
A G-gnome sits on one of the desks in an expansive lab as Desmond paces across the center, seven screens come down from the ceiling All seven are active, but instead of pictures, white outlines and blue techno background.  "Dr. Desmond, you require an audience with the Light?" a man's voice asks, anger clear in his tone.  

"Yes. Very sorry to disturb you at this late hour." he says, intimidated like a tiny mouse compared to the lion.

"Just make your report." another man's voice speaks up, annoyance clear in his tone. 

"Of course." Desmond says quickly. "Ahem." he clears his throat. "Well, we had a small fire, here at Project Cadmus. The origin of the incident is still unclear but seems to have attracted some... unwanted attention." 


As he continues to speak the scene changes to show Kid Flash, Robin, lady rose and Aqualad unconscious in pods as Superboy watches over them.  "The four sidekicks, Robin, Aqualad, lady rose and Kid Flash breached security. They found and released the weapon, the Superboy. Of course, the clone is under our telepathic control and as ordered turned against his would-be liberators. The four are contained and we don't believe the League knows they're here." With that, he finishes his report "Uh... what should I do with them?" He asked

"Clone them, but not lady roses yet, study her abilities more, we still have very little knowledge on her." the second male's voice says. 

"Her and The substitutes will serve the Light and only the Light." the deeper male's voice agrees.

"And the originals?" Desmond asks. 

"Dispose of them." the deeper voice commands with no hesitation  "Leave no trace."  Desmond only smiles cruelly in response.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Above ground in Washington DC fireworks are going off. Even though it's now 12:01 in the morning

" Time runs short." a male's voice says echoed telepathically "You must awaken." But none of the teens react until the loud booming voice" You must awaken NOW!"

Lady rose Girl woke up first with a gasp, the grunts, still feeling the pain she endured, quickly taking notice of her inability to move, Her wrists and ankles were strapped to a metal

She glanced to her sides and gasped she found that the rest of the group were stuck in pods further away

Her gaze moved to the front of her where she was met with the form of the clone they freed looking at her "... I know you." He states softly, She looks at him in confusion he swallows fists clenching and unclenching.

"Or I've seen you." He corrects as he turns back to continue his previous stare, Confusion plastered On her face, exhaustion still you taking a toll on her head " what?...."

"... The geneamorphs... they... they show me things. You... You were one of them." He explains, she looked shocked but confused If anything "why me?...."

Just then Both were alerted to the other three, Kid Flash next gasping for air and his green eyes flying open, The other two are just as alert now too, Their attention trained on the Superboy

"What? What do you want?" the speedster asks, his annoyance fighting his fear, Superboy just ignored him and continued to look at rose who was still confused

Kid Flash's jaw clenched before he growled, "Stop staring at her; it's creeping me out." Superboy continued before turning his attention and glaring

"Uh, KF, how about we not tick off the guy who can fry us with a look?" Robin suggests to the seriously freaked out/ and jealous speedster.

What they didn't know, was they weren't the only ones who snuck into Cadmus, in the vents, an animal, preferably a corgi was sniffing the ground falling a sent as he was followed by a figure in a hood, crawling after the animal

Else where

Desmond and the scientist that was in Project Kr walk down the organic looking hall "Prepare the cloning procedure for the new Project Sidekick, now." Desmond instructs.

She leaves and Desmond continues to walk until he is side-by-side with Guardian. "Almost done here Doc." he tells him once he comes to a pause. A G-troll holds the door stable while a worker welds the broken configurations.

Desmond continues forward, then stops short in shock as he seems to notice the pod is empty. "Where's the weapon?" he demands, though there's anger in his voice, there's fear in his eyes.

"'Superboy'?" Guardian asks, stepping up as well. "He carried the intruders to the cloning chamber."

"We have Genomorphs for that!" Desmond objects. "Get the weapon back in its pod now!" He growled

"I don't see the harm in letting the kid stretch his legs." Guardian not trying to pick a fight with Desmond because he honestly doesn't understand the problem.

"Don't you now?" Desmond asks, raising a single eyebrow as the G-gnome on his shoulder horns begin to glow.

