Chapter 2

All I remember is that I kissed him then he picked me up and took me over to the bed and laid down on top of me and we were kissing each other and he pulled my dress off, then I felt his hands go down towards his belt so I said... "Brendon! Stop!" Now I wake up in a big bed and then I looked over to the other side of the bed and I saw Brendon asleep right next to me and I just laid there looking at him and then I looked at my own body and I had no bra on.... So my only choice was to try and escape from the big bed or wake him up to get answers, but I decided to get up and go make breakfast only to find out that I left my phone upstairs on the charger and I was just wearing one of his shirts...

"Sweetheart? Your phone is going off."

"Yeah uh... Can you bring it to me Brendon?"

"Sweetheart? What are you doing in the kitchen?"

"Making breakfast. It's something that I always did."

"Alright. So, what's for breakfast?"

"Bacon, eggs, and milk."

"Good morning beautiful."

"Thanks and good morning to you too."

"What's wrong? You seem to be a bit distracted by something."

"I uh... First off, your shirtless and  Um... Where's my suitcase?"

"We left it in the living room last night don't you remember?" Then he looked up and down my body and smiled at me and said, "And someone took my shirt."

"Did I eat anything before I went to sleep?"

"No baby."

"Okay um... Can I have my phone?"

"Reach for it."

"But Brendon."

"Tell me something sweetheart."

"Tell you what?"

"Listen, you know that I know that you still don't have your bra on. And do you want to know how and why I know?"

"S-sure." Then he smirked at me and said... "Because, I have it right here." As he said that he lifted up my white lacey bra...

"Give me my stuff back!"

"Then give me my shirt back if you are going to play the game like that."

"But it's the only thing that is hiding my boobs."

"Yeah that is kinda my point. If you are going to play my little game.... You need to play by the rules babe. And if you ask me to give you all your suff back then give me my shirt back."

"B-but Brendon please at least give me my phone back."

"Give me something in return."

"W-what d-do you want?" Then he smirked at me and walked closer to me and grabbed me by the waist and pulls me towards him and said... "Are you willing to do anything I want?"

"Brendon p-please don't make me do anything sexual."

"But Babygirl that's fun."

"Let me go." I screamed at him and he kissed me and said... "Baby I'm sorry I guess you won't get your phone back... Oh and hey your assbutt of a boyfriend texted you."

"You really did read my texts last night."


"So you read the part where he called me a bitch?"

"Yes. Sweetheart, you do know that you deserve better. If he's going to be mean like that then don't have him anyways he broke up with you over text. And wait are you really a virgin?"

"Yes I am. And he did?"

"Yes last night when you passed out."

"Oh... Ok well wow."

"Wait a minute, your a virgin? Your 18 though."


"Nevermind, so anyways are you going to be stubborn and not let me fuck you?"

"Yes. Because, well nevermind you don't care."

"I do to care."

"Then why are you pressuring me to do something that I don't want to do yet?"

"Okay fine I'm sorry."

"I'm just scared that if I did it with you and you finally got what you wanted from me that you'd throw me away like a used towel."

"Why are you so afraid of me. I don't understand why you are so fucking hot and yet so scared to show it off to people."

"Because if I did show it off then people would call me a slut, and guys would try to rape me all the time."

"I'd protect you."

"Once you get what you want you'll leave me."

"Why do you keep saying that!?"

"Because I am no one special, and as soon as you get what you want from me, that's when you'll realise just how much I am not special."

"But honestly, you don't know that to be true."

"Fine. So what. I'm scared that it is true."

"It's not baby. Here's your phone back. Oh and by the way I put my number in your phone..."

"What happened last night? All I remember is that I kissed you then you picked me up and put me on the bed and pulled my dress off then took off my bra then you were about to take your jeans off... And I asked you to stop."

"I listened to you and stopped but you kicked me away from you it hurt me to see you like that... Please don't ever be mad at me ever again."

"I'm s-sorry."

