Jannah let out a tired sigh as she finally sat down on the bed beside her sleeping daughter who's been battling with a headache since the night before. Jannah couldn't sleep the whole night, watching over her daughter for any sign of discomfort throughout. It was not easy because Imara herself cannot tell what is wrong with her or where is aching, she kept crying her eyes out till Jannah fed her spoonfuls of different syrups.
Well, she also cried with her.
Now it is eleven in the morning, she hasn't eaten anything though Aisha brought them all breakfast so they could eat together inside Imara's room, she couldn't stomach anything seeing her daughter weak and getting in and out of consciousness. How could she? Imara had never been sick until yesterday so it justifies just how worried she is over her daughter's wellbeing.
Aisha traipsed into the room looking downhearted too like the mother currently sitting on bed, half lying and closing her eyes to catch some sleep and rest her tired eyelids. She looks worn out but nothing Aisha would say will get Jannah off that bed if Imara doesn't recover completely. Her eyes are droopy, huge bags beneath them making her look older than her age. Is that how our mothers fussed over us when we were younger? Truly a mother's love is different and raw.
Jannah opened her eyes at the sounds of her footsteps even though she tried her best to walk as quietly as possible. She gave Aisha a small smile before her eyes dropped on Imara's small figure beside her. The little girl is sweating profusely which means the fever is breaking. She's been on that hours ago. It breaks then build up another fresh one with excruciating headache.
Aisha sat down on the other side of the bed and touched Imara's forehead. "She is still boiling. I thought you broke the fever earlier?"
Jannah sighed tiredly, cleaned her daughter's sizzling hot body with a porcelain soft cotton towel that she's soaked inside cold water. "I did but it is relentless, going and coming back."
Her eyes teared up a little as she studied her daughter's tiny figure hurdled on the bed beneath heavy sheets of duvets. She would frisson here and there before everything goes back to normal. When the headache hurts a lot, she would wake up crying to her mother to take away the pain because she cannot sleep with it. Jannah cried with her the night before, cuddling her daughter to her chest while lulling her to sleep by talking endlessly between tears.
As she brought the girls naked body to her chest now, she is filled with terror at how hot her daughter feels. There is this soreness in her muscles, stiffness, and cramping that wouldn't go away no matter what position she would change. A persistent pain in the back of the throat that is making it difficult for her to swallow her own slaver. Elevated body temperature just like her daughter's and nausea.
Her body tensed from strain attentiveness, she forced herself to swallow. "I think we should take her to the hospital. The fever won't just break down on it's own."
Aisha stood up readily, that was at the tip of her tongue but Jannah said it first. She started searching something light for Imara to wear, came out with a button down shirt that needs nothing beneath. Sheathing the little girl's body in the tangerine clothing, Aisha touched her forehead again only to yank her hand away at the scorching swelter of the little girl's body. That feels so not good at all.
Jannah closed her eyes with both her tiny fists to keep the tears in bay, her throat closed up when she saw how Aisha reacted at the feel of her daughter's temperature. It is over one hundred Fahrenheit which is totally abnormal and not something she should take lightly. She thought the method Adnan used to wreck her own would work on her daughter but obviously not. It did nothing but offer temporary relief.
"Go and wear something, we'll wait for you downstairs." Aisha advised, her hand on Jannah's shoulder to show her concern and support at the same time which Jannah needed.
Jannah turned around to give her friend a tight hug, squeezing her extremely hard as she sobbed. Her strangled sobs alerted Aisha, she started whispering sweet nothings into her ear while calming her down. She understands half the depth of her concern, Imara has always been lively so her falling ill so suddenly took Jannah by surprise and she wasn't ready to face her daughter's weak form in pain. The pain she is not able to take away because she does not have the power to do so.
"Mon Cherie, you need to get yourself together and let's go to the hospital. She needs the doctor now more than your tears. Now go get yourself ready and let's go get Imara back on her feet. C'mon..." Aisha pushed her out of the room, rearranged her own veil around her.
She's taken her bathe earlier after she's brought breakfast up for Jannah when the truth is she couldn't eat it too. But she was able to take bath and dress herself into a cute tan abaya and wrap the veil around herself, now she won't have to also go get ready. She knew Jannah is going to wear her many jilbaabs or get on with her many maxi dresses. She has hypochondria on Imara's behalf, everything is going to be eclectic to her.
