Chapter 3
Brendon and I left the hospital after I woke up and he had to go to the casino and do his work and he didn't want me to go back to school or go to his house and be alone.... So he told me that I was coming with him... And nearly every man here stared at me and said... "Brendon who's the girl?"
"Save it! She's mine."
"Yes ba- you are not allowed to touch my princess!" He said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his office and kissed me on the lips and said..."I'm having a party tonight and I want you to go with me."
"Alright, I've never been to one of your parties before."
"Well I hope you'll enjoy it."
"I know I will, if I'm near you."
"Good answer." He said as he poked my nose.
"Okay so... What do you want me to do?"
"You want to take a nap? If so you can on my couch. But if not then you could come over here and help me... You see I am still so horny from earlier this morning and I need to do something and I was going to get a prostitute to help me.... But when I looked down and saw your backpack I felt bad and then I parked the car and took the bag inside and your ex saw me and smirked at me and then kissed you and picked you up and-"
"Okay I get it!"
"I'm sorry."
"I'm stupid."
"No, sweetheart your not." Then he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me towards him and said in my ear, "Babygirl? Will you let me kiss you?" Then I smiled and nodded my head yes then as he was about to kiss me someone came in and said... "Sir, the meeting?" Then he kissed me on the cheek and said in my ear, "We'll finish this later beautiful." And I blushed and then he left me in his office alone.... So I started to walk around and then his phone dinged so I went over to read the text messages.... Since he read mine it's only fair...
To Tony: Hey, we need to talk about the way your running my casino!
From Tony: Alright, but you also need to tell me how to get in that girl's panties.
From Steven: who was the girl that you came in with? And can I have her number?
From Tyler: That girl is so hot. I want to know if I can talk to her.
From Kevin: I need to touch that girl! You need to share her! I want her!
Okay now I wish I never read them.... Then I heard the door open and I put Brendon's phone back and I hid under his desk and someone came over to the desk and sat in Brendon's desk chair and I was trying not to cry and the person was Steven.... Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me out from under the desk.... "Let me go!"
"What's your name dollface."
"C- Claire."
"Sit in my lap."
"I said sit in my lap!"
"And I said no! Now let me go!"
"I'm sorry but, your pissing me off now stop and be a good girl and sit in my lap!"
"Okay I'm s-sorry."
"It's alright, so sweety he is in the meeting and won't be out until 12:00 so I'll have just enough time to get what I want from you."
"W-what d-do y-you w-want from me?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"N-no? What?" Then he smirked at me, then wrapped his arms around me so tight that it hurt me and then Brendon came in and saw him holding onto me and he ran over to me and pulled me away from him and took me to his meeting with him and I was digging in my bag looking through my stuff to find my homework that I needed to finish...
"Sweetheart? What are you doing?" He asked me as he walked over to me and I looked up to him and said, "Just looking for a pencil." Then he grabbed a pencil and handed it to me and said, "Here use this one." And I realised that he didn't like it when other man looked at me.. "Brendon?" Then he looked at me and said, "Yes sweetheart?"
"Will you take me to the bathroom?"
"Sure." Then we started walking to the bathroom and I kissed him before he could even ask me if I really needed to use the bathroom or if I just wanted to leave... "Damn baby." He said as I let go of the kiss... "What was that for?" I just stood there looking at him and he kissed me again and said... "I love you so much Babygirl!" Then I felt his hand on my ass and I said... "Whoa there, Brendon! Your at work. You can't just."
"Actually sweetheart, you started it. Second, I can do whatever the hell I want to do. Remember? I'm Brendon Urie."
"Got it. But we promised to wait till tonight."
"Alright, but Claire may I just say... You got a nice ass."
"Thanks I guess."
"Welcome sweetheart."
"Don't hurt me tonight."
"I won't hurt you sweetie. Come on let's go back to the meeting so I can get it over with..."