"Sh... It's alright," he said as he had me right up against his chest and I felt his hands go down towards my vagina and I couldn't move my legs or arms I felt defenseless against him... I felt scared.... "Brendon!"

He laughed and said... "What sweetheart?"

"Stop it! Your scarring me!"

"Sorry. But, yeah I put my number in the phone."

"Alright thanks."


"Brendon? I need to take a shower."

"How about a bath?" He said as he picked me up and carried me to his bathroom in his master bedroom... "Why'd you take me to your bathroom?"

"Your about to agree to take a bath instead of  a shower."

"And why's that?"

"Because if you took a shower I'd go in with you."

"B... B... But Brendon-"

"No, Don't but Brendon me. Do you want to be late for school? If not then I suggest that you listen to me."

"Fine I will."

"Good girl." He said as he pat my head like I was some pet.... Then he smirked at me and said... "Babygirl, I'll be back." Then he left me alone in his big bathroom and I heard him lock the bathroom door from the outside and then I grabbed my phone and texted him...

Texting Brendon....

Me: Brendon! How long are you going to keep me here? 😢😞
Him: I'm only going to get you some clothes. Baby Don't cry.
Me: Why do you care if I cry?
Him: Your too gorgeous to cry.
Me: I really wish you believed that.
Him: Sweetheart, you have no idea what I believe that you are.
Me: You are not making any sense.
Him: By the time I get back up there the bath better be ready...
Me: And if it's not?
Him: Hmmm? If it's not then you better get ready for the spanking of your life.
Me: Spanking?
Him: Yes.
Me: I gotta go then. How do you want the bath?
Him: Hahahaha um... I don't know. How's it going?
Him: Are you not talking to me because your mad at me? Or because your fixing the bath? Or trying to escape from me?
Him: Answer me!
Me: God! What's your problem! Yes. I'm trying to fix the damn bath! I don't even know why I'm trying to do this! I just don't want to be spanked!
Him: Okay, Okay, calm down.
Him: I'm coming.
Me: Alright.

So I stopped massaging him and took off his shirt and my underwears that were wet?

Me: So are you bringing me my clothes?
Him: Yes babe.
Me: Thanks
Him: I'm next to the door.

Then the door opened and he sat my clothes on the counter and said... "Babe? Why are you not in the bath?"

"Because I wanted to do something first before I start..."

"What do you want to do?"

"This." I said as I slammed my lips against his lips and he was surprised that I kissed him while I was naked... Then I felt his hands go down towards my butt and next thing I know is that he didn't do what I thought he would have done... Instead of squeezing my ass he picked me up and carried me out of the bathroom and laid me straight onto the bed and said...  "Not sure what you wanted but when you kissed me you had to be naked? I think you wanted me to take you right now." Then he smirked at me and started taking his boxers off and the moment I saw it I gulped.... And he heard me and said... "What baby? I told you that a lot of things are big."

"I just didn't think that you meant that. And now I'm sure I made a mistake." I said as I tried to get out of the bed but he held me down and said... "Why do you think that this is a mistake?"

"Because I'm stupid! I thought that if you did do it that it would prove me to be right... But Brendon, I don't want to be right about this. If I'm right, then our relationship with each other is as good as gone... And I want a relationship with you. I've been trying to hide my feelings for you."

"Baby.... I want to prove you wrong."

"I... I... I... Have feelings for you Brendon."

"Yes I know. Baby, I know everything about you Babygirl."

"That sounds creepy."

"I'm really sorry.

I'm also sorry, because I'm not ready for this yet..."

"Why do you have to tease me! Your so mean!"

"I just meant that I have to do something once I get to school."

"Oh. So you mean that you will be ready later on?"

"Yes." I lied to him...

"Good. But... Your lying I know it."

"I'm really sorry."

"I know. But I... Nevermind."

"No tell me what you want to say."

"I want you so badly."

"I'm really sorry but I'm not ready for sex. Why do you think that I haven't done it yet?"

"Because you haven't met me yet..."