The trio left the mansion to the waiting car outside where their new chauffeur, Aaron is waiting. Jannah cradled her daughter in her arms and closed her eyes tightly to keep away the surfeit of thoughts brushing through her head and waltzing incessantly. Seems like something is mocking her from within but she refused to let anything come in between her and those ugly demons. She is not her husband, she doesn't succumb to the darkness.
Wait... her husband. She is supposed to tell him but the man abandoned them yet again for his penthouse here in Abuja. How is she alleged to tell him when she cannot reach him? She's planned on going to the penthouse nights before but she couldn't, something kept stopping her one way or the other so she gave up. That doesn't mean she's cut him off from her life. She sent him messages each morning after waking up and night before she goes to sleep.
"Hey, Dracsss... watcha up to? I cannot sleep and I miss you so much. Why won't you come back home? I promise I won't stop you from working. Yours, Jannah."
"Just woke up and I dreamt about you, again! This is the billionth time I'm sure and you'd love to hear all that I've dreamed about because fuck... you so don't wanna miss hearing this story from me! Yours, Jannah."
"Holla, Dracssssss! I heard that cuddling helps you sleep better. Wanna try it out? Hehehe, I'm getting good at flirting, huh? Yours, Jannah."
"How about those emotions you said you don't want to feel? Are they still absent? I want to know. They are never black and white, ya know? You lose your breath whenever you see them or they enter the room. Your heart beats faster at the thought of them. And you get goosebumps when you are close enough to feel their breaths. Never felt that? Hats off, you are heartless. I'm gonna hit the hay... Yours, Jannah."
"I want to play a game, Dracs. Should we continue with our truth or dare? I'm bored to death. If you could be a mythical creature, which would you choose? I'm waiting for you. Yours, Jannah."
"My Draco! Or are you not? Whatever, you are my husband. I cannot sleep again and you know what? I think I miss you. Hahaha, stupid huh? But I do. Yours, Jannah."
She swallowed, he is yet to replied any of those messages which hurts to more life than would like to acknowledge. And she hadn't stopped only this morning, she even messaged him last night before Imara had fallen ill. She won't deprive him off this information, she will message him and it is up to him whether or not he wants to reply her or come see her at the hospital. Maybe he won't see the SMS now too, he might've thrown the phone away.
They arrived at the hospital few minutes later, she would say the ride was shorter than she expected or because she's been thinking about her husband? She dismounted the car with Aisha who quickly took Imara away from her lax arms. They hurried into the hospital and asked for a doctor, one was recommended to them immediately at the sight of the little girl. Jannah swallowed when the doctor asked what was wrong.
"It started yesterday night. I thought it was just a mere fever but she was cold and hot at the same time with headache merged. I tried everything for fever but nothing worked and here we are." She explained as she could, tumbling on the words from west to north.
The doctor nodded and gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, we'll try our best and find out what is really wrong."
Jannah clasped the doctor's hand in both of her cold ones, her eyes pleading in desperation. "Please do everything to break that fever or whatever it is. She's in great pain and I can't keep watching her like this."
The young doctor that looks to be in her early thirties use her other hand to squeeze Jannah's. "I'll try my best. Just sit there and calm yourself or maybe eat something, you look malnourished."
Jannah managed to crack a small smile with her parched lips and nodded. "I will."
Aisha accompanied her to one of the many leather chairs so she could sit down. "I'll go get you something to eat while you sit here tight."
Jannah absently nodded and touched her phone inside her pocket, she gulped and brought it out to message her husband. She stared at the messages she's sent him throughout the time he was absent and even told him Imara was missing him. He said nothing in all the messages, seeing it again made her frown deeply. The man is hellbent on breaking what they have. It exists, it is up to him to believe.
She tapped the fresh page where she is meant to type a new message. She mulled over what to write him that won't alert him of the situation, there is nothing to be psyched up about but with the way she feels now, she cannot help it so she placed the phone back on the sit beside her. If she types anything, and he reads it, he won't be able to sit down. He'd think his daughter is dying. Her concern is high up a pinnacle bigger than Mount Everest.
Jannah lie her head back on the chair and closed her eyes, all her bones and muscles are weary. She smelled something not so pleasant, pushing her head deeper into her jilbaab, she realized that she's the one with body odor. She grimaced, when was the last time she smelt like that? She became hypersensitive to the sounds around her, her heartbeat racing eliciting chest pain.
Aisha came back holding two paper bags filled with different variety of food, she raised a brow at. One of them is creamy pasta and meatballs and the other contained chicken and shawarma whichever one she wants to eat. Jannah looked at the paper bags then back at Aisha's face with a frown. She won't be able to keep those things in her tummy, she is too disoriented to do that.
