Brand new year fresh beginnings, but same beautiful woman. I look down at Ariella as she snuggles up in my chest sliding my fingers through her hair I smile thinking about the time I choked trying to confess my love to her when we had a whole argument over who's life was more dreadful I remember holding her as she fell asleep in my arms.
My heart was thumping so hard I thought it would wake her up, that's when I knew I had to say something I had to let it be known that my feelings for her were the same and they were genuine, I had to let her know that she meant everything to me.
Then she pulled that foul prank on me I damn near almost lost my mind, literally about to go insane
I didn't want anyone else to have her. my phone starts ringing loudly I cover her ear with my hand then reach for my phone with my free hand to see a call From my older brother.
"Yes?" I answer softly
" dad's having a family vacation starting today, you wanna go? You can bring Ariella too" he scoffs then puts on a more serious tone " and my girlfriend you get to meet her"
I frown as I create ripples in my skin " your girlfriend?" I question
" you're not the only jeon who is dating okay?" he fires back making me chuckle this kid finally asked her out after years and years, at least he admitted his feelings unlike me I held the words in but my actions showed differently.
" I can't wait to meet her" I reply
" so start packing I'll send you the address don't be fashionably late"
" you know I like to look good"
I go back to the room and see Ariella still in the sheets snuggled up with her hair going everywhere, smiling and shaking my head, I walk over to the bed kissing her neck softly, I start kissing up towards her jawline and I hear a moan erupted from her throat I smirk and giggle in her neck. she pulls on my hair on the nape of my neck and pulls my lips in closer to her neck.
"good morning, beautiful" I whisper in her neck
"morning" she whispers, she kisses my head softly wrapping her arms around me, I kiss her chest then I get up seeing her pout I smile then kiss her lips, "let's shower were going somewhere," I say interlacing our fingers together I hear her whine as she pulls me back down crashing her lips onto mine over and over while wrapping her arms around my neck.
" kiss me for a little more" she whispers softly, I place my hand on her waist then I look into her eyes this woman is the end to my dark days theirs nothing I wouldn't do for her. She's so spoiled and I feel like she knows it " okay," I say against her lips I press them against hers as we move in harmony I lift her up never taking her lips off mine, walking towards the shower.
After we took a shower I started packing for her because my baby's wrist hurt really bad from sleeping on it so I don't want her to put a lot of pressure on it. As I'm packing her stuff in the bag I look at her to see a million stars reflecting back at me she looks so mesmerized by me.
" what's up babygirl?" I ask her softly not trying to break her daze
"I just- I really love you so fucking much and I feel like I don't show you enough. Like I feel as if I don't give you more than you deserve and I feel like all I do is take from you , but I never do anything in return, but god do I love you so damn much like God really blessed me with you but all I do is nothing for you, like the only thing good I do for you is give you bomb ass head and sex, what else good have I've done for you? I wanna give you more. I wanna do more for you I love you fiancée" she comments playing with her bracelet, I walk over carefully because knowing my baby she feels guilty and she'll start crying
"Look at me," I say softly. She turns her head towards me biting her lower lip most likely suppressing the tears forming in her eyes , I press my forehead against hers and I smile slightly then I caress her cheek softly " first off I love you so much more , I know you're completely in love with me and you couldn't live without me just as much as I can't live without you" I see her smiling creeping slowly as scrunch my nose up at her , now she's giggling , I hover over her admiring her beauty before I say the next thing " you're so beautiful and so is your heart" she tries to cover her face but I grab them with one hand as I kiss her softly then i place my forehead on hers again " Ariella, you do everything for me, you help me from running away when that's all I want to do is run, you keep me grounded , you helped me achieve a new mindset, you help me mature , you gave me one thing that I've been wanting to receive from someone was love, and you gave it to me"
" the bomb head and sex is just an added fee" I chuckle, seeing her giggle underneath my gaze, I look into her eyes sternly getting lost in them " don't ever for a second think that you don't do anything for me. You may not do it in a materialistic way, but you do it in a more mental way, and I love you so much" she shakes her head softly placing her forehead on mine " I love you more" she whispers back to me. If only you knew I loved you so much more , words can even begin to form to express my feelings for you.
I kiss her forehead as she caresses my forearms then I lean back down to kiss her " we need to pack"
" and I need cuddles" she pouts
" I will give you some after we pack okay?" I comment , she shakes her head still pouting . I kiss her lips softly then she whined when I get off of her . Trust me I just want to cuddle with her all day and kiss her, shit that's all I ever wanted to do.
I put our bags in the backseat and I look over to see Ariella with a black cap on her head and it's really low, I know she's either sulking or crying, I know my baby more than anyone, besides her mom and her grandparents. Closing the door I hop in the drivers seat and I crank the car up. Then pull out the driveway
We drive in silence for a good fifteen minutes, because I want her to let it all out before I ask her, but I know she's going to cry again when I ask her the question anyway.
