"Ah, you think doing that will help you get away from me today? Nah! You won't walk out of this easily." Jannah ran after her four year old son who sprinted away giggling all the way up to his father's room.

"Easy there, Champ! Mama after you again?" Adnan asked standing up from his desk to carry his son away from danger which at the moment is Jannah.

Jannah appeared inside the room panting with her hands akimbo. Impeccably dressed in an ebony yoga pants and hot pink sports bra, it indicated that their son ran away from another torturous session of yoga. Since her only daughter is just three years old, she won't be able to join her making their son her target whenever he is at home during weekends. The boy probably ran away after she asked him to start taking those annoying breaths.

She's made it her personal goal to antagonize everyone in the house, him included. God knows he doesn't know how he managed to escape her today but seems like his son didn't. And their little baby girl is about to join the clue the moment she grew a bit older or had they started already? Jannah makes everyone dance to her tones from her husband down to her two children.

"Noah, I'm going to hit your bum today fifty times so you cannot run away the next time I tell you to stay in that butterfly style." Jannah chided her eyes zeroing on her son's that's taller than her in he husband's arms.

Noah frowned his brows looking extremely like his father behind him. Their semblance is uncanny. There is nothing that'll make anyone doubt whose son he is and where he got those strong features from even as a small kid. He's got this air of mystery that doesn't sit well with her. He is definitely closest to her than his father while her little daughter is yet another daddy's princess.

"But I didn't like the position..." he trailed off with a naughty smile that is making her smother a grin, exactly his father! "I don't like butterflies especially yellow."

He was teasing her!

Seeing as Jannah is about to charge at her son for jeering her with her favorite color, Adnan took off inside the wide room so she won't get to them. It was ten minutes later when Jannah collapsed on the large acre-wide bed inside the room. She knew she was not going to catch them anyway but she needed something to workout on. She just ran for ten minutes, that is enough for the day.

"Dracs, you're aiding his naughtiness and I won't have that. All my children are turning out to be bratty." She exhaled then sat up, her eyes locking on her little daughter's by the door.

Jannah stood up looking at chided. "Aww, I'm sorry I left you hanging my dearest, Imara. Come here let's get you some cookies because Noah is not getting any today. He's been mischievous with his dad."

Imara grinned showing her complete white teeth, she raise her hand up for her mother to pick her which she did. "Bye bye, No-ah!" Imara waved at her older brother while sticking her tongue.

"Dada, I want cookies too." Noah pouted watching the duo leave the room.

Adnan opened his drawer to get his son some cookies. He's always hidden some away from Jannah's sight so his children can have it at their leisure time. He is yet to understand why she doesn't give them too much sugar, he won't be home to see the consequences of them having it. She works all by herself so when she finds out about this, Adnan knew hell will break loose.

She gives him the silent treatment whenever he does things, not in her way. And than for him to have those silent treatments from her, he'd rather die. He hates when she refuses to talk to him as punishment, it makes him want to go crazy and she knows that which is why he is always in the right lane. But for his children, he'd burn billion bridges albeit the consequences he wish not to think of. He keeps them well shrouded from her view, or so he hopes.

After Noah finished eating to cookies, the two of them went down the stairs where Jannah and Imara were working in the kitchen. One of the housemaids he's hired stood behind watching Jannah mixed cookies. Oh, their own has finished? Ooops!

The day dragged as usual as it is weakened, a Saturday. Jannah will leave the house with Adnan and the children to arena where she is perfecting how to shoot gun. So far, she can hit the bull's eyes with her eyes closed but she wants to keep practicing. After she got attacked once, she promised to shoot whoever comes close to her or her children anywhere without remorse. She's got her license in hand.

The children are kept at a nursery for two hours but Jannah started feeling sick along the way. This is the third time in two days so it's definitely what she is thinking. She is pregnant. Instead of being filled with felicity, Jannah is repleted with dread in her guts.

She yawed her panicked eyes to Adnan who was quick to notice her discomfort. Taking her in his arm, he went to the bleachers and sat them down. "Are you alright? What's wrong?"

"I think I'm pregnant." She whispered touching her flat stomach knowing deep down a baby is growing inside her.