Guardians eyes go wide, but blank before they harden into an angry glare, "That clone belongs in a cage!" he practically growls before storming off

Back in the cloning room

"We only sought to help you." Aqualad tries to tell the clone, calmly.

"Yeah. We free you, and you turn on us." Kid Flash pipes up, clearly still annoyed at the minimum. "How's that for grat-"

"Kid, please, be quiet now." Aqualad firmly says to the younger teen. "I believe our friend was not in full control of his actions."

With the conversation gaining ground Robin activates a lockpick in the pointer finger of his glove and begins to work on his restraint.

"Wha-what if I..." super boy trails with an annoyed huff,  slightly scratchy. "What if I wasn't?" he manages.

"He can talk?" Kid Flash questions shocked. "Of course he can Kid Flash, he's been talking to me" rose glared at his idiotic question, Superboy's hand clenches into a fist again as he practically growls his words at Kid Flash. "Yes, he can."

The three look at Kid Flash who looks rather confused back at them. "Not like I said, "it"."

"The Genomorph taught you telepathically." Aqualad realizes.

"They taught me much." Superboy admits. "I can read, write. I- I know the names of things."

"But have you seen them? Have they actually let you see the sky? Or the sun?" Rose asks, knowing how much all four of them takes those things for granted.

"Images are implanted in my mind," he admits, then looks down as if ashamed. "but no. I have not seen them."

Aqualad turns towards the more pressing matter. "Do you know what you are, who you are?" Superboy stands tall. "I am the Superboy, a Genomorph, a clone made from the DNA of the Superman, created to replace him should he perish... to destroy him should he turn from the light." the last bit gets worried looks from all four of them.

"To be like Superman is a worthy aspiration, but, like Superman, you deserve a life of your own beyond that solar suit, beyond your pod, beyond Cadmus." Aqualad tries to approach it calmly.

"You need to live with free of your will" rose stated, Once those words leave Rose's and Aqualad's mouth Superboy gets angry. "I live because of Cadmus! It is my home!"

"Your home is a test tube." Robin says rather simply. "We can show you the sun."

"Uh, pretty sure it's after midnight" kid flash cut in "but we can show you the moon." he offered as a substitute

"It is nice to see outside of your 'home'" rose added

"We can show you, introduce you to Superman." Aqualad agrees with the
Superboy's eyes widen slightly..

"No they can't." Desmond says resolutely as he, Guardian, and the female scientist walk into the chamber with a g-gnome that jumped off from his shoulder and onto the metal table which lady rose was restrained upon

"They'll be otherwise occupied." his tone is almost smug now, then he turns to the female scientist. "Activate the cloning process." the two men stop and she walks off to the left to do as he instructs.

"Cloning process?!" Rose nearly shouted and tried to use her strength but is too weak due to the exhaustion " don't you..dare!...."

"Pass!" Robin speaks up. "Batcave's crowded enough."

" get lady Rose's memories and And get the Weapon back in its pod!." Desmond commands of Guardian. "Hey, how come he gets to call Supey an "it"?" Kid Flash questions, seeming partially annoyed

Guardian steps up, placing a hand on Superboy's shoulder, Superboy looks to the trapped teens. "Help us." Aqualad pleads with Superboy, The clone shrugs off Guardian's hand, looking to the older hero with an angered look.

Desmond walks up behind him. "Don't start thinking now." His Genomorph hops off his shoulder and lands on Superboy's shoulder, It hisses as it's horns glow red, taking telepathic control over Superboy. Only physically obvious as his eyes lose focus.

" super boy!" Rose cried out

"See you're not a real boy. You're a weapon, and you belong to me!" Desmond pauses for a moment, realizing his mistake. "Well, to Cadmus. Same thing." he defends. "Now get back to your pod!" Superboy doesn't even show that he heard Desmond, only beginning by walking back down the way they came, The Genomorph's horns still glowing red. Once the door closes with a thud behind Superboy,

"And you!" He states pointing at the genomorph curentully sitting on Rose's stomach. "Leave no memory unchecked, find out everything we need about her abilities." The creature nodded and Rose's begins struggling while crying out

" leave her alone!" Kid flash yelled as her friends protest struggling to get out

Desmond nods to the scientists at the control station, She hits two more buttons on the control station, causing robotic arms to come out of the base of the three protogés' pods.

