I woke up out of my sleep due to a horrible dream, and that's all I hope it is. A horrible dream. I look down at Ariella to see her still sleep. I smile just remembering how beautiful she is and all we've been through.
Not only that, but how stressed she was about Valentine's Day last week, she still ended up buying me a gift that weekend but I told her I was happy because my valentine was happy, but she wasn't having any of it so she decided to buy me a new speaker. Better than my old one and I thank her for it. She turns around and wraps her arms around my waist, then puts one of her legs on me as I trace circles on her arms with my thumb. Ariella means so much to me and I know I say it a lot but she does. She means the world to me.
"Baby?" She says sleepy
"Hm?" I hum at her
"You can't sleep?" She says softly I almost didn't catch it , she's so tired but now that she knows I'm up she'll try to stay up with me.
"I woke up out of nowhere and now I can't go back to sleep, you go to sleep baby you're so tired" I kiss her forehead softly and she smiles slightly
"Did you have a bad dream? Cause I did" she says shakily, she's been through so much and it's sad to say I can't erase those bad memories that were put into her head all I can do is make her feel happy in the moment.
"Yeah,me too baby" I reply softly, she traces the outlines of my abs softly with her fingers then I feel a tear fall on my chest I instantly snake my hands around her and hold her tight. "I'm not going anywhere okay?, I'm always here for you"
"Same goes to you, I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else but here" she smiles then sniffs
"You better not go anywhere else, I'll fight your new man and take you" I comment , she starts giggling as I smile at her, I tilt her chin up to me with my index finger and thumb,her eyes shifting as she looks into mine. "There's nothing to be afraid of okay? We have each other" she wipes my face and I frown up at her
"Never seen you shed tears in front of me,I feel so honored" she smiles, was I crying? I didn't even realize it I smile back at her I hover over her as I lean in to kiss her but my phone rings I growl out of frustration then see who it is, it's my brother.
"To what do i owe this phone call Jacob?" I say , I hear Ariella giggle and I smile looking down at her, she kisses my cheek then gets out the bed. I frown at her as she winks at me and goes in the bathroom what is she planning?
"It's about the demon child" he says dryly
"You mean our half-brother?" I say sitting up against the headboard
"Jungkook, please don't make me backwash my breakfast, anyways yes, I heard he's back for vengeance, what did you do to him?"
I scoff " nothing, I couldn't do anything even though cousin is a detective and all I still had no evidence on what business he had with our demon step-dad"
"I'm going to throw up, anyways, weirdly Daniel hit me up giving me all this information, since when you guys were cool? , and since when did y'all talk?"
I sigh sharply "we're not I still don't trust him, and since the first day we arrived for dad's trip"
"That long?! , man I don't know it could be a trap"
"No,he sounds serious, I can tell" I look up and Ariella is cleaning our room, she's such a beautiful human god I'm in love with her "hey can we talk later, I got something to do"
"Yeah call me when you're done"
"Okay bye" I hang up then put my forearms on my thighs.i watch as she places things back in drawers and throws paper away, I really need to start planting seeds in this beautiful woman because I want a daughter right now just looking at her " you're so wife material" she looks at me and smiles she walks towards me and sits next to me. I grab her face with one hand and I kiss her. But the kissing turns to a passionate makeout, I grab her thighs making her straddle me.
It can never just be a simple kiss between us
Automatically my lips make their way to her neck as she giggles placing both hands on the nape of my neck "Okay! That's enough damnit" she says as I kiss her collarbones with my wet lips, she looks into my eyes up and down
"I got something for you" she says softly
"Baby you-" she cuts me off by kissing me with a lot of passion, I slide my hands up her exposed sides and she moves her lips to kiss and suck on my earlobe as she softly moves down to my jawline then my neck. Fuck she's such a tease. I close my eyes letting her do what she wants to me, then I feel her soft lips upon mine I open my eyes to look at her as she places her forehead on mine
" I want too" she replies, she gets off of my lap then reaches out for my hand automatically I grab it follow behind her. "Now once I show you this and you feel like taking me down it's all up for grabs Okay?, I love you and you deserve this" she says holding my hand tightly, before I could reply she twists the doorknob and with tub is filled with bubbles and roses on the floor, also theirs champagne and snacks. Oh shit I do feel like taking her down but that wasn't her intentions so I won't. She smiles up at me as I kiss her forehead and rub her back.
