Your POV
"Miss (Y/N)? Good morning." Stirring under my covers my eyes fluttered open to see the room I stayed in last night. Sitting up and rubbing my eyes, they adjusted to the light pouring in from the window. Standing at my door was a middle-aged looking woman with long brown hair pulled back tightly into a low ponytail. She was wearing a maid's outfit that was much different to mine that I wore at the host club; a real maid outfit not some fancy dress costume.
Thanking her for waking me up I picked up my yellow dress and went into the bathroom. On a small shelf I found a towel, a pair of women's underpants, a toothbrush and toothpaste and a hairbrush all laid out neatly. Next to it all was a note. Picking it up cautiously, I read what was written on it.
"I sent a maid to get you these last night. You owe me."
Blushing I put the note down and looked back at what I had been brought. Not wanting Kyoya to be made to wait any longer I hurried and showered, changed and brushed my hair and teeth. Once I felt presentable I left my room to be greeted by a maid.
"Hello, (Y/N)-Sama. This way to the dining room. Kyoya-Sama is waiting." She smiled at me kindly before striding down the corridors. I followed behind her down the stairs and down a hallway until we arrived at a room which she stopped at. She held the door open for me and gestured for me to enter. I did as she told me to.
The room was far grander than my dining room. The ceilings towered upwards above me stretching up the pretty wallpaper. In the middle of the room was a long modern looking table with at least ten seats. I didn't have time to count because my thoughts were interrupted by a single voice.
"Good morning (Y/N). Sleep well?" Kyoya was sat at the end of the table farthest from the door I entered from. My (e/c) eyes locked with his grayish ones and I nodded. "I presume you found the note and objects I left in your bathroom?" I nodded once more and took a seat at the table. Kyoya gestured to one of the maids and she hurried off. She came back almost instantly with two plates of food. She laid them gently on the table in front of us. I thanked her as she scurried off.
On the plate looked like the best breakfast I've ever seen in my life. Steamed rice was in a neat pile next to a small bowl of a perfect looking miso soup. On another small plate laid a tamagoyaki that looked better than even the ones you saw in those special cafes. Smiling excitedly, I reached for my chopsticks but then hesitated. I looked up to check if Kyoya was doing the same; I felt rude if I began eating before him. Seeing him silently chant an "itadakimasu" holding his chopsticks and then dig in, I decided it was okay to begin. Copying his gesture, I began to eat my own breakfast. A sound of happiness escaped me as I began to eat slightly faster.
I looked up to see Kyoya looking at me strangely. Blushing in embarrassment I apologised and began to eat slower. "You like the food?"
"Yeah. It's really good, I've never had a miso soup this good." I praised. He nodded and told me how they had employed the best chef in our region. Laughing slightly at his immodesty, I continued to eat the rest of my meal.
Once we had finished, a maid brought us some tea as we still had a while until we had to leave for school. We were presented by a traditional green tea to match our breakfast. Thanking the maid and complementing the maid on their cooking as she left, I turned to Kyoya as he appeared to have something to say to me. I looked at him and he began.
"You mother is in hospital no? Do you know which one?" He asked. I told him I assumed that it was the local one and he nodded. "If so, that's my father's hospital. I can drop you off there after the host club tonight if you would like me to."
Looking at him in surprise, I thought about it. Kyoya had surprised me these past evening and morning. I didn't realise he was so kind, I thought all he cared about was profits and efficiency and numbers. He's already done so much for me, I'd feel bad for asking him to do anything else for me. However, I have no other way to see my mother. Deciding this would be the last time I burdened him, I nodded, and told him I would like that a lot. We finished our cups tea and it was time for school.
We got into Kyoya's limo, and drove to school. It seemed to go quite fast. I guess he lives fairly close to the school. Getting out of the car, there were plenty of stares from girls in the school, no doubt wondering why I turned up to school in Kyoya's car. Kyoya simply acted as if no one was looking and began to walk off. Looking around nervously, I walked down the small pathway between the gossiping girls towards the school building, trying to block out the gossip that was spouting from them like fountains.
Arriving at my classroom I sat next to Haruhi who had already arrived. She told me how she had heard how I stayed at Kyoya's and was happy that I was found in the end. I thanked her for worrying about me before the lesson began.
*** Timeskip to after school ***
After the last lesson, which I had with just Kaoru, we began walking together to Music Room #3. We arrived and I hurried off to the back room to change. After that, we opened the host club and proceeded with host club duties.
Afterwards, I changed out of my maid costume and was looking around the room trying to find Kyoya so he could take me to the hospital. I hated to be pushy but I really wanted to see my mom. All of the other hosts were around but it seemed he wasn't. Realising he wasn't around, I walked over to the twins.
"Hey (Y/N)." Kaoru turned round.
"What's up?" Hikaru turned round once Kaoru greeted me. I smiled and greeted them as I approached them.
"Uh... Do you have any idea where Kyoya is?" I asked, looking around the room just in case he had entered while I wasn't looking but my efforts were in vain.
"Nope. Why?" Hikaru shrugged.
"Um.. Well..." I began just to be suddenly cut off.
"I need to take her to the hospital." I jumped as a deep voice came from behind me. Turning my head to look over my shoulder, I realised Kyoya was standing there. How did I not notice him come in?
The twins looked at each other confusedly, before both speaking in unison. "The hospital?"
"What?" Tamaki, who was sat at a table in the corner of the room with Mori, Honey and Haruhi, stood up and swivelled his head round to look at us, drawing the other three to do the same. Tamaki rushed over to me and began inspecting me. "Daughter? What's wrong? Why do you need to go to the hospital? Did Mommy do anything to you last night when you stayed at his house?!" Tamaki shot a look up at Kyoya before directing his gaze back at me.
Chuckling nervously, I shook my head. "No, of course Kyoya didn't do anything. Don't be silly. I'm fine. We're going to visit my mom because she's hurt." I told the second half to the rest of the host club who seemed to nod slightly in understanding.
Tamaki suddenly apparently had a great idea, as he struck a pose and began rambling. "I have a brilliant idea!" He shouted and we all listened patiently. "Why don't we, the hots club, give (Y/N)'s mom a visit to make her feel better? We can all go in Kyoya's limo, right?" The host club cheered as I kind of awkwardly laughed.
My mom is finally going to meet the host club. And all at once.
Oh what fun...
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