" Hey, baby?" I say softly breaking the ice
" yes?" She answers not looking at me
" why were you crying earlier, and don't say it's nothing," I say lightly
" I just- still feel useless to you, and it's not your fault it's mine, I make your life difficult"
I snicker " you should know baby, I love me a good game of chase I love the thrill" I hear a giggle escape her mouth and automatically I smile, everything about her just makes me wanna smile.
" baby!!" She yells, she hits me softly then I look at her to see her already looking at me, her eyes were pink and puffy had she been sobbing? " why your smile disappeared?" She says softly
" it's not the happiest thing in the world to see your girlfriend beat herself up," I say through cracked Voice, my chest feels heavy. It pains me to see her in pain.
"correction, fiancée, but baby it's just me it's not you, I feel like I keep so much pain and fears to myself because I don't wanna bother you, nor do I wanna put so much pressure on you , and I just beat myself up so much thinking I'm not good enough for you" I see her bite her lower lip and I grab her hand bring it up to my lip as I kiss it softly
" baby, I'm here for you no matter what you need to say even if you fall outta love with me and date someone else , I will always be here for you to help you to listen , when I put that ring upon you finger I gave you my life, when I asked you out I let you into my life and I'm not planning on letting you go when I worked so damn hard to have you, so you're not useless because trust me if you were I wouldn't have been so maniacal, when my so called stepdad said he wanted you I fought ten times harder and put my life on the line just so he wouldn't have you, you make my life so bright and colorful you're the rainbow that came into my grey life , all I thought about before you were hookups, parties not coming to school loved getting into fights I mean baby look at I'm a hothead" she giggles at my last comment and I scoff
" okay okay keep thinking I'm planning on when I get hot headed I'ma say I told you" she laughs on my shoulder and I smile brightly " keep thinking it's a game now" she laughs, even more, she is my baby my everything, I hope she can see that one day. She stops laughing but she hugs my arm " moral of the story is baby is you really changed me into a man, my mind was in such a selfish place, I used to not care about anything or anyone I was so cold-hearted, and you were the only one who could melt it"
" some people are worth melting for," she says cutely
" you're so corny" We both laugh, she kisses me then lays back on my arm " I love you Jungkook, can I tell you everything when we get to where-ever we're going?"
" what type of question is that you know I'll listen to you sweetie" I say while getting into another lane , I look in the rear view mirror and see the car get stuck in between multiple cars way behind us I get off the expressway smirking to myself , then I look down at Ariella as she's plugging her phone into the aux cord.
We make it to the hotel and I park semi-close to the door but not that close because if you park your car a little closer to the door the camera can pick up everything just in case someone breaks in it. I kiss Ariella's forehead multiple times to wake her up she turns and looks at me then grabs my face and kissed me.
I smile brightly at her " good afternoon sweetie" I say softly
"Good afternoon handsome, where are we?"
" our destination" I reply, she smiles shaking her head knowing I'm not going to tell her anything, she opens the door and I hear her whine in pain and I just know she used her bad wrist to open the door.
I grab all the bags out the trunk then I see her move her flyaway hairs out her face then she holds her hand out " yes?" I answer
" let me carry some baby," she says sleepily
" no your wrist is messed up let's go sweetie", she grabs the car keys out my hands and locks the car by the buttons then she walks ahead of me, I smirk at her little attitude, I'll fix her later. She opens the door with her good hand when I walk up to the receptionist she smiles at me a little too long then I look at Ariella who is folding her arms across her chest.
Before I could I could say anything my dad yells my name " Jungkook finally you made it" I smile brightly then he walks up to me " get him the king suite ma'am that's under jeon Jungkook, with the beautiful view thank you ma'am" he kisses my head and I smile brightly he then walks over to Ariella and pulls her in for a hug and kisses her head as well.
" I see you got Jungkook doing all the hard work!" He yells at her
" no! , listen he kept insisted to carry the bags!" She says holding his forearm, he starts smiling and hugs her again
" I know I raised my son right" he smiles " well I'll see y'all later take some time and get settled" she shakes her head then he says bye to us again.
The young woman slides the hotel key card to me then she eases me up and down " you're just staying with a friend? , having a family reunion?" She giggles
" yea something like that she's every terminology in the book but I prefer my wife, come on baby let's go" I smirk at Ariella and I see her cheeks turn red.
We arrive at the hotel room and Ariella's face is so shook, I'm shook as well when he said a beautiful view I didn't think it would be this beautiful. But she's more beautiful. I place the bags on the bed as she walks over to the glass slide door. She slides it back as the wind blows her hair back.
