It was past nine in the morning when Jannah squinted her eyes open to find herself sprawled all over Adnan's sinew body. She blushed heatedly at the feel of their still bare body entangled together. Though it feels like he's closed his lower half and she is also wearing a shirt, better. Their legs are naked though, tangled heatedly beneath the duvet creating more sultriness.

Her head is lying down on his slight hairy chest comfortably, one of her legs surrounded his two and her arms hauled around his torso leaving him caged to her body. They are both warm even with the air conditioning blasting to it's apex in the glass cubicle. She's got only one hope now, that Adnan is still sleeping. She refused to altar her breathing, so much at risk.

When she finally get to amalgamate the little fragments of courage, she tilted her head up only to come eyes to eyes with him. Her brows lowered in dismay so did her face in embarrassment. God knows she cannot remember much of what's happened yesterday but she is more than hundred percent sure she's humiliated herself one way or the other. Who wouldn't? She was overwhelmed and didn't see it coming. It was so erotic, passionate and sizzling.

She only wanted to kiss him, nothing more! But she couldn't stop him, not when her entire brain got damaged at that moment. She wouldn't have been able to answer what her name was even with a knife tightly pressed against her delicate throat. She was a goner the second his warm hands touched her scorching skin! She doesn't know how to react entirely.

Maybe he thought that was what she was after, her rights as a wife so he gave it to her. And that water she drank earlier from his bedside table, the water he gave her. It tasted somehow, or was her brain fogged that she was giving things taste? Perhaps.

She licked her lips nervously, she needs to leave that bed and room as soon as possible. A thick gob of saliva drifted down her throat uneasily. Is she expecting something from him? She isn't but why on earth is she not standing up to leave the room? So he won't see her naked, yeah right. After their adventure few hours ago, that is not an excuse.

Before she could act on the sheaves of ourage she's shelved in a miscellany, she felt Adnan's body moving from beneath her and he was gone. She pivoted to see him making his way out of the glass cubicle, she searched for her glasses and adorn them on her face. He is walking with his normal street swagger like nothing had happened. He is not at all tensed, awkward or nervous like she was.

Blinking back humiliating tears from rolling down her face, she stood up from the bed in a record time. Looking down at herself, she realized she was wearing one of his shirts. A watery smile touched her lips but she removed the shirt, seasoned herself with her pajamas that wear thrown all around then leave the room with the little dignity she's got left. Does she have any right to be mad at him after knowing how he is? She just couldn't help it. She is only human.

Hell, what was I expecting though? A nice bath in his tub and massage while he whispers sweet nothings in her ear? She huffed in her head, that is not something she should've even thought about. Not with Adnan at least.

"Do you want this?" He'd asked her few hours ago while she lied there bare beneath him. He thinks she will back out when she's been stripped off her sheathe? Hell no.

She blinked through lust-fog haziness, licked her lips anxiously. "Yes." It was squirmy so she added in a firmer tone, "I want this."

He cleared his throat, his eyes still dispassionate that it made her wonder why she wants this after all. "Are you sure? There won't be no regrets?"

And it clicked, he wanted her to stop this so he won't have to go through with it. She won't let him slip out of this. "No regrets. Just get over with it, Dracs."

And he made love to her or was it pure sex? She didn't feel the emotions but he was gentle, what should she call that? Definitely consummation, just not like the first time that hurt brutally.

Tears rolled down her cheeks the second she entered her room, the corridor was empty without any sign of Imara, Aisha or the maids that came the day before in the evening. There are no sounds from nowhere, eerily quiet that she started fearing whether Aisha took Imara and went somewhere without her knowledge. She won't like the outcome.

Imara could wait for now though, she's overwhelmed, humiliated and jittery.

Leisurely, she meandered to the mirror in the bathroom to stare at herself. Her eyes look lifeless, dull and just somber. Both her punch bottom lip and chin quivered slightly but you could see it from an arm's length. Visible tremors coursed through her body eliciting raw goosebumps all over her bare skin. She gulped, she is an ugly crier.

