"What?" Jannah groaned clutching the pillow beneath her head while pushing away the hands on her legs.
Adnan's toneless husky voice floated into her dream fogged mind. She was dreaming about him actually but hearing his voice made all the things she's dreamt about flew away. He was not the one she saw in her dream of course. That Adnan was so loving that it made her nauseous, she couldn't handle so much charm from the fake dream Adnan.
"You should get up and get ready. Your flight is in three hours." He grumbled quietly beneath his breath seeing that Imara is sleeping beside her.
Clutching the lush pillow beneath her head, she mumbled sleepily. "Whose flight is that?"
"Yours." He is walking around the room from the sounds of his expensive Italian shoes hitting the wooden floor.
"I'm not going anywhere better cancel it and ask for refund or whatever it is you guys do." She emphasized feeling her sleep slowly evading her as she tries her best to catch it with both hands.
"Quitting your job meant you were ready to leave. I'm not going to have a long chitchat about this." Is that a threat beneath his tone or what?
Jannah smiled on the pillow, stretched her arms to get some more sleep. He's capitulated. "Same here. Allow me to sleep."
"You are leaving Maldives today, I won't repeat myself." He insisted, his voice coming from beside her where he kissed his daughter's forehead and kept something beneath her pillow.
"Fine!" She decided to give up so he can allow her to sleep.
She refused to go back to bed yesterday even after Adnan had hinted he didn't like her presence there with him. More than hinted actually. He's later brought out his cigarette and blew it into the night while she watched with a frown. That stick is going to kill him and he took three in just thirty minutes. Is that even healthy or is he addicted to it to take so many in little amount of time?
She's borrowed his phone to browse how they feel when they smoke, it made no sense to her and the answer only left her confused and lost.
"Nicotine enters your bloodstream, increasing your pulse and blood pressure. Your sense of smell is reduced. Because nicotine is a stimulant, your brain will release feel-good chemicals or make you want to eat. When taken in small amounts, nicotine causes pleasant feelings and distracts the user from unpleasant feelings. This makes the tobacco user want to use more. Nicotine reaches your brain within 10 seconds of when it enters your body. It causes the brain to release adrenaline, and that creates a buzz of pleasure and energy. The buzz quickly fades, though. Then you may feel tired or a little down-and you may want that buzz again. It also causes heart disease, cancer and lungs failure."
"I'll send Alim to aid you." His voice is slowly retreating away from the room much to her delight.
To say Adnan is not shocked at how she easily ceded is an understatement. Had it been the Jannah from many months ago, he would've believed her instantly but this one, he's got more than a little doubts. Is she going to leave or she's already hatched another plan to get back at him for his never ending lists of wrongdoings?
Stopping by the door, he turned around to add in a granite worth voice. "He'll bring all the other stuff you'll need."
Jannah was able to sleep for another hour before a persistent knock came from the door. She closed her ears with a large pillow from beside her coveting the sound will disappear with that tactic but it didn't. Groaning, she opened her eyes to check on her daughter to find her sleeping soundly beside her. This person is about to wake her up and it is still early!
She went towards the door with determined steps of an angry bear, the person behind that door will face her wrath. If this is from the hotel staff, she is going to wring their necks one after the other. How dare they ruin her sleep like that? When one knock isn't answered then leave and move the fuck on.
Instead of opening the door, she stood beside it and open it only a crack with the help of a small chain by the door. You can never be so sure when your husband himself admitted to having more than enough enemies across the globe. She adjusted her glasses just in case.
But Alim stood behind the doors dressed in sky blue dress shirt, navy blue slacks and a tablet -that's always with him- tucked beneath his arm. She raised a brow. Oh, Adnan did say he was going to send Alim to endorse them, so soon? She'd swore she just went back to sleep three minutes ago if not for the digital clock blinking otherwise.
"Good morning, Mr. Alim." She greeted still not opening the door, her back supine against the wall behind her.
