Jungkook pov
I pull Ariella into me closer not leaving a single gap in between us. I'm trying to make up for those times I wanted to hold her but either chose not to or I was away trying to protect her. I regret too much already from my past. It's time to fix my mistakes in the present.
"Baby?" She mumbles
"Yes?" I answer her, she wraps her leg around me, and I caress her thigh with my fingertips slowly
"Are you okay?" She asks still hinting that she's worried about me still.
"I'm just thinking way too hard about the past, so I'm trying to make up for it in the present" I explain to her she caresses my jawline with her nails as she flutters her eyes open meeting my gaze. Ariella, you are literally the light of my world, you're like honey everlasting.
"Oh my baby, I wish you would focus on the present, everything is laid out for you precious, the past is something you couldn't control, so control your present baby" kissing my cheeks then my lips, I smile, then play with her hair. "Jungkook you're such a beautiful human, inside and out, think about yourself for once, everyone is proud and thankful for you, now it's our turn to hold you" she presses her nose against mine I can't help but smile, our eyes having a dance battle between each other, we're just taking in the moment. I feel like even when I'm sixty years old I will still have them butterflies when I look at her. id still get nervous when she sits so close to me, my heart will skip a beat when she smiles. she'd still make me stutter when I speak to her I don't think I could ever get rid of those feelings.
"what are you thinking about now?" she asks
"how when were old, the feelings I have for you will never change" I explain to her she smiles while kissing me, the day hasn't even started but I know it's going to be a great one
today we decided since we really haven't hung out with our friends that we would do that, Ariella really missed the guys and I gotta admit so did i. I guess. but they complain I've changed a lot since Ariella and I have started dating. and I don't see whats changed. I just have a girlfriend now.
"jungkook, can you tell me which perfume you like best?" she holds up one wrist to my nose, I inhale the scent already liking it due to the fruity vanilla scent, then she puts up her other wrist and it smells very bold but with a scent of innocent, that's literally Ariella described into two words.
"I like this one" I point to her right wrist
"i figure you would say that, is it the baby powder smell that got you" she says walking to the dresser spraying the perfume
"well no it's because it matches my cologne" I smirk making her choke on her salvia, she then throws a pillow at me and I catch it within my hands smiling at her "you asked me and I gave you a genuine answer" I defend myself
"You're crazy" She says to me
"For you" I wink at her as she grabs my hand, dancing and whatever music was in her head, she hums the lyrics then I realize it's a song I wrote I never got the chance to produce it yet because I really don't have the correct set up yet but once I do it's game time
"Babe!" I yell at her
"What?! I love your song baby" she places her chin on my chest, I pick her up like a baby and she wraps her legs around my waist I kiss her over and over. Making her giggle at me "I love everything you do" she reminds me
"I know"
We ended up hanging out with the boys to the beach, we wanted to go jet skiing, most of us haven't been on a jet ski or a boat ride so we wanted to try it out. Plus we've kinda already hung out at so many places
Arielle stands next to me wrapping her arms around my waist cause that's as far as she can reach. I wrap my arm around her shoulder with my other hand in my shorts pocket.
"It's so hot baby" she whines
"I told you that you cause global warming" I say back, she scoffs then let's go of me but I pull her back into me "I wanna hold you stop being difficult" I now look down at her as her puppy eyes are already glowing at me
"Since when you've become this soft?" She asks
"I think I always was when it comes to you" I reply moving the hair off her forehead, and shooing a fly away.
"I love you jungkook"
"I love you Ariella" she tipy-toes to kiss me then I hear Jin yelling and saying "ew" at our sudden affection.
"Oh shut up, you're just said yailyn isn't here" I say punching his chest, he tries to hit me back but swiftly I move the both of us out the way as I laugh "it's true" I yell with my arms wrapped around her waist.
I stand behind jungkook as him and Jin fight, I laugh as jungkook is stronger than him and probably Hercules. My feet start to hurt so I go and sit next to hoseok. "Hey sunshine"
"Hey lovely, how are you?"
"I'm burning up , you?" I ask
"Honestly same, I feel like a greasy chicken" hoseok jokes, me and him start laughing and I hit his arm as he almost falls "HOSEOK!!" I yell thinking he was going to
"Nope. Not today devil" he laughs
"I feel horrible hoseok, I barely hang out with you guys" I say looking down at my shoes
"You know Ariella, shit happens, and somethings can't be avoided like that pest of a excuse stepdad jungkook has, honestly we weren't worried about hanging out, we all were worried about keeping you two safe, and plus we have no worries so we're hanging out now, be the optimistic Ariella I know you are" He says ruffling my messy hair making it worse.