She sits on one of the chairs as she balls up, I follow her sitting right in front of her looking at my beautiful view while she looks at a different view.
I watch her flyaway hair caress her cheeks, as she places her chin on her knees. Smiling I bite my lower lip at her as my eyes just ease her beauty up and down. She finally turns around to look at me and she smiles brightly at me pushing her fly away hairs behind her ears, she just gets up and walks over to me, but my eyes never leave off of her. She then sits down on my lap she kisses me softly then wraps her arms around my neck I place one hand under her thigh and the other on her waist. She lays her head on top of mine and I just say nothing and take in her scent.
"so, that dream I had on Christmas was about your pedo half-brother I had a dream he was going to do the same thing he did to me in the bathroom, lately I just felt less and less about myself because so many disgusting things as happened to me that I don't feel comfortable in my skin because people have seen something that I'm so insecure about, and I feel like I'm just being handed out to any man"
" I also feel helpless like I said, I feel weak I've never been strong not once to fight my own battles, someone has always intervened and it just sucks that no matter how hard I try I'm still not good enough, and I'm just really insecure about my body, I know you're going to say I'm beautiful and I'm one of kind but I don't feel that way because I've been tossed around so much I don't know my worth" she whispers , I look up at her as I see tears forming on her eyes " oh fuck here I go again I'm -"
"Human," I said interrupting her, she looks at me with a confused face
" you're human Ariella, your emotions are for you, they make you who you are so stop apologizing for them and let them be heard so you can find a way to overcome it, and yes you are beautiful so beautiful I still can't believe you're mine, but it's not your body that makes you beautiful it's your mind, the way you think how soft but impactful your voice is how your words literally still lingers in my mind from two years ago, your mind is so beautiful and capable of so many things but you chose to block it because you don't wanna feel emotions or ask for help" I wipe her face softly then I look into her eyes again
" baby I'm always here to help no matter what, you're my fiancé soon to be wife , you know that I'm here always, and I'm in love with you no matter what you say to me like I said if you ever fall out of love with me, I'm still going to love you! I may still you from your man" she giggles through the tears " I wipe them then kiss her softly " I'm glue baby , I can't go nowhere and theirs no other place I'd like to be but here" I point at her chest she looks down then back up at me, she smiles hugging me around my neck as she straddles me wrapping my arms around her waist I tilt my head up and she cups my face as we kiss multiple times
" baby?"
"Hm," I say dazed
"I mean so much to you don't I?" She smiles
"You mean the galaxy to me, not even the world" I kiss her again, she goes in my neck and whines I smile rubbing her back softly " what's wrong with my baby?"
"You never promised your wife those cuddles" she pouts, smiling I lift her up then I walk back in the room, closing the glass door with my foot I lay her in the bed then I get in pulling her closer to me. I wrap my arms around her waist and place my chin on the crook of her neck.
" didn't your dad wanted to see us?" She says softly
" he can wait he'll understand we're tired," I say groggily.
We ended up taking an hour nap, honestly, we were super tired and she was probably more tired then I was from all that stress and built up emotions. I would be too. I hear a knock on the door and I sigh slightly I take my arms off her body as I hear her whine softly.
" baby," she says softly
"I'll be back okay?" I say walking towards the door I look the peephole seeing my brother standing there, unlocking it I open the door and he walks in
" is Ariella naked?!" He yells in a joking matter
" no stupid!" She barks back, he goes into the room where she is and I lock the door and follow right behind him. I walk in seeing him laying his head on her calves. Ariella pets his head softly and I lay on top of my brother as he wraps his arms around me.
" you okay?" I ask him softly, he rubs my back and all he replies with is " love hurts a lot when it's one-sided that's all I'm going to say" I shake my head completely understanding what he meant by it, I've been there many times.
I got ready and I still see Ariella in her PJs and I frown up at her " why aren't you dressed?", she pulls me in by the hem of my pants as she fixes my collar and lays her hand on my chest.
" it seems that big brother-in-law needs his little brother more than I need him," she says looking into my eyes.
"Me? but-"
" you jeon's really refuse help when you're literally discreetly asking for help, I swear you guys are complicated" she smiles softly " go help your brother he clearly isn't okay and needs someone to listen to him, so go be his ears and shoulder" I smile because she's such a beautiful human a very caring human at that as well.
" okay you better not be sleep when I come back," I say seriously to scare her
She smiles and hugs me around my waist "okay I'll be awake, I'll make myself stay up for you"
" you better i love you" I tilt her chin up to kiss her then she bites my lower lip softly as she giggles I squint my eyes at her "okay Ariella" I smack her ass softly then walk towards the door
"Don't open this door for no one"
"What if I get hungry?" She asks
"I'll go get you better food, what do you want?" I say grabbing the door handle , I turn around and she's holding the door as I'm on the outside
" you don't know your wife? , I like Chick-fil-a, but I know it's probably not open right so can you get me Panda Express baby?" She pouts at her last sentence
"Of course baby" I smile , as I'm about to turn around I hear say something under her breathe , smiling before she can close the door I grab her face roughly and make out with her roughly I cup her face with two hands then I pull away to look into her eyes
"Chill your attitude," I say in a raspy tone " I'll see you later cutie" I wink at her then walk back out , I hear the door lock and I smile knowing what's going through her head and how red she is.
