Chapter 3: The pendulum summoning method
A/n: Hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. Now I'm going to add one more girl in the harem, but I'm not going to tell who it is until the end of the chapter. Also Should I add a malefic dark magician girl and/or gagaga magician girl just as normal monsters so that you won't have to send the original card to the graveyard please let me know and let the chapter begin!
Y/n's pov
After my duel with Kariya and Yuya's duel with the Sledgehammer, we be came the talk of the town and a lot of people want to know Yuya's summoning method. Which in all honesty I'm pretty curious myself, but never the less at Yusho Duel school was getting quite a few kids interested in joining.
A/n: I'm calling it Yusho Duel school since it's basically named after Yuya's father.
I was helping Yuzu with the potential new students of Yusho duel School, which I would sometimes get kids surprised of seeing the one who beat Kariya.
Y/n: [Man, who knew after mine and Yuya's duels would get kids coming.]
Yuzu: The Yusho Duel School is highly selective, but if you fill out this form, I can almost guarantee you'll get in!
Y/n: *mutters to where only Yuzu could hear* If you mean that we barely have any other students.
Yuzu: *innocent yet threating tone* What was that Y/n?
Y/n: Nothing!
the kids started to raise their hands even more excited to join Yusho Duel School, but then me and Yuzu heard the door behind us, which we see Allie and Frederick coming through the open door.
Allie: Hey Yuzu, Y/n.
Y/n: Sup, Allie and Frederick.
Yuzu: Oh hi, Allie. Hey there, Frederick. Did you guys come out to help us?
Frederick: Principal Boyle asked for volunteers in our class. Since we are the only two, he "volunteered" us.
Allie: Where is the principal?
Y/n: *meliodas chibi face* He's probably looking at the new ARC system.
Yuzu: Yeah, the new ARC system just arrived. We got it for free thanks to Yuya's and Y/n's duel. It's the latest model and my dad wanted to unpack it personally. I think he wants to adopt the machine into our family.
Y/n: *laughs* Oh, boy just thinking about that gave me a good laugh.
Allie: Yuya and Y/n saved our school. Now everyone wants to study here.
Frederick: They're excited to duel like Yuya and Y/n. When she did that pendulum thingy, I jumped out of my seat and started dancing!
boy1: You teach all the students here how to Pendulum Summon, right?
Yuzu: Yes, it's part of the curriculum, if your enrolled in the school. Now who's first in line?
Then all the kids in the crowd started to put their hands up and say "me" which caught both me and Yuzu off guard.
Y/n: Oh, boy.
Yuzu: One at a time please. Line up and so me or Y/n gets to you. Oh, great.
Y/n: What's wrong?
Yuzu: I'm supposed to be in today's demo duel, but at this rate, there's no way I'll be ready.
Y/n: I ca-
????: Problem solved, Yuzu. Gong doesn't want you to worry, so Gong'll take over for you in the duel.
Y/n: Um, Gong...
Frederick: oh, no you won't!
Allie: Yuzu and Y/n are the best duelist, so either of them should be in the spotlight.
I chuckled at the two younger students at how childish they can be, but it's not a bad thing for them to be such they are young after all.
Y/n: Anyway, you really can't Gong. And it's not anything against you, but the demo duel is for people who are in Yusho Duel School. And Yuzu, me, Allie and Frederick can handle things here, you go get ready for the demo duel.
Yuzu: *smiles at Y/n* Thanks Y/n.
Allie/Frederick: She loves you.
Yuzu: What was that! *blushing madly*
I gave a good laugh at Yuzu's reaction when the two made a joke, but I then noticed a kid with blue hair looking on intently with a curious look.
Y/n: you interested kid?
blue haired kid: huh?
Yuzu: *looks at the kid* I've seen you around here before. You want to enroll?
3rd pov
In the observation hall to watch duels go on, with various kids hearing Spike giving a speech about Yusho Duel School.
Spike: Here at the Yusho Duel School we continue a proud tradition of Action Dueling. Our training will produce a duelist who mixes the zeal of a competitor with the crowd-pleasing instincts of an entertainer! The legacy of that great dueling legend-
As Spike continues on with his speech two kids in the group whisper to each other so that Spike doesn't hear them.
kid1: *whisper tone* Who cares about this stuff?
kid2: *whisper tone* Yeah, I just wanna learn how to Pendulum Summon.
????: Friends and fans, gather 'round!
Spike was interrupted by someone, as the kids in the group turn around to see a familiar face, a light turns on making the kids excited.
kid1: Over there!
kid2: It's her!
girl1: It's Yuya herself!
Yuya: Welcome, one and all, to the Yuya Spectacular!
????: What?
Yuya was then hit on the head by her friend Yuzu, who had hit Yuya with her fan from what Yuya said. While Y/n who is in the Arc system control room with Gong chuckling at what's going on.