"Don't even give me any excuse. You are going to eat that without any complain." Aisha turned her head to the other side, so she won't see the pitiful expression Jannah is definitely going to feature.
Jannah forced the pasta down her throat with one meatball amongst the five, she did so with great difficulty. She washed everything with chilled Pepsi, relaxed her tensed shoulder on the chair again so she could have the rest she didn't get to sheaf while nursing her daughter.
Aisha was quiet beside her but Jannah knew she wanted to say something. "Spill."
Aisha cleared her throat. "Not intruding or anything but have you talked to her father? He should know his daughter is in the hospital."
Jannah opened one eyes, she wanted to reply with. "He abandoned us again. Have you forgotten?"
Instead she passed her the phone. "Compose the message because I won't promise not to make him worried or have an accident on the way here."
Aisha took the phone and quickly messaged him.
"Imara is in the hospital, a scorching fever. Here is the hospital's address."
She forced herself not to read the messages that were not replied sent by Jannah. She passed the phone back to her and together they sat down in complete silence until the doctor came out minutes later with a smile that broke her face into two. That immediately mended Jannah's heart and she stood up with more vigor, her steps virile and jumpy. With that smile, she knew her daughter is now feeling much better.
Doctor Sakina broke the news. "She is now stable and not in any sort of pain. Alhamdulillah."
Jannah hugged the doctor tightly, tears dripping down her eyes in gratitude. "Thank you so much, Doctor. I don't think I'll be able to repay you."
Sakina patted her back, that blinding smile intact on her radiant espresso skin. "Don't worry about it, it is my job. You can go see her."
Jannah thanked her one last time before she disappeared behind the door where her daughter is. She found Imara's tiny form on a wide exclusive bed with an intravenous drip attached to her. She took a deep breath and went down on sujud al-shukur after locating the east. She took five minutes to thank Allah in the prostration that Aisha came in and found her in that same position.
When she stood up, she went to her daughter straight and touched her small hand, any form of physical contact with her daughter. She crushed her into a hug, she's been doing a lot of that that very day but she cannot seem to help it. She pulled away and rained her face with kisses which earned her a giggle from Imara who's awoken at that moment, her sleep crushed because of the wet kisses. She pushed her mother's face away from her with her tiny hand.
"Mama, it tickles." She complained through parched throat but didn't ask for water.
Aisha caught the raspiness in her voice and gave her water -the one she bought for Jannah to have after eating but she chose coke- she finished the entire bottle, something she's never done before. Jannah could only watch her daughter with glittery eyes. Oh, she was so scared an hour ago. And then everything changed in a duration of an eye blink enough to give anyone a lash.
It happened so unanticipatedly. One minute Imara was drinking water and the next the electrical heart rate sensor that was hooked up to her spiked up. Jannah and Aisha stood there rooted for a few seconds before Aisha sprang into action first by pressing hard on the doctor's button beside Imara's bed.
"What's going on?" Jannah asked, her eyes on the monitor then back to her daughter who's smiling at her mother. It was not a normal smile though.
Jannah leaned down, her smile also watery. "Darling, you should calm down so your heart rate can turn back to normal."
"Mama, I love you. And Dada too." Imara whispered to her instead, in a perfect English that galvanized Jannah to hear. Even her voice sounded different, more mature.
"I know and we love you more. Now settle down and focus on breathing in and out. Let's do that yoga..." Jannah trailed off when Imara shook her head immediately at the offer. Hysterically too as she swears profusely.
"I cannot see you, Mama. I cannot hear you too..." she was not hysterical as she said those things which only made Jannah panic and Aisha to turn her back at them crying.
The door burst open and doctor Sakina along with three other nurses sauntered in, taking away Jannah's attention for a second. "She is acting weird, not like my daughter. What is wrong, Doctor? You said everything was fine?" She asked between breaths, her chest rising and falling.
Before she could turn back around to look at her daughter, everything changed. She felt it in her bones and the ambience in the room bartered leaving her cold, eerily arctic. Her heart literally stopped beating for a moment, like she's swallowed it when she did her saliva. Confused at the sudden shuffled change, she pivoted to gaze at her daughter only to realize that the ECG had stopped beeping.
Everything was completely still, deathly, silent and hushed at the same time smothering and asphyxiating. Before distant voices of the nurse and doctors murmuring downheartedly filled the air.
"Time of death; 01:04PM..."
Every soul shall taste death..
Allah yaji kan Imara...
Jannah ya hakuri?
Don't come for my life😭
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