Adnan lean back down on his swivel chair with a sigh. He wanted to go to Italy but the oil they've found here in Japan is keeping him busy. After going through so many paperwork's to compensate the families out of their village to God knows where, he doesn't care where they go to as long as they disappear from his sight and more analysis could take place.
And like the Japanese people claimed, lots of crude oil was found there. They are still digging out million dollars worth oil. It's a wonder they don't want to lessen his percentage from the whole contract because that oil will make him richer than almost any man on earth or so he feels. Just thirty percent, he is going to be more than untouchable. He keeps his wealth on the low, he doesn't want people to know just how rich he is.
That's enough to feed his next ten generations, apart from the one he has currently. The Japanese are already pulsating and hurdling because their company is slowly rising back to where it was. So many oil companies now want to invest with them but they are been choosy. The last time they went through unstable days, more than half of them refused to endorse them. They are screening through their website to see who is worth it.
Not that he would allow them to just work with anyone and give them shares, he doesn't work like that. If he wanted, he would've been the only investor they have but this is not the way he roles. He jumps from one corporation to the other for you don't know when one is going to collapse. It's not his work to keep bringing up dying establishments, he's done that when he started the entire oil business but not anymore.
He only accepted this because they were quite confident when they told him about the oil they found. If he hadn't accepted, few more would've jumped into the opportunity like those Americans. Now he is going to invest there just so he won't have to do much.
Lightning a cigarette, he puffed out smoke as he leaned back comfortably on the large swivel chair. His eyes glazed over the smoke as he thought blandly. His life is now a constant routine that he is slowly getting fed up of. He has stopped tending to his horses now, the one thing he's loved since when he was young. The only thing that took his mind off many grotesque past.
He'd washed horses before for a few cents to buy biscuits and tend to them like no other. Their neighbors were royals then, he cannot remember what their title was or from which state but they had gorgeous horses ranging from brown, black and white. He would wash them each morning, feed them or sometimes allowed to train them while he was behind it. That is the only hobby he had, and still has. Polo.
Which is why when he started earning his wealth, he collected as much Arabian horses as he could because, why not? They are the best out there and he's got five of them now, they are so damn expensive.
People say when someone from the slums gets rich, he does everything in an extravagant way. He is a living example of that.
He did and is still doing that because no one knows how it felt when they lived in the slums. It was a constant struggle not having enough when you have the zeal to always want more than you have so when you finally achieve that, you go an extra-mile to prove to yourself that you did it. It was all your sweat, tears and blood mixed in there. Though he's got no tears in the process. Only myriad blood and sweat.
His house is the second best in Abuja if not topped now, he drives the best cars in Nigeria and still looks forward to purchasing more expensive and shinier ones. He may or may not be the only one with five Arabian horses, not even a King has that. He wears handmade designers because he's heard that they are the most expensive set of outfits. And his oil company? It is the largest in whole Nigeria! Coupled with his refineries, totally deuced.
He hasn't worked using his hands for a long time, they are now soft because of all the sky-high ritzy cream he uses. But today as absurd as it was... he'd experienced some of that old sense of purpose and fulfillment while repairing an oil pipeline during the drilling. Working with his hands, relying on the skills he'd acquired as a twelve-year-old apprentice, with all of it still ahead of him—
A voice he thought he'd gotten rid of sauntered through the door. He's got himself an office there in Japan, the company he's just invested in. It's a large room with white theme though he had to change every single thing inside from the desk, chairs, rug and couches. He went as far to change the shelf, only the best for Adnan Ibrahim Attahir.
"So this is where you are hiding?" Bakri Khaled moseyed into the room looking around the office critically in his loose slacks and blazer.
Another voice tilted into the room, this one much more reserved. "I told you about it so why are you asking again?"
"No shit, Holmes." Bakri retorted before his eyes landed on Adnan, he gave him a large grin then plop on the chair in front of him.
Adnan almost groaned but he is not known for his emotions, or better yet, lack of them. He discarded his cigarette in an ashtray then raise a brow. Why are they here in Tokyo? They are supposed to be working in his company in Nigeria and not everywhere he goes. This is Alim's work and he will pay for it. Maybe with his job.
"Now, now...don't think about firing him, I hired him for you and only I, have the right to fire him." Bakri goaded, biting back a yawn behind his left palm.
Adnan surveyed his friend dispassionately. "I can fire the both of you, you know?"
Bakri beamed at this. "I do but you cannot! There is no better CFO in the whole world like me. You cannot afford to terminate me and don't forget the contract." The contract word came out in a singsong.
"I'll have to do something about the contract. You know I am not known for my honest ways. Breaching it won't be a problem." Adnan gave him a cool smile, his eyes moseying to his other employee —though they introduce themselves as his friends.