Yuzu: This isn't all about you! I happen to be dueling in this match, too!
girl2: Who is that girl?
girl3: I can't believe she interrupted Yuya like that.
both girls: Go away!
The kids then started shouting at Yuzu, which was making her irritated at what's going on, but then has a devious smile on her face.
Yuzu: All right, then. You wanna treat me like a villain? Then that's exactly what I'll be! *points at Yuya* Yuya, I can see being in the limelight has already soured your ego. But soon you'll be singing a different tune after I own this duel. And just to add in the stakes the winner get's to go on a date with Y/n!
Yuya: What!
-in the the control room-
Y/n then gets a sudden chill run up his spin like he felt something ominous coming towards him, which Gong noticed.
Gong: You okay Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah, just got a sudden chill.
-back with Yuya and Yuzu-
Yuya: Uh... [Dating Y/n?! What's up with Yuzu? Though I wouldn't mind a date with him.]
Yuzu: *moves to Yuya with a low tone so the group watching can't hear* You need to say something back to me and the bet is to spice things up.
Yuya: Oh! [Drats! Oh well there's time for that later.] You must be the Sledgehammer's sidekick!
Yuzu: The Sledgehammer's sidekick?
Y/n and Gong busted up laughing in the ARC control room imagining Yuzu in a similar getup as The Sledgehammer, While Yuzu gaining a red aura in anger.
Yuya: I recognized you now, Gavel Girl! I'll use my pendulum power to whoop you, too!
-back in the control room, but this time Allie and Frederick joins Y/n and Gong-
Frederick: Listen to them. They're fired up.
Allie: Quick, Y/n, boot up the ARC system so they can start dueling.
Y/n: Way ahead of ya Allie.
Y/n then pressed a button activating the ARC system bringing up a grassy field with a concrete center with water.
-with Yuya and Yuzu-
Yuzu: We're going to duel on the field spell Plain Plain!
computer: Augmented Reality Combat system energized. Generating Action Field.
The two duelists surroundings change to that of the field spell that Y/n activated, while Spike was being impressed on the latest ARC system model.
Spike: This new Augmented Reality Combat system really is top of the line. Check out how realistic that stream and those fish look. After this duel's done, I'm grabbing my trunks and taking a dip!
Both duelists then activate their duel disks getting in their stances for the duel, which was "wowing" the group at what's going on.
Yuya: Augmented Reality Combat system is set!
Yuzu: Duelists prepare for battle!
Yuya: Only one will rule the duel...
Yuzu: In the ultimate fusion of monsters and mayhem!
Yuya: The action begins... *snaps her fingers* Now!
Yuya/Yuzu: Let's duel!
Yuya LP: 4000
Yuzu LP: 4000
Yuya: I'm up first. I'll start off by summoning Performapal Hip Hippo.
As Yuya played the card a pink hippo wearing a shirt and bow tie with a top hat on it's head appears on the field and strikes a pose.
-with the group watching-
kid1: That Hippo's happening!
kid2: Yeah, once Yuya gets him hoofing away, the dude's a high-speed heavy weight.
-back with the duel-
Yuya: Let's go!
Yuya starts to ride on her monster moving around the Action Field, while Yuzu watches her friend do so.
Yuzu: You're not gonna get far. It's my turn! *draws a card* I summon Aria the Melodious Diva.
a female humanoid monster appears on the field with a pink dress like cloth around the waist, purple hair and half of a harp behind it. It then let's out a musical like song.
Yuzu: Aria, attack! Bring Yuya's Hippo to a halt.
the humanoid monster then takes the sky and sends a high pitch note attack aiming it towards Yuya's Hippo.
Yuzu: Piercing Note!
As the attack was getting close to Yuya, the said girl sees an Action card in a bush and takes it in hopes to use it.
Yuya: An Action Spell. Perfect! Let's rock and roll.
Yuya avoids the attack with her Hippo from the use of the Action Spell called "Evasion" Seeing Yuya avoid the attack made the kids watching cheer.
Yuzu: You think you've escaped, but Aria can still belt out some damage. Since her attack failed, she can use her special ability to reduce your life points by 800.
Aria then let's out another melody like attack at her first one with is imbedded into the ground, once it hits it released a shock wave knocking Yuya off her Hippo and land on the ground on her back.
Yuya's LP: 4000>3200
Yuzu: *sinister laugh* That will teach you not to turn your back on me, you wimy wannabe!
-with Y/n, Gong, Frederick and Allie-
Y/n: *nervous smile* I think Yuzu is having too much fun playing the "villain" role.
Gong/Frederick/Allie: No kidding. -.-'
-back with the duel-
Yuzu: Now get up and face the music.
Yuya sits up groaning a bit and rubbing the side of her hip and looks towards Yuzu.