"Okay thank you sunshine" I say trying to fix me hair
"Of course, you're our family now, I mean you always were, even when jungkook had stubborn ass feelings towards you, we care about you Ariella" he smiles, then speaking of the devil jungkook comes towards me and sit on my lap
"What's up baby?" I ask as he places my hand on his back
"I need your nails my back is so itchy I feel like a damn dog" he says dazed as I'm digging into the spot that is itchy.
"Is that all in helpful for"
"You benefit my health so you that's what your helpful for" He gives me a sideways smirk as my face turns red "aw you blushing?"
"No! It's hot! Get the hell off me I'm done" I say while pushing him off me, he almost falls but catches himself instantly "hobi, get your brother please" I say laying on his shoulder Jungkook sits next to me laying on my shoulder.
"What are we the three stooges?"
"Yeah, we are" Jungkook replies to hoseok
Before I could say anything else namjoon comes out to let us know that the jet skis will be ready jungkook gives me his hand I grab it then get up he wraps his arms around my shoulder and kiss my temple.
"You okay today jungkook?" I ask softly
"Yeah I'm fine, it's just for some reason I feel anxious" he replies, I look at him I wrap my arms around his waist kissing his chest softly "Okay baby I'll relax" he says moving the hair out of my face.
"Good" I smile, he lifts me up on his back I just wrap my arms around his neck. The water looks like a sapphire gem so lively, calm and collective, just the way life is going for us right now.
I'm happy and content the way life is right now, nothing could be better.
Jungkook's body stops and I break myself from my conversation in my head "look baby turtles" he says softly
"Awww turtles!! You guys are so cute" I start speaking in a baby tone, jungkook chuckles then places me down slowly instantly I take out of phone taking pictures of the baby turtles. "Oh my my my, such beautiful babies you are" I continue with the same tone smiling so brightly. I have such a soft spot for animals I really want to save so many but it's not much I can do.
I grab jungkook's hand to help me up and because I like holding his hand, we start walking where the jet skis are and Taehyung is already on one with his safety vest "Taehyung I thought you knew how to swim?" I ask
"Can never be too careful my darling" Taehyung winks at me and I just shake my head, jungkook begins to pull his shirt over his head and my body becomes hotter than a sauna. I'm fully aware I should be used to seeing him naked but I don't think I ever will be.
"What's wrong baby?" He asks I can just hear him holding in his laughter
"N-n-nothing" I stutter , great I'm stuttering what a great cover up for my actions towards him.
"Oh nothing mami?" He presses his sticky chest to my back instantly like a force of nature, god then he called me a nickname that makes me a cup of putty.
How much more can I take?
"Ye-Yea-Yeah it's nothing" I breathe out
"Really?" He slides his dove like fingertips up my waist and I feel more and more anxious he would do anything bold in front of his brothers right? He wouldn't dare touch me inappropriately in public right? He has morals.
His hands reached my boobs and he just hovers over them, my body freezes like a block of ice, one little subtle move I could just shatter "it's beautiful to see what affects I have upon you, mami" he whispers on my earlobe, digging my fingernails in his forearm, which was the wrong thing to do he also groans very huskily in my ear.
"Stop being horny children and get on the skis" Taehyung yells , jungkook let's out a deep laugh that rumbles against my skin like an earthquake.
"You were saved this time mami" he unglues himself from me making me sigh in relief, Taehyung really is a life saver. Jungkook steps on the jet ski sitting down slowly then looks at me reaching his hand out "I got you baby" he reassures me
"Where's your life vest?" I ask very concerned
"I don't need it I know how to swim" he comments
"I don't" I actually say with fear in my voice.
"Hey, look at me babygirl" his soft voice follows me to his face " I'm not going to let anything happen to you, I'll wear one with you if it makes you feel better" he slides the life vest on his body clicking all the belts on. Just not too long ago he was dominate, now he's all sweet and caring. Jeon jungkook you really are in love with me huh?
"Don't drop me please" I say shakily
"I promise I won't" I grab onto his hand and I get on the jet ski my first instincts is to wrap my arms around his waist "hold me tight okay? don't let go okay?"
"Okay" I say muzzled in his back, I'm so afraid of being in deep water, knowing that I can't swim is probably the scariest part known to man, I hear jungkook starting the engine, I pull my head out back then look at the scenery in front of me I smile, it's very beautiful so rich a deep blue, the scale of gradient is beautiful all hues of blues placed on a palette
"You okay baby?" He asks
"Yeah I'm good" I smile, he starts driving the jet ski splashing us with water as we giggle and laughed the whole day.
