The Juniberry festival
Since Sendak and (Y/n) came from different planets they grew up with different cultures, traditions and customs, but ever since (Y/n) found herself on Daibazaal she adjusted to galra customs and she'd introduced a few of her own to those she was closest with. One of the things that took a little time to get used to were the courtship methods galra used before marriage; it was so different from what humans did in the sense that no one dated around, although for (Y/n) that part was a nice change because she knew Sendak truly loved her. As for Sendak, the aspect of going out on dates piqued his interest and in order to learn more about it in order to surprise (Y/n) he contacted one of his acquaintances on Altea and learned what all a date entailed. Luckily for him the Juniberry festival was coming up, so he intended to ask (Y/n) to go out on a date with him for the special occasion. Obviously the human version of dating was a bit different than the altean version, nevertheless Sendak wanted to try taking his girlfriend out on their very first date together.
Sendak wasn't the best at poetry, but he wanted to make (Y/n) swoon when he asked her out and to make it more romantic he would give her a single Juniberry flower that he bought at a local flower shop as a symbol that she was his one and only true love. (Y/n) was aware of the Juniberry festival because she'd heard about it during the first season of Voltron, and Zarkon mentioned how he went every year, but she didn't think she would be going as well. However, when Sendak asked her to go to the festival with him she nearly died from happiness; (Y/n) had always wanted to be asked out on a date to some kind of festival and it finally happened, she was very enthusiastic when she said yes, and then she put the flower he gave her in a vase so it wouldn't wilt. On the morning of the festival (Y/n) got herself ready and she wore a new frilly (F/c) dress with (S/f/c) trim and white lace around the midsection she'd been gifted with for the special occasion, then Kumo helped her with her hair. After (Y/n) was ready she helped Kumo pick out an outfit, then they were ready to go to Altea.
Kumo was taking Haxus along to Altea as her plus one; Zarkon planned on spending the whole day with Lotor, and Vrul was only going because he wanted to catch up with his friend. (Y/n) already knew about the juniberry juice and she looked forward to trying it, although she would be careful not to accidentally get any on her clothes. Before they could go enjoy the festival they needed to briefly meet up with the altean royal family, which in itself was exciting for (Y/n) since Allura and her parents were safe and healthy. She was in awe of the castle when she finally had the opportunity to see it in person; it was absolutely massive, she could hardly believe that it was also a ship. (Y/n) forced herself to keep her composure when she was about to meet Alfor, Melenor and Allura, she barely heard what Zarkon said until she heard him say her name when he introduced her to the three alteans in front of their little group.
“It's very nice to finally meet you, (Y/n). Lotor has told us a lot about you.” Allura spoke with a friendly tone when she addressed (Y/n), pulling the young human woman out of her thoughts.
“It's great to finally meet you as well, Al- Princess Allura.” (Y/n) began to say casually until she remembered that she wasn't in the alternate reality with Voltron; she then spoke formally to Allura, not wanting to accidentally cause an intergalactic war if she came off as too friendly.
“My parents and I hope you all have a wonderful time at the festival.” Allura responded, beaming a genuine smile as she turned her attention to everyone from Daibazaal.
(Y/n) was glad that Allura nor her parents noticed her little mistake, then when Lotor came forward she knew it was time to go enjoy the festival. Vrul went to go look for his friend, Kumo and Haxus went off on their own and Zarkon went to go take Lotor to the finest bakery on Altea. Sendak reached down and held one of (Y/n's) hands, he planned on taking her to one of his favorite cafés on Altea for lunch so she could try one of his favorite dishes that was only made and sold during the festival. There were people visiting from all over the galaxy, at some point (Y/n) could have sworn that she saw Blaytz, Trigel and Gyrgan amongst the crowd. She made sure to grip Sendak's hand tightly because she didn't want to get separated from him and accidentally get lost, but with her boyfriend there with her she wouldn't have to worry about it. They walked for a while and weaved through the crowd, (Y/n) kind of lost track of where they were until Sendak stopped walking, prompting her to stop walking as well.
“Here we are.” Sendak announced when (Y/n) stood next to him, briefly making sure they were at the right location.
“Do they serve juniberry juice here?” (Y/n) asked her boyfriend with curiosity; she had her heart set on trying juniberry juice, although she didn't want to seem picky about where they ate.
“During the festival every café, restaurant and bakery have juniberry juice. You first, my angel.” Sendak answered enthusiastically, then he let go of her hand so he could open the glass-like door for her to enter the fine establishment first.
(Y/n) sweetly thanked her significant other for keeping the door open when she walked past him, then he promptly followed her. The café was definitely popular, she could tell by how busy it was, luckily there was an empty booth near one of the side windows. Sendak led (Y/n) to the front counter and ordered his meal, then he helped her pick something out since she couldn't read altean yet. After the person at the counter took their order and Sendak paid for their food and drinks he and (Y/n) went to go sit at the empty booth, both of them sitting directly across from each other; she could hardly believe that she was out on a real date with Sendak, it was one of the best days of her life. It wasn't long before a server arrived with their food; (Y/n) and Sendak thanked their server who went to go wait on another table after humbly wishing them a good day.
“You know, this reminds me of a strudel, but not like ones I've ever seen.” (Y/n) said after getting a good look at the pastry on her plate, noting how the filling was almost the same color as the juice in her cup.