"So this is for me?" I ask softly
"Yes,you've been so tense so we got back from your dads planned resort, I wanted to take that stress off you,and plus I like taking baths with you" she whispers as she wraps her arms around my waist, i look down at her kissing her softly
"you really know how to make someone happy huh?"
"just you" she winks at me
as were in the tub i'm just looking at her as she's telling me her ideas of someday writing a book of poetry about her life to uplift herself and many other people who need a shoulder to cry on.
"baby!" she yells scaring me a bit, i then look into her eyes and smile "you weren't listening were you?"
"well baby, no one told you to be so damn pretty" i comment back drinking some of the champagne, she sits hers down on the table and scoots closer to me smiling ,automatically i kiss her and she giggles "you're too damn beautiful" i comment again reassuring her
"i know" she smiles
"oh? she's bold i see" she giggles at my remark then i smile down at her
"yes, she's confident now" she lays her back on my chest and grabs one of my hands as she plays with my fingers "you're so cute you still wear that ring i bought you for our first anniversary" she comments softly
"it means a lot more to me, when you were shaking trying to give it to me" i joke, she elbows me softly as she laughs
"i was scared you wasn't going to like it and plus you intimidate me a lot" she says intimidate in a baby voice
"why?, you should know i would never hurt you or lay a finger on you unless.." i slide my fingers down her stomach and she arches her back instantly as i hear her breath hitch i press my lips against her ear lobe " were doing something nasty then i can't take my hands off of you" i look at her and she has her eyes closed as she bites her lower lip. i smile against her skin then i pull my hands off her stomach and place them on her waist.
"okay! now thats out the way let's get out! don't want old lady fingers!" she scots away from me then get out the tub.
jungkook don't do it
don't do it
awh the hell with it
i reach over and smack her ass hard seeing it jiggle and her little whine i smirk slightly then i pull the drain to let all the water out then get out as well.
after i get dressed to see what my brother wants i see ariella on the couch playing with dale, dale has gotten fatter, he's grown up so fast. i walk over towards the couch where she is and sit next to her putting my arms on the back of the couch. ariella snuggles up in my chest and dale jumps off the couch to play with his toys.
"do you think we should get him a brother or sister?" she asks
"yeah, he's probably a bit lonely when we werent here, i mean yasmine took care of him, but still,he should have someone to play with" i respond
"yeah, but im not too fond of girl dogs but i want puppies at the same time"
"we can get a girl as a puppy"
"yeah, what breed? i want a girl yorkie"
"i've always wanted a yorkie,my dog back in busan kinda looks like a yorkie i dont know what breed it is but i love my dog"
"i bet you miss your hometown, you know your grandparents" she says dropping her gaze
"i do, but youre my home as well" I nudge her softly
"but i can't compare to your hometown, that's where you made memories,that's where your family is that's where your childhood was made,i'm just someone you fell in love with" she says while playing with my fingers.
"hey, you're better than my hometown, because in my hometown i didn't feel the way i feel right now, at home i didn't get the love and attention i'm getting now, i didn't get the hugs i get here, that's why i'm loving here more than my hometown, don't ever downgrade yourself, you're my home no matter what, nothing is above you" i tilt her chin up to look at me and smiles i kiss her softly. then my phone rings
"hello?" i answer
"jungkook, we've got a problem,mom is in town" i clench my jaw at that information, why is she here? what does she want? i guess daniel is right the alliance is starting and fast.
"do you know why?" i say in a raspy tone ariella looks at me with concern in her eyes i caress her ear lobe softly reassuring her it's okay she eases me up and down in my eyes. Then bites her lower lip softly
"no but someone else does, daniel"
"on my way" i hang up then i stand up as ariella curls up in a ball on the couch i smile at her and kiss her forehead then her lips softly "i'll be back baby, my brother needs to talk to me okay?, i promise when i come back we do our research on a sibling for dale" i say softly as i caress her cheeks with my thumb, she bites her lower lip then nods
"stop that, your innocent lip bite makes me wanna push you up against the wall" i say with raspy tone, her eyes widen then i kiss her again "i love you"
"i love you more"
ariella's pov
why did his 'i love you' sound like he was going to do a suicide mission,whatever conversation he had with his brother sounded very serious, what if his stepdad escaped prison or something, or he got out.
