
I hear jungkook's angelic voice singing in the kitchen, to his favorite idols song, I smile slightly then I sit up, seeing the door open and he's bringing my breakfast to me, if that company doesn't accept him and my brothers they don't know talent.

And deserves to step on legos.

His wet kisses upon my lips interrupts my inner rants bouncing throughout my mind "you look like a queen" he whispers
"You look like a king" I smile against his lips. Practically begging for another kiss,he kisses me again and places the tiny table of food on my legs.

"How are you doing my beautiful?" He says as he puts my hair in a ponytail
"Great, I just kind of have a headache, it's like cause of the jet lag and the hours of driving and sleep"
"I know,it kind of sucks" he puts a strand of hair behind my ear, "i apologize for that"
"It isn't your fault baby, you can't control everything okay"
"If only I had like stones or something, you know turn things to ash and what not, controlling time and space"
"Infinity stones? Okay thanos, snap dead" we both laugh at my little joke and I feed him some of my food, I caress his jawline as he watches me eat, if he ever told me he didn't love I wouldn't believe him, his eyes rat him out everytime, them pupils enlarge bigger than a black hole. I clean his chin with my thumb as he kiss my fingers "jungkook?"

"Hm" he says dazedly
"I'm so grateful for you, I feel like I should tell you that often" I say caressing his jawline with my nails, I've formed a habit of doing this, because I always do that to him, but it's just cause of that one time he didn't shave and like he had stubbles. I was melting in his arms just playing with it

He didn't like it but I loved it.

"I'm grateful for you as well baby" he comments
"We leave today huh?" I ask as I drink the smoothie
"Sadly, we may arrive at night, I have no clue what time it is over there" he says moving the tray out the way so he's now laying his head on my thighs
"Can we just walk around today? And buy stuff to take back home?" I ask sipping the smoothie
"We can do whatever you'd like to do" he mumbles with his eyes closed.

A wave of guilt just comes over me, I get this is my birthday trip but like we haven't done anything he's ever wanted to do,his dad and him spend money on this trip.

He should be able to do something too. Or just tell me.

"Hey you okay?" He says softly, I look down just to meet his eyes i shake my head
"No. No not really" I whisper. As I'm trying not to break down, I'm tired of crying, I'm always crying for everything
"talk to me babygirl" he says sitting up and looking me in the eyes.
"I feel bad we haven't done anything you've wanted to do. And I know you're going to say as long as I'm with you thats all that matters and it makes me happy but honestly that makes my heart flip and everything but like, I still feel guilty, jungkook what do you wanna do?"

He smiles and takes the smoothie out my hands, cupping my face in his large warm hands, he presses his lips upon mine and pushes me down on the bed as he hovers over me

"you don't want me to say that when that's my honest answer, ariella, you think I picked this place for you ? You never even talked about this place. I wanted us to travel to this place, this is my dream place for us, I wanted to go to swings do the flower bath, I really enjoyed it all, because of you I got to travel when no one else wanted to" He says with passion in his voice, I see jungkook I understand you baby boy.

"I'll always travel with you" I say as I cup his face in my hands "who else will help me get over the anxiety of being in the air?" We both chuckle as he slowly pushed me down on the the bed and He latches his warm fingertips under my thighs as he wraps them around his waist

"Is this what jungkook really want?" I whisper seductively, I move my hands up his forearm
"I did say I was going to fuck you in every state and country did I?" His eyebrow slowly raised, with nothing more to say I just let him kiss and bite all on my sweet spots. smiling because he's really happy.

Finally, you're not only thinking about me, you're thinking about yourself too.


I draw circles on his chest smiling softly as it moves up and down to match the rhythm of his breathing, a human so beautiful, inside and out exists ? In my hands, in my arms, feeling like a person who won a lottery ticket, such a dream of a lifetime to be stuck with you jeon jungkook. I reach my hand up to his hair, moving it out the way slowly to take in his beauty.