“I have no idea what a ‘strudel’ is, but I hope you enjoy your pastry. It's one of the most popular foods during the festival because of its sweet flavor.” Sendak replied, confused as to what a strudel was before he went on about how delicious juniberry pastries were, regardless of what form they came in.
(Y/n) couldn't wait to try her strudel, especially since Sendak assured her it would be delicious, but the one thing she wanted to try more than anything was the juniberry juice. Since alteans were similar in size to humans she could actually fit at the booth well which was nice, but because of her boyfriend's size he had a little bit of a hard time sitting at such a small table. When the first little bit of juniberry juice met her tongue (Y/n) was hooked; she'd never tasted anything so sweet and fruity, yet slightly tangy and somehow floral at the same time. Sendak watched (Y/n) smile when she tried the light pink juice made from freshly squeezed juniberries, he could easily tell that she was hooked on the flavor as soon as she tasted it.
“This is so good, I never knew that I was missing this in my life.” (Y/n) expressed after she put the glass back on the table, savoring the aftertaste.
“Your pastry will have a similar flavor.” Sendak mentioned before he reached for his own glass and took a sip.
(Y/n) immediately turned her attention to the pastry on her plate, picked it up and took a small bite. It was the most delicious thing she'd tasted and the inside tasted almost like her drink but sweeter, and the inside had a jelly-like consistency to it that had her absolutely addicted. There were so many other things to do at the festival and (Y/n) could hardly wait to do them with her boyfriend, but first she wanted to enjoy eating out with him. Sendak enjoyed showing his girlfriend a good time at the Juniberry festival and he liked the concept of dates, he could easily include them alongside the usual galra courtship methods he used. He and (Y/n) took their time at the café since there was more than enough time for them to enjoy themselves at the festival.
After eating together at the café Sendak showed (Y/n) around a little, introduced her to a few people he knew and even took her to the street fair where he bought a few gifts for her along with something similar to cotton candy, only it was served in a bowl and it was juniberry berry flavored. (Y/n) enjoyed seeing the sights of the festival and she even had the opportunity to see inside of the castle, luckily Sendak was very understanding when she fangirled a little when she saw the castle's interior. There was one activity Sendak looked forward to the most, and the best part was that it was super romantic; part of the juniberry flower fields were open to the public where people could pick the flowers and make flower crowns, which was the perfect activity for romantic couples to participate in. He found a place for him and (Y/n) to make flower crowns for each other where they could sit on a long, flat rock instead of on the ground. There were romantic couples in the field, but there were also parents with their children, siblings and best friends as well.
“I never thought that we would ever get to do this together! Are you sure that you don't mind me making a flower crown for you?” (Y/n) expressed with excitement until she questioned if he really wanted her to make a crown of flowers for him or not.
“Why would I mind? Not only is it tradition but I love it when you make something for me. Why would you think otherwise?” Sendak answered with a comforting smile, questioning as to why she would think that he wouldn't like it if she made a flower crown for him to wear.
“It's just- You know what, it's not important. I can't wait to make one for you.” (Y/n) hesitantly answered after briefly remembering how human men hated things that were considered feminine, but she decided against it because Sendak loved when she made him things and galra culture was very different from her own.
Sendak shrugged it off and leaned down, beginning to pick a few flowers so he could make a flower crown for his girlfriend. A flower crown was exactly the thing she needed, not only would it make her look even more beautiful than she already was but it would also compliment her outfit. (Y/n) took a look at Sendak's head before she too began picking flowers, if she needed more then she could pick more. Making a flower crown wasn't the easiest thing, luckily she knew the basics and got started after laying the freshly picked flowers on her lap. She was careful as she weaved the first two stems together, being extra careful so that she wouldn't accidentally tear or crush any of the delicate pink blossoms that smelled amazing.
One of the gifts Sendak gave her while they were out shopping was some juniberry perfume, she was glad that she would be able to have the lovely scent available to her long after the festival ended. (Y/n) glanced at Sendak and saw him diligently working on her flower crown, she blushed lightly when she focused on his fingerwork and imagined what else he could do with his seemingly talented fingers; they hadn't been fully intimate with each other yet, although she knew they would eventually get that far. Making flower crowns took a while to make because they were making them out of real flowers, and for (Y/n) finishing was easier than starting. Once their flower crowns were finished she and Sendak looked at each other, both of them feeling as though they had butterflies in their stomachs. Sendak draped the flower crown he made on (Y/n's) head, then he leaned down so she could put the one she made on his head.
“You're so beautiful, just like an angel.” Sendak whispered in awe, hardly able to believe that the vision of beauty next to him was really his girlfriend, he felt beyond lucky to have her in his life.
“Yours looks nice on you, too. Please, my handsome warrior, kiss me.” (Y/n) responded shyly, feeling her stomach flip-flop when she asked to be kissed.
Sendak didn't hesitate to carefully pick his significant other up and sit her on his lap before he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers, both of them closing their eyes in the process. Since (Y/n) wore a dress she couldn't straddle Sendak's lap while they kissed, not that she would anyway considering that there were other people nearby, including children. She held onto his shoulders and reciprocated the kiss, sighing softly as she melted against him. (Y/n) and Sendak were full of emotion as they showed their love for each other, even their hearts beat in sync. Their date had been incredibly romantic and it wasn't even done yet, they would watch the sunset together while sitting on their chosen rock and stargaze together, then they would return to the castle because Alfor was allowing everyone who came with Zarkon to stay for the night.
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