Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality

Classic Rockers In Wonderland!! I won't reveal who will be who you'll just have to read to find out or just vote and skip it, your loss cause I'm actually proud of this story the way it's written and that rarely happens 😃

I have always been a rather curious child, though I do not believe in nonsense. Imagination yes but nonsense there is no need for it nor is there any part for it in reality. That's what mother always says.


She believes it is unproper for a young lady to have her head constantly in the clouds as I often do. She's not a terrible woman she was just brought up to think as such as I was brought up just the same. Though she does not condone on my curiousity she is still very kind to me.

Who am I? Well that's the mystery you'll soon find out once I finally reveal myself. Mother insists that I am what she says I am but you see I am not what I am claimed to be. Life is like that you know, if you believe some one or some object is something else long enough your mind starts to believe it.

For this sole fact I am always dressed as such. She always wanted girls, beautiful girls to spoil but she got me and Ritchie. I guess in the end she lost her mind because of it, never referring us as Keith or Richard but always as Alice and Emily

We do not hate her for it actually we have grown accustomed to it. Even the wigs we are forced to wear do not itch anymore nor do the boots leave blisters like they used to, though the corsets will always be dreadful but not unbearable.

To everyone we are thought of as well behaved young ladies by our appearances, we do not dare to speak out that they are wrong, unless we are looking to be punished severely by not only mother but by all of society as well.

Today we had guests I have never seen before, mother says they are the Carlisles and they have traveled all the way from Edinburgh. Before I can ask why they are here she replies that their son is searching for a bride.

I see that this is another one of mother's parties to try and pawn me off to another eliable bachelor, as she had done to Ritchie years before but George is a good man in my opinion and they fit so well. Unlike him I declined the offer of batroval which infuriated mother so she forcefully dragged me to the boring bunch against my wishes.

"My she is as beautiful as you had said she would be." The older man said kindly but his eyes were filled with lust as he eyed the young girl.

"She is ordinary, father." Whined the obviously grown man next to him like spoilt child. "But I guess she will have to do." The man added giving me an uninterested side ways look.

"Wondeful!" Mother said looking very proud and began conversing about our upcoming wedding with my future in-laws.

As they did so I made my escape. I ran down the hallways I have grown to lovd and explored daily, today instead of warmth they felt cold and constricting. I had to get out of this cage before I went insane. With that thought I bursted through the double french doors. As soon as was through I felt a weight had been lifted and I could breathe once more. The air around me calmed my speeding pulse as I made my way to father's garden.


Many days we would all sit out here and read, back when father was alive. Since his passing this had become my sanctuary away from reality. No one besides myself, mother, father, and Ritchie know about this spot. Only Ritchie and I still come here, mother refused after father's passing and her remarriage.

Dinah my cat greeted me as I made my way through the brush. I scooped her up and climbes the tree. I had done this a million times before though mother forbids it deeming it's not ladylike for young women who come of age to act like animals in a zoo. I ignore those rules today and bask on the largest branch daydreaming of better times with Dinah curling up in my lap.

Hours pass by as the sun began to ascend further into the sky and behind the trees. Dinah was now fast asleep and I was beginning to dose off myself til I heard a rustle from behind me. I ignored the it knowing who it could be and continued to dream. The noises ceased as they must have made it out of the brush finally, but still I did not acknowledge them. Dinah on the otherhand jumped out of my lap to greet my sibling.

"You are aware mother is livid, are you not?" Spoke my older brother.

"Yes Ritchie I know." I replied sounding none too thrilled myself.

"I do not blame you, you know?" Ritchie said then paused before continuing. "He was a spoilt brat if you ask me." Ritchie added making a disgusted face.

"Well what did you expect fron rhat kind of family, Prince Charming?" I laughed as did he at the obvious jab at my future husband.

This thought alone mademe feel uneasy. Ritchie sensed it and motioned for me to lie down next to him in the grass as we have done as children when we were having bad days. I complied and took my spot. Dinah now lied in Ritchie's lap. We would stay there for hours staring at the passing clouds not speaking a single word, I cherished these moments. 

As the sun set lower Ritchie placed Dinah in my lap before he got up. He said he had to head back cause he was late for a date. No doubt with George. He asked me if I would care to join them, I declined wanting to enjoy what freedom I have left before my imprisonment.

Ritchie understood why I chose to stay and he told me to be safe and with that he was on his way through the brush. I watched as he went til he was no longer in the garden as I turned back I noticed my companion had awoken from her nap.

"Well good afternoon Dinah. Did you sleep well, Darling?" I asked her as if she were going to answer back. 

"Mew!" She replied happily.

"Is that so, well I am glad you did cause I had a horrible nap." I continued to converse with the furry creature in my lap. "It was about that snob mother insists on me marrying." I added making a sour face.

Dinah made a face to match my own at the mention of the brat. I laughed and picked her up cuddling her close as she snuggled into the crook of my neck purring. Her way of saying I love you or comforting us when we are upset and I accepted it at this time.

A few moments later Dinah began to get restless, constantly mewing at something. I turned around and saw a perculiar looking man with a rather large neb. This guy must be lost, wonder where he's going? I thought. Against my gut feeling, my curiousity got the better of me and I started to follow the odd man with Dinah hot on my heels.

He made it into a neighboring brush which we followed through right after him. Upon our remerging the man was nowhere to be found, nothing was in the clearing actually nothing but a rabbit hole. He couldn't have gone down there, could he? I pondered before going to inspect the rabbit hole. 

I sat down next to it and peered into it. There's no way he could fit down here. I thought. All of a sudden the edge gave away and I felt myself falling. Knowing I will surely die, I said my farwells to Dinah, my loved ones and of course my own life.

I may continue this I have four done and laughed so hard while writing as you know four is the Unbirthday Chapter 😂

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