My anxiety starts to rise and my hands begin to tremble, what if that actually happened, what if it's actually not over. Dale jumps on me licking me I guess he notice that I wasn't okay. i giggle softly rubbing his belly as he tries to get up i guess lick me again "no!" i say cutely and he growls in a cute way i love this dig so much im glad i rescued him because who would entertain me while my husband is at war.
i laugh at my corny joke then i get up and fall to the floor, my knee hits the floor really hard and i whince in pain "fuck this floor is super hard, why did we make the idea of getting marble floors?" I say to myself
i try to get up again and i feel my knee burning, i probably tore something or sprained, i start limping towards the kitchen to find something to cook. what would he like to eat today, i havent cooked in so long. so i text jungkook to see what he would like to eat.
i send the text waitng for his reply, i frown it must be serious usually he replies pretty fast. i shake the thoughts out of my head then i grab a stool to reach and grab the bag of rice.
"maybe i'll make that lime rice he likes with pepper steak, would he like something else with it?" i question myself.
Jungkook pov
"daniel you betta not be fucking with me because i won't hesitate to shoot you in your fucking skull" i say standing in front of him
"listen, i dont want no more smoke from you, i saw the way you talked to your step-dad and i know you would kill with no hesintation"
"point taken,so dont play with me" i say sitting down on the bar stool
"so, i saw your mom going to visit your step-dad, i couldnt trace her in there because one i dont know anyone in prison nor did i want to talk to him because he would assume were up to something but-" he says with a smirk "one of my homeboys bugged her" i clench my jaw turning my attention to him.
"your step-dad isnt done" he raises eyebrows up
"what do you mean?" i ask through gritted teeth.
"your mom is going to find some way for you to come back, into that house, and another thing is that your half-brother is still roaming around, i think his motive is to kill you and obvisouly he claims it shouldve been him in your place"
"it's not my fault that nut got kicked out the house, it's not my fault they aint loved his ted bundy psycopathic ass, thats all on him" i say getting up
"not like jungkook" daniel says softly
I think for a while at what he meant then I bust out laughing as they all look at me crazy. It can't be, is he crazy?
"oh hell no!" i start laughing again then i look back at him "for real?, daniel dont be fucking with me" i start cracking my knuckles
"i wish it wasn't ,but it's true,dont worry i'll have my boys keep close eyes on him, one of my boys is working on a lead were close but not there yet" i nod my head
"okay thank you keep me in the loop" i look down and see i have a text message from ariella that was sent at about 50 minutes ago.
i sigh heavily and my brother looks at me
"what's up?"
"nothing i just didn't see my wife's text in time" i say dryly daniel and jacob smile at each other then open the door for me
"good luck" daniel comments i throw daggers from my eyes at the both of them as i walk out fuck i hope she isnt thinking to hard I sit in my car as I text her and a little while
I smile then screenlock my phone putting it in ignition. Then I drive to my babygirl my wife my everything. I really want to see her and hold and apologize more to her so much.
I unlock the door and I already see her in the kitchen washing something, I see her in her little velvet shorts and her strapless shirt. God she looks so beautiful. I close the door locking it back then I press myself against her from behind hearing her giggle under me.
I start kissing her neck softly and repeatedly then I kiss her cheek, seeing her one dimple poke out "baby!" She finally speaks, I smile back at her and smack her ass then walk away.
I sit on the barstool and what she made my favorite meal that she makes. I look at her as she places the dishes back in the cabinet. "What do you wanna drink baby?" She asks grabbing the cups
"Ariella" I comment
"That's a drink? I never heard of it" she jokes, I get up again then place my lip on her ear lobe "yes, it tastes like strawberries,butterscotch and caramel, but this drink is white though, and thick"
I feel her melting in my possession I place my hand on her waist holding her tightly "it's all sticky too like milkshake,but I could drink it everyday too the taste never gets old" I tease her by sliding my hand down her stomach as she tilts her head to the side, I kiss her collarbones softly while placing my hand around her throat making her bite her lower lip. then I let go of my hands from her throat as stick my wet kisses on her neck, I feel her hand snake their way to my things as she sits her nails into them.
