A rumble of thunder scored through the silence that followed, and Jibril turned his head to glance at the gathering darkness. Something about his profile, the small hump at the bridge of his nose, the outline of his hair, the way the little jut of his chin met the soft folds of his throat, made her nerves screech in alarm. Uneasiness fluttered through Jannah's stomach making it rock-hard and heavy.

But where did that thunder came from? Of course, it's still rainy season but it's been a while since she's last seen rain. Or was it because she is detached from the world?

Jannah was perturbed by the unexpected change of plans. An unpleasant feeling crept over her. Jibril Shehu appeared to be a nice man, but there was something about him that she did not like, something difficult to identify. It seemed that his genial facade concealed something reptilian and cold. She instinctively wanted to avoid him. Her heart had picked up its pace, beating in an anxious, uneven staccato. It was rather amazing, the reaction of her body, when her mind could discern no reasonable cause for it.

She hastily cleaned her face with the edge of her veil, she is disgruntled at the fact that a stranger saw her crying like a child. Him being Adnan's only friend doesn't mean he is no stranger to her even though he's made her heart flutter some days ago. Now there is nothing like that, this man in front of her is after something she is sure is not good for her. His intentions this time around are not good.

As she cleared her eyes, Jannah started seeing blurry because she is not wearing her glasses and she hadn't worn them today. She's gotten her eyedrops from her ophthalmologist and she decided to use them today. But what is going on? She's been good minutes ago until she started crying. Does that mean the eyedrops react when she rubs or is there something wrong here?

Jannah stood up and started touching the couches, she wanted to call the maids out for help. When she could reach nowhere, she yelled out three of their names but none of them answered which made her fear heighten. She is alone with a man that looks to be on a mission and whatever it is, she is going to pay for it first. The man is not there for anything good, there is a gargantuan question mark. She continued calling out their names and still, no response.

She started using the walls as support, walking around in circles because she cannot walk herself up the stairs without falling head first. She began to panic as her breath came out quick and shallow, her eyes closed shut against the blurriness. Her hands started to shake anxiously, muscles strained and tensed at the feel of her threat watching her. Hidrosis coated her skin, her body flushed from head to toe.

"Don't try walking back again because you are going to hit your head." Jibril Shehu warned, his voice coming closer to where she is but she couldn't see shit.

In that state of panic, she did move back which resulted to her hitting her head hard against the edge of a wall. That is the door that probably leads to the dining room, she bit back a moan at the onslaught of pain that fell over her cranium like an avalanche. Her shaky hand relocated to the place she's hit, it was hot and warm there before she smelt the blood. God, it was just a small hit and blood is already gushing out?

Jibril hissed as he traipsed forward to where she is. "I told you to not fucking move back. Why do you have to be so stubborn?"

Jannah gritted her teeth, yanking his hand away from her head. "Don't you dare touch me, you traitor. Leave me alone."

"There, there, sweetheart. I won't be able to do that because you are the only person that'll get me what I want. And even if I did leave you alone, someone is after your life too. So don't panic, relax and let's get this over and done with. Hmm?" He patted her head like she is some dog.

"You are insane! Dracs is going to be so heartbroken to find out that his friend, only friend is nothing but a betrayer." She swallowed thickly, consternation cloaking her entire being.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... forget about him for now and let's get you out of here. It won't be long if you cooperate and he does too. I tend to play nice when I want to." He smiled manically because he's been waiting for this day for seven years. Finally.

Jannah's veins stood out around her neck. "No, no, no! This cannot be happening." She chanted in a murmur so only she could hear.

"I am going to lead you out of this house and you won't create any scene, you hear me? I won't be so nice if you try ratting me out. Understand?" He yelled the last part, tugging her arm harshly in a way that made her wince at the pain.

"You are so merciless. I just lost my daughter and all you are after is your greed? How inhumane are you?" She cried in a soft tone knowing the maids won't be able to help her. She is sure he's cleared them out before he came, he won't be stupid.

Jibril Shehu shrugged his shoulders though she cannot see. "I wanted to take you away since the day I came to the Villa but it was heavily guarded and I wasn't ready. Today though, everything is going to go as planned."

