Field trip of horror

It was a lovely afternoon and the gang are packing up in the party bus, Dawn and Arnold (murderofbirds) are checking anything to see if they got everything they need for the trip. Ashlie, Minx, Krisy and Jaiden went to lock the house before they leave, Nick is driving the bus and Uni is co-driver and everyone got on the bus (except Jon, Nicky and Rick).

H20delirious- "where the heck are they, I want to get to the beach to meet some babes" he says as the girls looked at him.

Cartoonz- "I don't blame you Delirious, but I'm going to work on my tan when we get there" he says as he high fives Delirious.

Nick- "Jon better get here before I take off without him and those twins too better not be bickering this whole ride there" he says as he is playing 'for honor'.

The rest heard a sound and it was coming from the back of the bus, Kubz and Deji went to check it out, turns out it's only Jon, Nicky and Rick playing video games, everyone looked like they were ready to smack them but Nick started the bus and they drove off, few hours later they are now in a forest area and suddenly the bus broke down and Nick went out to see what happened.

Nick- Alright bad news there is a flat tire and unfortunately we didn't bring any, but the good news is on the map there is a building up ahead so Will and Delirious will head to the building while the rest of us call for help" he says as Will and Delirious gets up from their seats.

Will- "woah woah woah why do we have to go, send Uni out he is a fricking dog for crying out loud or Dawn he's a robot he can find this town or building or whatever it is" he says as he grabbed Uni and Dawn.

Delirious- "or Minx because............yeah I got nothing, but still why us" he says as Minx brought out her shoe and is ready to smack Deliriouses face off.

Nick- we need Dawn here because he's the only one who can call help and Uni is going to sustain the air on the tire, now go now before Ashlie will get the 'bad fanfic'. He says grimly as the two disappears and ran for the building.

(With Will and H20delirious)

They continued to walk until they found something , a run down old building, the two saw some trucks and the door is wide open, they hear running and behind them is Jaiden and she is catching up to them, she stops in front of them and is taking a breath

Will- "Jaiden what are you doing here, I thought the gang is staying behind to call for help" he says.

Jaiden- "and what miss this action, I don't think so" she says as she drank some water.

H20delirious- "wait a minute, I thought you hate action...and socialize and soccer and-" before he can go on Jaiden put her hand on his hockey mouth

Jaiden- "ANYWAY, I just wanna experience this adventure, plus I wanna get away from Jon for awhile, I love the guy don't get me wrong but I just. Can't. With. That. COWMAN SUIT." She screams in rage as the two took a step back from her.

Will- "Well welcome aboard Jaiden, hope you have what it takes for this piece of shi-" he didn't get to finish as the three heard a inhuman screech and rushed inside and as soon the three entered the doors shut behind.

The trio screamed as the lights went out and hear laughter or their own screaming, until it was calmed, Delirious brought out his phone and used the flashlight app for the others to see where they are, they were in a lobby and there was nobody in the lobby, papers were scattered, desks were flipped over and there were holes on the walls and on the floors, whatever it was, it isn't friendly.

H20delirious- "what the fuck happened here, this is crazy" he says as he takes pictures.

Will- "I don't know man but whatever it is must be from that things screech, hopefully it went to somewhere else *sighs* lets just find someone, ask for help and get out of here before it comes back" he says as he went to check a map.

Jaiden was terrified and decided to never go on another adventure again.........for awhile, Delirious is still taking pictures, Will is trying to find someone here and Jaiden is bored and scared at the same time but mostly bored, she saw something moved and went to check it out.

Jaiden- " *whispers* hey guys, I think I saw something moved, they went to the next room" she says.

The three went to the next room and the door was crushed in half, they went in there and saw a person and were bleeding, before the person could ask for help someone stabbed him repeatedly until the person who stabbed him banged his fist at the window, Jaiden screamed and cried, Will puked and Delirious is screaming, the three ran while the guy is running after them. They found the nearest locker and hid from the psycho, he ran past them and as soon the cost is clear they left the lockers and Jaiden just cried, panicked and hugged Will.

Jaiden- *crying* "I wanna go home just- please help us" she said as Delirious hugged her, for once no jokes, no smart ass comments, nothing but telling her it's going to be all right.

