The Happy Couple
A week since the announcements*
WWE was hyping up the Money in the Bank matches with most of the opponents working each other on tour.
It would be the only babyface in the match versus five heels, and Tommy was having trouble staying over until Seth and Roman would run out.
Roman being the Universal Champion and Seth being the top babyface, they would get a huge pop when they would run out and backup Tommy.
Being the helpless one, he would always be exhausted after the matches since he would get teamed up and beaten pretty badly.
Lexi has been trying to talk to him about changing the match so he doesn't get hurt for the pay per view.
He wouldn't listen since he believes that the creative team is doing something that'll help him in the long run, and that kind of pissed her off.
After a house show in St. Louis*
Tommy and Lexi were sitting in their hotel room since they got out of the arena early and the night was still young.
Being a Saturday night, one of Tommy's favorite sports event was still going on, fighting.
He was watching on his phone while Lexi was cleaning her face until he had an idea.
Usually they would snack a bit since they would eat lunch, but today they had to skip it from a busy schedule promoting Money in the Bank.
But, he had other plans for his new wife
Sitting on the bed*
Lexi walked back into the bedroom and was about to change for bed.
Tommy: Hey, what are you doing?
Alexa: Getting ready for bed, why?
Tommy: You want to go get some food?
Alexa: Like where?
She sat on the bed next to him still wearing her black pants and white shirt tucked in.
Tommy: I'm feeling wings.
Alexa: I could go for wings, where at though?
Tommy: There's a Buffalo Wild Wings down the road.
Alexa: Let's do it.
Lexi got up grabbed her leather jacket and phone as Tommy got up and got the matching jacket.
They walked out of the hotel room to an empty hallway and got onto the elevator.
Tommy still had the fight pulled up and Lexi was watching him as he wasn't paying attention to her.
Alexa: You're not watching that the whole time we eat.
Tommy: looks up at her* Oh yeah, I know. Mike (The Miz) and I are in a league since the NFL is oher for the season.
Alexa: But this is our time.
Tommy: I know Lex.
He turned it off and put it into his pocket as the elevator doors opened.
Tommy walked his girl to the rental car and they took off down the road.
Pulling up and walking in*
It was a bit packed and the only room they were able to get was in the bar area, so Lexi and Tommy walked into the bar and sat at a high table.
There was a good thing for Lexi since it was a table only for the two, but the bad thing was that the bar area was covered in TV's.
Everywhere was a TV showing different sporting events, and Tommy was glued onto the UFC fight.
That frustrated her as she had a few things that she wanted to talk to him.
Alexa: Tom?
Tommy: looking at a TV* Yeah babe?
Alexa: Are you going to look at me?
Tommy: Oh sorry.
He looked at her and smiled as the waitress walked over and took their orders as they were having small talk.
She would look up at him while talking and see his eyes would wonder around from other fights.
The food came and he finally gave her attention as they talked a bit.
Tommy: grabs his shoulder* Oh boy, that was a killer shot.
Alexa: What's wrong?
Tommy: I don't know, after the match tonight my shoulders been giving me sharp pains.
Alexa: That's not good.
She looked at him as he grabbed it again, so she was curious and reached over to grab it.
Feeling around his shoulder and neck, Lexi noticed that it was a bit stiff and not usual.
Alexa: I don't think it's supposed to be that tight.
Tommy: See, that's the thing; I've had this before and it slowly went away throughout time.
Alexa: Babe, you should get that checked out. You could've tore a muscle.
Tommy: Ehh, I think I'll be alright.
He then looked at a TV for a quick second and that made Lexi pretty mad.
So she stopped talking and looked down at her food and continued to eat.
10 minutes later*
Both were finished with their food and Lexi was just looking at Tommy with a disgusting look.
He was still watching the fight as it was in the third round and both fighters were beat to hell.
Being on his phone texting Mike and watching the fight, he was ignoring Lexi and she was pissed.