Kid Flash reels back, attempting to maneuver away from them, but he still restrained, The tops of the arms break apart into four fingers, two prongs on the tips of each one.

With no hesitation and a slight electrical buzz they plunge the prongs into the boys' chests

All three scream out, which only increases as the fingers begin to pull out a reddish gas which then fills the spheres below their pods. "Where's Dubbilex?" Desmond asks Guardian and the other scientist. Only to see the Anthropoid shadow coming out of the darkness. "Ooh!" he gasps, taken off guard. "Lurking as usual. Get the G-gnomes downloading their memories like lady rose. When that's done, delete the source material."


Superboy walks down the hallway, with the G-gnome still on his shoulder.

Though it may have the telepathic control he still has Superman's extremely powerful hearing capabilities, He hears Rose's voice while she's fighting the g-gnome on her

"Superboy, your alive..." she stated pushing through the brain fog as the genomorph tried to make her loose. "That gives you the right to follow your path. A weapon or a person, an object or a free man. The choice is yours, but ask yourself....what would Superman do?" She whisper

The clone stops short at those words and his eyebrows crease as his fill with determination.

Back in the cloning room

There's a boom that echoes through the room, catching Desmond's and Guardian's attention and turning it back to the door being crinkled as Superboy removes it, then holds it over his head with ease.

As he does the torture devices on the teens power down, he throws the door away and stalks into the room.

Desmond, Guardian, and Dubbilex all make their way towards Superboy. "I told you to get back to you-" Desmond begins, but is cut off as Superboy's right-hand swipes him away and his left takes out both Guardian and Dubbilex, Guardian getting thrown into the wall, while Dubbilex and Desmond hit the ground with a thud.

Superboy stands tall and glares down at the scientist "Don't give me orders." he nearly growls,

Rushing to rose, and getting the g-gnome off her, she gasped as she felt the pain in her head dissipate and eyes open to see Super boy stood above her with the squirming genomorph in his hand.

She smiled at him relieved but tired from the mind fighting while he crushed her restrains and helps her up in his arms

"Are you gonna oggle her all night?" Wally deamands angirly and gets an glare "So are you here to help us or fry us?" KF questioned as the boy of steel gently placed her on the slab to sit.

He walked up to the speedster speedster's pod,  Super-boy stopped for a second, squinting and that's when rose realised what he was trying to do

"Superboy." She warned and he smiles shrugging. 

"Huh. I don't seem to have heat vision, so I suppose helping is my only option." He stated with a small smirk.

While caused rose to snicker as Kid Flash began freaking out.   "Excuse me?" KidFlash exclaimed As Robin manages to get his wrist restraints open, then jumps from his pod.

"Ahh. Finally!" Robin says, annoyance in his tone as he rubs his wrists. "Lucky Batman isn't here. He'd have my head for taking so long."

"Seriously, that's what you're worried about?" Kid Flash deadpans at the Boy Wonder.

"The whole League will have our heads after tonight." he snaps angrily "Wonder Woman will literally kill us for Rose getting hurt!" He added while she cringed knowing he was right

Robin ignores him and goes to the control station, Hitting one of the buttons, which retracts the arms from Kid Flash and Aqualad and opening their pod doors.

He turns to Superboy. "Get Aqualad. I'll get Kid Mouth."

"Don't you give me orders either." Super boy growls but jumps up to release Aqualad anyway, Ripping the restraints apart

Still Weak from the torture Superboy has to catch his shoulders to keep the Atlantean from falling to the ground below the floor of his pod.

"Thank you." Aqualad tells him sincerely. As Superboy nods

While Robin gets Kid Flash's restraints open, letting both of them drop to the ground the five begin for the exit as Desmond begins to come to and the scientist tries to wake Guardian "You- you'll never get out of here!" Desmond shouts, but the teens don't listen, they only continue to run. "I'll have you back in pods before morning."