The sun was setting and jungkook and I stayed on the beach cuddling while watching it. He presses his lips on my ear making me giggle "who would've thought I get you?" He whispers
"I ask myself that every day" I smile
"You know you've helped me grow right?" He asks, but it sounds like he's reassuring me
"you too" I reply he kisses my temple softly I hold his hand firmly, if I had a palm scan back when I first met him and it told me I'd fall head over shoes for him I wouldn't believe it. Back then we were literal polar opposites to forces of nature that caused many hurricanes. Maybe even some typhoons.
But as their element continued to fuse and the emotions were no longer ours. The natural disasters were not caused by them anymore. Just a hurricane coming to their home. As the years played out we started to become a whole. We weren't the same people we were when he knocked my books out of my hand. Or when he broken my heart.
Protected me from a couple of gang members. We've evolved into a mentality that feeds off the energy "it's us against the world,the life is cold, but we're colder" and I love that.
"Someone's thinking very hard" he says against my ear
"Just thinking of how we were complete polar opposites before and now we're like twins, it's just funny to me how much you grow in a relationship and you don't even notice"
"You're so right baby, I was a hard headed hot head kid from busan, and you were an innocent heart broken young woman" he described us years ago so perfectly. I smile then feel him picking me up I don't say anything I just stand and turn my face towards him "that I've fallen in love with" he smiles so hard I can see the lines in every part of his face, the way his eyes glow when he's talking to me makes me feel so warm like a candle.
With those eyes and that smile it might as well snow in California.
"Yeah I've fallen in love with the cold hearted busan boy" I giggle, he tilts my chin up making me kiss him, but is it ever just a kiss with us?
Jungkook pov
Getting home my phone rings and it's Daniel I frown as I slide to answer "yes?" I speak very confused
"Hey jungkook what's up?"
I roll my eyes knowing he's stalling for something "Daniel?"
I hear him chuckle nervously then he stops " so um you remember you asked me to check into your mom's whereabouts?"
"Yeah, Daniel get to the point" I say now irritated
"Chill out man" he clears his throat "anyways your mom was at an adoption center"
I frown up , walking towards the fridge grabbing a Gatorade "what? That's strange do you have any intel on why she's there?" Cracking open the juice Ariella stands in front of me smiling with her one sided dimple grabbing the Gatorade from me and drinking some of it off before she squeezes her eyes shut tightly. I guess it's too cold for her teeth, she doesn't have a bit of a sensitive teeth. I pinch her cheeks as she puts the Gatorade down.
"Tell Ariella I said hi, but anyways she's going there to pick up your sister"
"My sister? I only have a brother"
"Hm if that's what you think, you have a sister that they put in the adoption home because your mother was taking care of her as a single mother, she's probably going to use her as bait to get him out of jail"
"But who's her dad?" I ask confused Ariella looks confused as well
"Beats me, don't stress we'll try to get to the bottom of this" Daniel sighs, to me it feels like theirs more than he's leading on, but maybe he really doesn't want me to stress.
But I owe the right to know.
Sadly she is my mother.
"Okay yeah, thanks Daniel" i look down at Ariella
"Hi Daniel!" Ariella says nuzzled in my chest
"No problem man, you gotta trust me okay? And hi Ariella"
"He says hi, okay call me when you get something"
"Okay bye"
I hang up and Ariella walks away from my position I sigh knowing she's freaking out, scared and stressed because of the conversation we just had. I can never keep her in good spirits.
My hands start trembling, my head is spinning I can't shake the feelings I have towards everything and everyone my life is one big ol mystery.
Everyone is keeping secrets from me. Makes me think I shouldn't trust anyone.
"Why me?" I think to myself, Ariella turns around shaking her eyes watery and full of worry I guess I didn't say it in my head, I growl, my heart is aching. Being my mother's son has caused me so much pain and death. No matter who I'm with it follows.
"Oh fuck how I wished to not feel these emotions"
I watch my distraught fiancé fumble through his emotions, jungkook rarely expresses them, so for him to be ranting, almost crying and shaking this must be more serious than anything.
Or he's at his breaking point.
I slowly walk towards him hearing him rant " god damn it!!!" He growls throwing glass on the floor cutting his hand in the process, my heart breaks just like the glass upon the floor and my tears pour out like the crimson blood pouring out his hands and down his wrist.
"I wish I could just turn off my emotions like a fucking light switch" he chokes through his words his eyes so stormy with the thunderstorm rains pouring out of him.
The thunder power in him shakes with every inhale in his body I can hear his heart breaking.
My baby is broken and I never took the time to ask.
"I'm tired.." he whispers bawling his fists up, Ariella fucking move
"Baby.." I try to get out but my voice cracks, I turn him around but his body is so limp he drops to his knees face on my stomach I hold him by his head sliding my fingers through his hair, I bite down on my lower lip suppressing my tears.