Delirious- "Alright we need to find some way to get out of here, if we can contact someone then we could get out of here and grab the others" he says as Will and Jaiden were in shock of Delirious seriousness.

Will- "Okay you know what I'm not going to question that logic, let's go" he says as the three continued to find someone or something to help them escape from this place.

They walked around for almost an hour, when they were about to rest the same psycho came back and looked at the three, he screamed and was charging at them until a part of the floor was thrown at him and crushed him, the trio turned to see someone else, a giant man with parts of his face was missing, he almost looks like the hulk but instead of green, he's covered in blood and his skin pale, the giant man walked towards the three.

Chris walker- "must contain wall rider, cannot let him free" he says as the three began to run and the chase began.

The three entered the courtyard and went inside a chain link fence maze and got lost in the fog, they finally lost walker and exited the maze, they wonder until something bumped into Wills foot, he thought it was a basketball at first until he got a closer look, it was a head, he dropped it and saw people approach and looked at the newcomers
Inmate 3- "hey look at this, fresh meat" he says
Inmate 1- "hey give us our ball back will you, we were in a middle of a game" he said as the second one hold the third back.
Will- "oh thank goodness, listen we got stranded and we are trying to find someone who can help us, see the tire was-" he didn't get to finish as the three began to laugh at his misfortunes.
Delirious- "what.......did I miss a joke or something, because I don't get it" he asked.
Inmate 2- " you are the joke, you trapped yourself in the mental asylum, were the most insane go, if you weren't being tested by..........murkoff corperations" the inmates spit on the ground and look back at the three
Jaiden- "who's murkoff, I never heard that place before" she says.

The inmates looked at each other............and laughed again, they stop laughing when they hear another inmate scream and was thrown out of a window, the person who thrown the inmate was Eddie gluskin he looked out from the window and returned to his work, Jaiden, Delirious and Will looked at the three inmates and were scared shitless, inmate 2 point at the tower, inmate 1 and 3 escorted them to the tower and ushered them to the ladder, but not before inmate 1 grabbed Will

Inmate 1- "please I beg of you, once you leave burn this nightmare to the ground, please set us free from our suffering" he plead Will, in response he nods and went to catch up with the rest of the gang, Jaiden and Delirious helped Will up.

They try to find a way to get inside of the tower but there were no windows and the doors are locked, they were about to bust down the door until it opened by itself, at first they didn't want to go in but they found walker behind them and when they saw him they run to the open door and once they entered the room the door closed behind them, they didn't care as long they were far away from him then it doesn't matter, they find a room with a radio and they were celebrating and Jaiden try to contact someone.

Jaiden- "hello this Jaiden, me and my friends are stranded, two of my friends are with me but the rest are back at the bus however the three of us are being hunted by someone, I don't know if they are human anymore but we need help now please sent help" she says she hears someone, it was NICK.

Nick- "Jaiden, is that you, anyway look set it to channel 5, you should be able to find someone to pick us up and- aw crap their back, KUBZ CLOSE THE DOOR NOW QUI-" he didn't get to finish as the radio gone silent, she did what Nick told her too and set it to channel 5, she heard life.

She explained the whole situation again however this time her friends might be in danger and they need help now, the person said they will send in a tow truck and police cruisers and before they can tell them the radio began to shorted out but told them to be back at the bus immediately and the radio went dead. The trio celebrated and were about to walk out until they met Chris walker again only this time he is with..............Cardoomz!!!!!

Delirious- "oh no...... what are you doing here, I thought you were back at that quantum place thing or whatever it's called" he says as Jaiden and Will looked at him with confusion

Will- "Delirious who's that and why does he look like Cartoonz only this one has two eyes and looks...........menacing" he says as Cardoomz eye is twitching.

Cardoomz- "because I am Cartoonz, but only I'm like Delirious and have two eyes but anyway WHERES THE PURPLE CUBE" he says as he points his knife at them.

Jaiden- "what are you talking about, what purple cube we don't even know what it does or where it is" she says as she is trying to defuse the situation.