Robin turns at the doorway and pauses, causing Kid Flash to do the same. "That guy is not whelmed." he mutters then launches three disks back into the room. "Not whelmed at all."

"What is with you and this whelmed thing?" Kid Flash asks as they continue running.

The three disks hit their DNA containers and begin to beep, then explode, destroying the material they would've used for cloning and the pods themselves.

Desmond stands before the destroyed lab, anger clear in his grimace, A G-gnome jumps onto his shoulder. "Activate every Genomorph in Cadmus." the G-gnome's horns glow red as it makes a telepathic connection to the other Genomorphs.

In the hallway, the five are running down the once cream colored bumps in the wall begin to glow the same red color as the horns on the G-gnome.

"We are still 42 level below ground." Aqualad says, as he runs. "but if we can make the elevator..." he trails a G-trolls block their way, first two further away, then more and steadily getting closer to them.

The five stop and look back the way they came the glowing orbs now have pale white figures moving inside them, Genomorph Elves come out in a large group grasping the five

The lead G-troll strikes from behind and all four jump back to avoid it's crushing blow. Aqualad and lady rose move right around it, while Kid Flash and Robin go left.

Superboy glares and jumps to cross it in the jaw, Knocking it down, but he is then surrounded by three more and is brought down as one pins him to the ground with its massive paw.

Another drops low on all fours and swings its head towards Aqualad, attempting to hit him with its large horns.

Rose jumps into a backflip over the it's head, giving Robin the chance to get in front of it and take its attention as he grabs his horn to follow Aqualad over the G-troll's shoulder, Kid Flash has another tailing him and runs it into the wall, before running along it to end up beside Aqualad, rose and Robin.

The four turn as they hear the hallway shake and crumble, Their attention lands on Superboy who is fighting off G-trolls and slamming them into the wall and using his full strength, causing the hallway to begin to fall apart.

Aqualad yelling, but just so he can ensure that he's heard. "Superboy, the goal is escape. Not to bury ourselves here!"

Superboy turns to the four with an insane look, but also anger playing across his face. "You want to escape?" he demands, as grabbing an unconscious G-troll's arm and throws it into the two that are coming towards him with a battle cry

Genomorph Elves scurry off the unconscious g-troll and jump at superboy, however before a few can attack or he could land a punch, they suddenly got shot and knocked down, but not killed, The five looked at each other confused " w-who?" Rose is the first to break speech " don't look at me" robin put his hands up in defence

" indeed" a voice interrupts and they look towards the elevator doors to see a boy they're age wielding two green dual SMGs

" ren!" The four minus super-boy exclaimed surprised but happy

" dude! how'd you find us?" Kid flags gave him a bro fist " I didn't" ren replied, they grew confused, but then heard a bark until ren turned and revealed the backpack and a little Animal poking its head out barking

" Argo?!"

" aww my baby!" Rose took him out and hugged him, then giggled as he starts licking her cheek " I came back and found you guys gone from the hall, so argo sniffed out your trail and led me here" ren explained then noticed super boys presence

" and I see you made a new friend" Who nods at him" oh right" rose then introduced " ren, meet super boy, super boy, ren" the screeching cut them off as they see more Genomorph Elves running towards them

" we'll explain later, first let's deal with all this and get out of here" she says as they all got defensive

" agreed" Aqualad said, Argo growls and jumps out of Rose's arms to hers and the others shock " Argo no!! Come back!!" Kid flash exclaimed

However stopped surprised as the dog starts fighting back

Play clip, ignore the talking

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As soon as he'd defeated them all, the animal lands, scratching his ear then letting out a bark

The boys minus ren and rose in shock as she laughs at they're expressing " good boy Argo! Come here buddy!" She coed " come'ere!" She says as he barks runs back, jumping back in her arms waving his tiny tail

Then looks to see them still in shock at what the dog did and her and Rens response" what?" She asked

"That pooch is possessed" Robin stated wide eyed

" how..." kid flash gestured to the mess of Genomorph Elves on the ground

"Later guys, first escaping" Rose says as she puts the dog back in tens backpack, they run for the elevator, Aqualad pries the elevator doors open, this time taking no care in the fact that he's bending the doors.