Yuzu: Get up, Yuya. You can rest later. Everybody's waiting and watching to see you Pendulum Summon. Don't leave them hanging.
-back in the control room-
Frederick: Work your magic, Yuya!
Allie: It's Pendulum time!
-back with the duel-
the kids watching Yuya and Yuzu's duel started to chant "Pendulum" waiting to see Yuya Pendulum Summon again.
Yuzu: See? I told you. They're getting impatient.
Yuya: *flips back on her feet* I'm on it! No sweat! It's time to swing into action!
She then posed towards the kids watching in the sperate room with her Hippo, while Yuzu watches looking at her friend with a "really" face.
Yuzu: Yuya, if you're waiting for applause, you might be here for awhile.
Yuya: Right. Here goes. Now I draw! *draws a card*
She looks a the card she drew and see that it's Timegazer Magician ,this makes Yuya smile since she has both Pendulum monsters in her hands.
Yuya: Excellent. My duel with the Sledgehammer's a blur, but luckily Gong gave me the play-by-play. I'll just do what I did then. First, I'll use my monsters to set the Pendulum Scale. With my Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon and my Timegazer magician, I'm good to go.
She then place both cards on the ends of her duel disk with two pillars of light appear beside her, as both Yuya's dragon and magician appear in both pillars with numbers 4 and 8.
Spike: Yeah! Crank up the Pendulum power!
as the kids watching while Frederick and Allie chant "Pendulum" while both Gong and Y/n watch and notice something different than what Yuya did in the duel with the Sledgehammer.
Yuya: And now, the moment you've all been waiting for. It's time to Pendulum Summon and swing into action!
as everyone, but Y/n watch in anticipation for the Pendulum Summon, but an error sign with a buzzer from Yuya's duel disk was heard and no monsters were summon with wind blowing by. everyone was confused to what is going on and why did the Pendulum Summon work.
-in the control room-
Frederick: Huh?
Allie: It didn't work.
Frederick: How come?
Y/n: I think I know, but I need to confirm it first.
-back with the duel-
Yuya: What the... Where are they? Hey Sword Fish and Whip Snake, get out here right now!
She tries to Pendulum Summon the two monsters again, but keeps getting the buzzer sound and error sign on her duel disk.
Yuya: Why am I getting an error message? I used my Pendulum Cards the same way last time.
kid1: Pendulum Cards?
kid2: What are they?
Yuya: {What did I do wrong? I've got to think back. If I'm remembering right, it was just after Sledgehammer destroyed Odd Eyes, and I was on the brink of losing. it seemed I didn't have a chance.} *realize something* {That must be it. I was in major trouble and that's when I was suddenly able to Pendulum Summon. It'll only work when I'm in a jam!} I'm ending my turn now. All right Yuzu, come at me!
Yuzu: You want me to attack?
Yuya: That's right. Throw everything you got my way.
Spike: If that's what Yuya wants, then make her happy! Quick! Fire thing up!
Yuzu: Huh? If you say so. I'll start my turn now! *draws a card* Whenever there's a Melodious monster taking center stage on my field, I can summon one of the greatest singers that's ever dueled. That's your cue, Sonata the Melodious Diva.
As a female monster with long green hair with her dress and harp wing having a blue and light green like color appears on Yuzu's side of the field.
Sonata the Melodious Diva's ATK: 1200
Yuzu: Now I'll tribute this duet and combine their melodies to summon a whole new monster. She'll blow you away with her musical talent, Monzarta the Melodious Maestra.
The two female monsters then turned into melodies together to form a tall fairy like monster to appear in the place of the previous ones.
Monzarta the Melodious Maestra's ATK: 2600
Yuzu: To start her concert, She'll perform her special ability. By hitting the perfect note, I'm able to summon a Melodious Diva that's level four or below! Take a bow, Aria the Melodious Diva.
the same female monster that was used to summon Monzarta reappears back on Yuzu's side of the field.
Yuzu: Her harmonies will overwhelm your Hippo. Aria, sing a tune that will floor Yuya's monster.
Aria then fires a melody like attack at Hippo taking it out and off the field dealing damage to Yuya's life points.
Yuya's LP: 3200>2400
Yuya: Nice tune.
Spike: Now pull out your Pendulum cards to pick up the beat.
Yuya: Now, hit me with a high note.
Yuzu: That's exactly what I had in mind! Monzarta, bring down the house with your most powerful strain! Graceful Wave!
the piano like pattern on Monzarta's wings start to glow, as the said female monster summons a wand, then she sends out a melody like wave attack towards Yuya who gets prepared for the attack.
Yuya: Awesome. Okay, it's make or break. It's the perfect time to Pendulum Summon!
She tries to place the cards down again, but gets the same results with a buzzer from the duel disk and an error sign.