Her eyes were already red now, puffy around the lids and nose a bit swollen and runny. She wrapped her arms around herself as though she wants to shield it away from further damage. What more damage though? What's happened has happened, nothing could change that.

When her knees started weakening, she lowered herself onto the carpeted floor in the bathroom, the pain in her chest and throat intensifying tenfold. Her head lie down on the cool edge of the tub staircase, the tears refusing to seize their waltz. She almost dozed off because of her heavy eyelids then she remembered that she is supposed to bathe and pray.

Is she in love with the heartless Draco?

Jannah lifted one long walnut, soapy leg and viewed it with a critical eye. If she were petite and fair, would Adnan have stayed with her on the bed earlier? She dropped her leg with a splash and sighed. If only she had been beautiful enough, Adnan wouldn't have let anything stand in the way of having her completely.

"If only I were like Aisha." She murmured aloud. Aisha was fair and delicate, with an exquisite beauty that fascinated men. Suppressing a twinge of envy, Jannah scooped handfuls of hot water over her neck and shoulders.

She shouldn't think about things like that. Allah created her like this because she is more beautiful this way. This is all Adnan's fault. He is making her doubt her own beauty! Doubt the comfort she's felt in her skin for the longest time. She is going to block him from her head, he is not worth it.

Changed into one of her many old comfortable Ankara gowns. The blue and white pattern of the wrappers gave a hue to her dullness, her eyes popped out a bit. She slipped on her new Gucci frost fury flip flops, closed her hair with a snow Kenmare lace cap. She gave a loud suspire at her view in the mirror, swallowing past the thickness in her throat to stop herself from crying some more. Her daughter shouldn't see her like this, she'd be worried.

She made her way down the stairs, her steps slow and quiet on the carpeted floor. Still there is no sound whatsoever in the living room. Jannah decided to go to the kitchen, maybe they are eating more cookies. She won't scold them today, she does not have strength for that. Or maybe try getting it back by trying to scold the both of them.

There sat Aisha in the kitchen scrolling through her phone with a bored expression. She's dressed in a chick black gown with buttons from the neck down to her ankle, opened in flay. Her head is tied with a nude colored chiffon veil in classic over the shoulders style. She looks good, totally her opposite that morning. Seems like everyone's life is brighter than her own could ever be.

The second her eyes landed on Jannah's figure standing by the door, she climbed off the stool and came to stand in front of her with a gargantuan beam. This morning, Aisha looks really excited and happy about something. Jannah hopes it has nothing to do with her because she feels anything but.

Sensing that something is off, Aisha refrained from asking her anything about where she's slept and whatnot. Her smile deflated a little, Adnan has done something again. The little bastard of a dragon.

"Yo, Mon Cherie, you hungry over there?" Aisha pivoted and deepened into the kitchen to the microwave where she brought out golden yam, baked beans, baked potatoes, Spanish egg,toast and made quick coffee for her.

Jannah gratefully sat down on one of the kitchen chairs, dived into the food without waiting. She is darn hungry and just because she is downhearted doesn't mean she will starve herself. Clearly the man that's brought down her spirit cares not. He does not know she is going through it anyway.

Wait though, why is she mad at him again? He did what a husband is supposed to do and fulfilled her right. Then why does it leave her hollow and more sad than ever before? That-

"What happened? I thought I could keep down my curiosity but I can't anymore." Aisha voiced, her tone docile to match up Jannah's mood.

Jannah pushed the plate away from her, she is satisfied. "Nothing happened."

Not expecting that answer, Aisha frowned. "But you didn't sleep in your room. Your hair is wet and you are not happy. Something did happen!"

Jannah couldn't help the chortle that escaped her lips. Aisha will forever be dramatic in her life. "And there is nothing better for you to do than notice my hair is wet? We need to get you a life."

