Prologue (Rewrite)
June 20, 2016
As an endgame, the Reach placed multiple Magnetic Field Disruptors (MFD's) in certain parts of the Earth, with Blue Beetle finding 20 of them. And when they chrysalis, they will destroy the entire world. So, to stop this, squads of two heads off to destroy the MFD's, using Reach tech eggs with an anti-Reach virus software, developed by Lex Luthor. One by one, each squad was able to stop their respectful MFD. At first, they thought it was a success, however, they'd missed one, as the last MFD is in the Arctic.
June 20, 13:48 UTC
The Flash and Impulse runs to the location, but when they got there, it was already too late as the Magnetic Field Disruptor has already gone chrysalis, making it impossible to use the egg now. Flash calls Luthor to ask him what to do now. Luthor tells that in order to negate the chrysalis, they have to run counter to its energy flow, attempt to siphon its power with their speed trails, as it will take a massive amount of kinetic energy. And they cannot slow down until the chrysalis is completely neutralized. The two speedsters does what Luthor says and runs, but they aren't alone as Kid Flash joins them. Now, all three of them are neutralizing the chrysalis.
While they're doing that, bio-ship makes a landing and Nightwing, Aqualad, Superboy, Miss Martian, Artemis, and Blue Beetle comes out to see what's happening.
Nightwing: Look! It's working. They're shutting it down.
They all see the vortex shrinking, getting smaller. However...
Scarab: Earth's magnetic field is stabilizing.
Blue Beetle: *excited* Yes.
Scarab: But there is a problem, Jaime Reyes. The Kid Flash is in danger. His slower speed is making him an exit valve for the chrysalis' energy. In 16 seconds, he will cease.
When the Scarab said that, Kid Flash is hit by the chrysalis'energy, and when he looks at his hand...he sees that that he's fading away.
Blue Beetle: *confused* Cease? Cease what?
The Scarab does not answer. But with Kid Flash, he is hit by the energy again. Flash sees this.
Flash: Bart, we have to slow down more. Try to siphon off some of the energy attacking Wally.
However, Kid Flash is hit again, this time his whole body is see through. Flash tries to reach him, but his hand paces through.
Wally: It's no good, Barry. Oh, man! Artemis is so gonna kill me for this. *grunts* And don't let me get started on mom and dad.
Flash: Kid?
Wally: Just tell them, okay?
Flash: KID!!!
And that, Kid Flash... Wally gone.
Soon, the chrysalis has finally been neutralized.
Miss Martian: *smiles* They did it! Ha!
The Team heads over to Flash and Impulse, who are both panting after that running, happy and relieved that the threat is over.
Miss Martian: *helps up Impulse* It's over!
Aqualad: *helps up Flash* Congratulations. You have saved--
Artemis: *looks around worriedly* Wait......*looks back to Flash* Where's Wally? has a sad expression and walks up to Artemis.
Flash: Artemis... He wanted me to tell you--
Artemis: *in denial* No. No.
Flash: *places his hands on Artemis' shoulders* He loves you.
Artemis, with the knowledge that she'll never see Wally again collapses to her knees as she sobs, with M'gann comforting her as the others look down in sorrow as they've lost a very close friend and teammate.
July 4, 21:16 EDT
Months have passed since the Justice League saved the world. Since then, the Reach were escorted by the by the Green Lanterns where they'll be standing trial before the Guardians of the Universe.
G. Gordon (On TV): *being smug* Sounds like someone's finally listening to old G. Gordon. The lone voice of reason, calling for the ouster of U.N. Secretary General Tseng after his disastrous collaboration with the Reach. Well, guess what, folks. Tseng finally resigned. You're welcome. Now, his successor has not yet been chosen, but I think we all know only one man qualifies. The man responsible for saving all our lives from the Reach's MFD's. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...Lex Luthor!
Luthor steps on stage and waves to the crowd, who are cheering for him, much to the annoyance of Superman.
Superman: *images below* You have got to be kidding me.
Having enough of this, Superman turns off the TV.
Captain Adam: *turns to Black Canary* And on that note, I officially turn over my chairmanship of the League to you.
Black Canary: Wow. Thanks so much.
Aqualad: *to Nightwing* This is no time for you to resign.
Nightwing: I'm not resigning, just taking a leave of absence. Besides, if you need help, Barbara's more than ready to step up.
Aqualad: Agreed. But, Dick--
Nightwing: I need a break, Kaldur. You, me, Wally, we found this team. Without him..
Aqualad: *sighs* I understand.
Elsewhere in the Watchtower, where holographs of previous members of the Team who lost their lives. These include Robin (AKA Jason Todd), the original Blue Beetle (AKA Ted Core), Aquagirl (AKA Tula), and Wally himself, with Bart looking at at his cousin while dawning the Kid Flash suit.
