Jungkook's pov
I walk out of the bedroom as my phone rings for a Group FaceTime coming from taehyung. I set my phone up on the dock and sit on the bar stool. I slide to answer and I look at my phone.
" Jungkook! You know why we are calling you correct?" Jimin yells at me
" to show me your abs daddy?" I reply back
He scoffs then rolls his eyes " nonstop flirting with me you have a whole fiancée!"
"Pfft so do you"
" yeah me too in my dreams" taehyung replies
"Propose dude! What are you waiting for?" Jimin yells at him , while I just pick my hang nail , I'm not going to comment because I don't wanna get jumped , because I know how I was when I liked Ariella and how I've treated her with the back and forth push and pull. So I'm not even going to comment I'm going to let Jimin chew him out.
"Anyways, todays Valentine's Day And I want you pabos to buy me something" Jimin comments
"Sure what do you want daddy?" Taehyung chimes in
"I can give you a gift but it has to come at night" I say , taehyung puts on a smirk face and I pull out my double chin
"Jungkook you're disgusting!" Jimin yells at me "you need to be baptized!"
"So what are we doing? We're shopping for our girls?" Taehyung comments
"Yes we are but!! It's going a little different, we can't shop at the same basic places" Jimin says
"So no bath and body works, Victoria's secret,pink or the flower place?" I ask
"Correct jungkookie" Jimin nods
"Fine" Taehyung says
"Alright let's meet up at the mall"
We meet up at the mall and I look at the directory and sigh "where are we going to go if we can't go to the basic places?" I ask
"Think outside the box you know?"
"Sephora?" Taehyung asks
"No that's a basic place too" Jimin says
Rolling my eyes I look back at the directory I scan it then see an arts and crafts section , I begin walking and I hear them calling my name but I continue walking.
We walk in the arts and craft store and a lady is literally trying to flirt with Jimin , I mean who wouldn't and him not being the honest person he is , he just declined in a nice way. I walk over to the back and see a wooden cut out of the United States and Europe. " excuse me sir is this kind of like a bulletin board?" I ask the guy
"Yes it is, it's like you can cut out your own pictures in the shape of the state that you went too and keep it as a memory, if you get what I'm saying?"
"Yes I understand, can I buy both United States and Europe?" I ask he nods his head "would you like it in white or brown?"
"White" I reply , he then grabs the two and rings them up " is it a gift?"
"Yes sir" I say taking my card out the machine, he then starts wrapping them up really neatly then he puts them in a box with a bow on top "thank you sir have a great day" I walk over towards taehyung and them and it seems like they've bought something as well.
"Well well the little maknae knows how to think above and beyond" Jimin says
"Gotta do what you gotta do" I reply back.
Jimin walks us in Apple as we buy our girls something , Ariella has always been complaining how she wanted AirPods and a new iPad so I got her that. "Jungkook, you're really going all out aren't you?"
"That's what you do for the person who is your reason for living" I smile.
Ariella's pov
I wake up and Jungkook isn't in the bed , I pout slightly then I get up I see that he took the key card for the hotel so I can't leave to buy him his gift for Valentine's Day. I grab my phone then look up what I could buy him that'll be shipped out for tomorrow. It just really bums me that I can't get anything for him and I'm on my period so I can't give him that either. I start crying out of frustration then I slide my hands through my hair as I get myself together. "It's nothing you can do now Ariella" I say to myself , I put my hair up in a ponytail then i walk towards the dresser grabbing my pads and comfortable clothes.
After my long shower , I towel dried my hair and walked out of the bathroom I feel something touch my toes and I look down to see rose petals on the floor . I start tearing up instantly "Jungkook?" I ask softly but he doesn't answer I feel my phone vibrate and it's a text from him.
, I know this is his doing because he's just that extra, I shake my head then continuing walking where the rose petals are and it leads to the kitchen I see pasta and bread rolls with some tulips in the middle of it. And my eyes glance over to Jungkook who's already looking at me with the sparkle on his eyes, his eyes smile before his mouth actually forms one. He reaches his hand out for me and I grab it without a second thought.
"Hello my beautiful fiancé, how was your day?" He softly says caressing the top of my hand with his thumb
I sniff them try to answer him through the lump in my throat "beautiful" he wipes my tears and pulls me in for a hug I hug him around his head as he rocks us back and forth. " I love you" He mumbles in my chest and I cry even harder he rubs my back softly then he pulls away sitting me down on the bar stool.
