Infiltrator part 2
Buoy Bells ding in the distance, while Artemis walks around behind the doctor Kid Flash sits on top of the computer tower. When the blonde comes to a stop and glances at him, he glares right back.
"Stop it, both of you!" Aqualad's telepathic voice cuts in and draws their attention away from the glaring contest that was about to begin.
"What?" both ask at the same time.
From within the bushes outside their location, Aqualad remains calm. "I can hear you glaring." he informs them. Then heads off towards the slight treeline. "Miss Martian, stay in camouflage mode and make a wide perimeter sweep." he instructs, but aloud.
The trees rustle behind him as a shadowy head appears. This one covered.
Aqualad is snagged by red vines before he could even hope to react and brought up with only a slight cry of shock. There are hits and grunts, leaves that fall to the ground below, but the attacker and now Aqualad are covered by the foliage.
Until he's kicked out and slammed hard into the side of a parked van, leaving a dent and him to rebound until he falls to the concrete. Looking up he sees the shadow leap out of the trees. As the assassin- Black Spider- lands in a crouch before the Atlantean he stands, only to get hit in the shoulder blades by a man with a crane hook for an arm- accurately named Hook. It knocks Aqualad down and out.
Cheshire flips beside his fallen body. "The Martian could return any second, and I'm not keen on evening their odds." she tells the men. "We end Roquette now." with that she's gone again.
In the single room building, Kid Flash is watching Roquette as she types, still hanging out on top of the computer tower. The doors burst open and from the doorframe, Black Spider flips out.
Kid flips to a similar position, but his left leg out to the side, which allows him to stand and pick into a run with ease. Going to sweep out Black Spider's feet, but the man lives up to his chosen name. Flipping to the ceiling and clinging there. Before shooting red webbing at Kid Flash.
Who rolls out of them and towards the narrow cylinder trashcan which he throws at Black Spider to get him to drop back down to the ground. The assassin springs through his crouch, coming in with a cross that Kid Flash easily dodges and counters with a hit to the ribs.
Artemis goes to shoot the assassin when the glass window in the ceiling behind her shatters and Hook drops to the ground
She changes her aim and shoots at the white-haired man, who dodges the shot, and the next three by diving between the pews.
Artemis knocks another arrow, while Roquette stops typing and turns to her. "Don't stop working." she instructs the doctor, before releasing the arrow. Roquette says nothing and turns back to the computer.
Yn:will protect you
From the double windows, Cheshire lines up an arrow in a crossbow. She releases it, but a desk is telekinetically put in the way of the shot. "Martian's here. It's now or never." she commands Hook and Black Spider, ditching the crossbow.
Kid Flash runs at Black Spider, but the acrobatic assassin executes a sudden spin which places him under Kid Flash and able to kick him in the stomach and away with both feet. Finding his footing with ease he shoots red webbing at the desk blocking Roquette.
Artemis has another arrow ready to be shot at Hook, but when she sees Cheshire drop down before Roquette her distraction is rewarded by a hook to the face. The hook returns to Hook's hand while Cheshire looms over the fallen Roquette.
She twirls her sai, finding her expert hold and ready to stab her in the back. When the doctor's skin suddenly turns green and her head turns to look right at Cheshire. "We've been duped!" she calls out, both angrily and to alert both men working with her.
Yn:you won't find the doctor now she's long gone
Cheshire:oh I'll find her cutie pie and once I defeat you I'll take you glow stick as a trophy to bad I want to kiss you but your weapon will suffice jedi
Yn eyes widen
Yn:how did you know-
Cheshire:let just say my bosses know what you are and your people getting purged
Cheshire brings out her sword
Yn ignited his lightsaber
Yn:your sword won't do anything my lightsaber can cut through anything
Cheshire:true but I don't want to fight a handsome guy like you so I'll just find the doc
Cheshire throws some ninja stars at yn but Yn cuts them in half
Yn sees chersire escaping as Yn since something behind him it the villain with the hook as Yn dodges the attack
At the Sandbar Internet Cafe is the real Doctor Roquette working on a computer as Aqualad stands guard. "I've almost got it." she tells him.
The next target's a WayneTech Facility." Robin says, shocked as the camouflaged BioShip comes to a slow just outside the building. "In theory," now he has Superboy's attention, the clone can hear the emotions raging through Robin's voice. "its system software could be used to hack the-" he cuts himself off.
"The what?" Superboy asks expectantly.
"Doesn't matter." Robin tries to brush off. "Wh-what matters is WayneTech operates a 24-hour workforce. We'll never evacuate the building in time."
