You guys don't comment anymore, it's heartbreaking💔 Sha I'm taking it off on Saturday...night!
"...Have many more blessed years ahead with little Adnan or Jannah..." Aisha finished saying through the phone while staring at the ring Ammar gave her earlier. He said it was an engagement ring though his mother scolded him for saying that. She's become so obsessed with the crazy guy.
"Thank you, Shats. I love you but..." Jannah trailed off mulling over her words and not knowing how to say them out without sounding whiny and moody pregnant.
That got Aisha's attention off the ring, her mental focus directed at her best friend's downhearted tone. "What's it, Mon Cherie? Is something wrong? Are you craving something or the nausea is disturbing you?" She fired, sitting up in her old bedroom.
Oh, she's went back to live with her mother now after all that's happened the last few days. Their relationship is still very much restrained though her mother is now trying her best to get her off the angry horse she is riding on. She is allowed to be mad at her mother for accusing her right? It still hurts very much just thinking out how she's thrown everything for stupid reputation. Why does it matter?
Jannah stuttered then ricocheted them out. "Dracs still hasn't wished me and I'm very sure he doesn't know when my birthday is. Why am I so mad at him when he has no idea what today is? And besides, I never celebrated my birthdays at all."
Aisha grinned from the other end, holding back a guffaw not wanting to augment the woman's hormones that is already skyrocketing. One word from her and Jannah's entire mood for the day will be altered though Adnan is going to be at the end of it and not her. She's still yet to tell him about the pregnancy, maybe she will today if the mood is triggered?
But she found herself saying. "Don't worry about it and keep a cool head. Just message him that today is your birthday and see what he does about it."
After they hung up the phone, Jannah quickly typed Adnan a message and drop the phone beside her though checking for message after every second. She groaned when five minutes passed without any reply from him. She wanted to call then stopped herself last minute, he might be in a serious meeting right now and she shouldn't interrupt him. Ten minutes breezed past and still nothing from her husband. She tensed, sat back down on the couch and angrily watched the tv.
Another ten minutes sharply accelerated leaving Jannah confused, angry and frustrated. She folded her legs with her feet on the edge of the couch then lie her head on her knees. It was a few seconds later before tears started rushing down her face with rapidness that shocked her but she didn't stop it. She doesn't have the right anyway. The tears have power of their own.
The doctor had told her about the changes, she knew about them since she's given birth before. Just that the last time she went through all these she was alone. Jannah sobbed loudly then close her face in embarrassment. Why is she crying because her husband ignored her message? Maybe because he's started replying each of her messages not a minute after she's sent them? Probably.
Sounds of footsteps halted her tears, Jannah raise her head immediately and behold the sight of her husband in all his suit handsome glory. Her heart dipped to her stomach before she pouted her lips and lie her head back on her knees then continued crying with more vigor this time around. Adnan rushed to where she is in ground eating strides and cradled her to his arms, sitting her down on his laps.
"What's wrong? What happened?" He enquired in her ear while rocking her like he would a baby. Like he did Imara.
Jannah didn't answer, choked sobs filled the quiet room frustrating and worrying Adnan for no reason. All he wants to do is find out what is wrong with her. If someone did this to her then he'll definitely murder that person this time around without remorse. There is no more forgiving anyone who's hurt his wife, they don't deserve to live in the earth.
"Come on tell me. Did someone say something to you?" He asked raspily, words chopped with grating fury. She wouldn't cry just like that, would she? He kissed away her tears before they could run down her jaw, halting their transportation.
Through series of hiccups and sobs, Jannah supplied. "Yes someone did something t-"
He cut her off by pulling her away from his chest to look at her face then browsed for any sign of injury or discomfort. "Who?" He growled, his entire expression pinched and shoulders tensed.
Seeing that she's gotten him all worked up, Jannah decided to relish on it. "I don't know his name yet bu -"
"Who, Mama?" He asked again, raising one of his brows at her threateningly. That only made her squirmish.
Jannah looked down at her knotted fingers feigning nervousness. "I-I he..."
"I'm going to kill whoever this person is that made you cry. I swear." He vowed looking extremely serious about it. Deep down Jannah knew he would do it. She's seen what he's done to Jibril and Bakri, he is capable of doing anything for her.
She is enjoying her time so much to drop the act so she gave him a pout. "But you cannot kill him."
"Yes. It's a he and he is special to me. I won't allow you to kill him." She blinked her doe eyes at her hands looking terribly innocent.
Adnan's veins pierced his forehead, arms and neck in pulsing rage. What on earth is she talking about now? Is she talking about Bilal? Is he the cause of all these because if that is the case, Bilal is going to be no more by the end of the day. His head will be served on a silver platter for her to see that there is no other man that can take her away from him. He's been eying that friendship of theirs right from the beginning.
If annihilating Bilal is going to be the only option he's got, then so be it. He doesn't need the guy now anyway. Him being friends with his wife and even confessing his feelings days ago made things more flummoxed. Adnan wants no rough play so he won't take part in any of it.