"After school today I'll let you have sex with me. Only if my dad is at home and not here. Is that a deal?" Then I looked up to Brendon to see the light in his eyes and he looked back at me then he smiled at me and leaned his head down to my face and kissed me on the lips and said... "Alright baby, It's a deal." Then I cried as he started to move away from me.... "Why are you crying?"

"Don't leave me please."

"But you don't want sex with me Sweetheart."

"No it's not that. It's just," then I sat up and looked at the wall and said... "I'm just," and I couldn't get the words out but then I felt his chest pressed up against my back and I heard him say... "Baby? You know that you can tell me anything." And I just started to cry more.... "Babygirl, it's alright you don't have to talk if you don't want to."

"Can you stay with me?"

"You mean all day?"


"No, I can't. You have school and I have my work."

"Oh... Okay sorry. That was stupid of me to ask that."

"No it wasn't! I just.... Fine. How about I come over around lunchtime?" As he said that he was playing with my hair and I smiled and nodded and he laughed at that and said... "Alright, sweetie then it's a deal. Dang we are making deals about sex and hanging out with each other." Then we both start laughing and then he picked me up and carried me to his bathroom again and sat me down in his big bathtub Jacuzzi... "You don't mind if I come in with you do you?"

"Only if you keep me from falling asleep."

"Alright."as he said that he came in the bathtub with me and said... "Honey? You know that you can fall asleep in my arms." So then I moved over next to him and he wrapped his arms around me so tight that I felt loved... Then I fell asleep on him...

Brendon Urie POV,

So we are in the bathtub together and she fell asleep on me and I can't help but feel happy about being this close to her... She's mine now thanks to her ex boyfriend... She's still afraid to have sex with me but we made a deal with each other about sex....
Her only exception was her dad had to be home and not here... God she's so hot... How long has she been asleep???

"Sweetheart? Wake up."

"What?" She asked still half asleep...

"What time does your school open?"

"At 7:00 but today for seniors it starts at 10:45"

"It's 9:11 right now."

"Shit really?"

"Yes." Then she dunk her head under the water and I pulled her back out of the water and said... "Baby? What are you doing?"

"Trying to get the sleep out of my eyes and washing my hair."

"Oh.... Well need help?"

"If you want to."

"Okay." Then I grabbed some shampoo and conditioner and put some on her hair and washed it out and she laughed at something then I grabbed a jug of water and poured it over her head to help wash her hair and after I got done I told her to hand me the body wash... And she said... "You just want an excuse to touch my body." And to be completely honest that was somewhat true just I want to help her feel nice and clean... And she lets me... until I started squeezing her boobs.... Her body already smells so good, and just touching her body made me, Horny.... That's mainly why I was squeezing her boobs..... Then she kissed me and said... "Am I done?" Then her phone started dinging like she's getting text messages from people.... Even if I did have her... I'd have to share her.... With all her damn friends....

"Yes. If you want to be." Then she kissed me and smiled as she got up and was about to get out... Then I touched her ass and she jumped and nearly slipped and fell but, I caught her... And laid her down on the floor and said... "Baby? Are you alright? I'm so sorry for Scarring you. God I'm so stupid!" Then she laughed at what I had said then said... "Actually if you were stupid, I don't think that you would have as much success as you have right now...." Then I laughed at what she just said and said... "Baby that's not what I meant, but thank you for making me feel better."

"Your welcome."

"God, I think I love you."

"Awww! Thanks." Then she kissed me on the lips and said... "Don't forget, your going to go to my school and eating lunch with me."

"I won't forget." Then she got up and walked over to her clothes that I got for her... "Why did you bring me a mini skirt?"

"I... I... I never seen you wear a mini skirt before and I just thought..."

"First off, no one has ever seen me in the short skirt, I only have it because my ex bought it for me saying if you are going to date me and we can't have sex at least let me see your ass."

"Oh. I brought you leggings to go with it."

"Fine I'll wear it... Wait... Is that a tank top?"


"I'd get in trouble if I would wear that."