In the parking structure across the street, a dark grey van pulls into a parking space. Inside is the cyclops and the Fog. Which he quickly begins activating.
Miss Martian returns to her classic form, levitating in the air a good four feet over Cheshire and Hook's heads. "You'll never find Doctor Roquette." she tells Cheshire with conviction.
"Never's such a long time." Cheshire teases. "Pursuing target. Keep 'em busy." she calls out. Running off.
Hook launches his hook at Miss Martian to prevent her from following.
Artemis is just starting to get her feet when Cheshire runs by. She quickly gets back to her feet. "Pursuing their leader." she calls out. Kid Flash is still fighting Black Spider, blocking his punches, then managing a cross to the assassin's face and knocking him down. "Take the rest down." he watches the blonde run out the double doors.
"You are so not the boss of me." Kid calls after her, annoyed and purposefully dragging out the so.
"Just do it!" she snarls over her shoulder, not losing stride.
Behind his turned back Black Spider gets to his feet and throws his arms around Kid Flash so he can't move his arms. His left arm slides closer to the speedster's neck as his right-hand grips the ginger hair tightly.
Artemis follows Cheshire outside the building, but the cat-themed assassin notices the lack of an unconscious Aqualad immediately. "Oh, I do not like being played." she murmurs to herself. The lenses of her mask light up and she can now see Aqualad's footprints as they lead down the road. She takes after them quickly.
Artemis stops in nearly the same spot Cheshire did, knocking an arrow. Releasing it.
Cheshire strikes it out of the air. "I was hoping it'd be you." she says, the smugness in her voice shows that the smile on her mask is almost definitely on her face. Then she takes off down the street again.
Getting to the rooftops and running across them rather than on even ground with Artemis. She lands before two chimney stacks, but before she can make her way around them another of Artemis' arrows is released. This one sticking to the chimney on the left and releasing a purple gas. Causing the assassin to cough a few times before she loses a grip on her sai and falls unconscious with a groan.
Artemis lands in a crouch, bringing another arrow out of her quiver, stringing and bringing slight tension to it. When she's close, Cheshire turns to her side, putting her hand underneath her body, and knocking Artemis' legs out from under her.
"Mask has built-in filters." the assassin taunts.
Artemis goes for the sidekick, which Cheshire blocks with her arm, moving through the motion Artemis goes for a roundhouse to her head. She whiffs but gets back to her feet. Unfortunately, Cheshire gets her hands locked behind her back and knocks her bow out of her hands.
"Better luck next time, kid." Cheshire teases with ease despite the amount Artemis is struggling. She hits the archer in between the shoulder blades. Knocking her to the ground with a cry.
Aqualad hears a thump on the roof and immediately turns to Roquette. "We have company." he says tensely.
"Uploading now." she says, typing even faster. "And by the way, you said you'd protect me." she snaps.
A singular sphere rattles its way down the dark hallway, coming to a stop just within the visible range. Before stopping and immediately releasing a smokescreen. Aqualad whips out his WaterBearers quickly, forming solid swords in seconds. Roquette stands up beside him when nothing happens for a few seconds.
From behind him a ceiling panel is pushed loose.
Sensing something he turns, only to get three darts to the chest in rapid succession.
Cheshire drops to the ground confidently. "Let's test the limit of you Jellyfish immunity, shall we?" she taunts.
Aqualad shakes his head in order to clear it before charging at the assassin. He strikes high with his right. Which she ducks under, then at where her face is now with his left. Which she tightly flips over. He strikes downwards, but she steps out of the way and lets his momentum throw him off balance. As he turns towards her, she unleashes a roundhouse kick to his face. Which knocks him straight to his front on the floor. Both his WaterBearers losing their integrity and the tattoos dimming in unison.
"There, limit tested." Cheshire says simply. Then turns to Roquette. "Now, doctor, time for my appointment." she enunciates by bringing out a sai, which gets Roquette to cautiously move away from her.
All while the upload is being processed.
With the BioShip still camouflaged Superboy and Robin wait by the opening back hatch.
"It's downloading." Robin informs, watching the progress on his HoloGlove.
What catches Superboy's attention is the sound of a van door opening. He recognizes the Fog's storage container instantly. "Don't need it!" he growls.
Jumping despite Robin's cry of "Superboy!" but the Boy Wonder can only watch as he jumps right at the cyclops.
Before he can reach him, the man uses the grey control panel hanging from his shoulder to release a red laser beam at Superboy. Strong enough to knock him back and to the parking surface on his back. Unmoving.
The cyclops turns back to the container and releases the Fog.
"No!" Robin calls out, grappling to the nearest light pole then flipping to get to the next and land before the surface level of the WayneTech facility. A hole is eaten through the double doors.