"I don't want it. I'm just pointing out the obvious tips that something did happen but you don't want to tell. It's fine." Aisha forced a smile but this is totally not fine. She is going to die of curiosity now, or burst open like a zombie shot.

"We slept together, that is all you need to know." Jannah gave her the answer quietly then questioned, "Where is Imara? I haven't seen her around."

"She went to her father. Was looking for you all morning but I kept her preoccupied till I heard the sound of the door clicking open. I knew it was safe to let her go then." Aisha rambled without taking a breath, she did at the last minute. Almost choking on it.

Jannah's mouth wiped the kitchen island. "What was it you said you want to study again?"

Confused at the change of topic, Aisha narrowed her eyes. "Pharmacy."

"And what is it about?"

"Art and science of preparing and dispensing drugs and medicines. What's up with the offkey questions?" She cleared the kitchen island, her eyes calm.

"Why don't you join FBI?" Aisha threw a piece of onion on her face and stood up.

"Where are the maids though?" Jannah lie her head down on the cool surface, Aisha just cheered her up. Now she won't think about Adnan until she is alone.

Aisha turned around with a laugh. "They've started working of course. Didn't you see the house burnishing when you came down? They were vigorous and so eager to please. That will be for the first few days before they get tired and comfortable to start giving excuses. That's how we are."

Jannah's brows furrowed at her last statement. "But you are not a maid. Not anymore at least."

"I am fired you mean?" Aisha asked looking genuinely perplexed, furious and sad.

"Not fired per se but you are now my manager. You know, like Daneen, Fatma Al-Amr's manager." She wiggled her brows to help calm the girl's tensed shoulders.

Aisha visibly relaxed. "I better be. If you fire me now, I'll curse you and haunt you till eternity."

"I won't ever do that. You are my best friend."

"I better be. I make one heck of a friend, one in billions." Aisha dust off invisible dust from her shoulder.

The both of them were quiet for a long time, a door from upstairs got shut. Jannah's shoulders tensed visibly, her back straightened in a defensive stance to shield herself away from her husband. Aisha saw all that but didn't say a word. Adnan did it again, he always does things like this. Make her happy then sad the next moment, it's frustrating.

Sounds of Imara's happy tone brightened Jannah's morning, her shoulders relaxed a little. Wherever her daughter's voice is concerned, she is always there. She licked her lower lip, taking a bit of egg inside her mouth. Her heart is now racing, her stomach taut and heavy. She set her jaw mutinously, her expression sour.

While they were passing by the kitchen to the living room , Imara sighted her mother and started chanting. "Mama, Mama!"

Adnan lowered her to the floor from his arms, told her something in her ear before he left with a small duffel bag she noticed when he was at the main door outside. She swallowed uneasily, her attention for the first time in never not on her daughter but her husband that is probably leaving the country without bidding her goodbye. He's never done that but she thought they were starting something after yesterday? And the many conversations they've had before?

"...Dada my paintings." Imara's voice plucked her away from the memories that are flooding her head.

She forced a smile that soon yaw genuine at her daughter's adorable face. "Really? What did he say about your awesome paintings?"

She collected the three A4 papers from her, viewed the three sticks she's drawn in every paper with the same color of yellow, orange and black. Her father of course took the black color, Jannah in yellow and herself in orange. It doesn't make sense but she will always grade her daughter perfect, no second thoughts about her intelligence which she inherited from her father.

"Wow, they are so beautiful. Look how gorgeous your Dada looks in black." Aisha chirped in emphasizing on the word Dada and black earning a glare from Jannah. She knows what she is trying to do.

"Yes. Dada loves black." Imara explained her reason, not because her father is black of course.

"And your Mama?" There is a proud beam on Aisha's face when she asked that. The girl adores Imara too.

"Mama love hellow." Imara revealed, touching the yellow painting of her mother. Jannah felt her eyes sting, a bite from behind her lids so hot.

"I love yellow and Imara too." She hugged her daughter to her bosom and closed her eyes. With her daughter, everything is going to be alright.

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