Jannah kept quiet after that because there is nothing more to say. The man that wanted to kidnap her while she was deeply mourning her daughter's death in the disguise of coming to pass his condolences is calloused and brutal. Nothing she says will stop him from doing what he's set his mind to do. Like he's said, this was planned from the scratch which means no easy escape for her. If there is any escape route that is.

She followed after him quietly, her sobs unheard by no one but herself. The man pushed her inside a car, Jannah stumbled and almost hit her head again. Is this man hellbent on making her brain deteriorate or what? Why is he risking her head?

Before she could ask more questioned, he's sealed her lips with a duct tape and tied her hands together behind her back. Jannah widened her eyes and tried to see past the blurriness but nothing, she could only see his shadows and the swiftness of his hands around her. After he was done, he pushed her down so she was lying on what feels like the backseat. God, this guy is a real monster!

He settled inside the car too and roared it to life, it sounds expensive. He stopped by the gates to greet Mallam Sani who was oblivious to what the situation is all about and she could do nothing to change her fate. She won't be able to call out his name or even wave him over to see that she is held captive by the man they trusted. No wonder Adnan never trusts people, they always backstab.

"Have a safe journey then." Mallam Sani stepped aside and Jibril zipped out of the mansion.

The drive to God knows where took forever, Jannah only closed her eyes since she cannot see anything. The rain kept patting hard against the hood and windows barely giving her my comfort because she does not like rain much right then. Her heart is erratically fluctuating within her chest, making it hard for her to breath, think or even rest. She is so messy right now, hanging onto Allah for miracle.

Jibril parked the car somewhere and dragged her out of it in the rain, she shivered. The loafers still clasped around her feet got inundated in muddy water, the edge of her maxi dress also followed the same fate. He was not gentle when he opened a door and pushed her inside where she was suddenly engulfed in warmth. There is this sound of sizzling fire which means someone lives there and the fire place is cracking.

She was pushed against a wall where she slid down to sit, she cannot stand without strength. She blindly lie her head on her knees and continued to sob. God knows what this man wants to do with her. He probably wanted something from Adnan and he won't get it just by kidnapping her. The person they were meant to take is dead and now they think the man cares about her? They are making a grave mistake and their mission will fail them.

Now that Imara is dead, Adnan will find little importance in her. She was the reason why he was around but she is no more, she will have to deal with life herself...

Along the way Jannah passed out, she only reawakened when she heard the sound of door opening and closing. She sat up straighter on the cemented floor, her eyes now clearing a little but not much. She could tell people's features and what they are doing, just not who they are. The perfume that wafted into the room was feminine which means the person that just came in is a woman.

Jibril's voice emerged. "You took your time."

"If you haven't noticed, it is raining and I had to wait for my driver." A feminine voice answered sounding haughty and detrimental.

A beat or two passed before he asked. "What is the plan again? I want this to be done and over with before tomorrow. I should be in Dubai by next tomorrow."

The woman that sounded as young as Jannah scoffed, her voice is so not familiar at all. Is she his sister? What does she want with Jannah though? Are they after some money from Adnan? That must be it. There is no other reason.

"You are going to Dubai after the mess is over, huh? You scaredy cat." She taunted, seeming too busy with her hands.

A sudden and overwhelming sensation of dread gripped Jannah's spine. The fear that she is going to die before the end of this overpowered her willpower, it is so clear. She tried to make sense of one's situation but she is unable to think coherently with the shambles called her brain. This woman is scaring her more than Jibril Shehu did though with the way he's treated her, she shouldn't feel safe.

"Scaredy? You don't know half the dangerous things I've done in my life, now's not the time to tell you about it either. What is the plan?" He questioned, moving around the room with a cup in his hand.

"Neither do I want to hear. And the plan is to only get Adnan here." She explained, standing taller in her high heels.

Jannah squinted her eyes against the darkness in the room. There is only one source of light, the fireplace which isn't safe, right? She wants to see who this woman is and why she is after her husband. Then again, who isn't after Dracs? He's done wrong to people one way or the other. She is another example.

