Adjusting her spectacles on the bridge of her nose, Jannah made her way out of the villa to the parking lot of the house to get a car. She insisted on going to the ranch alone even though Nawal kept persisting on accompanying her, she won't have that. Adnan is not going to like her being there from what she's gathered, taking his sister will only make him more granite-like. And besides, she is not yet comfortable with her sister-in-law.
Now she is supposed to drive herself there after bribing her daughter with some cookies, she won't be bothered if there are puppies around for her to play with. For sometime at least. Her shoes made little sounds on the pebbles beneath her feet as she traipsed to the man sitting there beside the lots' gate listening to a small radio with him eyes closed. The man is large, you'd think he does not need sleep with such invulnerability.
Stopping in front of him, she cleared her throat twice before earning his attention. He stood up immediately and saluted, that was when she noticed that he was wearing the soldier camouflage uniform. She smiled at him in greeting too.
"I want to get one of the cars. If you could please open the gates." She gestured to the charcoal gate in front of them sheathing away myriad collection of cars.
"Right away."
He opened the gates with one strong arm, something she won't be able to do with both arms and legs. She watched with fascination as his large hand almost the size of her thighs flex with veins intertwining themselves around like a tree. Gulping, she thanked him deeply while musing to herself if this man decided to throw a tiny punch to her face. She is going to crash and won't wake up, an easy death. New way of euthanasia, they should see this guy.
She entered the lot, all thoughts of being pummeled and moribund flew away from her mind when she beheld the sight of the variety of surfeit cars. Her mouth slackened thinking about just how much more wealth her husband's got. Is he this stinky rich to replete his mother's villa with so many cars? Whose are they? Hers or his? Because if she could remember, there is something similar to this in their home. This must be his mother's and siblings' right?
Wow! There are more than ten cars, including a pink G-Wagon which Nawal was talking about earlier. Jannah rounded the place three times before settling on a lone car that she's never seen in her life. She is not exposed to the world of course, but she's never seen any car like that one. She meandered closer and touched the spider hood with the tips of her finger. She is going to drive this baby.
It is a Brabus Bullit Coupe 800. The vehicle accelerates at over 360km/h -224 mph.
Settling inside after collecting the keys from the man with an arm the size of her thighs, she roared the car listening to the calming noise it made. She struggled with the radio before settling on a station that is playing a serene song which she's heard somewhere but do not know the name or the lyrics. 'Thinking Out Loud' by Ed Sheeran. Jannah listened while driving slowly at first in the city before the Global Positioning System lead her to a deserted area. Who would've known a place like this existed in Abuja?
Grinning while showing her spellbinding , angel-white teeth, she accelerated down the empty coal-tarred road that stretch acres upon acres in front of her. Any fear of being alone in the car in some unknown village refuse to settle in her for her main goal is to go see Adnan. She's missed him so much since yesterday that not seeing him today will make her go cuckoo instead of him.
The areas zipped through as she rushed down with her car, then the scenery changed. Now there are people here but not much, like a small town. Trees lined by the sidewalks, pedestrians strolling along and then stopping to talk to people they know, streetlights not turned on yet, four-way stops, single lane traffic with faded pavement markings. She slowed down, a large beam taking over her face at the ambience.
Lowering her windows, she let the fresh air embrace her. It smells like fresh flowers, sunshine, green leaves, spices, hamburgers cooking, frying grease, car exhaust, manure and even dog poop -which she knew by heart because of Imara.
She continued driving after waving at a few unknown people here and there. The smile never left her face until she turned the last corner that'll lead her to her husband. That is almost an hour drive though. Why didn't he set up his stables at the city? Perhaps he also takes a break once in a while and he is not as workaholic as she's expected him to be. Another thing to add on the miscellany of what she knew about her husband.
"Welcome to AIA Farmhouse. You have arrived at your destination." The robotic woman finally said. Thanks to Ammar for setting that nonsense for her, she would've been stuck with Aisha or him or Nawal, none which she would pick zestfully.
She stopped the car in front of large black gates that stood there to intimidate and scare anyone that wants to go past. That is Draco, if not black then there is no other color meant for him. She pressed hard on her horn making sure to disturb every single person inside, even the horses there. The man is going to be shocked to see her there, she smirked satanically. He thinks hiding here is going to stop her?
A man... is that a man? No, a behemoth Goliath coming out from within. Is Adnan safe inside with such a man guarding him? Maybe he gave him that attitude of his and this Goliath decided to sit on his head, and kill him! It is possible because when he stood by her car, he towered over it with several inches. Then the man back in the villa is a baby compared to this man.
She gulped, poked her head outside to look at him. Or is she at the wrong address and she should turn back before he eats her for dinner? She hastily pushed her head back inside the car when he gave her a small smile. No, that was totally not expected. She's got a whiplash, too galvanized for it to be anything otherwise. How could a large man this scary smile?
"How may I help you, Miss?" He demanded in a gruff voice that did absolute justice to his body. What if he had had a tiny voice? She would've turned back around and leave that place without seeing Adnan, there'll be a next time.
She cleared her throat but her words still stumbled out squeaky. "I'm here to see Draco. He is in there right?"
The man contemplated for a second. "I'll have to ask him whether or not he is expecting any visitor. No one's ever been here to see him."
Her brows cleared at the statement. Is that so? Woohoo, she might be able to break the record so she nodded at him to go ahead. He brought his walkie talkie to his mouth and said some things inaudibly, only for the other person to hear it seems. There was no immediate answer from the other end so they both stayed and waited in uncomfortable silence as Adnan took his leisure time before replying his guard.