He always scoffs internally, he's got no friends and he trusts no one. Or friendships aren't based on trust nowadays? He's got no time for that growing up and only had one friend who's disappeared from the face of earth.
Bakri shrugged his shoulders still relaxed. Adnan won't be able to fire him not because he doesn't want to but because they are the only two people he could tolerate in the whole world apart from his family. He does not see them as friends but they are not only his employees, they stick around even during tough times and he knows it. They help with his dirty work and cover it up for him all the time.
Bakri Khaled is more of his younger brother's friend, Ammar but he spends time with Adnan because of work. Ammar also works in the company as the CEO and it's going to be a wonder if he is not here with them. They are always attached to hip, like fucking triplets. Annoying ones.
And here he is. "What's up, bro?" The voice is restrained because they both know they don't have the perfect relationship between them.
Adnan grew up pursuing wealth and not relationships so they are poles apart. They don't know each other's likes or dislikes and only interact when in company of others. They sit in awkward silence whenever they are left alone. Besides, they don't resemble each other that much, only their skin complexion and maybe toes? Adnan thought sarcastically.
The guy had everything growing up. Adnan started making it while he was just fourteen so he knew nothing about hard work and going many days without food just to achieve the goals you've set. He lacks knowledge on the nights he's spent at the refinery he worked at fighting men because they thought he was an easy target to get money from. He was strong back then and kicked their asses. Not all the time though.
Sometimes he goes back home all bruised and battered. His mother would wake up, bathe him in hot water and make sure he falls asleep on her laps. Is there anything he wouldn't do for that woman? Absolutely nothing. She was his pillar when each and every building had crumbled.
"I don't think anything is up but his cigarette." Jawad Karem muttered, sitting himself on the couch while Ammar took the other available chair in front of his older brother.
"And in a few seconds, your asses might join the cigarette." He gestures to the still burning cigarette in the ashtray looking every bit serious.
It's a Treasure cigarette, the most expensive one there is. They are manufactured by The Chancellor Tobacco Company Limited. Their luxury cigarettes are longer than king size often compared to Virginia Tobacco that makes the most sought after cigarettes coveted around the world.
"You are a psychopath." Jawad answered with a flat voice, his eyes looking even more flatter and detached. That's the two of them, always unemotional but Adnan is way more coldhearted in his ways. Jawad is capable of laughing and smiling genuinely not Adnan though.
Adnan chortled coldly, playing with a pen between his fingers. "I prefer creative but that'll do."
"Seriously, you are losing it, Draco." Ammar exclaimed looking at his brother in this perusing way with wide brown eyes filled with distaste. As always.
"I can't agree more."
Just then Alim walked in with his head downwards, he knew he did something wrong. He won't talk to him about it now. Bakri will jump into his defense, there is no way he is going to allow his assistant to think he's got a permanent or almost permanent position in the company if he continue to disobey his wishes. They are nothing but nuisance.
Alim rounded the table to where he is, placed a tablet in front of him before he explained. "Sir, a request and invitation came from Nile University, Abuja. They are requesting that you be their guest of honor for the upcoming graduation ceremony of their students and give a small speech. They also have an award for you."
Adnan's brows raise in disinterest. This is not the first or the last time invitations like this will come to him. All universities all over Nigeria want him to be their guest of honor and awards? He's collected more than he could count all over the globe. He doesn't need no more. It's not like he wants an entire collection, it's okay like that.
He opened his mouth to decline like always when Ammar piped in. "Please don't reject my university. It'd be an honor. Please, Draco. There'll be others like you there. Rich and affluent."
Adnan's direct eyes fell on his younger brother. He's never been to Nile University so going there now won't hurt, huh? Ammar will definitely tell their mother if he turned down this offer and she will beg him to go. That's why he hates working when his brother and his friends are around. He does things he has no wish to do. For his mother anyway.
"I would never refer to myself as 'there'll be others like me.'" Have you ever met anyone like me? No, because there's only one." Adnan blurted out flatly then turn to Alim. "Accept their invitation and write the speech for me. It should be no more than seventy words."
"As you wish, sir." The assistant wore a small but distinctly satisfied smile. "That is the only item for now. Is there anything you'd like me to do before I return to my desk?"
"Leave because there's going to be a lot later." Alim knew what that means so he gulped and left.
"Why would you turn down Nile University? There are many hot babes there." Bakri glared at Adnan, his face set grumpily. The guy came from riches, he never wanted to hire him but he's got a good relationship with his father.
"So they are everywhere."
"And you think hot babes are in front of him? You're talking about Draco, man." Jawad commented dully, his hands on his phone.
"Buzzkill! Don't forget to invite me when you are going. Who knows? Maybe I'll finally get a wife?" He grinned playfully because everyone knows the last thing he wants is a wife.
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