He cleans my face one more time before he hands me a little box "now listen, this gift you cannot open until we get back home okay?" I nod my head as I look at him with the biggest smile on face "did you cook this ?" i ask softly , he smiles.
"I wish I did but I got it from your favorite restaurant and had them deliver it here, but there is too things that I made but it's a dessert" he smiles again , I grab his hand caressing the top of his hand with my thumb.
" I know you're going to tell me it's okay and all you wanted for Valentine's Day was me or my happiness but I apologize for not buying you anything or giving you anything my period came in the way-" before I could go any further he cups my face and kisses me intensely and passionately I place my hand on his wrist then he pulls away placing his forehead on me.
"Theirs no reason to say sorry, because you make everyday feel like Valentine's Day , you make everyday special for me" I smile then peck his lips one more time.
After we finished eating I opened up all my gift of course crying as I saw them , I cry at everything he gives me because he thought of me when he bought it or it's something he would like us to do together. I'm laying my head on Jungkook's chest while watching a movie and he's caressing my back with his fingertips. "No more surprises?" I comment breaking the silence
"Nope, I wanna do this valentines a little different" he says softly
" I love it" I look up at him and he smiles brightly "and I love you" He comments then pecks my lip
"You're so cheesy" I look back at the screen and were watching golden time a anime that Jungkook really wanted to show me he was so excited to start watching with me. I love hearing him get excited about something , usually he'll let me pick everything because he wants me to be happy but I also want him to be happy as well he doesn't realize that his happiness makes me ten times happier than him trying to make me happy. My thoughts get interrupted by him tilting my chin up to him he pecks my lips softly over and over then he looks into my eyes, I love when his eyes smile first then his lips form a smile later. " what are you thinking about handsome?" I comment beating him to the punch.
"Isn't that my line?" He says smiling bigger
"It is, so answer me then I'll answer you, like twenty one questions" I smile slightly, he closes the laptop then he sits me on his lap as I put my hand on his chest.
"I was thinking about you"
"You always answer with that" I say while hitting his chest , his bunny smile appears again and he kisses my hand softly " well I was thinking about you as well" I continue
"Great minds think alike madam" he says in a British accent , I shake my head then kiss his forehead , he places his hands on my waist.
" I was thinking about how far we've came, you went from loving me to hating me to not trusting me to giving me your all, and every step of the way my feelings never changed about you, no matter what I said to discourage you from coming close to you, it was me lowkey asking you stay" he chuckles " what a weak scared kid I was" I caress his cheek softly then he places his large hand on my wrist
"You weren't weak in my eyes that way, you would take a bullet for me, or that time when you got deeply wounded and I picked up by the tree, you were still trying to walk the next day, Jungkook you were never weak or scared, but one thing you are is protective , and you thought it was the best option" I say looking deeply into his eyes
"I really did think it was the best option, but I really did crave you so badly"
"So did I , why you think I couldn't stop kissing you back even though you broke my heart made me cry and everything , I kept going back to you, Jungkook you could've kept me away from you , but my heart would still ache for you and I would always think about you, that was something you couldn't stop" I smile , he sits up and attacks my lips with soft kisses I wrap my arms around his neck smile in between the kisses. He buries his head in my neck and I caress the nape of his neck with my nails and he rocks us back and forth and I smile.
I guess Valentine's Day turned out beautiful, fuck You anxiety, my valentine is happy and so am I.
Third pov
I walk into the visitation room and sit at a phone waiting for him to appear after a couple of minutes, he sits in front of me and they take off the handcuffs,I smirk at him then I pick up the phone.
" you look pathetic" I say to him
"You look desperate" he clapsback , I raise one eyebrow up at him then I place my bag on my lap " how is he?" He asks
"I have no clue, he doesn't really talk to me as much, He talks to you more , or maybe he talks to you more cause he wants something from you" I comment
He chuckles " I guess we're just those fucked up parents huh? Mrs.jeon, to what do I owe this visit?"
Authors pov:
Just a little short chapter , but you know I couldn't leave it off all peaches and cream! When is it ever peaches and cream with me? Come on lol anyways I love y'all I hope you still continue to support me despite my inconsistency on uploading and how many times I take a break! I need and deserve it sometimes . Life throws me around too much but I will always bounce back. I'm a determined woman lol anyways enough about me! I hope you enjoyed this chapters and let me know if theirs anything you'd like to see in future chapters.
Q: do you enjoy cliffhangers?
Q: would you like to see old Jungkook? Or do you like this new developed Jungkook?
Q: is the story boring?
Q: is there anything you would like to see from "mine" in yours
Q: how is your mental health?
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