"Alright." Then we go back in the room and I went to my seat and started working on my homework and some guy that I assumed it was Tony because he got closer to me as he talked to me, and he whispered really dirty things in my ear and Brendon realised that I was being bothered so he came over and told Tony "Move away from her now!" Then Tony whispered in my ear... "I'll be back for you sexy." As he said that he had a smirk on his face and his finger was on my nose going down to my lips and it made me shiver at the slightest touch... "Don't tell Brendon about what I told you. If you do then me and that ass of yours will have to make a little appointment." And once he said that my eyes grew wide and I gasped and got up and ran back to Brendon's office and sat down on the couch and laid down and cried, I tried so hard not to cry...
And next thing I know is that Brendon came running into his office to see if I was alright and then he finally got here and said... "Are you alright? Sweetheart please tell me."
"Yes I am alright. Can I just stay in here for the rest of the meeting?"
"Yes. Let me go get your stuff." Then he left and grabbed my bag and homework and brought it in here to me as I was looking through his phone... "Sweetheart? That's my phone."
"Yeah so? You looked through mine."
"Fine babe have fun, reading about how guys want to fuck you."
"W-wow..." Then he laughed and said... "I love you so much Babygirl. After the meeting I'm taking you to my restaurant downstairs."
"Alright." Then he kissed me on the lips and left so I grabbed his phone and went to the bathroom and took off my tank top and red leather jacket and took a picture of my red lacy bra... And I smiled at the picture of me and said out loud... "He'd love that." Then I put my tank top back on when I was done and left the bathroom and I walked over to my homework that is sitting on his desk and as I sat there working on my homework I felt something brush up against my legs then pulled them apart from each other and I was scared... Then I kicked whoever touched my legs in the face and he screamed... "Ow!"
"Who are you?"
"Kevin... And ow! Did you have to kick me?"
"Yes! You touched me! No one is allowed to touch me unless I say they can!"
"Not even Brendon?"
"Theres an exception. I have to trust the person for them to touch me."
"You trust Brendon?"
"Yes. Because he saved me."
"Oh... I uh think that you got something in my eye when you kicked me...."
"Oh I'm sorry here let me see." I looked at his eye and said, "I made it red.... Come here." I took him to the bathroom and grabbed a really soft tissue paper and put some water on it then he tried to kiss me but I said.... "Kiss me and your eye won't be the only thing that hurts."
"Alright, I'm sorry miss..."
"If we ever see each other again just call me Claire."
"Alright Claire." He said as he was smiling.
"Why are you smiling? I just kicked you in the eye."
"Yes but, I have a great view up here on the counter."
"Your not. Are you?"
"Am I what? Looking down your hot tank top?" He said as his smile turned into a smirk... "Yes I mean that."
"Yes, of course I am looking down your tank top. And I'm liking what I see."
"I feel like you are thinking about a million dirty things that you want to do to me... Am I right?"
"Great." I said sarcastically and ran to the door and tried to open it but then Kevin shut and locked the door and pinned me to the bathroom wall and smirked at me and said in my ear, "I heard that you are a virgin."
"H-h-how did you hear that?"
"Jake is my younger brother." He said as his face got right next to my face then said. "Mmmm your body smells so good..." And as he said that he moved his hands to my waist and pulls me towards him and I said, "Let me go. Please Kevin. Pl-" he cut me off and said... "Sh.... Don't tell Brendon about this... Also... My brother wants me to kidnap you and take you home with me...."
"W-what t-time is it?" He then smirked at me and laughed at me as he checked his watch and said... "11:58... Don't worry I'll be done with you before 12:00." Then I gulped and he heard me and said, "What's wrong?"
"I'm really scared. Please don't hurt me. Please let me go. Please just leave me alone. I'm begging you don't do this to me."
"Your so beautiful, but no one will save you from me."