"Oh I didn't know.... But it's the only shirt that goes great with the skirt."

"Fine. I'll wear it as long as I can have a leather jacket."

"Fine... Um see if you could stay home from school."


"So you can hangout with me at my casino."

"But Brendon? I could skip but I kinda don't want to. I can tomorrow though."

"I want you now. So please skip."

"Call my dad and tell him that I am sick and that you are taking me to the doctor."

"Damn... You are so fine!"

"And just like that you lost all respect that I had for you. So hurry up and take me to school."

"Baby....? I'm so sorry. Sweetie please."

"I was joking about the respect thing but I have to go to school."

"Alright then." I said as I stood up and walked over to her and then I lifted my hand up to her face and kissed her so passionately... "Babygirl? What time is lunch?"

"I'll text you. But I think that it is at 12:00."

"Alright. So get dressed."

"Okay." Then she grabs the bra and panties and put them on... "You look better in red babygirl. It's your color." Then she kissed me on the lips and said... "Okay then I'll make sure I always wear red for you then."

"Good girl." Then I pat her on the head.

"You keep patting my head.... Do you think that I am some pet?" Then I laughed at what she just said and then I kissed her on the lips and said... "No, I don't think that you are some pet. I just love patting you on your head...."

"Oh okay." Then she grabbed the tank top and red leather jacket and put them on then put the leggings on then the black mini skirt.... "God! Those leggings are doing great! You better tell me if anyone touches you!"

"Alright." Then she kissed me on the lips and bites my bottom lip as she pulled me into the bedroom and said... "Brendon? You need to get dressed too. So here." Then she grabbed some of my boxers and threw them at me and went over to my closet and took out one of my suits... "Hows this?"

"Good choice baby." I said as I put my boxers on and walked over to her and kissed her then she laughed and said... "Then put it on."

"Fine." I said as I laughed and she went back in the bathroom when I was getting dressed and grabbed her phone and came back out and said.... "God! You made me look like a slut!"

"No baby, I didn't."


"Love you?"

"Same. But hurry! I gotta go to school..."

"Alright." Then I got dressed and ran downstairs to eat some breakfast before we leave.... "Damn baby."


"Where'd you learn to cook? It's so yummy!"

"Oh.... Um.... I taught myself to cook. Because my dad was always at some place working...."

"So he used to leave you home alone by yourself?"


"I love you."

"I uh... So how's the bacon and eggs?"

"Really great."

"Thanks." She smiled at me and said... "Shit! Did I bring my backpack here?"

"I think that it's in the car."

"That limo is not here. If I left it in the limo it's gone now. Brendon? Help me my homework was in the backpack." She said as she was crying and walked over to me and I just sat there trying to comfort her then her phone ringed and she answered it.. And it was my limo service people asking if the backpack was hers and she screamed yes and they came as fast as they could to give it to her.... "Thank you."

"No problem. Bye miss."

"Claire? We need to go."

"Alright. But who's going to clean your kitchen?" Then as she asked that I leaned over to kiss her on the lips and whispered in her ear so quietly.... "Your dad."

"Alright. But I didn't eat yet."

"Sh.... You will eat something tonight." When I said that to her she looked at me like she was confused about what I meant then she slapped me on my arm when she realised what I meant... Then she ran back to the kitchen to eat and once she was done she kissed me on the cheek and said... "What shoes should I wear? I mean I always wear my boots. And I love them."

"Then wear them."

"Alright." Then I took her to my favorite car and opened the passenger door and she sat down and I grabbed her bag and tried to put it in the backseat but she insisted on keeping it in the front seat with her.... She laughs her cute little laugh when I jokingly sing the wrong words to a song... And I'm only doing this just to hear that cute little laugh she does....