He's such an angel, an angel that deserves the world in the palm of his hand and much more. He honestly deserves the same happiness equivalent to a child going to Disney. I feel his breathing pattern change slightly and I know he's waking up, those beautiful starry eyes flutter open, looking down at me almost instantly.

You take my breath away just by a glance.

"I'm thinking about you" I whisper, he smiles against my lips, pressing his emotions on mine, I know you jungkook. I knew what you were going to ask. I was going to ask the same.

"Me too" he shoots back
"Hm?" He says softly
"Are you happy? Like genuinely happy?" I ask sliding my fingers through his midnight black hair
"Actually genuinely I'm so happy, if you could hear my heart beat in dead silence you would want to take me to the hospital" he jokes, he wraps one arm around me making me smile brightly. "You always think I'm joking watch"

I boop his nose making him scrunch it up in the cutest way possible, he's a bunny confirmed  "I wanna marry you so badly" I say while caressing his jawline "I just wanna steal your last name"

"What more do you want to steal from me?! I'm just about broke!" He jokingly yells at me, I just giggle and kiss him softly.
"I take what I want, you know you love me" I comment
"I really do, more than you could ever imagine, you really wanna marry me huh?" His eyes gaze into mine, I swear you get beautiful by the day. I nod my head then giggle softly

"I really can't wait to marry you" I smile

"I can't wait to marry you either"

Daniel pov

I start looking into what deeper matters jungkook's half brother can possibly want, it just can't be the money or Ariella, I really do feel that it's deeper than that. But it could be just that and his brain is just that doped up.

And his dad doesn't have a bit of sense either.

"Daniel" I hear his brother call me, getting up from my comfy spot I walk into the room "so I was thinking about what you said last night and, I think we should keep conversations like this to ourselves, it could be anyone"

"Understandable, But we do have to tell your crazy ass little brother" I comment
Jacob pinches the bridge of his nose then looks at me " I know, but right now, he's coming back from his trip, it'll just ruin his whole mood, not to mention ariella's as well, whatever he cares about she does as well vice versa"

I nod my head "that's just real love" I sigh then flop on the couch "it's just a new problem every day" I say exhaustedly
"Tell me about it, missed the days when the only worries in life was choosing an ice cream at the truck" Jacob jokes, we both start laughing off the stress.

Me personally I have a hunch on who it is, but I need more hardcore evidence before I can bring this up to Jacob.

I hope I'm right though.

Jungkook pov

I feel Ariella's baby breaths upon my skin, fluttering my eyes open I see her arms and legs wrapped around me securing me in. I chuckle to myself softly as I grab my phone while my other arm still around her waist.
I see a missed call from my older brother and one from Jimin and Taehyung. It's literally the afternoon over here it's like one in the morning over in los angles.

Yawning I call Jimin back first cause he's the first one to get nervous if I don't call him back, after the third ring he picks up.

"Hello?" His rasp reeks through the phone
"I guess, I woke you up, I'll call back later" I comment
"No no, it's okay I was worried sick about the both of you so I took a nap"
"Yeah with the way you sound I wouldn't call it a nap" I joke
"Haha" he fake laughs "well I guess you're okay then, where's Ariella?" He asks
"She's sleeping right now, jet lag is really messing with her, she's starting to come down with a cold"

Jimin clears his throat before he speaks "did you guys get your shots before you travel?"
"No, I didn't know if it was really necessary"
"But that's why they tell you to do it!!" He yells at me, I just laugh nervously in response making him even more angry. Sometimes I just like to get under his skin because it's funny to see him mad.

But this time I'm laughing off my nerves

Ariella tosses to the other side as she whines in pain, I move her arm out of the way giving her belly rubs "so how sick is she?"

"Sometimes she's on the verge of throwing up or she actually does end up throwing up, and her skin is burning sometimes then it's cold, I got her some medicine for it but I guess she had to sweat it off first" I say looking at her.