The security guard can only watch the cloud go by in shock. "What in the-" he cuts himself off as he sees Robin run past him. "Hey! You can't come in here!" yells at the not stopping Boy Wonder. Moving to grab his walkie talkie. "Unauthorized entry!"
The gated doors start coming down ahead of the Boy Wonder. "WayneTech-Override: R-G-4." Robin calls out
The nearly closed gate rises, giving him enough room to roll underneath and keep running.
Miss Martian manages to dodge the large hook as it comes back to its source. Once she's out of range she throws her hand out telekinetically moving the pews beside Hook. He obliterates the first one but barely manages to get the one that rises to his turned back.
Knowing she's vulnerable he turns and launches his hook at her once more. She spins away and it sticks to the ceiling. "Kid Flash, we need to end this now." she tells him.
As the speedster avoids the red webbing by flipping over the row seating. Coming to a pause with a smirk on his face. "It's like you read my mind, beautiful." in his distracted state the red webbing clings to his left shoulder. Looking over it for a mere second until he starts spinning at high speeds.
Black Spider is too shocked to be able to counteract it before he's whisked off his feet.
Kid Flash jumps, while still spinning, and lands a dual set of kicks to Black Spider's chest, breaking the webbing and sending the assassin back into a pew and breaking it with the force Kid Flash hit him with.
Hook's hook retracts and he launches it once more at Miss Martian. She creates a telekinetic wall that sends the hook crashing back into its wielder. Hitting him in the jaw and knocking the man out with a strangled cry of pain.
"Woohoo!" she says happily, aloud. "I got mine."
"Great." Kid Flash says, then tries to work against the webbing finding it not anywhere near budging. "Uh, a little help?"
The Fog crashes through a set of windows low on the left side of the second tier of the building.
The lights go black in that segment, the Fog continues on taking out more windows and lights as they overrun the building.
Inside the cafeteria three of the workers yell as they run out of the room, only a young woman with brunette hair remains by her workstation. Robin runs in through the other door. Heading right for the computer. Slowing as he pulls out the cable from his HoloGlove.
"What's going on?" she asks, confused but not seemingly frightened. Then sees Robin attach the cord to the computer. "What are you doing?"
Robin ignores her as his screen comes to life. "Please be linked to the mainframe. Please be linked to the mainframe." he begs, tapping on the projection.
Cheshire continues to back the nervous doctor up, away from the unconscious Aqualad. Grabbing the front of her shirt elicits a gasp from the doctor as she closes her eyes, expecting her end. Before that, she looks to the computer with the download progress showing.
Cheshire cocks her head and follows the woman's gaze. Just as the bar shows full download and the computer beeps in agreement. The assassin turns back to the doctor. "So, you've finished the virus," she states. "eliminating the reason for your elimination," despite her words her sai is getting closer to the doctor's neck and face. "though not your entertainment value." she gets right in front of her and watches as the blonde's eyes go wide. The sudden release of her grip sends the doctor to the ground. "Lucky for you, my orders are clear. You live to program another day. After all, doctor, Shadows may find another use for you." she shies away from the assassin, the final statement more terrifying than any proceeding it.
At the WayneTech Facility, the Fog is still running rampant, but Robin is fully focused on the download status of the virus. Once it's fully uploaded to his HoloGlove the result is instantaneous. The screen of the computer he's logged into goes red.
Inside the computer, the Fog Bots turn red mere seconds before exploding.
Robin turns to watch as the Fog Cloud behind him turns red before disappearing. The woman behind the counter breathes out a sigh of relief.
"Yes!" he cheers, clutching his unoccupied hand. "The infiltrators have been outfiltrated!"
The cyclops can only watch as the Fog turns red before disappearing. What catches his attention is the fact that Superboy is standing once more and walking towards him. Reacting, he shoots another beam at the clone.
Superboy grunts as he blocks it with his forearm but is able to charge ahead as he blocks most of the beam. Some smaller ones still hit him, but not enough to hinder his movements.
Gritting his teeth, he faces the source, pushing harder despite the pain. Once he's close enough, he fully faces the man, then reaches out with his hand and stops the beam from even leaving the helmet. The backlash knocks the man into the side of the van, and he falls limply to the ground.
Cheshire walks out of the Sandbar Cafe. Only to be stopped as four of Artemis' arrows land before her and explode quickly.
Her mask falling off and out of the smoke.
As it clears, she's on her hands and knees, her back to Artemis' taut bowstring and very sharp arrow tip. She subtly pushes up, but Artemis sees it. "Don't move a muscle." the archer snarls.