An hour later,

So once we got to her school she tried to open the door for herself but I reached over and shut the door and before she could ask what I was doing I slammed my lips against hers then got out and opened the door for her to get out and a lot of people gathered around us in awe and that made me laugh a little under my breath and before she could say or do anything I grabbed her face and kissed her on the lips so passionately.... Then an hour or so later her ex boyfriend came over and pushed me away from her and he kissed her on the lips and said something in her ear and I could tell that she was missing my lips against hers then he said... "I'm sorry about my text last night, I didn't mean it." Then he left and I was just standing right in front of her looking at her eyes and she is so gorgeous I was sure that she'd probably be the one who I'd love to be married to for the rest of my life....

"Well Brendon, thanks for the kiss... Can't wait for tonight. Or until lunch... Bye."

"Bye." But before I had let her walk away from me I quickly slammed my lips against hers then my hands took over and all I know is that I had my hand on her ass squeezing it... And she didn't fight me for once.... She also grabbed my hair and pulled my hair as we were kissing each other and then her best friend came over and said... "That is not a good idea Claire."

"And why's that?" I snapped at her and Claire looked at me like she was mad and said... "Don't talk to my friends like that!"

"Sweetheart? I'm sorry. I don't mean to be mean like that...."

"Then tell her that you are sorry."

"I'm really sorry- wait What's your name?"


"I'm really sorry Linda."

"It's alright, and to answer your question it's because at the rate y'all were going it looked like y'all were about to have sex."

"Oh ok... So I'm coming to eat lunch with her later..."

"Alright, so bye nice to meet you Brendon."

"Yeah. Like wise." Then Claire kissed me on the lips and said... "Bye."

"Bye sweetheart," I said as I slapped her ass...

Then I started to drive off then I looked down to the floorboard and saw her bag how can she forgot to grab her bag? My kisses that I was giving her... It distracted her... Shit... So I parked in a parking spot and got out and grabbed the bag and ran inside the school looking for her and she was in the cafeteria with her ex and all her friends and her ex looked up and saw me and smirked at me then kissed her on the lips and she tried to stop him then he picked her up and carried her down some stairs to what looked like a basement.... So I ran after her and screamed her name... And I felt my phone vibrate and ringing but nothing happens to the girl that I think about all the time... And the closer I get to them the more I hear her screaming my name asking me to help her....

"BRENDON HELP ME!!!" I hear her cry... Then immediately after she screamed my name she screams again.. Then I don't hear her screaming anymore so I ran faster and that's when I see her on a bed and hooked up on some kind of equipment that doctors use, so then I looked at him and he laughed and said.... "You shouldn't of came back, Your the only reason why I brought her down here..."

"She left her bag."

"Aw! So cute. You should have fucked her when you had the chance to be her first."

"What are you going to do to her?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to rape her."

"Don't. Just let her go."

"She had the choice of staying home with you or going to school..."

"She loves school. Why would-"

"Did she tell you that she loves school?"

"No. I know everything about her though."

"Well, I guess you don't. At least not anymore."

"I know everything about her! There's nothing that you can say that will change that!" I screamed at him and then ran over to her to see if she is alright.... "What'd you do to her!"

"She's drugged."

"Sweetheart? Wake up! Come on. Please wake up." Then I looked at him and then back to her and then I realised that she's hooked up on some stuff that is ejecting into her blood system and I took the needles and stuff off of her and kissed her lips and she woke halfway up.. But she's still drugged... So I picked her up and took her back upstairs to the nurse in the office and said... "I'm taking her to the hospital someone just tried to hurt her."

"Alright..." Then I took her outside and sat her in my car and took her to the hour or so later she woke completely awake and was so confused, yet happy, yet angry because she remembered her ex dragging her down the stairs and that's all she remembers.

"Sweetheart? Are you alright?"

"Yes. I think. But, don't you have work?"

"Yes but your more important than my work. Your a living person who should get the respect that you give to others."

"Your really not what I thought you were going to be like."

"I think that is good right?"

"Yes. Brendon?"

"Yes sweetheart?"

"I have a headache..."

"It's probably because of how your ex drugged you."

"Jake did what?"

"He drugged you. He was going to rape you."

"Wow. Um.... Brendon? His dad is a doctor here. We have to leave."


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