"Most likely, medicine works in mysterious ways" Jimin implies
"Wait happen to my Ariel?!" I hear Yasmine yell
"Be quiet ! You're going to wake the baby up, no Jungkook we didn't have kids, were watching her niece"
"Future congrats then" I joke
"Why am I friends with you?
"Cause you love me"


I ended up calling everyone back then place my phone to charge pulling her into my arms I pat her stomach softly. I should've taken us to the hospital and did it. She turns over in my arms as I just look down at her feeling so lucky to have her. She wraps her leg around me and instantly I hook my hand under her thighs.

"Baby?" She whines
"I'm here baby" I whisper to her, kissing her all over her face. Smiling she scoots into my chest as I place my chin on her head feeling her baby breaths on my bare chest. "You had a bad dream baby?" I ask, she nods her head softly sliding her fingers up my spine, tightly hugging her I kiss the top of her head.

"I'm here baby, I promise" I whisper
"You're always here, no need to promise, cause I know" I feel her smile creeping which also makes me smile. "Why are you up?"

"I was having a conversation with Jimin and my brother, they called me, Well us but you were sleep" i softly speak

"Aw, I really miss them, we should hangout with them more" she mumbles
"We should, after we settle down in our new home"
"I like the sound of that" she says softly.


And just like that we were back home, safe and sound, I grab our bags as she rubs her eyes adjusting to the sunlight. "You okay my baby?" I ask her
"Yeah, I just feel so sick, traveling makes me sick I guess" she jokes, she latches onto my arm leaning her head on my shoulder as we walk in the airport I see a sign for the both of us.

"No fucking way" I say softly Ariella raises her head slowly and everyone is here at the airport waiting for us. I look at Ariella who's literally about to bust into tears any minute now, these are the moments I want you to have, these are the moments I want you to live, these are the moments I want engraved in your brain. Not what my stepdad and his goons have done to you. Not what Daniel has done to you. Not anything your dad has done to you. Because that's all my guilt to carry, that was my wrong doing. I apologize for that. I will finally be able to take care of it properly for you I will do whatever it takes.

I'll take the burden off your shoulders.

We walk over to them and my dad hugs the both of by our head "my babies, did you have a great trip?" He says choking back his tears

"Yes we did thanks to you" I comment, my dad pulls back and he looks at me with squinted eyes as I return the same look towards him. "We'll talk about that later" he comments making me laugh a little, Jimin and Taehyung run up to me and hug me along with the rest of the boys.

"You forgot about us huh?!" Jimin says punching me in the chest
"No, I didn't, I kind of wanted to live off the grid" I say to him
"Yeah I bet" Taehyung Chimes in. I look at Ariella who's crying as her friends rock her from side to side, then I see her other mom, I walk over and hug her tightly

"Sorry that we couldn't properly meet, last we met it was due to an unfortunate circumstance , Nice to meet you again" I say shaking her hand smiling
"Jungkook, oh dear you've really matured since then, how are you?" She smiles
"I'm doing amazing, how are you doing?" I ask. Before she could reply her daughter comes and hugs her tightly.

"Are you talking to my husband? Isn't he beautiful?" She says, I roll my eyes and smile at her mom.

"Oh my precious daughter, you grow up too fast, please stop" she hugs her around her head kissing her multiple times. in such a screwed up situation she lost a mom, but had another to fall back on. Now my dad treats her like she's his daughter, I lost a mom and her second mom considers me as a son, we lost something precious to us but not only gained it in each other, we stepped into each other's world and gained another valuable piece we were missing.

"Baby! Let's go my mom said she's made her famous Chicago pizza, cmon cmon cmon!" She says excitedly , I nod my head I could go for a pizza right now.

Maybe more than one slice though.


After eating pizza at her moms house I sit back on the couch as Ariella lays her legs across mine, I latch my fingers under thighs then I see a book in her hand.

"What's that babygirl?" I ask never taking my eyes off her
"My baby book" she smiles, she lays her head on my shoulder "look it's me in my mom's belly, look at how beautiful she is" she shows me a picture of her mom's pregnant belly, I smile then wrap my arm around her shoulder.