"Please don't hurt me!" Then he slapped me in the face and then he put his finger against my lips and dragged his finger from my lips down to my boobs... "Jake told me that you wouldn't let him have sex with you... To be honest I don't think that you are thinking right... You are still a virgin correct? Brendon hasn't had sex with you yet?"
"W-w-we were waiting for tonight after his party." I said as I was crying and studdering... "Aw... Don't cry. Come on baby I am not here to make you cry. I'm here to- crap its 12:00!"
"Brendon! Help! I'm in here!"
"Shut up! Unless you want me to kill you." Then I looked at him and he looked serious about what he said so I decided to shut up then he kissed me and said... "Thank you baby."
"You need to leave like now!"
"Alright, bye." Then he left and I slid down the wall and just sat there crying and next thing I know is that Brendon came running into the bathroom and said, "I know something just happened but I don't know what please tell me. I hate to see you cry..."
"Nothing happened. I'm alright. Can we just go eat?"
"I left you some pictures on your phone. Hope you like them..."
"If they are of you then I'd love them."
"They are."
"Good can't wait to see them."
"Don't look at them until tonight, alright?"
"Now, you have me curious about what the pictures are of..."
"No Brendon." I grabbed his phone from him and he kissed me and said, "Give me my phone back Babygirl." Then I laughed and ran back to his office and that's when I regretted it Kevin was sitting in Brendon's chair and on my phone... "K-Kevin?"
"Oh, Hi. Claire."
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing, just looking through your phone."
"Give me my phone back!"
"Make me." Then I put Brendon's phone in my bra and walked over to Kevin and took my phone back and I realised that he had a smirk on his face and he said... "Sweetie, I put my number in your phone."
"Also I took a picture of something that will be inside you one of these days..."
"I'll delete it."
"Good luck with that. Because I took a lot."
"Bye." Then I ran back down to Brendon and he asked me where his phone was then he had a smirk on his face when I called his phone and he said, "Sweetie, do you really think that I wouldn't reach in to get it if it's in your bra?"
"You shouldn't out in public, but I get the feeling that you are about to do it anyway."
"Alright, then I'm ready."
"Are you sure your ready?"
"Alright then." He said as he put his hand into my tank top and bra to get his phone and I felt his hand on my boob and squeezed it and he smirked at me when he apologized for touching my boob.... "Are you done playing around? I know that you know where it is you hit it like five different times." Then he smirked at me and laughed as he said... "Hey, you are the one that put my phone in here not me."
"Can I just ask you something?" I said as he took his phone and hand out of my bra and shirt... "Yes, of course you can."
"What are we wearing tonight?"
"The color red."
"I mean what kind of dress am I going to be wearing..."
"A red dress. That's all you need to know."
"Put the dress on!"
"I am. Calm down." Then I put the red dress on then he grabbed some expansive jewelry and put it on me then he dragged me into the bathroom and grabbed my makeup bag that he bought me and grabbed a red lipstick and did my makeup for me... "H-how?" Then he laughed and said, "How what?"
"How can I look so hot in red?"
"I don't know. But your even hotter in nothing."
"Is my dad going to the party?"
"No. He is sick. So the maid had to clean the kitchen."
"Can I wear my boots? Or do I have to wear high heels?"
"Red high heels."
"Fine but catch me if I fall."
"Your driving?"
"Alright. Can we go separately? I could drive there."
"But Brendon. I never get to drive anymore."
"I love you so much."
"So are we leaving now?"
"My hair? You want it up or down?"
"Alright, I'll be back." Then I went upstairs to the bathroom and curled my hair and unplugged the curling iron and ran down the stairs and nearly slipped and fell but he caught me and said... "Be careful baby. And wow your hair is so bouncy." Then I laughed and he kissed me on the lips and we both left and he went in and walked up the stairs and I just stood outside waiting for a bodyguard and one came and took me inside the casino and once I was inside he left and I walked around the place and someone came up behind me and said... "Claire? Is that you?" And I looked behind me and I saw Jake... "Yes why?"
