Tears leaked from Jannah's eyes as she held the grey beret Imara had always loved wearing all the time. There are lints all over it because of how much it'd suffered in her hands. She wears it even when her outfit does not match and she's got lots more different berets. Seems like Jannah won't ever stop mourning her daughter's death, she intentionally went to her room that morning.
It's been two days since the incident with Jibril Shehu and the other maid. Two days since she's almost been raped by a narcissistic betrayer and two days since she's last seen Adnan. Oh, yeah, he is ghosting on her again and she's decided that she is done waiting and waiting for nothing. Hoping he would change every day, chasing after his love and getting nothing but silence from the other end. Is it really worth her mental peace?
She's already lost a piece of her, losing Adnan is going to hurt a lot too but it is better now than later when she's inundated herself deep to become obsessed and stay in toxic relationship even after knowing she might not get anything out of it. The man doesn't know what he wants and he is not willing to bow his head down and acknowledge the fact that he wants her. Maybe not love, but he cares about her a lot. He is yet to decide.
She's given him a week to conclude what he wanted, those seven days ended the day Imara died and he still hadn't said a word. What does he expect her to do? Continue waiting for him coveting he would remember about the agreement he's forgotten about because he doesn't value her? She won't do that. If he doesn't want to be with her, she will not force her way into his life for any reason. Not even her love for him.
Granted, he's saved her from getting raped by his friend and even took care of her after that but the words weren't said. She refuse to work with actions over words when it comes to Adnan! His words matters more to her than his actions because he is too arrogant to say them. And that arrogance is what she wants to annihilate before it ruins what they had, because it sure will in the future.
He should learn to bow down before her, she won't have him with that large pride more enormous than Mount Everest. Him not willing to talk things out with her means he'd always put his ego ahead of everything between them, she cannot have that version of love imprinted in her head. He's ignored her warning. And she told him she was doing it only for the sake of their daughter, she is no more. She can leave him now without any guilt right? She's got no other excuse to stay behind.
Her hand touched a small pink doll below Imara's bed, the one that caused havoc and snakebite. More tears rushed down her eyes, she choked on her breath. Oh, it hurts so much accepting the fact that her daughter won't come back to her. She stood up from the floor and rounded the room again for anything memorable between her and Imara. She is packing her things in a large suitcase that is placed on the bed.
Jannah took ahold of the shawl Adnan bought for her in Maldives with different animations smiling widely. A piece of paper fell from it, she bent down and picked it knowing Imara must've drawn something there again. It was indeed another drawing but this one is much better than the ones Imara used to draw. This is not how she draws so this must be someone wiser, mature and older than her.
Who then? Because this shawl hadn't been used since they came back from Maldives, it's been there in her drawer since then.
She frowned at the paper, Aisha shouldn't be mentioned here because she knows how to draw nothing but eyebrows. Alim? But he was not present when the shawl was bought and would he draw this for her? Besides, she's seen him trying to draw a shoe for Imara once and it's safe to say it looked like a canoe instead of a shoe. Which means Alim wasn't the one that drew this. One person is left here and that is Adnan.
He knows how to draw? Even though it is not anywhere near perfect, you could at least differentiate the woman, girl and the man there unlike Imara's that looks all the same except the colors. He did it!
How is he mourning his daughter's death? She could vaguely remember a sound he's made at the hospital when he took her away from the room. As if he knew she needed that because she breathed outside the room, her eyes clearing and the fog of death dissipated away from her head. All she could think about was how was she not crying like everyone else? Like she should? Then she realized that she is doing it from within and that is not healthy at all.
But that sound from Adnan, the agony, she felt it and still does. It was heart wrenching seeing a powerful man like Adnan Ibrahim Attahir in pain, grieving his daughter's demise. At that moment though, her only concern was why she wasn't crying. Why she was numb from head to toe.
She is still going to leave him. She will live in the Villa for a while before she plans her life ahead and see what she should do. Though finding love is definitely not going to be part of it anytime soon, she's given that a rest. Not that she will be able to move on from Adnan so easily, he's weaved his way too deep in her soul without either of them noticing. It was too late when she realized that those little cute things he was doing were making dents in her heart. The truths that made her belly taut.
She's also talked to her mother-in-law about her decision, she wasn't happy but she agreed.
"I know this is the right thing for you to do but I still don't want you to give up on him. You might not see it but deep down you know he's changed and he cares about you. Then why leave now when you've achieved your goal?" Her mother-in-law had asked from the other line because they were talking on phone.
It was the day she's talked to Adnan about the one week's time he's got to decide whether or not she should be in his life. She wanted to go to the Villa but she wasn't feeling too fine after the way Adnan had ignored her words. He is hurting her heart, she's concluded. She was drained and exhausted the entire day without any reason since she did not work.
"I know that but it is not going to be enough, we both know that. If he gets his way, he will continue being like this in the future. Disappearing when he wants and stuff, I cannot deal with that again. He should work for it if he wants me." She'd explained to her mother-in-law while making cereal for Imara.
Hajiya Maimuna smiled, Jannah had always been this sensible and brilliant but she was squashed down before she could soar. Her parents took part in all these, annihilating her spirit before she had the chance to bask in it's glory. She is glad she found herself in a family like the Attahir's, all of them have their own part of spirit except for her first son of course. Nawal would've helped too.
So she conceded. "You're right. Do come over whenever you are ready and let's make him work for it. Oh, I cannot wait to see what he is going to do." Hajiya Maimuna laughed from the other end.