It clicked in his head, he knew what happened and he was there. Jannah lost too much blood when she gave birth to Imara but it never occurred to her not to give birth again. She is going to give birth to few more children but it seems like she is frightened after the last time. Maybe this should be their last child? Three children are enough, he cannot afford to lose her.

"It's fine. Take a deep breath and relax. It is frightening but just lean down." He placed her head on his shoulders and soothed her back in an emollient way without saying a thing.

But Jannah couldn't stop herself from worrying for a long time. How could she not? She almost died had it not being for a miracle that happened! Can she really do this? At the same time she doesn't want to terminate the baby, that is not an option. Then again, she hadn't even confirmed the pregnancy. Maybe just a false alarm?

A masculine voice penetrated the swirl of her thoughts. Lifting her head, Jannah have a wobbly smile as she saw Adnan standing there by the door in his pajamas. He sat in a nearby chair, facing her, and took her hand in his. With the other hand he caressed the cool skin of her cheek, his thumb lightly brushing one of the shadows beneath her eyes. "You should take a nap." He murmured.

A decidedly handsome man, her husband, appearing taller than usual in the confines of the room. Dark, coolly confident, and as unpredictable as a force of nature.

"I will. I was just waiting for you." She curled herself in a ball around him and fell asleep almost immediately.

Absorbed in pages of notes on an inquiry he was conducting, Adnan barely noticed the knock on the door of his office at The Refinery. "Yes," he said gruffly, resenting the disruption to his concentration.

Jannah walked in featuring an exquisite mustard straight free gown with cuff sleeves and bow neckline. His heart lurched to his throat at the sight of her and all concentration flew out the window. He stood up and rounded the table, his eyes taking her in from head to toe. It's always been like that from the beginning. Adnan checking her out like he is just seeing her for the first time and falling in love all over. It makes her weak

Before she had the opportunity to say a word, Adnan closed the distance between them and pulled her into his arms to kiss her. Jannah was immediately paralyzed, her lips soft with astonishment, and he took advantage of her vulnerability without hesitation. His mouth was searching, urgent, knowing, even more intoxicating than she had remembered. As the warmth of his touch suffused her, Jannah stumbled closer, to meld herself against his hard body. Fire licked smoothly along her nerves in instant reaction to him, and a soft sound came from Adnan's throat as he sensed her surrender.

One might think she's gotten used to Adnan fetish for always having her in his arms whether clothed or naked but it never seems to grow old. Everything is new, fervent and hot especially when they are not in the confines of their home. Now that they have to limit their rendezvous because of the children so any given opportunity, Adnan seizes like right now.

His hand slid upward along her side, searching for her body through tbe fine material of her gown, cupping her breast delicately. Her knees weakened at the sensation and she leaned against him, letting the hard muscles of his legs take her weight. But they cannot do that, at least not now that she just wanted him to comfort her.

Jannah pushed him away slowly and lean her head on his chest to catch her breath. God, just like the first time. "I just came back from the doctor and she confirmed that I'm pregnant. Five weeks."

"You always confirm your pregnancy at five weeks." He joked, ushering her to the couch where coffee and biscuits awaits.

"I'm afraid."

"I know."

"What if I di-" Jannah wasn't allowed to finish her enquiry because Adnan hauled her to his laps.

His eyes were wild, fixed and reassuring. Deep inside she could see the fear he is trying to enshroud. "Nothing is going to happen to you. Insha Allah. Things like that happen. Don't stress yourself, hmm? It won't be good for both you and the baby."

"But I..." she trailed off when a knock came from the door. Bilal and Ammar both walked in followed by heavily pregnant Aisha with her first child.

Jannah smiled at them but didn't bother leaving her husbands laps, she is too exhausted and worried to do that. Besides, who doesn't know the kind of love Adnan have for only his family? Some thought they could find a way into his life because he's become soft with his wife and children, they got shocked. Adnan hadn't changed much! As much as people would like to argue, Jannah knew better.

He is still the way he is with his mother and sister maybe a little bit closer with Ammar now but that is it. And yes, he's quitted smoking a long time ago which is also a cherry on top. That was it! He is still that ruthless oil magnate that people fear. The one that takes what he wants without any sense of remorse.

Jannah could never forget the day Adnan officially brought her to visit his offices, he hadn't expected that all businesslike decorum would have been so utterly abandoned by everyone from department heads down to the secretaries and accountants. They crowded around her and fawned as if she were visiting royalty. Jannah was gracious and charming amid the crush. She was very much loved by everyone, even young women that knew they had no chance whatsoever with her husband.