"You look so hot in red."
"Thanks but, leave me alone. You tried to hurt me."
"Who said? Brendon? He probably lied to you. Are you really going to throw away what we had? Just because some stupid man comes in your life and buys you shit!"
"He cares about me! That's why I am with him. Not because he buys me shit! You never cared about me! You only cared about your crush and it makes you mad that you can't have her!" Then he slapped me in the face and I ran to find Brendon but I didn't, instead of him I found Kevin and he looked at me and smiled but once he saw me crying he asked me... "Are you alright Claire?"
"No, you Asshole! Your bother just fucking slapped me and I can't find Brendon."
"He did?"
"Here let me help you find him..." Then he smirked at me and said... "You look so hot in red. By the way. But please stop crying."
"Okay. And thanks." Then he grabbed my arm and led me somewhere and Brendon was on the phone and then he looked at me and said... "What happened baby?"
"Nothing, I don't want to get anyone in trouble."
"Let go of her arm. It looks like you are about to give her a bruise."
"Oh sorry Claire." Then he let go of my arm and Brendon grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards him and asked... "May I have this dance?" Then he kissed me on the cheek where Jake had slapped me and I flinched and he said... "Sweetheart, are you sure your alright?" Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the bathroom and grabbed a paper towel and wiped my makeup off of me and said... "You lied to me. Sweetheart, how am I supposed to help you stay safe, if you lie to me? I need to know who hit you!"
"J-Jake." I said as I looked down to the ground and said... "He came up behind me and said that I looked hot in red and then he started getting mad at me and I screamed at him then he slapped me in the face and I ran to go find you but I couldn't and I accidentally ran into Kevin and told him everything and about how I needed to find you...."
"Nothing. Just come here." Then I walked over to Brendon and he pulled me into a hug and said.... "Be mine. And only mine."
"I am."
"Good now let's see the pictures of you now... I waited too long." Then he took out his phone and looked though his camera roll and came across the pictures of me, and once he saw the pictures, I started blushing and his eyes grew wide open.... "Damn baby." I laughed and then he kissed me on the lips and bites my bottom lip as he lets go and then he said... "God! You made me more horny baby."
"Take me home then." I whispered in his ear... "I want to. But, it's my party. I can't leave early."
"Then take me to your office and we can do some paperwork."
"I fucking love you so much sweetheart."
"Thank goodness, I was afraid that you didn't..." Then I laughed. And he laughed with me and said... "Maybe we can wait... Because it'd be a bit suspicious of me to go do paperwork while there's a party going on."
"So what do you usually do at these parties?"
"Drink. And look for some girl to be lucky enough to get to go home with me... But that job is taken now." He said as he poked my nose, and I smiled at him and said... "So If I didn't want to come you'd take some girl home?"
"You didn't even have a choice baby I would have been mad at you. And no, because I would have been coming home to you."
"Alright then." Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him and said... "Let's dance." Then he took me to the dance floor and started twirling me around and around then I nearly fell and Kevin caught me and said... "Whoa there, be careful."
"Sorry. And thanks for catching me."
"It's alright, and your welcome sexy."
"Where's Brendon?"
"Sh..." He said as he put his hand over my mouth and started dragging me out of the casino and I bit his finger and he let go of my mouth and yelled at me.... "K-Kevin? Why'd you drag me outside? And why'd no one stop you?"
"Shut up honey."
"Let me go!"
"No! Now shut the fuck up."
"What's that?"
"A nice way of saying Asshole." Then he laughed and said, "Only you would say that sweetheart." Then I ran as fast as I possibly could to go find Brendon but then some man got right in front of me and stopped me from going anywhere and said in my ear... "Your so hot... Tell me something. Do you belong to Brendon or are you free for the taking...?" And I tried to get away from him but he was holding onto me too tight...
"So that answers my question. Here I'll help you." Then he let go of me and I said... "Thank you but I can find him myself."
