Ch 1: bathroom battles.

It was like any other morning, the sun was rising, the birds are chirping and a squirrel who is fighting a green and grayish bird over a acorn, yep just another day of paradise. The camera begins to zoom in a house and everything seems peaceful, until a explosion was heard.
Ashlie-"I am not leaving this bathroom until I get hot water" she says as she throws a soap bomb over a makeshift fort. Inside the bathroom is Jaiden wearing her pjs but with a military helmet on and the two in the shower are krisy and minx and have a journal with them and are writing down something.

Deji- "come on you people just let us do our thing then wait for you to waste the water" he says as he poke his head out and the result is getting soap in the mouth.
Nicky and Rick just looked at Deji, Jon and Nick ( AUTHORS NOTE: there are two nicks in this story so the Nicky is Ricks brother and Nick is Uni's friends END AUTHORS NOTE:) they just panicked, will is using his monster cans to deflect the incoming projections and dawn is just relaxing with uni.

Jaiden- "we waste water?, you guys waste toilet paper and then we have to pick up your mess and it's getting old" she says as she ducked from wills monster cans. Then they got out of control and started to throw either soaps or cans, literally everything they can find to throw and then a pie was involved and the person who made it was jon, instead of hitting minx it hit uni's face, then everything seemed time paused and looked at the pug.

Nick- "all in favor of running raise your hand" he says as he put his hands up. Everyone ( except dawn) raised their hand as high as they can and just bolted outside of the house and behind them was uni carrying his chicken sword only this time it was upgraded and now can actually kill people or stun them. Deji ran and carried Nicky and Rick while Jaiden rode on Ashlie's back and Minx and Krisy are just dragging a fainted Jon and Nick is booking it.

Uni- "WHY DO I HAVE TO SUFFER HUH, LETS SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT" he shouted as he charged his sword up and fired at them but missed.

Meanwhile back at the mansion dawn is in the bathroom and is taking a oil shower and once he is done he went back to his room and grabbed his headphones and just smiled at them getting chased by a angry uni.

Dawn- " they may be crazy, but their my crazy family, hey Ari when did you get back" he says as he saw the same bird from the beginning and saw a acorn in his mouth and Ari just tweeted.

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