"Is it Bilal?" Adnan gritted out not able to stop his chaotic mind from exhibiting different ways to get his chief security officer bloodless.
Jannah's eyes widened. Things are getting serious now, she should drop the act. "No! We haven't spoken since the day I came back here. It's..."
"Who? Dammit, Mama who the hell is it?!" He indignantly shook her arms in his hands. Adnan is not liking this her game at all.
She wiped away at the remains of tears around her eyelashes then took his large hand with both her dainty ones. She position it on her stomach, her heart beating wildly in her chest not knowing how to break the news to him that she was pregnant. He wasn't there the last time so she didn't tell him about it, only when the baby was born did his mother call to tell him about the joyous news. Now what is she to say?
Adnan kept staring at her with maddened wintry eyes. He doesn't understand what she is doing. Of course. Did she expect him to know what that meant? Even the ones that know what that is tend to think about every sort of scenario before they conclude. This man on the other hand lacks knowledge on everything around him that doesn't include numbers, portfolios, blueprints, oil or money.
Jannah cleared her throat, her eyes on his hand that is resting atop her stomach. "I'm pregnant, Dracs."
It took him a full minute to react, he thought he heard her wrong though the smile on her face said otherwise. It was a shy, tentative and uncertain one. Adnan literally felt his chest throbbing and hurting, making his stomach uncomfortable. He couldn't remove his hand from her stomach and instead started massaging it from right to left then up and down as if wanting to feel the baby. Jannah took a quick intake of breath, her eyes blinking back to his.
"How long?" He enquired looking straight into her eyes, expression serious but the felicity in his eyes made her want to be pregnant billion times over.
"Two months." Came her breathy reply, the throatiness of her voice roughening up a bit.
"You know the gender?"
"Not yet. The doctor said till it gets to fourteen weeks before we find out."
"That means it's been conceived while Imara was alive. If it's a girl, we should name her after her older sister. What do you think?" Adnan asked after a beat of silence settled in between them, his hand not once seizing their movement on her belly.
Jannah lie her head back against his taut shoulder, deepening her face into his neck as she inhaled his manly scent mixed with cologne and air conditioning. "Yes. We'll name her after her sister."
"I think I am already growing fatter. This dress is not fitting anymore." Jannah kvetched from the walk-in closet she's occupied too in Adnan's room, the master's suite.
Adnan strolled to the aisle she was standing at facing the mirror while holding a red dress in her hand. He came to measure her waist experimentally, his large hands nearly spanning the neat circumference. She hasn't gained one bit of fat yet, she's still just the way she was the last time he's been with her in Maldives and now too. Why is she always worked up about unnecessary things? Oh, she said it was the hormones.
He's already asked Alim to forward a complete pdf about everything he should know related to pregnant women. He will spend the rest of the night after they come back from the birthday dinner he's orchestrated for her. If it was up to him, they should spend the day in bed while he shower her with endless love in different angles. If only.
Jannah started at his touch, at the solid feel of him behind her back. The dual proximity of Adnan Ibrahim Attahir and a silk-covered bed was enough to rattle her nerves. Remembering his hands, so wickedly gentle as they searched her body a few minutes ago, and his mouth imprinting warm, delicious kisses on hers, she tried to suppress a hard shiver. He must have felt the involuntary movement, for his hands tightened at her waist, and his lips moved close to her ear until she felt the caress of his breath.
"There's no need for me to try anything." Jannah managed to say. "Besides, I can't fasten and unfasten rows of the buttons all by myself."
"I would be willing to help." Adnan supplied readily, his head now on her shoulder as they both stare at their reflection in the mirror.
"I'm certain you would." Jannah replied with a naught smile that turned wobbly. Sensation, or the exquisite promise of it, raced through her body and pooled low in her stomach making her knees weak. For a breathless moment she thought of leaning back, arching her throat in invitation, pulling his hands up to her breasts.
Is this dinner relevant? She could spend the rest of the day in her husband's arms but they have the rest of their lives ahead of them for all his rendezvous. And he said the dinner was meant for the only two of them, no third party which means she can dress anyway she wants and still be with him for the rest of the evening. She is extremely curious though. What is it Adnan has in store for them? Who's helping the helpless man?
She sent him away to get dressed so she won't be distracted.
Taking a white shirt from her drawer, she smiled at Aisha who's critically looking at the shirt while looking for something slightly out of place that'll make her drop it. Jannah wasn't having it, this has been going on for twenty minutes straight. Aisha denying each article of clothing she's removed so far. But this shirt, Jannah won't return it back. It was so pretty with high neck, long regular sleeves and a crisscross in the middle.
"What are you going to pair it with then?" Aisha cocked her head while nodding and smiling widely at something above her phone.
It was Ammar showing her the picture of how he's arranged the dinner date for the both of them. A long story how he made Adnan beg for his help, it was so funny and he'd pay any price to see it again.