Yuya: Eh?
She then get's knocked into the wall of the holographic room, shocking everyone but y/n who was watching the duel like he was analyzing it. Yuya then fell into a tree losing the rest of her her Life Points.
Yuya's LP: 2400>0
The holographic room then deactivates making the monsters disappear, as everyone was shocked at what happen.
Spike: Wah?!
-in the control room-
Frederick: She lost?
Allie: I wonder what went wrong.
Y/n: Oh boy.
-with Yuya and Yuzu-
Yuya: Bummer.
Yuzu: If that was your idea of a gag-
Yuya: I wasn't joking around, honestly!
Yuzu: You better not be lying.
Y/n's pov
I was standing next to Yuya and Yuzu in front of the kids that want to join You Show Duel School, though mostly for the Pendulum Summoning part.
kid1: Excuse me. I'm really confused.
Yuya: Uh-huh, what is it?
kid1: During your duel, you said something about Pendulum Cards.
Yuzu: Pendulum Card?
Yuya: Well, actually, I'm not sure what they're officially called. That's just the name I made up for them.
Y/n: Though, it's not a bad name for them.
Yuzu: Can I see one?
Yuya: Sure.
Yuya then brings out her deck and shows one of the Pendulum Cards, which is Timegazer Magician and Yuzu brings out her deck to compare it with one of her monsters. As we look at the cards I noticed that Timegazer Magician has a light green color at the bottum of the card and two arrows with the number 8 in them.
kid2: I never saw anything like that before.
kid1: Yuya says you can't Pendulum Summon unless you have one of those cards.
kid3: That sounds fishy. What if this Pendulum stuff not actually real?
kid4: Good point. Maybe she hacked into the ARC system before dueling Sledgehammer. I be that's how she was able to summon three monsters at once.
girl1: She doesn't have the skill to beat Sledgehammer, so she had to cheat.
Y/n: Okay! that's enough! I will have no bad mouthing to my friend here.
girl2: Looks like our hero is really a zero.
The kids start to leave as Yuya and Spike try to stop them, but Spike get's trampled upon by the group of kids while I shake me head. I then noticed that Yuya has her head down with her goggles on, which I walked up to her and pat her head to cheer her up.
Y/n: Ignore them Yuya. I know you didn't cheat, you just got the conditions of the Pendulum Summoning wrong.
????: He's right! You're no cheater, Yuya.
We turned to see the same kid I saw before the duel started that Yuzu asked if he liked to join, at the other end of the hallway as Gong, Allie and Frederick were behind him.
blue haired kid: You're the greatest duelist any of us ever saw. You didn't need tricks to beat the Sledgehammer. You won fair and square. Tell them all your Pendulum Summon was real.
I smiled at the kid as Gong walked up behind the kid and placed his hands on his shoulders with a smile, then faced towards Yuya.
Gong: Yuya, you should stand up and defend yourself instead of making your biggest fan do all the work.
Yuya: My biggest fan?
Yuzu: And your only one, apparently. You know, Tate's been coming to You Show School to watch your practices.
Y/n: She's right, I noticed the kid here and there watching.
Allie: He had fun when you goofed around, but your duel against The Sledgehammer turned him into a true believer.
Frederick: Oh, it was awesome!
Tate: You were amazing, Yuya. when you were dueling, it was like magic. You and your monsters pulled thousands of fans together! I wanna do the same thing someday. I'll learn to duel just like you.
Yuya then was in thought and remembered how nice it felt to make people happy during a duel, then Gong said some cheerful words.
Gong: Then pick up your deck and prove everybody that what happen in the duel wasn't a fluke.
Yuya: You think I can?
Gong: Gong knows you can. you owe it to Tate.
Frederick: Right! And me two.
Allie: We can start a club, once you enroll.
Frederick: Our open house was a disaster, but we got one new student here.
Spike: *quickly get back on his feet* New student? Where? Has he made a tuition payment yet? I'm so fired up! Go Yusho!
Yuya: *giggles and takes her goggles off* As a duel-tainer, I guess I can't let my fans down.
Yuzu then gives Yuya back her deck, who then looks at it and making a promise to master Pendulum Summoning.
Yuya: Hey gong, Yuzu, Y/n let's duel! And can explain about the conditions.
Yuzu: Yeah!
Gong: You know it!
Y/n: I'd love too.
to be continued
A/n: And done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know in the comments, and let me know if I should show you the cards that I made with the yugioh card maker app. and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
Roxanne: See you next time everyone!
Icedemon: Roxy!
A/n: I forgot to show the new addition to the harem and here it is.
A/n: Yubel! She will be having a big role for the reader, also I hope Wattpad doesn't take down the pic. Also she won't be too protective of the reader when it comes to the reader's friends and love interests, but she will use her power to protect him from certain enemies.
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