"You really look like your mom" I said brushing the hair behind her ear.
"Everyone says that, I'm really glad that I look like her, because in a way, she wasn't my mom she was more like a big sister to me" she says softly

"You and your birth mother were so close" her other mom comes in placing hot tea on the coasters "you guys were so inseparable your dad was actually jealous" she says chuckling

"Really?, I can't imagine that" she says looking at her mom, I take my hand off her thigh then grab the tea blowing it a bit then drinking it "can you tell me more about my mom?" She asks, we both look at her very cautiously Ariella caresses my chin with her nails then she smiles "I really want to know about my mommy, I'm old enough to know, and I'm actually okay with hearing the good and the bad, it's me, it's me today because of it" I just look down at her and she's now grabbing her mug.

Her mom nods her head "you were always an optimistic young woman, your mom has said that"
I smile then sit mine down placing one arm on the back of the couch, Ariella ends up wrapping it around her waist.

"well, your mom was a adventurous human, while she was two months pregnant with you she was still skateboarding everywhere, she said she would imagine that she was flying in a plane, and that one day if she were to fly in a plane she would think about her skateboard and just calm her down"

Wow, her mom sounds so much like Ariella, whatever makes her scared she connects it to what makes her happy to suppress the fear into pure joy. It's pretty bold and scary but honestly not a bad idea. It takes the fear away.

"In highschool your mom did everything,football, soccer, tennis, you name it she's done it,that's what got your dad's attention to her" I look down at Ariella and she's smiling so much, her mom is literally her twin.

She looks so happy.
Maybe this could relieve you from some of the pain I've caused

"your dad saw how she really stayed to herself and did whatever she loved, not caring if she made friends or not, your mom only had three friends throughout her highschool years, and they were friends all the way up until her death, they were the best of friends"

"Sounds like me and my girls huh jungkook?" She asks while playing with my fingers
"I told you that's your twin" I tell her, she giggles and she lays her head back on my shoulder hugging me around my waist.

"What got my dad into drugs?" She asks
"ella baby.." her mom says softly
"Momma, I deserve to know about my parents, they made me, I'm half my dad and I'm half my mommy, I've accepted it; and goddamn I love them both because if it wasn't for them getting together I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't have met you, I wouldn't have been married to jungkook" she chokes, now she leans forward on her thighs " they've caused a chain butterfly effect and like hell am so grateful for them, really" her voice cracks

I caress her back softly as she squeezes my hand tightly "your dad got hooked onto drugs a little before your mom passed away, he was hanging around new people, your dads job fired him for showing up tipsy and half an hour late to his shift, your mom wanted to move with you and your brothers because she did all she could to help him from his addiction, and while she was coming home from house hunting...."

"A drunk driver hit her" Ariella finishes, I look at both of these broken women in front of me in distraught, a can of worms that shouldn't have been touched but had to be answered. Questions haunting a broken young adult.

Was now released into the atmosphere,Ariella you're such a strong woman, you've came a long way.

So did us,
our relationship has came a long way
I'm forever grateful for it. For you

"Listen, momma, I loved hearing about my mommy, I feel so much happier and closer to her now, now I have more things to talk about ,when I go see her" she says optimistically,

Her mom smiles and nods her head "I'm glad my lovely, please don't feel guilty anymore, your mom's death isn't your fault, I'm sorry I couldn't collect you from your dad, I'm not your legal guardian" her mom puts her head down, Ariella walks over to her mom and kneels in front of her mom wiping her tears with her thumb just like a mother would do.

Just like she does for me.

" momma, it's okay that was out of your control just like my mommy's death was out of everyone's controls, I promise it set her free from all the pain and struggles she's endured, everyone will get their karma, good and bad,without all that pain I wouldn't have been the woman you've raised me to be. I'm so grateful for you I promise, nothing is your fault either, and nothing is my fault" she says softly as she hugs her mom by her head.

I feel my eyes flooding with pain. My heart aches for her, as a mother I can understand how painful it feels to see your child go through so much. You'd just watch. Knowing that's all you could do is just watch.