"Can you please open the door?" He tilted his head to the side looking anxious and ready to obey his boss's command.
"No!" She shook her head for emphasis and crossed her arms beneath her chest. She knew she looks haggard in her maxi nightgown a veil around her shoulders, head closed with a night cap.
Alim suspired, he knew this was going to come when Adnan sent him here grimly to get his wife to the airport. After just two encounters with Jannah, he knew things were not going to be easy. His boss knew why he sent him instead of doing things by himself. He never does anyway.
"I was sent here to help you guys get to the airport safely." He explained jumping on the heels of his feet, the other hand that is not holding his tablet rocking back and forth.
Isn't he like twenty seven or eight years old? Why does he act like a twenty three year old nerd?
"Oh, I know. That boss of yours that smokes sticks that smells like burning dog's feet, huh?" She smirked at the way his eyes widened, he knew she was capable of saying stuff like this about his boss.
Clearing his throat while hiding a small smile from emerging, he affirmed. "Yeah."
"I'm not opening this goddamn door so go back and tell him to stick his attitude up his ass. And we are not leaving Maldives without him. Period!" She announced, sassily pushing herself off the wall to go back to sleep with her daughter.
Panic camouflaged his carefree expression halting her movement. "I cannot go back without completing his task. I've never done that before."
She shrugged her shoulders, biting back a yawn that elicited red teary eyes. "Well, start now. There is a start for everything in life."
"I'll get fired." He blurted out looking more panic stricken and is it possible he just shrank?
"Then get fired." Another heartless shrug sent his way which made her feel so like her husband. Is he rubbing off of her?
"I have a family I'm taking care of."
"You'll be alright, all of you but I won't. If I leave this place it means I gave up and the zeal to punish my husband for all his wrongdoings will backfire. I can't leave now." Her eyes glazed with emotions he couldn't read, he was never into stuff like that.
"What should I do? I don't want to get fired. My entire family depend on me." He persisted, wringing one of his hands anxiously. He looks close to crying.
"Stay out there for an hour or so. The flight is in an hour anyway. Just stay there until the time is up then go back and tell him I tricked you and came back to the hotel." She beamed snapping her thumb and middle finger, like she's got the best idea.
"That's some bullshit he won't believe." He is becoming aggressive. Adnan is really going to punish him.
His father is going through some hard expensive shit now all the responsibilities in his house rely on his shoulders. Paying his younger siblings school fees, getting grocery for the house, paying the bills and his own personal expenses. And he also wants to get married in the near future.
"I have a plan...wait for me while I get us dressed. We'll go there together so he won't fire you." She lifted a feet to turn around but he stopped her.
"You think that will stop him from firing my ass? I doubt that." He looks hopeless which made her resolve deflect too. Is she too confident in her husband? She might be.
Just two rounds of lovemaking and kisses here and there with confessions have her already thinking he is in love with her? Or that he cares about her one way or the other?
Albeit deflated and a little bit dampened, she wants to try. Failing is part of life.
"We could try. You never know the power of a wife over her husband." She hoped aloud, blinking back the tears building behind her lids.
"A normal husband, yes, but not my boss."
Jannah, Imara and Alim made it to Adnan's tent where a desk and chair were placed so it looks like office. Not even close to the one he's got in Nigeria, the executive chair that shines more than someone else's life and table made from the finest wood known to mankind. He is just managing this to get things done before he moves on. To Tokyo he said right?
Seeing them together, he narrowed his eyes at her then Alim who was too shocked at the gesture to think about his job. The man is becoming more husband, more human and Alim is not sure whether he likes him now or not. It's kind of scary seeing those little things only mortal humans do. Is he becoming an ephemeral now?
Jannah placed Imara on one of the chairs in front of her father after she's kissed his cheek with the help of Jannah on her alabaster Christian Louboutin heels.
"Hello there, Dracs." She touched his notch collar before hastily taking her hands off. This isn't the Draco from yesterday, or the day before it.