"Not so fast!"
"Say your sorry to me that was very disrespectful!"
"I-I-I I'm sorry."
"Good girl now let's go find Brendon." He said as he patted me on the top of my head and I tried not to cry.... "Sir? It's really okay. I don't need your help. I just need Brendon."
"Oh looky there looks like someone has a little manners and he'd kill me if I let anyone hurt you."
"I-I-I fine."
"Good now come on before you get cold." Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me inside the casino and pulled me up the stairs and I slipped and fell and I heard someone laughing at me and said... "Well, well, well, someone just fell and looked so hot doing it." And I realised who's voice that was and I just sat up and cried... "Jake leave me alone!"
"No! You will be mine again at some point in time."
"No! I won't! I love Brendon!"
"So he doesn't love you! He's just using you for sex!"
"As long as I can be near him I won't care!"
"You will be such a good little slut!"
"Shut up!" Then I got up and ran up the stairs and found Brendon and he asked me why I was crying and I tried to tell him but everyone was staring at me and laughing.... "B-Brendon? Can you please take me home now?" I asked him as my tears came falling out of my eyes... "Yes come here." He said as he put his arm around me and helped me to walk... And took me to the car and drove me home and they all left...
"Do you really love me? Or are you just using me?"
"Of course I love you. Why do you think that I am just using you."
"Jake said that."
"Don't listen to that Asshole, he's such a lier."
"Kevin creeps me out."
"He either just tried to kidnap me, or tried to sell me to some man."
"I'm going to fire him tomorrow."
"Since senior's can skip tomorrow, so can I sleep in?"
"Fine but, if you need me for anything I'll be one phone call away."
Then we got home and Kevin had texted me....
From Kevin: Don't forget sweetie, I know where Brendon lives, oh and I'm off tomorrow so he can't fire me if I'm not there, so baby... You better go with Brendon tomorrow if you don't want me to rape you tomorrow.
To Kevin: Your fucking sick!
From Kevin: So are you staying home tomorrow?
To Kevin: Not now you assbutt!
From Kevin: But why not?
To Kevin: Because, you said that you were going to rape me!
From Kevin: So, if I was willing to try to be nice and just hangout with you without touching you, would that be alright for you?
To Kevin: So, you want to try and be my friend? Or are you just trying to trick me?
From Kevin: Yes. I want to be your friend, since I can't have a sexual relationship with you.
To Kevin: I'll think about it. But your brother can never be around me ever again you understand?
From Kevin: Yes. But, he won't like that.
To Kevin: First, I don't care. Second, bye 👋 I have to go.
From Kevin: But, stay.
To Kevin: No bye. 👋
From Kevin: Fine. See you tomorrow.
Then I started trying to delete the nasty pictures he took on my phone and Brendon whispered in my ear... "Who's ever dick that is mine's better... Isn't it?"
"Yes, Brendon."
"I'm sorry for not being there for you tonight."
"It's alright," I said as he smiled at me and said... "So those dick pictures why are you deleting them?"
"Because I don't want it on my phone."
"Don't fire Kevin. Please. What if he needs the job."
"Alright then. After your done do you want to eat the spaghetti we were supposed to eat last night?"
"Sure." Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug and said... "I love you so much Babygirl."
"I love you so much too. Um... May I ask you something?"
"Sure. Ask away."
"Kevin wanted to know if he could be my friend."
"As long as I am around when y'all hangout it's fine."
"Alright then can I tell him?"
"Sure. Use my phone. I don't want him to have your number."
"Alright." Then I put my phone in my purse and grabbed his phone from him and called Kevin.... "Hello? Kevin?"
"Yes. Hi. why are you using Brendon's phone and not yours?"
"Brendon doesn't want you to have my number."
"That's a little too late sweetheart."
"So shut up and let me talk."
"Alright then. I'm sorry."