Kid Flash, rose and Robin join him, looking at the twelve story drop below them, and the seemingly never-ending darkness above them. 

Kid Flash jumps to the side of the column, while Robin uses his grappling hook to get a couple stories above them, ren makes sure Argos safe after moving the backpack to his front, then using his grappling hook and following Robin, Then rose flew up.

As a G-troll comes to take out both Superboy and Aqualad with a mighty punch the Boy of Steel grabs Aqualad's waist and jumps into the elevator shaft. Attempting to fly, and getting nearly 30 levels before gravity begins to pull them back down. 

Shock shows on Superboy's eyes, while confusion shows in Aqualad's." I-I'm falling." he realizes numbly. Robin's eyes widen as he realizes what's happening, as Robin was about to use his birdarang, rose quickly flew down and grab them both by the hand " gotta!" She flies up to the others still holding them

"Superman can fly. Why can't I fly?" Superboy's wonders, eyes have sadness and confusion filling them

"Don't know," Kid Flash says, drawing the Boy of Steel's attention to him, ren and Robin who are standing on the level just below them. "but it does look like you can leap tall buildings in a single bound. Still cool."

the red head put Superboy down to the small ledge, Aqualad follows shortly thereafter.  "Ah, thank you." Superboy murmurs.

A whir from above them catches Robin's attention. "Guys, this will have to be our exit." above them, the high-speed express elevator is coming down. 

Aqualad and Superboy take out the doors, now showing that they are on SL-15.

All six of them just making it out of the column in time before the elevator hit them

G-elves are attracted to the sound and make their way towards the teens in a squad of five, followed closely by a G-troll.  " Turn left, brother." a voice says in Superboy's mind, His eyes widen, slightly confused, but after a few seconds, his mind's made up. "Go left! Left!" he relays. 

They all follow him, as he follows the directions, the voice speaks to him again " Turn right."

"Right." all six make the tight turn, only to lead them to a dead end, only thing is an air vent a few feet below the ceiling. 

"Great directions, Supey." Kid Flash says sarcastically. "Are you trying to get us repodded?"

"Kid Flash." Rose glared, warning the speedster

   "No. I, I don't understand." Superboy confesses as Aqualad and Robin finally catch up to the two faster teens.  "Don't apologize. This is perfect!" Robin says excitedly.

By the time the G-elves and the g-troll get to the dead end the six teens and dog are gone, and the air vent lid on the ground indicating they went in

In the vents

Robin leads the way, a freed Argo from the bag sniffing the trail followed by ren, Aqualad, Kid Flash, lady rose then Superboy bringing up the rear

"Ugh, at this rate we'll never get out." Kid Flash complains.

" please keep your voice down kid" ren pleaded

"Shh." Superboy shushes, coming to a stop and so do the other teens. "Listen." Within the vent system are the G-elves, coming after them


Desmond, Guardian, and Dubbilex run down a hallway. Desmond holds a tablet with the building schematics on it, in a angry tone "Someone, Robin, I'd wager, hacked our systems deactivating internal security cameras, not only that but another snuck past our security!" his voice turns smug. "but he neglected the motion sensors." a group of six and one tiny dots in the vents is following their path, and two groups of three are coming to a T that converges on them.

"The Genomorphs are closing in. They're all coming out in here." he opens the door to bathroom.

"We have them cornered." they stand before the vents, now it's a matter of waiting.

Instead of the teen heroes, G-elves tumble out of the vent, Onto to Desmond and the four G-elves beside him. "He hacked the motion sensors."

Back with our group

"I hacked the motion sensors." Robin says as he continues advanced keystrokes on his hologlove.

"Nice job!" Ren smirked

Boy"Sweet." Kid Flash says brightly, though probably just happy to be out of the vents and in the hallways again.

"Still plenty of them between us and out." Robin grumbles, but they are also right by the emergency staircase.

Kid Flash brings his goggles down over his eyes. "But I've finally got room to move." then opens the door and starts running up levels at super-speeds.

Coming down the same flight of staircase from a level above, he droves of G-elves. He doesn't stop, in fact, he smirks and increases speed, Taking them all out and clearing the way for ren, rose who carries Argo, Aqualad, Robin- who is still hacking- and Superboy. "More behind us." Robin informs out to Superboy.