"I'll please you later princess,let's eat" I whisper against her skin , all she does is hum as a response and shakes her head. I squeeze her ass in my hands then I sit back down.
"You're such a tease" she says softly
"You love it" I comment, she then starts walking to me by walking i mean she staggers a bit I catch her before she falls not caring about the glass. I sit her down on the floor softly seeing a cloth wrapped on her knee and the top of her foot.
"Baby what happened here?" I comment, she dismisses me by picking up the glass off the floor , I move her hand then sweep up the glass, I see her holding her finger and I see it red. "Now you've cut yourself great, you need to take care of yourself" I say maybe a little to harsh because I hear her soft whimpers. Instantly feeling bad I grab a band-aid then I grab her fingers cleaning the blood off then placing the bandage on it. I look at her and she's trying so hard to hold in her tears.
I wipe her tears away with my thumb then kiss her forehead "hey" I say making her look at me
"I'm sorry for being weak, and a bothersome-" I cut her of by laying a tender kiss on her lips slowly pulling away as I place my forehead on hers.
"You're far from weak, and in no way are you bothersome, baby I just don't like seeing you hurt, just like you don't like seeing me hurt, but we both have this pride of we're going to act like we're okay so the other doesn't have to worry" I smile "well I don't know about you but I'm always going to worry about you, I'm always going to take care of you, and I'm always going to love you, no matter what or where I am, you're my wife my soul my other half, you complete me, just as much as I mean to you, but baby if you're not okay don't be afraid to let me know, no matter what's going on with me"
I wipe her face because I don't even know if she noticed she's crying I smile then kiss her again "I'm here for you there's no other place I'd rather be"
"It happened when you left" she sniffs I look into her eyes listening to her "the top my foot had this weird pain it that sent my to my knees instantly and when I fell I got my knees pretty badly , I can't even like bend it that's how badly it hurts, so I thought I would've been fine in front of you since it didn't hurt much, but I guess I put too much pressure on it" she chokes at the end, I left her up heading to the bedroom I walk in and place her on the bed seeing dale in his bed sleep. I go back in the kitchen grab out plates then walk in the room with it. I hand her the bowls as I bring a table to her side to help her eat. Then I go back into the kitchen grabbing an ice , I walk into the room and see her giggling at adventure time, "where does it hurt the worst?" I ask
"My knee" she implies, I wrap her knee up with the ice pack then I sit next to watching adventure time with her.
"You know lemongrab reminds me of Jin" she comments , I look at her and smile
"Hm, why is that?" I say looking into her eyes as she focuses on the screen
"Because they both yell that same tone when they're mad" she says smiling , I would do anything I swear anything in this world to make you happy, to see that dimple appear on your caramel skin, to see your eyes twinkle like midnight stars. I would give up anything just to see you smile like that everyday. Because I know I'm the only one that can make you smile like that. So my so called half brother can fuck off. You couldn't leave us alone. So now I'll do that you want was intended for my stepdad. You will not touch her and you will not make her go through that trauma again. My thoughts get interrupted by her laying in my chest as she wraps one leg on me. Instantly I place one hand on her thigh and the other on her hair.
"You seem deep in thought, something happened with your brother?" She says softly, she's getting sleepy.
"Yes and no, it's kind of happening to us both, my good for nothing mother is back in town" I say softly
"Hm, just to stir up trouble and stress my baby daddy out" she says causing me to choke at her response she lets out a giggle then looks up at me "don't let her get the best of you nor your so called half brother, you're so much better than them" I lean down and kiss her softly.
"I won't , I love you" I comment
"I love you more baby" she replies
Author's note:
I was going to make this longer but I didn't want to feed y'all too much information lol, no cliffhangers today I just wanted to make a non-stressful chapter cause y'all be at my throat lol. Anyways I hoped you guys love this chapter and you're enjoying the storyline. Cause in the next chapter the tea may start boiling lol anyways thank you for the support I love you all and have a great day!
Q: is there anything you would like for me to change in this story?
Q:is there anything new you would like to see in this story?
Q: what characters do you want to see more?
Q: how is your mental health today?
❁ if theirs any mistakes point em out, even tho mistakes are beautiful.
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