"I have this silver pants that'll probably match up with it. And accessory that came with it, I can drape it around my shoulder. It's going to be fine! Wait let me wear it." Jannah answered while browsing for the said pants.
After wearing it and draping the accessory by her left arm, she smiled at the camera. Aisha gave two thumbs up, her eyes thoroughly looking at her best friend before she whistles awfully. She doesn't know how to do it.
"Now close that hair with silver head tie and wear pretty RayBan!" Aisha encouraged while turning around on the bed. Ammar left to make sure the last touches of their mini date is perfect.
Jannah did as she was told and turned out to look more breathtaking than she's thought. There is this sense of joy whenever you wear clothes and it fits more than you had initially thought. She snaked her feet into a silver Dr. Marten boots, she is done with her looks and makeup. Adnan was waiting for her inside his bedroom typing away, it was Ammar.
He raised his head and sucked in a breath he didn't know he was taking, his eyes raked over her from head to toe then he stood up. Jannah gave him a small twirl, her pearl rabbit teeth in full display. Adnan stood rooted for a minute before he pulled her into his arms after three ground eating strides. Jannah giggled, pushing her hands up to his neck to play with the soft hair he is yet to barb. He is also wearing black and white suit, they are matching in a way.
He nibbled with her earlobe. "You look exquisite, Mama. Do we have to go out?"
"Yes, Dada!" She teased while pulling away from him with a naughty smile. Adnan shook his head, she is going to be the death of him.
The dinner was perfect, almost too good. It was on a roof top of seven storey building, Jannah was not sure if she knew how the time passed but when she checked the watch next minute, she found out that it was eleven forty in the evening. The entire building was dark except the last floor and where they are currently having the dinner. The food was extra, she found out Ammar and Aisha did help plan everything.
"I knew you wouldn't be able to do it all alone. Which was why I insisted on coming." Jannah laughed at his sullen face but shrugged her shoulders. She is right after all.
"I'll get the hang of it and shock you one of these days."
"Ouuuu? Is that so? I cannot wait for it."
And then he took her down to the floor below them where she realized was the only lit floor in the seven storey building. Jannah twirled around the empty office except for it's white desk, dandelion executive chairs and a set of couch pushed to the end of the wall. The expensive rug beneath her naked feet -she's removed the heavy boots- was so lush and pretty in all it's mustard glory. Everything in the office is either white or yellow, her colors.
It was quiet so she turned around to see whether or not Adnan is there with her. Where is this place he's brought her to? He is standing there holding a piece of paper while going through it. She tilted her head to the side waiting expectantly for him to explain why she was there with him. She's got an inkling on what the man is planning but she doesn't want to go above her on head. From the bright colors, she knew her husband is giving her a birthday gift. A gargantuan and enormous one.
Adnan took her waist in one of his arms and draw her to the executive chair where he sat down and brought her down to his lap to sit. He placed the paper in front of her and a pen that has her name -MAMA JAY- broadly engraved on it in capital italics. Her heart began to thud in her ears as she beheld the name and the title of the contract in front of her. He wants to gift her an entire building.
"I thought deep about what I should gift you that you don't have already. You have me, our baby and my family so I thought a large renovated apartment building will do? This particular one we are in. You can do anything you want with it. A business? Anything. It is all yours, Mama." He kissed her jaw, it was trembling.
"I don't know what to do with a whole seven storey building! I don't want it." She shook her head, her voice trembling.
Adnan turn her around slightly to look at him. "You don't have to think of anything now. Just sign the paper and it's all yours forever. Do as you please whenever you want. Just accept my birthday gift."
His eyes shoot to her mouth was a fantasy come true, tender, full, and unmistakably carnal. He must kiss her before he goes crazy so he pressed her chest to his. All at once she felt his mouth on hers, in a hard assault that was over as quickly as it had begun. He lifted his head, staring down at her with those golden-lashed eyes. Jannah's mouth tingled from the bruising kiss. Tentatively she licked her lips, discovering a faint wine sweetness.
Later into the evening, Jannah and Adnan found themselves on the floor after making love roughly all around the corners of her new office. She lie her head on his chest, playing around with the silky haired olive chest in front of her. Cuddling had never been part of Adnan's bedroom repertoire. Bodily contact had always been the prelude to something else, never an end in itself. After a moment, he'd reached over with his free hand to pat her head awkwardly. He'd felt her cheek curve against his shoulder.
"You don't know how to cuddle." She stated, not question like.
"No." Adnan admitted. "I'm not sure what it's for."
"It's not for anything." Jannah said with a yawn, she is so sleepy. "I just want to." She'd snuggled even closer, hooking a slender leg over one of his-and had promptly fallen asleep.
Adnan had stayed very still, with the weight of her head on his shoulder, brooding over the realization of how much he had to lose. He was so damned happy to be with her. She was his worst liability, as he'd always known she would be. But he wouldn't want her any other way. She is just perfect whether in his arms, on the floor or anywhere.
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