"He's allowing you to be my friend, but only time you can hangout with me is when he's with us... Mainly because he doesn't trust you alone with me."
"Hahaha. Of course."
"So ask him if we can hangout tomorrow."
I moved the phone from my ear and asked Brendon... "He wants to know if you are free to hangout tomorrow."
"Sure but you both have to be at the casino with me."
"Alright." Then I put the phone back to my ear and said... "We would have to be at the casino with him."
"Ugh. Fine."
"Bye sweetie."
"Okay bye." Then he hung up and Brendon whispered in my ear, "Sweetheart? Are you ready to eat?"
"Sure." Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the kitchen, and we ate and then he gave me something to drink....
"Hey baby, drink this. Tell me if you like it."
"Um.... Alright," Takes the drink from him and takes a small sip.... "Baby you won't be able to taste it if you take a small sip like that."
"Fine... Um... What is it?"
"Champagne, the drink that everyone was drinking at my party.... Your the only one that wasn't drinking it, even Jake drank it."
"I'm only 18 years old, don't you have to be 21 to drink?"
"Yes but, that law doesn't apply to you now. Because your mine."
"I want to wait. Brendon."
"You want to wait? But, why? And technically you already took a small sip of the drink, so come on."
"Brendon, please respect my decision right now."
"I want you to drink this and tell me what you think about it!" He screamed at me and I never seen him act like this and it scares me, so I decide to just do what he says before I end up getting hurt.... As I was drinking it he had a smirk on his face and his hand on my leg and he rubbed my leg up and down, then leaned over to kiss me on the cheek and whisper in my ear... "Good girl," and I faked a smile and tried to not cry....
"So, I did what you wanted me to do. So, what now?" He smirked at me and said, "Now it's time for you to tell me how it tasted to you."
"It didn't taste like anything really."
"Okay then, taste this one."
"What is this one?"
"Please don't hurt me. But I don't want to drink anything else." Once I said that he got up and walked closer to me and I was just scared so I was backing up and then he had me pinned up against the wall and he laughed and said, "I won't hurt you, but you need to listen to me and do everything that I say to you. Alright?" As he said that he pushed himself deeper onto me and I just let him.... I was scared to fight him...
"B-Brendon? W-why are you acting this way?" I asked him as I was crying.
"Sh... Just be a good girl and listen." He said as he wiped my tears away from my eyes and kissed me on the lips and bites my bottom lip as he lets go then he pushed me deeper onto the wall and laughed at me and said, "Babygirl, stop crying. I'm not hurting you. I just want you to listen to me, it pisses me off when you don't listen to me."
"I-I-I- I'm sorry sir." Then he smirked at me and said, "Remember, what I told you to call me."
"I'm sorry Brendon."
"Good girl, now tell me something."
"Tell you what?"
"Are you going to listen to me and keep drinking?"
"I'm a little too scared to say no so yeah...."
"Don't be afraid of me."
"Why are you being like this to me?"
"Being like what?"
"A jerk. I told you that I didn't want to do something then you make me do it anyway."
"Your mine."
"I-I uh I never said that I wasn't."
"You never said it correct, but the way you are acting is saying that."
"I-I-I I'm sorry Brendon. I didn't know."
"It's alright, so let's go back and sit down and drink."
"Alright." Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to the seat and grabbed the beer and handed it to me and said, "Drink and tell me what you think it taste like."
"Yes sir Brendon." I said as he put his hand on my leg and rubbed my leg up and down, then I took a small sip at first, because I heard the door bell and thought 'think God someone's here.' So I put the beer down and said, "Don't worry Brendon, I'll get the door."
"No! Come back here!" He said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me back and forced me to sit back down and he went to go see who it is... And I was so scared because he is acting like a person who wants to hurt or rape me... And we already agreed to have sex with each other so even if he does get me so drunk, I don't think that I would be able to call it rape, if I did keep drinking like this for him. Then next thing I know and hear is him telling me to go over to him... "Sweetheart? Come here!"
