiles knowing who he is.

girl: hmm, that's the guy who beat Kariya. might as well see what Sylvio is taking them.

-with the blue haired girl-

blue haired girl: [That girl with the green and red hair, she almost looked like Yuri. I guess that's the standard dimension version of her, but that h/c haired guy could be his dimension double.]

-back with Y/n and his group-

The group made it to the Dueling Zone, which Y/n and his friends were impressed with how large the dueling field is with some stands around the field.

Fredrick: This is the coolest dueling zone I ever saw!

Then three more Leo students were walking up to the group, which puts Y/n more on edge with Yuya and Yuzu seeing them as well.

male Leo student: Hey.

Sylvio: These gents have also become big fans of yours. They're curious about the cards you use to Pendulum Summon. You wouldn't mind letting them have a look, would you?

Yuya: Show them my cards?

Y/n: I have a bad feeling about this.

Sylvio: No need to worry, they're best buds with me.

Yuya: Well, okay.

She then takes her Timegazer and Stargazer Magicians out of her deck, then shows them but only for Sylvio swipes them from her hand. And Sylvio shows them to the three male Leo students.

Sylvio: See?

male Leo students 1/2: Amazing!/That's radical!

male Leo students 3: So I can Pendulum Summon with these cards?

male Leo student 2: Whoa...

male Leo student 1: This one's mine!

Sylvio: Gentlemen, please. You can't have these Pendulum cards, they aren't yours... They're mine. I'm adding them to my rare card collection!

Yuya: Huh?!

Yuzu: That's not amusing, Sylvio.

Sylvio: I wasn't being funny. I happen to prefer rare cards. In my opinion, they're the only cards that are worth collecting. Your cards are so unique that I simply can't resist them.

Yuzu: Oh, so that's why you invited Yuya to your school.

Sylvio: It's not the only reason. Naturally I need to learn how to use the cards. You still want Yuya to show you how to Pendulum Summon, right?

male Leo student 1: For sure.

male Leo student 2: I can't wait.

Sylvio: that's why I reserved the main Duel Zone for our showdown. *brings up a duel disk*

Yuya: Well, your gonna have to call and cancel-

Y/n: It's fine Yuya...

Yuya: Y/n?

Y/n: Cause, he's going have to duel me instead. *brings out his duel disk*

Sylvio: You? Don't get me wrong, I won't mind but you don't have any Pendulum cards yourself.

Y/n: True, but I know exactly how Pendulum Summoning works, cause I've watched Yuya trained hard to know how it works. Meaning I'm just as capable as Yuya herself.

Before Sylvio could reply, he get's a call on his duel disk but no image was revealed to him as the audio is still working as it is.

voice: Dueling wasn't part of the plan. You were to retrieve the cards and bring them to us immediately.

Sylvio: *scoffs* That was your plan. But my priorities are a little different, understand? I plan to keep these rare cards for myself.

voice: Do not try to defy us! Report here immediately with the cards-

voice 2: No, let him be.

-in the Leo corporation observation room-

man in suit: Mr. President.

the man turns to see a man coming up the controls, wearing a red with a blue long sleeve shirt and white pants, while wearing a pair of red glasses.

Leo president: Do not interfere with Sylvio.

to be continued

a/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, but don't worry the duel will be in the next chapter, also I will be adding some more girls in the harem, which are Serena's Lunalight monsters, along with Dark Magician and Gagaga Magician girl, Akiza (from 5ds) and Ishizu Ishtar. There will be others along with some other characters as this story progress, now do let me know in the comments to let me know what you guys think and I'll catch you in the next one.

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