She decided to focus a little on subduing the symptoms, like calming down. She kept repeating to herself that everything is going to be okay. It has to be. She cannot die here uselessly.

"Only get him here?" Jibril asked in a baleful snarl, she is ruining everything for him.

"Yes. What more do you want?" The woman named Nadia toyed around with her nails as she asked.

"And you think bringing his wife here will make him surrender?" Jibril started pacing around the room because he should've just used his own plan and work alone. This is rubbish.

"Why not?"

"Because he does not care about her!" He shouted angrily, his veins emerging from both his forehead and neck.

"He does!" She yelled right back at him, her eyes wide open.

He smirked shaking his head like she is a lost cause. "I am his friend and not you. He's told me things about their marriage he wouldn't tell anyone else so please, save it. You heard rumors and gossips from the maid not the main source."

Nadia scowled, she won't fail after coming this far. "I need him here and he must come."

Jibril stopped pacing and stood inches away from her, towering over her form. "I thought you wanted to kill him or something? Why only get him here without any other plan?"

"Kill him?" She mulled over the words, her eyes distantly glazed. "That was what I wanted to do at first but I've forgiven him. Besides, it is not proven hundred percent that he killed my father so I don't want to jump into conclusions."

"Oh, really?" He smothered a nasty chuckle, hands tucked in his pockets.


"Why the sudden change of heart? With that look in your... don't tell me you've fallen for him too?" He murmured in disbelieve through gritted teeth, she's got the gleam too in her eyes like most women.

"Is that a crime?" She raised her head and squared her shoulders.


Nadia rolled her eyes at him before relaxing back on the edge of the worn out brocade sofa. "How so? Because last I checked, loving someone is not frowned upon."

"One, because he's got a wife right here listening to you confess the love you have for her husband. And two, you are also a married woman!" He hissed, dragging a hand down his face in agitation. The woman is bad news.

"How do you know that?" She frowned, her resolve crumbling because she thought he'd never found out. She hid it well enough.

"You think I won't do my assignment before I agree to work with you? Common Mrs. Bakri Muhammad Khaled." He revealed with a taunting smile, his eggshell teeth on full display.

Jannah's eyes widened at the complete name that just pierced her soul and jolted her heart. The real Muhammad Khaled name started with Bakri? But why did he...? No, this is some delusional nonsense she won't take to heart. Oh, she knew it! Ha, what a life.

Her musing were cut short when Nadia asserted. "Then we must strike another deal. What do you really want from Adnan?"

"He's got a proof against me that will land me in jail forever, I need it."

"I don't want to ask what that is but why would your friend want to send you to jail if really you are friends?" Nadia tilted her head, her eyes pooled with curiosity.

"You won't understand."

"Alright then." She moved around the room for a bit before she stopped. "Here is the new plan... you get the woman because it is obvious you like her and I'll have Adnan no matter what. When I get to shackle him, I'll get you your proof and everything is settled right?"

"You think you can get Draco?" He did not try smothering his laughter this time around, he let out a chortle that elicited a scowl from Nadia.

She gave him another smile, cunning and manipulative. "I am obsessed with him, I'll do everything I can to make sure I get him. Don't underestimate me."

"I'm not underestimating you but you've underestimated who Draco is. I'll leave my comment at that." He turned around and lounged on the couch.

Nadia followed him and sat down in front of him on a plastic coffee table. "You should take the woman away from here, I'll deal with him alone. Make sure she disappears and never appear again in front of him."

"Where should I take her? He will find out and find me."

"Do anything with her but threaten her to stay away from him. I will deal with the rest while you are away in Dubai." She reassured though she's not planned anything.

"I'll have a few rounds with her, she is beautiful before I send her back to her hometown. I'll make sure she turns him down in every way when he comes. Or if she is amongst those that commit suicide after raped, then it will be easier for both of us."

Nadia laughed excitedly. "You are evil."

*rubs hands evilly!

The drama is just about to begin.

Now we have nothing but drama ahead of us. Secrets upon secrets. Mysteries and more mysteries. Ha, I cannot wait o!!! You ready to be galvanized? Then have it!... do comment oooo

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