"Yes Brendon?"
"Kevin and Jake are here to talk to you sweetie."
"Uh.... Hi."
"Hi cutie pie." Kevin said.
"Hi hottie. So, are you alright? And I'm sorry for laughing at you, and being a jerk, and for yelling at you, and for slapping you. I really hope that you can forgive me."
"Firstly, hi Jake. Secondly, yes I'm alright. Thirdly, I don't know. But I can try."
"Sweetheart, come with me real quick." Brendon said, and I knew that it wasn't a suggestion, that if I didn't that he would either throw a fit or hurt me when they left so I said, "Alright, I'll be back guys." Then as I was walking over to Brendon I felt Kevin's and Jake's eyes on me, but more importantly, their eyes slowly went down to my butt and I was glad when I got away from them and to the other room with Brendon, "Sweetheart, I don't think that you should forgive Jake. I mean, he was going to rape you."
"True. But, honey, maybe I should see if he could just try to be nice and just hangout with us."
"No! He is a bad guy who just wants to hurt and rape you!"
Then we go back in the room and Kevin walked over to me and put his arms around me and hugged me and tried to kiss me on the lips but I moved my head and I ended up with my head against his chest and I felt his hand on my butt then his hand started going up my back to my head and he started playing around with my hair.... "Kevin?" He smiled at me and said, "Yes sweetie?" Then I leaned up to his ear and whispered, "Don't touch my butt. Especially in front of Brendon."
"That's why I quickly moved my hand up to your head."
"More like slowly."
"Ok. So?"
"Anyways, why'd y'all come?"
"To talk to you Claire." Jake said as he moved closer to me and Kevin and Brendon....
"Alright, talk to me about what?"
"Us." Jake flatly said.
"Us? As in you and me?"
"Yes. Is there anything that I can do to get a second chance in being your boy-" Brendon cut him off and said, "No! She's mine. I'm her boyfriend now!"
"But, sir? Your 24 years old, she's only 18 she can't be yours."
"Jake! Shut up and get out of my house! She's mine! And I'm her's forever!"
"Brendon! Honey? Calm down. I would never leave you. He was just asking."
"It sure didn't sound like just asking!"
"Brendon! Please stop yelling!" I said as I got up and jumped onto Brendon's lap and that seemed to calm him down.... "I'm sorry sweetheart, I don't know what came over me, it's just that once I heard Jake say that he wanted to be your boyfriend again I got jealous... Crazy right? I mean I'm Brendon Urie, and I was just jealous of him asking you that... I'm sorry baby."
"It's alright,"
"Kevin? Jake? Y'all thirsty? Or hungry? I'm sure we have some spaghetti left."
"Thirsty." Kevin said as he was starring intensively at me.
"Both actually." Jake said as he was trying not to make eye contact with me...
"Brendon, come with me."
"Alright," then we went into the kitchen and Brendon was clueless to why I asked him to come with me.... "You scared Jake. Now he won't look at me when he's talking to me."
"Yeah that's the point. Why's he even still here? You heard what he had to say."
"They seemed hungry and thirsty."
"I'm being nice and friendly."
"When Kevin said that he was thirsty he looked down to your vagina. He wants you so bad. Why can't you tell or understand?"
"Then make them leave if you want."
"Alright then, stay here." Then he left and grabbed their arm's and threw them outside and said, "Bye! And see you tomorrow Kevin."
"Can I come." I hear Jake ask.
"No, brother. Claire doesn't really want to be around you."
"You should have told me that before I dragged you here to find her." He said in a sad voice then they left and Brendon came back in and said, "Time to finish drinking."
"Actually, can we finish tomorrow? I'm tired."
"What about sex?"
"Will we have time in the morning to do it?"
"I think so."
"Then can you wait til then or do you need it now?"
"I can wait. I just won't like it." He said as he put his hands on my waist and helped me walk upstairs to the bed....
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