You're being strong for me, now it's my turn to reciprocate it baby.
"I'm a damn monster" he whispers, I look down seeing a knife in his hand panicking I knock it away from him
"Baby no!" I yell out in agonizing pain, feel lightheaded I fall right in front of him both of us is broken.
I'm broken because I'm not doing my job. And he's broken from his mother.
I take off my shirt just leaving me in a bra as I wrap his hand up tightly to stop the bleeding, I can't even breathe right now because I'm so stressed for him, not because of him.
He's the man of dreams, no one wants to see someone they love in pain.
"I don't deserve you, I can't do this anymore" his eyes as dark as ever, I can't find a single emotion in his orbs.
"Stop lying, you don't deserve the pain that's happening to you" hoarsely I tell him, my trembling tips press against his scorching skin he leans into my hands and god am I grateful you even chose me.
I'm a nightmare sometimes.
"You're not leaving are you?" He asks softly
"Not by a chance, I'm glue baby" I say sticking my forehead to his "never" I add for extra reassurance.
"My mind is a dark place you don't wanna be there babygirl" he kisses my nose softly
" I have too, if I wanna save my prince" we both smile
"Thank you for being here for me"
"No place I'd rather be baby" we look into each other orbs, ranting out all our pain without words, I lean into him pressing my lips against his placing my hands on his shoulders not realizing that I was sitting on his lap this entire time , I feel one of his hands placed on my waist pulling me closer, to stick out bodies together, I now place one of my hands on the nape of his neck, not wanting him to pull away.
Pulling away feeling a surge of ecstasy, passion,love, pure happiness we find in each other.
He pecks my lips really quickly then lean his head against the island counter in our kitchen "You're a bad ass you know?" He comment I furrow my eyebrows and follow where his eyes are and notice he's talking about me in my bra, blushing I turn my head trying to hide my embarrassment.
"Why you so shy for?" He whispers in my neck "it's not the last time I'll see you just in your bra, you're fucking sexy and you're mine"
"Yeah but it still doesn't mean I'm not insecure about my small titties" I try to push him away so I can run away but he knows me too well and starts kissing my chest smiling across my skin with every kiss
"I love them, they're so cute and tiny,they fit just right for your perfect body" he makes me smile and look at him "I love everything about you, every scar, stretch marks, dimple, everything cause it's what attracts me to you"
"Okay mister Shakespeare, let's get you in the bed" I giggle
I'd advise jungkook to go see a doctor because I think he cut his hand very deep because he told me innthe showwr it wouldn't stop bleeding, but he says he's fine he know he hasn't cut any deep because he would be able to move it.
I lay in the bed, and surprisingly he lays his head on my chest I gasp "I have the honor to hug and hold you?!" I ask hearing him chuckle at me.
"Yeah, I'm going to try to be more open with you I'm very sorry for what happened today it was-" I grab him by his throat as I French kiss him making his head spin like a tea cup ride. I feel his hand slip in between my thighs squeezing them, he pulls away but not before his teeth latches onto my bottom lip pulling it
"I think I'm ready to risk it all right about now" he says in a mellow tone, I chuckle then I get serious so I can talk to him.
"Stop apologizing it obviously sounded like you just found out, okay?"
"How'd I get so lucky to have you?" he asks
"you took your chances and played your cards correct"
"i agree with that" he pulls me into his arms, making my caress his shoulder blades with my fingertips like i always do. smiling i kiss his lips softly then i smile against his lips
"mh no" he mumbles he pecks my lips multiple times, making me smile in between each kiss he makes me super giddy, he's always made me super giddy. kid with a new toy on christmas morning. i cant hold my tonuge around you jeon jungkook, i get tonuge tied and twisted, words begin to fumble, i have so much to say to you, im sweating bullets because your eyes still make me nervous.
oh will these feelings ever fade for you? never and i want you to know and feel that.
Authors note:
my heart is literally breaking for jungkook these past chapters, this damn mother is stressing my baby out! god. and daniel aint giving jungkook all the info he needs, i wonder why? now he's basically keeping three secrets from him now. then tells jungkook to trust him lol, seeing jungkook that distraugt really hit home man, he's way to strong but we love him dearly. anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter a lot! I really love you guys so fucking much without you guys a sequel wouldn't have even happened. I'm really thankful for you!
I hope you're happy and healthy, just remember I love you more than anything in this world and you're worth it💙
Q: Why is daniel hiding secerts from jungkook?
Q: how do you think the meeting with Ariella's dad will go?
Q: do you think jungkook will ever meet his sister? and how will she react?
Q: what is his mom really planning to do with his sister?
Q: how's your mental health at the moment?
❁ if theirs any mistakes point em out, even tho mistakes are beautiful.
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