"Why are you still here, Mama?" He murmured lowly so only she could hear but the sound of that Mama got her purring.
Is he the same Adnan after all?
That Mama word is making her core tighten and if he keeps repeating it she is going to erupt sporadically right there in front of his PA. Her breath literally skipped, she felt it and thought it impossible for a minute but it's there. He is calling her Mama in the bright daylight which means yesterday night wasn't bewitched. It is the same man standing right in front of her.
"I don't want to leave you, Dracs. Is something wrong with that?" She boldly stepped closer to him invading his personal bubble.
"Everything is not right with that. Go pack up, I'll send for the private jet." He made a move to sit back down on his chair only for her arm to stop him from behind.
"Don't be so un-gentlemanly, allow the lady to sit down." She forced herself not to smile at the way he stared at her like she's lost one or two screws up her cerebrum.
"You think I care about you, Mama? Cute." He stared down at her. Even in her heels, he had to look down and he is not that tall, in her point of view of course because she is not short too.
"Screw you." She whispered back in the same toneless manner, her expression emotionless.
She looked so young and fresh, her skin like cream silk. It wasn't her sheer prettiness that proved such a potent allure; it was the troubling desire to cover her up and carry her away from the others' admiring gazes... to keep her all to himself. Somehow Jannah had insinuated herself into his life and forced him to take notice of her, and now there was no retreat. Or so it feels.
He had never imagined being so hungry, so starved for the assuagement of a woman's flesh, so needful of her caress, her sweetness. It took a massive effort to collect his thoughts and continue.
"You already did." Was at the tip of his lips but instead of saying something that'll keep heightening her faith in changing him, he changed the topic.
So facing Alim, he schooled his expression at the already shocked guy. "You, you are fire-" Jannah immediately rise on her tippy toes, her glossed incandescent lips to his ears.
"If you fire him, I'm going to make your daughter question you for the first time." She breathed deeply right inside his ear, her voice husky, throaty.
Adnan pulled away from her, she is doing it again. "And you think you can still threaten me after what has happened few days ago?"
She smirked, shrugged her shoulders impishly. "Now more than ever I can threaten you because I'm going to show you just how manipulating I can be. Two can play."
"Yeah. You want to know how?" He tilted his head to the side not saying yes or no but she went ahead. He is curious.
"I'm going to come close to you, make you push me away but instead of staying on my feet, I'm going to fall down and make it look like you pushed me to the floor, intentionally. My daughter is going to question your love towards her and her mother. Maybe not in words but it'll definitely happen. Don't push me. This is just a little glimpse." She licked her lower lip, raised challenging brow in 'wanna bet?' way.
Not for the first time that day, a feeling of unreality crept through her. She was more than a little amazed by what she was doing. Step by step, she was departing her old life with no possibility of return. This was nothing like the madcap exploits only Aisha is capable of, it was a serious decision with unalterable consequences.
Adnan stared at her emotionlessly but she is hundred percent sure she's astonished him. He was looking at her to make sure she is his wife not another woman in Firdausi Jannah's place. Perusing over her to see a little glimpse of the other Jannah which she's made sure she buried before taking up this face, there's none present.
He took a step closer to her, held her mandible in a vice like grip so he could tilt her face higher to his which he lowered. His thumb ferried to her heavily glossed lower lip, drew it hard from one end to another erasing any trace of her expensive Dior lip salve threateningly but she didn't flinch nor cower. He's got his match now, undaunted.
That same thumb was rubbed below her lip, smudging the place while looking at it with deep concentration. Not going to lie, her stomach is hard as rock and chest thudding hard with the muscle encased inside. What is he going to do now?
His eyes shoot to hers, abysmal and fathomless. "You think you can run that pretty mouth of yours whenever you want?"
She gave a jeering smirk and challenged in her throaty voice. "Who's gonna stop me?"
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