She was going to speak up about something important but before she could say anything, the match ended.
Alexa: Tommy, I need to-
Tommy: Oh!! Holy shit.
He was looking at the TV as the match ended with a running knee and the guy was out cold.
That was it for Lexi, she put her hands on the table and threw her napkin down.
Grabbing her jacket, she looked at Tommy who was in shock on what she was doing and walked away.
Tommy: What's going on?
She was still walking away and Tommy knew she wouldn't stop and come back.
So he grabbed his wallet and pulled out a fifty and walked out.
Lexi was storming to the rental car and tried to open it, but it was locked.
Tommy ran outside to see Lexi standing next to the car and he walked up to her.
She had her arms crossed and was looked straight at him.
Tommy: I'm sorry.
Alexa: Let's go.
Tommy: Lex, I'm sorry.
Alexa: Let's.. go!
He unlocked the car and watched her jump in, he had made her mad and knew it.
Tommy walked over and got into the drivers seat as he glimpsed over to Lexi and saw that she wasn't looking at him, she was avoiding to look at him and watched out the window.
They both then headed back to the hotel and went up to their room where it was a silent ride up and walk inside.
Lexi walked straight into the bathroom and closed the door as Tommy just stood there as he knew that he messed it all up.
He wanted to knock and try to figure things out, but he knew that it would start something huge.
After a couple minutes standing by the door, Tommy couldn't hear anything and walked to the bed.
He sat down on the side of the bed and thought for a bit until he heard the door open.
Lexi walked out in her pajamas and got onto her side of the bed.
Putting her phone on the charger, she went to lay down until he stopped her.
Tommy: Lex, can we talk?
Alexa: ...
Tommy: Please?
Alexa: Oh now you wanna talk?
She sat up and looked frustrated as she was visibly upset.
Tommy: I'm sorry about tonight.
Alexa: ...
Tommy: I didn't stick to my promise.
Alexa: You didn't. I wanted to talk to you about something serious.
He then was all ears if she wanted to talk then.
Tommy: Do you want to talk now?
Alexa: Fine..
She got up and crawled to the side of the bed and sat close next to him.
Being very serious as she was, Tommy gave her all of his attention.
Alexa: I want to talk about us.
Tommy: What about us?
Alexa: Us, maybe moving to the next level.
Tommy: Next level? Were married.
Alexa: I know.
She cracked a smile but got more serious.
Alexa: I saw your list a while ago.
Tommy: My list?
He had to think for a second but knew what she was talking about.
Tommy: Yeah, now I know.
Alexa: I saw it one day before we got engaged and read it. I'm sorry.
Tommy: It's ok, but go on.
Alexa: So.. there's only one more thing to check off the kiss list.
She was leading him in and he was stumped on what she was saying.
Tommy: I can't remember.
Alexa: One more.. being parents.
That's shocked him as she was already talking about this.
Alexa: I want to talk about having a baby.
Tommy: Woah..
He stood up and didn't know what to think. Looking back at her, he could tell that she wasn't expecting this reaction from him.
Tommy: That's a touchy subject.
Alexa: Why? You're telling me that you haven't thought about children?
Tommy: Of course I have, but I was thinking in the span of like five years.
Alexa: Five!?
She stood up across from him and was very offended.
Alexa: You want to wait five years to think about having kids!?
Tommy: Maybe, I mean Lex; were on top of our game right now. Having a baby would ruin what were building.
Alexa: So having a baby will ruin us? Is that what you think?
He knew that it was getting hostile and decided to not go down that path.
Tommy: I don't, I just think that we could plan it out and continue our fire streak.
Alexa: But I want to talk about it now Tom; I'm twenty six and I dont want to wait until I'm in my thirties to have a baby.
Tommy: I think we should wait.
That sent her over, Lexi was done talking and was furious.
She showed her displeasure by giving him a nasty look, ignoring him and laid back in bed.
No goodnights were said and she fell asleep.