We start heading to our new home that my dad said he spent that week we were gone building and putting in furniture. I feel ariella's hands grab mine, grabbing my attention.

"What's up babygirl?" I ask
"I saw you almost crying twice today, are you okay my love?" She asks, making me swallow the lump in my throat, really thought she was going to wait until we get home.

"I'm fifty fifty you know, I'm happy I really am, but my thoughts are literally bullies to my brain" I comment , we stop at a red light I turn my turn signal on as she grabs my face kissing me with so much passion, then she pulls away , she faces me towards the now green light and I turn smirking

"I'm right here baby, okay? Don't keep nothing to yourself unless it's a surprise"
"Even then you still ask me what's the surprise" I joke she punches me in the chest and giggles

"Shut up bitch" she laughs
"Oh wow!!! That's how you treat me babe? Okay I see I see" I say with one hand on the steering wheel, I hear her laughter just increase.

"You know I love you stop playing!, why you playing?" She yells at me
"You played me first!, I'm just a bitch to you?!" I yell back, as both of us start laughing, we're that one couple that can not stay sad for too long we end up cracking jokes and we forget all about what we were talking about, the pain is subdued for a while until the issue arises again.

But it's nice to have someone that makes you forget about it for a while.

"I really do love you" she mumbles on my shoulder
"And you know I really do love you more" she grabs my hand playing with the rings upon them, I need to get my baby some new rings, she said she wants a index finger ring so you know daddy going to spoil her nothing new.


I open the door slowly as we both look into our freshly new built house now this, this is our dream home. The door shuts as we hear a lock sound and a beep I turn around and see we have a smart pad lock but also regular house locks just in case. Fiber glass windows marble floor. Dale runs out the room and Ariella squeals "come here mommas baby" he runs up to her and she picks him up as he licks all over her face.

"Aw mommy missed you baby boy" she says in a baby like voice "look it's daddy" she points at me as dale whimpers I start petting him and kissing all over his face, Yeah I know boy you've missed us. I walk towards the stairs to head to our bedroom and it's beautiful. Our own house, built to the way we want it, I know we said we hated California but when we look into the eyes of our friends we can't think how would we survive without seeing them for months.

I feel her wrap her arms around my waist I place both of my hands in the side of her face smiling "why are you so damn cute?" I say through gritted teeth, she giggles as she lays her head on my chest.

"I get it from my moms" she comments , picking her up i slam her our new bed and she gasps " you're going to break our new bed already kookie?" She says almost shocked
"You're so beautiful, you call me kookie in a state of panic" I lay next to her face buried in the pillow "how are you feeling? You know after the whole situation with your mom?"

Laying closer to me so that we are now face to face "I'm so happy to have learned about my family because everything has been a big gap you know? It's like I had to solve my own questions, but now I have actual concrete answers" she says moving my bangs out the way, she kisses my forehead softly.

"You know despite everything that man as done, I love him so deeply, that's my dad, I fucking love that man, cause once upon a time, I was his little princess, he gave me the world and more, he was an amazing dad, and to say he never did anything for me, would be a complete lie" she says caressing my earlobe with her thumb " I'm so glad to have met you my husband, if it wasn't for all of that, none of this would've happened, if I didn't run to your house that one cold ass night" she chuckles

"That day I never wanted to fight someone so badly"
"You're always ready to fight" she giggles
"Yes when you stay ready you ain't gotta get ready" I whisper making her giggle increase.

"Jungkook I want you to know I really really do love you, and I thank you for all that you've done for me, you're the stars to my dark night sky" I smile at her poetic words kissing her softly " save the rest for your vows" I kiss her nose letting her kiss me all over my face

"My vows are long I have a lot of shit to say to you" she barks at me
"Well damn who hurt you?" I joke
"Shut up!" She muzzle in the pillow, my lips starts planting small kisses everywhere that skin is exposed I hear her giggling underneath me then I come back to look at her face, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life.