Jannah also wondered what Adnan would do in situations like this. Is he going to be all romantic or straightforward let her know how he feels? She cannot imagine Adnan begging for her love or sending her flowers or writing her a letter or poem, that will definitely make her vomit. He should stay where he is, she'll understand everything from afar.
Adnan and romance is equal to disaster!
So today is the day Jannah decided to pack up everything and leave. She hadn't seen Adnan since he carried Imara's body on his shoulder and left the Villa till two days ago when he saved her and took care of her wound, that was it. He dematerialized again without a word. What sort of life is that? He expects her to sit idly and wait for him all the damn time without saying a thing? That Jannah is no more.
Imara's death reawakened more strength within her, she is going to fight for her happiness no matter where she is going to find it. No matter what or whom she was going to lose in the process of getting that.
She should be mad at him for not being there when their daughter was taking her last breath and battling with excruciating headache. She should be furious at him for not being there with her after their daughter's demise. But she isn't. Isn't love a stupid thing? It makes you forgive excessively when you shouldn't. Makes you do crazy things all for the sake of it. She is starting to hate the feeling, it shouldn't exist.
After packing everything she needed in a suitcase from Imara's room, Jannah made her way back to her own room and started packing all of her clothes. She won't leave a single thing even though they were many. He should see just how serious she is with leaving his ass alone if he doesn't work for it. When he comes, if he comes, she is going to tell him that he is already late and the seven days she's given him were off.
But what if he doesn't come? What if he decides that they are better off without one another? And Imara's death is definitely going to make him feel like he does not have no obligation whatsoever. Will this be the end of their marriage? Her heart sank at the thought nevertheless she continued packing. She won't back out now.
It's either he works for it or they are done for good.
Aisha's voice from the corridor flooded into her room. "I'm so sorry I was feeling sick! I couldn't even go to the school."
Jannah still hadn't told her mother-in-law and best friend about what's happened though Aisha said she is going to force it out from her mouth when she saw the wound on her head yesterday. She is still living in the Villa since it is much closer to her school while Jannah decided to stay back for a few days to recover so as to not worry her mother-in-law. She's removed the bandage though the wound still hurts once in a while when touched.
"Don't worry about it, I'm almost done. How are you feeling? Anything serious?" Jannah's fired, her eyes surveyed her best friend for any sign of discomfort.
Aisha beamed at her. "I'm fine but extremely hungry after I regurgitated everything I ate in the morning. Let me make something for us before you finish." And she left the room.
Jannah finished everything and took another bathe to refreshen herself after crying with snot and everything. She changed into a navy blue maxi dress and tied matching veil around her in muffler. She dragged all the four suitcases out of the room, one each to the edge of the staircase so Aaron could help them get it into the car. She's already called him, he might be outside waiting for them.
She made her way to the kitchen where Aisha had finished chicken sandwich. Oh, it looks so yummy. Jannah sat down on the high chair in front of the island bench where she was served two sandwiches along with chilled Pepsi.
"What will I ever do without you, Shatu?" Jannah moaned after taking the first bite, it was so delicious.
"Oh, probably die of boredom." Aisha flipped the edge of her hijab and continue to munch on her third sandwich. She is eating way too much, unlike the Aisha she knew.
So Jannah asked out of curiosity. "Why are you eating like that? You normally eat two and maximum three so why five today?"
Aisha shrugged her shoulders, a dent forming between her brows. "I don't even know but I've been eating a lot lately. Maybe because I haven't been eating much past several days?"
"Yeah, that should be it." Jannah nodded but she is struggling to learn how to eat like she would before her daughter's death. She lacks appetite.
Together the two of them left the mansion, Aaron stuffing her suitcases into the SUV. Aisha who was talking on phone giggled loudly, Jannah raised a brow at her. She's been blushing since she started that phone call and she wouldn't allow Jannah to know whom she was talking to. She is suspecting the girl had fallen in love in just two days since last time she checked, so the was perfectly normal and not charmed.
Once she was done, she came to Jannah grinning maniacally. "I'm going to go get the other sandwich I wanted to give Aaron. I'll just have it myself because I'm still not full."
Jannah shook her head. "You're a glutton, really. Hurry up. I don't want Dracs to mistakenly find me here."
Aisha gave her a salute before hurrying up the stairs that'll lead her to the foyer but before she could leave the last step, she tripped on her feet and fell on her stomach. The piercing cry she let out startled Jannah enough for her to throw her phone on the floor and turn back to see what's happened. Aaron was fast on his feet to reach Aisha followed by a worried Jannah.
"She is bleeding? What-what's this?" Jannah asked in hysterics staring at Aisha's legs where blood is rolling down.
Aaron swallowed at the sight of blood, his white Ebira face yawing ashen. "Maybe she's hit her stomach or waist. We should take her to the hospital." He suggested, panic coating his voice and face.
Jannah snapped out of it, her eyes flew to Aisha's face which's contorted into a look of excruciating pain. Jannah felt something tighten within her. "Carry her let's go."
"What's wrong Aisha? Where are you hurt?" Jannah enquired as they settled inside the car, she is beside her in the backseat. Trying her best to keep the girl awake.
Aisha gulped, tears leaking from both the edges of her eyes and she held her stomach. "M-my stomach hurts too ba-bad. Pain."
"I'm so sorry but she had a miscarriage. She's lost the baby."
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