Tommy knew that he messed up really bad tonight.
And had no idea how to fix it besides letting her calm down and try to talk to her again.
Not knowing what to do now, he stripped down and laid next to his upset wife and fell asleep.
3 days later*
Tommy and Lexi have been pretty upset with each other since that night as Lexi doesn't think that he's into this marriage as much as she is.
But they were atleast talking again until it was Monday night.
It was the last RAW until Money in the Bank.
The creative team were pairing up everyone in the ring that were in the ladder matches.
It was going to be a roast fest with everyone standing on ladders just firing at one another.
Lexi was in the ring with the other ladies of the match and they were all destroying one another with insults.
She stayed quiet the whole time as Carmella got frustrated and started pushing women off their ladders besides Lexi.
Carmella walked over to Lexi's ladder, but she was hit with a flying elbow by Natalya and all the women were down.
The camera's panned over to Lexi standing up lightly and unhooking the briefcase.
She held it high as the crowd was a mixed reaction.
But she left it on the ladder and climbed down and hoped out of the ring, applauding.
She then walked backstage and took a few interviews as the main event was starting up with the men standing on the ladder.
Tommy stood with all heels and they were just throwing insults at the babyface.
Promising that he wouldn't win since they've made a pack.
And before Tommy could say anything, Baron climbed down and flung him off the ladder as he fell to the ring below.
But that wasn't it as the pack walked over and took turns using their finishers on him.
As Baron had him ready for the "End of Days", Roman and Seth ran out to the ring to help him.
All the heels jumped out as the two power houses jumped in and helped Tommy up.
He was grateful but pushed all of the ladders over like dominos in frustration.
Tommy walked backstage and met up with Lexi as they drove to the next town.
The next day, Tuesday*
Tommy could tell that Lexi was still pretty upset with him, but he hoped that today would change her mind.
They were in Arlington, Virginia and he had some business to take care of, that he should've done a long time ago.
He had his military uniform pressed and ready as he was taking a trip and visiting an old friend.
And he was hoping Lexi would join him.
Tommy reached over his blond, pink tips wife to turn it off.
Lexi woke up as he did and looked at him, she then sat up and watching her husband get everything ready.
Tommy: Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.
Alexa: No that's ok..
He was grabbing everything to be pressed again before taking a shower.
But that was stopped when Lexi walked over and stood next to him.
Alexa: Can we talk?
Tommy: Of course.
He stopped for a second and had his undivided attention to her.
Alexa: I'm sorry for the last couple days.
Tommy: ...
Alexa: I shouldn't have gotten upset with you, I overreacted.
Tommy: No no no, I didn't think of the serious conversation that you were trying to tell me. I didn't give you any attention.
Alexa: It's okay, I love you.
Tommy: I love you.
They shared a little peck as she had one more thing to say.
Alexa: But I would like to talk about it more when were home.
Tommy: Okay, well talk.
She smiled at him and they both got ready.
An hour later*
Tommy was wearing his military uniform with the badges and ribbons with his white cap.
Lexi was wearing a nice shirt with a black jacket and black pants.
They both showed up at Arlington Cemetery and Lexi knew what they were doing.
Tommy looked down at her, grabbed her hand and they made their way throughout the huge sacred property.
All the history and sacrifices that surrounded them all the time was very important to Lexi, and she knew how big it was for Tommy.
5 minutes later*
Tommy and Lexi were walking throughout the land of the crosses and she noticed that he was on a mission.
But that was until she saw her husband stop and kneel next to a cross.
Lexi let him have his moment until he turned, wiped his eye and looked at her.
She smiled at him and walked up as they were standing in front of a cross.
Tommy: Lex, I want you to meet Cameron.
Alexa: ...
She let him have this moment as he dropped a few more tears.
This was the resting spot of his best friend that he lost that day on that road in Baghdad.
Lexi wiped his eye for him and held onto his arm as they had a moment in the middle of the field.
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