Younger Than You Are (3); Singing For Masato
"Momma Masato! Momma Masato!" Otoya chanted, Hayato and Tokiya there as well, trying to wake up Ren.
Masato groaned, then opened his eyes. Meeting Otoyas happy smile and flush red cheer filled cheeks.
"You're awake."
"Momma! Daddy Ren won't wake up!" Tokiya whined, his lips quivering as him and his twin struggled to wake the seemingly heavy sleeper.
"He just won't be getting his food first that's all." Masato snickered as he stood up, "We need to get dressed for the day, all of your clothes for the day have been lied out on the couch over there, get changed quickly, and I'll make you all breakfast." Masato instructed them, gesturing to the couch, then to the door as he spoke.
The three of them all nodded in agreement.
"Yes Mom!" They answered one unison, and immediately began getting dressed.
They all hummed different tunes as they began to undress, Otoya hummed the sounds of music song they sang yesterday. Hayato hummed a sweet slow tune for everyone to hear, and Tokiya seemed to be the background beat to Hayatos song.
"Otoya, your shirts on backwards come here." Masato walked to Otoya and knelt down to help the red head boy. While Masato was helping Otoya, Tokiya lightly tapped Masatos back.
"Mom I can't get my arm through the shirt..." Tokiyas voice was muffled, his arm was raised above his head, while his head was halfway through the head hole.
"One moment Tokiya." Masato pulled Otoya through the shirt, then turned around to help Tokiya.
"Hayato, if you're dressed, stand by the door with your shoes on."
"Okaayyyy~" Hayato chimed happily. Otoya joined him.
"Oh! Momma Masato! I want to sing for you today!" Hayato announced, Masato just finished getting Tokiya settled.
The boys clothes were also on backward, and his hair was all over the place. So Masato used some of Rens gel to style it.
"Sing for me? What song do you have in mind?" Masato asked, finishing tying Tokiyas shoes. Tokiya stumbled behind Otoya, who smiled at him.
"Well...I can't sing a lullaby since it's morning. Uncle Reiji taught us a lot of Celtic songs. Tír Na Nóg is my favorite, Tokiya, Otoya, wanna sing it with me?"
"I love Tír Na Nóg!" Otoya gasped, and Tokiya lit up too.
"Tír Na Nóg?"
"A land believed to be in Ireland, the land of youth. Where trees were a gorgeous green, flowers were beautiful in bloom, and humans didn't age there!" Otoya explained, "Uncle Reiji really took a liking to a lot of Celtic songs and taught us. We started loving them too."
Masato smiled, their faces just lit up when the music they were taught came up. Masato was curious about how they sounded when they sang a song that wasn't normally sang by small children.
Ren still wasn't awake, and Masato didn't feel like waking his partner up, so he gestured to the children.
"We all ready for breakfast?"
"Yes!" They all answered in unison.
"Alright, stay close to me okay? I don't want you guys getting lost or anything okay?" Masato instructed rather worrisome as he opened the door. The three all held each other's hands.
They began to hum again. A sweet harmony, surprisingly these kids were talented when it came to singing. It wasn't very rare for children to be good at singing. So Masato felt obligated to ask.
"Did you all take lessons to sing?" Masato asked, and the humming stopped.
"Me and Tokiya taught ourselves! Under Uncle Reijis care, Otoya, you were with us too yeah?" Hayato spoke up, smiling at Otoya. Who responded with a happy nod.
"We all started singing at the same time. Then Ranmaru started teaching us to dance. Ai created a schedule for us to stick to." Otoya explained, "Camus didn't really want to bother much with us."
Hayato groaned, "Camus didn't bother you. He yelled at me all the time. 'Your feet are too far apart, chin up, eyes looking ahead, remember you're performing for others'." Hayato angrily ruffled his own hair.
Masato chuckled, Tokiya then spoke up.
"Camus is weird. I like Uncle Reiji much better." Tokiya said, "He's always smiling and dancing around as he wishes." Tokiya looked at Masato, "Do you dance around with Daddy Ren?"
"Sometimes we do." Masato replied, they all seem accustomed to them. Calling them Mom and Dad. Then Otoya grabbed Masatos hands.
"Let's dance momma Masato!" Otoya smiled as he already began swinging Masato in a circle. Otoya was stronger than Masato expected.
Hayato then began to sing while Masato and Otoya dance, "Sha ta co ti oh scum ne rivna Sha ta co ti oh nugga tir na nog Sha ta co ti oh scum ne rivna
Nug a tir na nog!"
"Come my love our world's may part
The gods will guide us across the dark
Come with me and be mine my love
Stay and break my heart."
Otoya sang in response, in the back came Tokiya;
"From the shores through the ancient mist
You bear the mark of my elven kiss
Clear the way, I will take you home
To eternal bliss..."
Hayato grabbed Tokiyas hands and danced around alongside Masato and Otoya.
The giggles attracted Quartet Night into the room, Reiji looked softly at them all as they danced around the room.
"They seem to be singing one of those songs you taught them." Ranmaru said, holding Cecil on his hip.
"And they're teaching Masa~" Reiji chimed, then beckons for the rest of the group to follow him, "Let's not stare too long, we have small ones to feed." Reiji chuckled, picking up Syo, one small blond that Ai picked out.
"Come on RanRan~"
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