Adnan's presence beside her kept everyone at bay though. Their admiration was from afar.

"What are you guys doing here?" Adnan gruffly asked leaning back against the leather couch.

Ammar shrugged and helped his wife get seated on the one seater couch while he occupied the other one leaving Bilal stranded and standing. He didn't mind. "We came to visit you as my wife wanted to see no one but yours."

Adnan glared at his brother then Aisha who cheekily smiled at him. They are now in-laws so she makes sure to get beneath his skin whenever possible. "Yes, Draco my baby wanted to see your wife. You've got any problem with that?"

Adnan said nothing only glowered at her. Jannah won't appreciate him saying a word or two to her best friend.

"I thought you were due this month?" Jannah asked instead.

"Yep, about to pop out my own Jannah so I don't have to come see you." Aisha caressed her large stomach, she is naming her daughter after her best friend.

"Aww! You think you can do that?" Jannah laughed heartily, all her worried vanishing from the face of earth for the time being.

They talked for a while before Jannah's attention pierced to Bilal. "When are you getting married? We are tired of you fifth wheeling all the time."

"I'm hurt, Nannah. I'll get married when the right woman comes but for now, let me enjoy my bachelorhood." He grinned but the pain beneath can be seen from miles away.

His mother is dead along with his two sisters, God knows whether it was a natural death or not. Not matter how bad the woman is, Bilal was her favorite amongst all her children and she shows that to everyone all the time. Now that she is dead, a hole is augmenting in his chest and his hope for finding a nice woman is getting smaller. Not that he is lacking anything. He's become richer now but things aren't just the same.

There are things he wished he'd never known but life happened.

"And we have Firdausi Jannah." Ammar said loudly coming out from the delivery room where his wife is currently resting with Jannah beside her.

Chorus of congratulation pierced every nook and cranny of the hospital where the Ibrahim Attahir' dare filling up. Nawal was the first to pick the baby, keeping her three year old with her husband -Adam- who happens to be her cousin brother. Oh, that cliche love story happened in Nawal's life where she was crushing on him and him her. They got married five years ago.

"And she is so pretty like her mother." She cooed, eyes moistening remembering when she gave birth to her own son.

When Jannah was passed to Adnan, everyone watched expectantly as the girl opened her eyes for the first time and settled them on Adnan's. He sucked in a breath because she might look like the exact replica of her mother but she had his wife's eyes! Dark anthracite eyes, shiny and beautiful like the most perfected marble. Her button nose scrunched like her mother's and the mutinous mouth pursed to the side.

And she smiled!

Lord of everything! Adnan felt his heart crawling out from his chest.

Ammar rolled his eyes from above and gave Nawal a resigned glance. "He's always had it," he said flatly. "That thing women like and now even my daughter."

"What thing?" Nawal asked looking amazed at the duo and confused at Ammar.

"The secret, mysterious thing I've always wished someone would explain so we could pretend to have it too." Everyone laughed at the resignation in Ammar's tone.

"She is also your daughter."

"Another Yours, Jannah?" Jannah exclaimed coming out from the room.

My pen is dropped and this book is closed. This is the end of Jannah and Adnan and all others. I hope everything is cleared up. Sorry if it seems a bit rushed, had to write it as soon as possible. I'm taking it off tomorrow to OkadaBooks at this time insha Allah. Thank you all for the support!!!😭❤️❤️❤️ the love this book has gotten is overwhelming Wallahi. 78k viewers na small? I love you guys please🫂🫂🫂

How about you give me a parting gift by answering these questions and maybe sending in your reviews?🌚🌚🌚I love reading them though some of you have already sent it, I loved each one of it Wallahi!!!! Thank you thank you thank you thank youuu thank youuuuu so much❤️ Allah bar zumunci😂❤️

Authors note coming up.

Aishatu loveeeeessssssss you❤️❤️❤️

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Why are you reading Yours, Jannah?

Was there any part you felt connected to this book?

What do you like about Adnan Ibrahim Attahir?

What do you despise about him?

What do you like about Firdausi Jannah Yahya?

What do you despise about her?

Overall... your review?

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