Despite the warning, Cheshire stands. "Wow." she murmurs, turning to face Artemis over her shoulder. Her eyes open to reveal the same murky, dark, expansive brown as Artemis' own. "I am completely at your mercy.
Artemis' eyes widen slightly as she gasps. "You."
"I suppose now you bring me to Justice. Let your new friends interrogate me." she taunts. "I wonder if your position's secure enough to survive them learning everything I know." There's a long pause where neither of them so much as breathe. Then, Artemis silently lowers her bow. "Didn't think so." she starts backing up, smoke curling around her. "So, like the Cheshire Cat, I'll just disappear and tell that cutie Jedi his past has come to haunt him
with that even her shadow has gone missing.
The smoke stays for another moment then it too disappears.
Aqualad pants as he's mostly supported by Dr. Roquette as she helps him out the door. "Artemis, where's the assassin?" he questions.
"She, uh- she got away." she stutters out quietly.
However, Kid Flash and his big mouth are right beside her in an instant. "Oh, from you?" he taunts. "Oh, big surprise. Notice we got ours."
Yn:KF no more blaming if she got away then will see her again
Miss Martian lowers the still-knocked-out assassin closer to the ground.
He looks down and his eyes lighten, a small smile on his face. "Cool." then picks up Cheshire's mask. "Souvenir."
Aqualad recognizes it instantly, walking towards Kid Flash without Roquette's support, but the doctor remains close, just in case. "Her mask?" he questions, wincing as he yanks one of her darts out of his chest. "Did you see her," he cuts himself off as he rips out another dart. "her face?" he finishes, yanking out the last dart.
"It was dark." Artemis defends, then looks towards the bay.
"It is fine." Aqualad assures, reading her body language since she won't say anything. "Robin and Superboy neutralized the Fog, and Dr. Roquette is safe, thanks in no small part to you."
Yn:you did excellent work Artemis
She glances over her shoulder before fully turning to face him as Miss Martian lands beside Kid Flash.
Yn:Welcome to the Team
She gives a small smile in return.
Aqualad steps up before her and offers his hand. After a slight hesitation, she takes it.
"I always wanted a sister." Miss Martian says sincerely. "Here on Earth, I mean. I have twelve back on Mars, but trust me, it's not the same." she clarifies, even Kid Flash is willing to get close to the 'newbie who kicked Red Arrow off the Team.
I wouldn't know." Artemis decides to say, though a small chuckle does come through. "But thanks."
Miss Martian elbows Kid Flash in the chest. "Ow." he grumbles, but still, no one says anything. "Yeah. Welcome." he says begrudgingly.
Artemis offers her hand; he only hesitates slightly before taking it. Though he does look at it the whole time like he thinks it's going to either explode or eat him.
Artemis:Jedi the assassin wanted to me to tell you before she got away saying your past is back to haunt you
Yn:not that's all the assassins said her bosses know who I am if that so then not only the planet in danger but you guys are in danger
Megan:you don't mean
Yn:yeah the empire has found me I need to contact the league about this information
Kid flash:is there anything we can do to help you
Yn:no they won't stop till they kill me I have to face this alone
Aqualad:if we get the league help maybe-
Yn:no aqualad this is my responsibility they want me if or when I die I want you to be in-charge of the team not let's take the doctor home and be done with this mission
Gotham City; August 9th; 1:16 EDT
An out of order telephone booth glows gold, as it shuts off Artemis opens the doors. Looking around as she walks into the center of the alleyway. Her eyes narrow as she looks to her right blindspot. Spinning tightly, she crouches to her knee, aiming her bow at the shadowy figure whose only noticeable features are their bright-white eyes. "Step into the light." she demands, her arm shaking slightly from the effort of holding her drawstring back so long and moving into that position so quickly. "Now."
Nonchalantly Red Arrow does. "Nice move." he says with a slight scoff as he walks towards her.
Artemis releases the drawstring and stands up.
"Almost made me believe you are Green Arrow's niece," he says a resentful tone to his words as he stops before her. "though we both know you're not."
Artemis glares but remains silent.
"Still, I'm sure G.A. and Bats had a reason for lying, so your cover's safe." he leans down and into her personal space. "But I warn you: do not hurt my friends." he practically growls. Then walks away.
Behind his turned back Artemis' shoulders sag.
"Report." a voice demands.
The old man's eyes open, sitting in the center of a semicircle with Light Screens above his head. "Masters, before Ojo's capture he transmitted the STAR Labs data you required, but the WayneTech intel still eludes us.
"Once again the young... heroes interfere." L-2 states. "So, it's fortunate that we have an operative... on the inside." the old man smiles dreadfully.
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