
Klaus woke up to a weight on his chest, barely noticeable if he were not asleep before. 'What the bloody hell is it!' He sat up, clearing his vision to see a wide-eyed, smiling girl.

'Uncle 'Lijah said we could go out today! He said that you were in a bad mood and needed helping.' She pouted at the end, wrapping her arms around Klaus who just smiled fondly at her. He was still contemplating his feelings and couldn't believe how deeply he had fallen for his kidnap victims within such a short time.

'Elijah!' He called out, waiting for his brother to stride into the room, his usual suit in perfect form.

'What do you need, brother?' He asked patiently, ignoring Klaus' wide, angered eyes.

'Go out! We can't let Elena out! She's to stay here by my order!' He roared, finally getting up from his bed, not caring that his chest was bare and his pyjama pants tight.

'But Klaus!' Elijah warned, not daring to shout at his elder brother. 'A girl needs her time outside the house. She cannot be house bound! This house is far out of the city enough as it is! The town is not far by car; can she not have just one day from this hellish place!' Elijah argued, his voice raising just a volume louder.

Klaus just shook his head, no matter how much he tried, paranoia was one of his most well-known traits and this wasn't an instance where he could just shake it off.

'Elena will remain here until further notice.' Klaus stated, sounding almost militaristic. Elijah sighed whilst Elena looked up at him with tears lining her cheeks.

'But, Klausy-' She was interrupted by Klaus before being able to even finish her sentence.

'You will stay here!' He roared, his eyes flashing amber, glowing in the dimly lit room. Elena backed away, huddling up by Elijah who had his usual disapproving look plastered on his face.

'Come on, Elena, let's go.' Elijah ushered her out, shooting one last disapproving look at Klaus before following her out.

Klaus had made a mistake...again.

Though it wasn't as if Klaus cared, he didn't have time to think of the consequences of his actions, that only caused grief and for the amount of people he killed, he simply couldn't. He couldn't afford to lose any more sanity than he already had, his mind stood on the line between sanity and insanity and one more step would leave him in an area of no return.

So, Klaus ignored Elena's tear-filled eyes and got on with his day- not that there was much to do at all. It was mostly keeping in touch with his contacts, making sure there were no betrayers and making sure his enemies were far away as possible- it may have been an odd schedule but it wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

He brought out his phone and started his short to-do list, taking his mind off of everything. It didn't work for long and on his third phone call, he found himself pitying the girl and soon went on a search for her. Not to apologise, far from it, he needed to teach her why she couldn't leave, that should fear her into staying put- she was his prisoner after all.


Elena was mad, to say the least. She was young but had learnt independence at an extremely young age as she was left to care for her brother whilst her parent's worked from home, often too busy to even send a glance their way.

It stopped affecting Elena soon after it began; if they weren't going to pay attention to her, she wouldn't pay attention to them. Throwing a tantrum that someone her age often did, she had left the house in the beginning and ran to her best friend Bonnie's house to seek refuge and ended up staying most nights. But, as Jeremy grew more aware and stopped being a baby, Elena began to stay home and make sure he wasn't alone. It had created a close bond between them, one that would be hard to break.

She missed her brother but rarely mentioned him, especially to Klaus. She didn't care much for her parents, she was mature for her age but she was still naïve to Klaus' wrongdoing and assumed that Jeremy would soon be coming along causing her to never question Klaus. But, as the days went on, and Jeremy still hadn't turned up, Elena felt a little pain inside.

That didn't get any better when Klaus had refused her any look at the local town. Elena wanted freedom and she wasn't being granted any. So, she was going to take it for herself.

She looked around, making sure to take quiet footsteps after finding out that her new parents seemed to have hearing that was almost inhumane.

The doors opened effortlessly causing her to be able to sneak out undetected. She was sure if her parents were listening out for her, they would have called out for her but Elijah had left the house earlier alone and Rebekah was too busy staring in the mirror narcissistically to even think that Elena would attempt to leave. Klaus, she wasn't too sure what he was doing apart from shouting which was probably one of the reasons she couldn't be heard. Even without super hearing, Elena could hear his shouts from a mile away.

Elena ran outside, she was free...well, almost. The house was all she could see that wasn't tall fir trees that cast shadows across the front porch, causing Elena to shiver at the sudden burst of cold.

She still wanted to run if she stayed any longer she would be caught and she would need time to get far enough- with her height and age it wasn't as if she could run anything near being called fast.

But, she ran nonetheless, into the trees on her left. Within minutes, she was lost, all sense of direction was gone and she was left fearing the inhumane noises that surrounded her.

It started with a growl, then a grunt, then another growl...and something that sounded much, much worse. Footsteps.

None that were familiar, though, these were heavy as if the person was carrying too much weight. A hunter trying to shoot deer perhaps? Elena couldn't know, she wasn't perceptive enough to realise what was going on around her.

All she knew was that she was lost...

And she sure as hell wanted Klaus back.

word count: 1068

published: 10/01/17

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