Artemis (Off screen): You look good.
Bart (Kid Flash): Really? 'Cause I feel like a fraud.
Artemis shows up, once again dawning her Tigress suit.
Artemis (Tigress): We, don't. You're honoring Wally's memory by becoming Kid Flash. *places a hand on Bart's shoulder* I know he'd be proud.
Bart gives a small smile and scratches his head.
Bart (Kid Flash): Thanks. So, you suited up. But as Tigress?
Artemis (Tigress): Artemis was Wally's partner. I need some distance. *puts on her mask* I need a change. So let's see how Tigress does.
Bart (Kid Flash): As a hero?
Artemis (Tigress): *smiles* As a blonde.
Cuts to Robin and Wonder Girl, who are talking to the new member of the Team, Virgil.
Wonder Girl: Welcome to the Team, Virgil.
Virgil: Call me Static.
Robin: Catchy. So, what about your pals? I take it they declined our invitation?
Virgil (Static): Well, Arsenal was always more of a solo act. And the others are getting out of the gang.
Superboy: *to Miss Martian* Since when are Tim and Cassie a couple?
Miss Martian: Since know. It was kind of a "life is short" thing. It gave Cassie the courage to kiss him.
Superboy: Well, that king of courage..
Miss Martian: Can be hard to come by.
Aqualad (Intercom): Team, report to the mission room.
Batman: Having stopped the Reach invasion and broken the Light in half, the Team will operate out of the Watchtower side by side with the League. Not because Mount Justice was destroyed, *smiles* but because you earned it.
Black Canary: And so, we'll leave you to it.
After saying that, the League takes their leave.
Aqualad: This Team has had successes, but much remains to be done. Superboy, Miss Martian, Beast Boy, you're Alpha. B'arzz O'oomm has called from Mars. He needs help. Tigress, Kid Flash, Bumblebee, Guardian, you're Beta. LexCorp is bringing out the Reach soft drinks under a new name. We need proof.
As Aqualad is assigning the Team, Nightwing looks on in the background, with a smile on his face.
Nightwing: Business as usual.
May 19, 12:22 EST
Two years later
At the Iceberg Lounge, Oswald Cobblepot (AKA The Penguin) is sitting at his table while enjoying his meal. A plate full of fish.
Everything seems to "normal"...until one of Penguin's men is send flying through the front door, causing to spit out his food.
Penguin: *coughing* W-- *coughing* What the hell?!
Soon, all his men starts pulling out their guns and aims at the front door, when a small ball lands in front of them before it bursts, creating a cloud of red smoke. Everyone starts firing their weapons, but because of the smoke, they can't see what their shooting, nearly hitting Penguin, who ducks his head.
However, none of his goon could hear him right now, as one by one, each of them are taken out, by two mysterious figures while in the smoke. Once the smoke clears, the two intruders makes their presence known. The intruder is male, lean built, and wears a black suit with white skull mask, tattered grey cape with the hood up, grey gloves, grey utility belt, and has red colored X's on his mask, gloves, and belt.
Penguin: *pulls out his umbrella* YOU!!
But before Penguin could fire his weapon, Red X beats him to it by shooting out an x-shape beam, which wraps around Penguin, forcing him to drop his umbrella.
Red X: Now then, let's get down to business, Bird Man.
Penguin: *pic from below* Grrrrr...
The two are now standing in an warehouse, where Red X spots a truck. He gets to the back and opens it, revealing a large metal case. He looks to see that the lock is coded, so he pulls out a cord into a outlet and do some hacking. After a few moments, the case is unlocked, and when Red X opens it, he takes out a tube with a glowing red substance.
Red X: Zynothium Ore. Enough to power the suit for quite some time.
As Red X steps out of the warehouse, he's once again greeted with Cobblepot, who is having a hard time moving his legs, as they're tied up by Red X, so to keep him from running off.
Penguin: There, you got what you fuckin' want. Now get me out of these bonds!
Red X: Hmmm... Nah, too much work.
Penguin: WHAT!?
Red X runs off before jumping off some crates.
Red X: *gif* See ya, Birdie.
Penguin: WAIT!! You're just going to leave me like this?! ARE YOU FUCKIN' KIDDING ME?!
Penguin struggles to movies around. Instead, all he could do is simply a penguin.
Penguin: *angry and frustrated* FUCK...!!
To be continued
A/N: And there you have it, folks, the prologue is complete. It took me a while to come up with ways on how to start this off, but I hope you enjoy it. And if it's your birthday while reading this fanfic, then Happy birthday to you. And remember, guy...stay awesome.
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