"I'm not expecting anyone." He enunciated, his voice dead, croaking and disembodied, sending deep shocks and zaps within her that she gulped. She missed him so?
"Tell him it's Jannah!" She called out from inside the car while raising her voice hoping he would hear her from where she is.
The man was shaking his head before she could finish speaking. "Once he says that, there is no going back. I'm afraid you cannot see him now, Miss Jannah."
Jannah's brows came together, she hadn't come this far to capitulate and go back home.
Extricating her phone from the cup holder inside the car, she started dialing his number which she's known by heart for a long time. The phone rang but he didn't answer, she continued calling for another five minutes before he finally relented. She wanted to call his other business lines until he cede, she is done being lenient on him. The man deserves none of her favors.
"Dracs... I came all the way here alone and you don't want to see me? Don't you miss me?" She questioned in her fruity, throaty voice earning a raised brow from the Goliath man beside her car but her attention wasn't on him, she hardly noticed his presence there.
Again, Adnan took his gorgeous golden time to give an answer. "I didn't ask you to come here. And I won't ask who told you about this place. Go back home before the sun sets."
"Don't order me around you reptile. I came all the way here because I was missing you so much and you're asking me to go back? What sort of a man are you?" She took the dramatic turn that always lead her to nowhere but at the same time brought her to where she is.
"Thanks for that. Go back home, Mama." He sounded busy, breathing while moving about which makes her brows come together again between her forehead.
He called her Mama, that did make her stomach hurl and lurch forward but the way he is breathing pushed that to the back of her cranium where she hardly visits. Why the fuck is he breathing like that? She knew he hardly moans even when they are reaching their pinnacle together so is he with another woman? She cannot help it! Why isn't he letting her inside and what is this breathing sound? She became high on alert, too vigilant to care.
She swallowed thickly, her throat bobbing while Jason, the guard continued to brazenly watch. The entire female gender, was a mystery. Jason had long ago accepted that women were complicated. They said things like, "If you don't already know, I'm not going to tell you." They never ordered their own desserts, and when they asked your opinion on which outfit to wear, they always wore the one you didn't pick. Still, although Jason would never claim to understand women, he adored them; their elusiveness, the surprises of them, their intricate, fascinating shifts of mood.
Changing her tactics, she closed her eyes to take a few deep breaths hoping she won't start yelling at him now. God, it hurts so much that she could barely breath. If she finds Adnan with another woman inside that farmhouse, she is going to leave him for good. She's been through so much that another blow will not just wreck her, it'll kill her. She doesn't want to believe her brain, the rational part of her body right now.
She's trusted him too much it seems. But would he? And why is he on phone if he were with another woman? Or maybe that is why he didn't answer the many calls she's dropped first not because he hadn't seen them but because he was busy? She gripped the phone tightly while seeing from her peripheral vision that the guard left to give her space, he's sensed her mood swing. She was grateful for that, eerily so too.
In... and out... she breathed to calm herself down.
"Come on, Dracs, even Imara here wants to see her father and his many gorgeous horses. You need to let us in before we die of hunger and thirst." She urged, pinching the tip of her nose which would've surely yaw red had she been fair in complexion.
She wanted to tear down everything in her path that is stopping her from seeing her husband right now. She tried so hard to not let her thoughts go astray but they did, swerved to that dangerous path that will leave her regretting. If there is a woman in there, she is going to do so many things that'll land her in a mental asylum. She'd gladly go there too, without questions.
Because the way her chest is burning, her hands are itching right now, only God knows what would happen. Then again, is he going to be that heartless to let her see the woman he is fucking while she was away? Just a few days break and he is running to a mistress? To a... mistress? Wait, is there a woman he keeps in her that he comes to whenever he wants to relieve himself?
That would make sense. No man will be able to stay away from his wife for as long as Adnan does, it doesn't make sense. Being celibate for more than six months? He is a man, hot blooded one too and extremely healthy so him not sleeping with other women should rise questions. Not with the way they've spent their time in Maldives going at it at every given opportunity. That should've been light enough for her to think about the life he's lead while they weren't together!
Hot tears started blinding her vision but she cleared them by blinking away rapidly. She cannot jump into conclusion, not so soon. Oh, he is talking to her-
"...home or sleep inside your car out there till tomorrow morning." That was what caught in his words.
Scowling at the gates in front of her hoping it'd combust into air, she changed her voice to that of a little girl's to imitate Imara. "Dada I want to see your horses. Please come open the gates."
Adnan couldn't help smiling from the other end because any person would've been fooled or at least, believed it was a little girl that talked but he knew his daughter a lot and his wife too. Well, the version of her that's lost her memory.
"Mama... go back home." He commanded after a while, his eyes moving up and down a soft body curled beside him.
"I swear if you don't ask this Goliath to open this door for me, I'm going to sleep here after calling your mother. If you want all your family to come here and stand with me by the gates then it is going to happen. I'm not leaving this place without seeing you." She said in a bratty tone, sticking her lower lips out while forcing herself not to cry.
Adnan sighed from the other end and hung up the phone. Jannah refused to call him again, only relax back on her seat and continue to think about different scenarios in her head all leading back to one thing, Adnan's head in her hands rolling from one side to the other while she laughed at his lifeless eyes. Oh, that is so not true. She cannot do that but she can do more damage than that.
The woman is going to suffer more, whoever it is that is inside because there is going to be no mercy with jealousy like the one she is feeling.
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