I make it downstairs to where my family is and I scan the area looking for my brother and as our minds think alike I hate to admit he's by the bar, drowning his sorrows, I make my way over to him.
Before he can drink the shot I take it out his hand and drink it myself "hm, pretty strong, tastes like regret, guilt, and sadness"
"Been there done that big bro" I drink the next shots he has lined up which were like five.
"You're not drunk yet? , he gave me the strongest liquor"
"I'm a heavyweight I need more than that to get me drunk, so spill it tell me what happened" I said leaning up against the counter
" she just woke up one day and decided that she didn't love me anymore, we didn't go that far but we were far" he gulped hardly " but she told me when we just got here when I wanted dad to see her"
"Bullshit, you can't stop loving someone out of nowhere" I say now angry "she wanted an excuse out or she wanted something from you" I see a girl looking at me biting her lower lip at me, but I give her the blank face then I nudge him then tilt my chin in her direction "yea it's her, I guess I see what she wanted every girl wants you huh? Guess you got the handsome genes from dad?, I got the bad luck from mom"
I scoff " you think having a million girls on you is a good thing? we'll news flash is not because you don't know which one of those girls could be the one, just like regular people gamble on love everyday not knowing which one is the one for them, obviously she's not the one for what and you got a sign before you got too deep, so listen forget her or linger on her, either way you're still a better man and you know you deserve better than her , you deserve everything in the world you're my brother I know your worth and how much you went through for me when I was younger, if theirs anyone who deserves to be happy for life it's you" I clench my jaw " don't play yourself short okay?, don't be like me, I didn't date again for years and like hell im going to mess it up, so be careful with your heart and learn to let your little brother in as well, you're stronger than you think,maybe you should talk to your childhood best friend she may have some buried treasure" I smirk then walk away I hear him calling my name then I stand up on the stage asking the guy for the mic.
"Hello guys, how are you , I'm jungkook and I have a few words to say" I look at the girl then wink at her " you see this beautiful woman here, I wanna introduce you guys to her" everyone frowns up at me because they know I'm with Ariella, she comes in the stage and I smile at her wrapping my arm around her shoulder
"Anyways let me tell you something about her, she smart but not smart I can see through just about anything and she's over here coming into our family claiming she doesn't love my dearest brother anymore , and she used my precious brother to get me not knowing that I'm an engaged man to a beautiful fiancé and I don't plan on going anywhere unless it's with my fiancé, so family you decide what you're going to do to her, especially my beautiful FBI cousin hey cousin!" I yell at her " well I'll see you guys later I'm going to hug my brother who was destroyed by a selfish girl she doesn't deserve the label woman" I get off the stage hearing my cousin cursing her out, I smirk then walk over to my brother
"You're really a psychopath"
"Nah, I just like giving karma on my time, drinks on me?" I ask
I get to the hotel room and go up to a random door purposely then I look in the reflection of the key card I slide it in and obviously it declines , I pretend I'm really drunk and then I start walking back towards that person "where is my room?" I scratch my head like I'm really drunk the person then runs up to me and tries to help me but they start walking me far away from the room door.
"Let's ask someone where your room is ,come with me" the person says in a fake concerned tone, I see this person walk-in towards the back entrance, as soon as they open the door I pressure point them and they fall to the ground I tie their wrist tightly with a shoe string around their wrist. I sit them up and look into their eyes
"I'm not stupid, so who sent you?"
"I'm surprised you remembered me huh?"
" Answer my damn question before I bash your head in" I say angrily
"Daniel," I say through gritted teeth
Authors note
I gave you greedy babies a really long chapter for some odd reason I just couldn't stop typing , like I was supposed to type more after that cliffhanger but I was like :hmm let me give them a cliffhanger lol I swear I do love y'all but cliffhangers are fun and it makes the story more interesting I promise lol Y'all are probably like: this bitch I swear😒 she betta upload asap lol ima try actually to upload more frequently this year that's a goal of mine. So we'll see 🥰,but I love you all! And I hope you enjoyed this long chapter.
Q: would you like me to post longer chapters or shorter ones?
Q: is there anything you miss from mine that you would like in here?
Q: would like to see the other characters from mine?
Q: how is your mental health today? I hope you're doing well
❁ if theirs any mistakes point em out, even tho mistakes are beautiful.
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