She caresses my cheeks softly "Jungkook?"
"Yes babygirl" I answer her
"Would it be wrong to go visit my dad?"my body tenses up at her sudden question, I get that she wants to know about her past and learn more about her mother, but to see the man whom caused you all this pain and terror? Why would you even still care about him?

"I mean-baby it's just that I get you want to feel closer to your mom and you'd like to know everything about her I get that, but you know he's hurt you so badly and has never owned up to his mistakes, never admits that,and I just don't want you going down that road again babygirl" my voice speaks ever so softly, I don't want to be too brutally honestly and she starts crying I hate it when she cries

Specially for I'm the reason.

"yeah I guess you're right, it's just he has nobody now, and he's ran them away,you loved me so much you tried to run me away, maybe he tried to protect me from something I just thought that maybe, deep down I'm still his little princess, but you have a point" she smiles at the end, that smile kind of hurts me, it doesn't feel genuine,I'm so stuck I don't know what I should do.

"We picked such nice furniture this is really our forever home. I mean we already had this home just some renovations done to it, me and you we did that baby" she squeals while kissing me softly multiple times. "I love you so much"

"I love you so much more my precious baby" I reply, she frowns at me and pulls away slowly "what's up baby?" I ask confused
"I should be asking you that,so tell me" she says with a hint of worried; this is why I should've kept my opinions to myself.

"Is it because I want to see my dad?, jungkook I already told you I won't see him so don't stress yourself out" she says rubbing my forearm up and down
"No, I'm going to let you go, under one condition"

"What is it?" She asks puzzled
"I'm coming with you, and I need to ask him some questions of my own" I comment

"Okay" she agrees, she starts kissing my neck softly, earning a noise out of me "relax you're so tense husband" she straddles me placing her hands on my chest, she's so beautiful, unreal, she's really mine.

In my bed, wearing my clothes. It's just so unbelievable that I've made it this far.

"You're always thinking" she says poking my chest
"Yeah about you" I throw at her
"Me too, hurry and give me your last name!!" She yells dramatically , as she pretends to choke me
"I will hold up these things take time!!" I yell back, she just giggles in my neck as I rub her back softly "you still sick babygirl?"

"No, I feel much better, that medicine really did the trick"
"I'm glad it did because I'm a stupid boyfriend-"
"I have a ring!! You are no longer allowed to call yourself boyfriend" she pouts
" okay I'm a stupid fiancé, and I didn't get our out the country shots"

Playing with the nape of my neck she kisses me passionately " you're not stupid, and plus baby it's okay we learned from this time that we need them" she smiles

"You always make me feel so good about myself even when I know I've fucked up"
"We all fuck up baby,it's apart of being a person, you just happen to be my person" she sticks her tongue out wrapping her leg around my waist, I smack her thigh softly laughing at her

Yeah, I'm your person, no matter what happens I'm your person babygirl.

Daniel pov

Throwing a stress ball up and down I hear the door slowly creak open and I feel a cold metal against my head, still throwing the ball up and down I clear my throat. The deeper i invest myself into this the weirder it gets.

"To what do I owe this visit cam?" I look him in mirror.


Authors note:

Jungkook really ain't catching any breaks, what is the meaning of cam being here? I see cam is back what does he want? And more importantly what does he want with Daniel? Jungkook is going to flip the fan when his brother and Daniel tell him the news. But also Ariella being a cutie and still wanting to support her dad. What you think about that? Could you still love and want to see your dad if they done what he did?

Me yes cause my heart is to big 😔 anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter a lot! I really love you guys so fucking much without you guys a sequel wouldn't have even happened. I'm really thankful for you!

I hope you're happy and healthy, just remember I love you more than anything in this world and you're worth it💙


Q: What does cam want?

Q: how does Daniel even know cam?

Q: Do you think jungkook did the right thing letting her see her father?

Q: who's the traitor?

Q: how's your mental health at the moment?

❁ if theirs any mistakes point em out, even tho mistakes are beautiful.

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