Chris walker and Cardoomz just charges at them while the three run, they went into a cafeteria and what they saw was a bunch of inmates were eating lunch, hotdogs, cheeseburgers, steak etc and were wearing...... Vannos gaming merchandise??? They were so confused on how these guys got the merch until a familiar voice was heard, the three saw Vannos, Wildcat and Terrisor selling merch, Mini and Nogla are cooking the food and Lui is entertaining everyone. Before they could even speak to them Chris and Cardoomz is behind them and the chase began once again

(Few hours later)
they finally lost them but now they are lost themselves, they began walking to find a way out but no luck has been on their side since the beginning, they heard screams and as they move forward it's getting closer and closer, they found the source of the screaming and saw what was the most cruel thing that has happened in this asylum, Eddie cut a inmates manhood off, then did more things that were most unpleasant that not even the author will describe it (yeah I did a fourth wall break, bite me) Delirious covered Jaidens eyes while Will backed up against the wall and something landed on his lap, it was a purple cube and has carvings on it, this is what Cardoomz was after but why, before he could get up Jaiden and Delirious were shoved to the wall and Eddie was not happy.

Eddie- "what do you want, are you here to make fun of me for not having love or are you here to kill me because that's what I want to right now, to die because apparently no one not even the wallrider wants to love me so honestly your just doing me a favor so just put me out of my misery" he begs as he positions his clever on his neck and gave it to Delirious.

Before they could calm him down Chris walker catches up but Cardoomz was nowhere to be seen, Eddie took the clever back and jumped on him and started hack away, trying to kill him but only wounding him, he got him off and thrown him to the window, thus impaling Eddie by the fence, he smiled finally being free from his tournament nightmare, the others looked at him and then back to Chris, he was slowly approaching them until the lights start to flicker again, walls were crumbling, the place was finally coming down and there was laughter, there was wallrider and an old foe..........Antisepticeye. Wallrider flung him around like a rag doll, then Antisepticeye slit his throat and the Wallrider finished him off by making him explode, the two powerful entities looked them and approached them

Will- " aw crap what do you want, we already went through this hellish nightmare so just please let us go" he says tiredly.

Antisepticeye- "as much as I love to kill you, for once I'll spare you and your friends only if you do one thing for me" he says.

Jaiden- "and that would be" she says as she scratched her head.

Antisepticeye- " you have to burn this place to the ground, I'm sick and tired of killing the same people over and over, it just gets boring, like Eddie right now, he's coming back already and it's just not exciting if the victims live forever" he says as Eddie spawns back here and went berserk and went to his office.

Delirious- "then how the hell do they keep coming back then, and how are supposed to burn down a big building" he asks.

The wallrider points at the cube Will is holding and gave Delirious a detonator and gave Jaiden a tire, he teleports them to the front door and Anti and Wallrider left the building, Delirious activates it and the building exploded, thousands of souls were flying up to the sky celebrating that they were finally free, before they could walk back to the bus they saw Cardoomz coming out of the ruble and looked at them, he tried to finish them off but he got picked up by a unknown  helicopter and is screaming in rage.

The three finally arrived at the bus and saw the rest of the crew were sleeping in the bus, they heard sirens, everyone woke up and saw the three.

Everyone(except Jaiden, Will and Delirious)- "GUYS" they rushed to them, gave them hugs, high fives and asking if they are okay, before they could answer any questions Content cop came in the bus and Patty mayo hooked up the bus to his SWAT looking truck and he drove the gang to the beach while Content cop asked some questions.

Content cop- "we received a distress call about a bus stranded here and we want to know who called us" he asked.

Jaiden, Will and Delirious- "it was me- no us sir" they said in unison. He wrote it down in his notepad and asked another question.

Content cop- "okay now next question, how did the buses tire get deflated in the first place" he asked.

Minx- "I think it was something sharp that did this, probably someone threw a glass bottle out and it must've broke" she says as he again wrote it down on his notepad.

Content cop- "next and final question, what is that purple cube you got there" he says as he points it at Wills hand.

Uni- "um it's my brothers game cube, the logo one, he gave it to us because he found his old one sir" he says as voice is filled with confusion and concern, he wrote down in his paper and Patty mayo signaled them that they arrived at the beach.

The gang said thanks and the two officers left them to enjoy their time at the beach, when they are gone Nick took the cube and hid it away in his bag, Ashlie Jon and Uni sighed in relief.

Ashlie- "where did you find the rune, was it at the place you searched at" she asked worried.

Will- "um yeah it was................that's bad isn't" he asked as they nodded, the rest just decided to have fun and enjoy their time at the beach, however things were going to get crazier then ever

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