Who gets to the platform he stops and slams his foot down on the connecting stair, Knocking the whole staircase down and all the G-elves on it.

In the elevator

Guardian, Dubbilex, Desmond, three G-dwarves, and a G-sprite. "We'll cut them off at sub-level one." Guardian assures as they fly past level 15 and 14.

"We'd better or the board will have our heads - my head." he realizes nervously, then presses the stop button on the elevator.

The door opens and he walks out briskly. "I need to get something from Project Blockbuster, just in case. I'll meet you at sub-level one." The doors then close

Back to our group

Kid Flash continues up the staircase at super-speed, making out the door that indicates that he is at Sublevel 1.

As he does an alarm begins to blare, and massive doors in front of him close.

His eyes widen as he realizes he won't be able to stop in time. "Oh, crud." Hitting the doors hard, and his head hitting first, then falling back to the ground a few feet away from the barrier then tumbling over twice before coming to a stop on his butt.

"We are cut off from the street." Aqualad grumbles annoyed as he, lady rose, Superboy and Robin run to catch up with him.

"I have enough of running" Rose complained

Kid Flash rubs the back of his head with a grimace. "Thanks. My head hadn't noticed."

Superboy passes the fallen speedster, punching the door, but not even getting a dent in it, trying to pry it apart, but can't do.

Rose volunteered and tried but to no avail.

Aqualad takes the other half, but even their combined strength cannot get the doors open, Robin is typing at high speeds on his gauntlet, grumbling annoyed.

"Can't hack this fast enough." G-trolls growl and two come around the corner. Robin notices a door to his right. "This way!" he shouts to the others, completing a 270 rotation before side-kicking the door open.

The G-trolls can't make it through the door, but in the adjoining hallway is a drove of G-elves, another pair G-troll, and Guardian waiting for them.

Not to mention a G-gnome on every creature's shoulder.

Behind them, a third G-troll and a half dozen G-elves cut them off.

Aqualad removes his water-bearers, forming dual swords as the other drop into fighting stances as ren pulls out his double SMGs

One of the G-gnome's horns begin to glow, setting off a chain reaction as all the other G-gnomes do the same, Linking everyone against the heroes telepathically.

All teens straighten out of their dropped stances before falling to the ground. Only Superboy falls to his knees. " Perhaps for the sake of all Genomorphs our brother Superboy should make up his own mind." Dubbilex says to all the Genomorphs telepathically.

Superboy's eyes widen in realisation and familiar voice " It was you."

"Yes, brother. I set the fire and lured your new friends into Cadmus, woke lady rose first, then the rest of them when they were in danger-" Dubbilex lists. " And guided me." Superboy finishes. "Why?"

" Because you are our hope, the Genomorph hero. You will blaze a trail for all our brothers, showing us the way to freedom." Dubbilex tells Superboy.

Guardian groans and grips his head, then the G-gnome jumps from his shoulder.

"What's going on?" he questions, stirring Aqualad back into consciousness the same time as rose the dog beside her whine and she picks him up

" What is your choice, brother?" Dubbilex asks Superboy as he stands tall.

"I... choose... freedom." Superboy states with conviction aloud so everyone can hear him, lady rose smiled at the statement

"Feels... like fog... lifting." Guardian manages as the other teens get back to their own two feet as well "Guardian?" Aqualad asks As the group stare at him

"Go." he tells them with conviction. "I'll deal with Desmond."

"I think not." Desmond growls, all Genomorphs behind Guardian part ways to revealing the scientist "Project Blockbuster will give me the power to restore order to Cadmus." he says then downs one of the blue vials that he was working on in his lab.

Guardian backs up, standing protectively in front of the five teenagers as Desmond begins to transform, First it's just his veins popping under his skin, but as he falls to his knees and his body rips through his lab coat and shirt Kid Flash, ren and Robin's eyes pop in shock while lady rose is horrified as Argo growled

Desmond's head lifts from his arm as growls, some of his skin tearing off as his skin tears and turns black and his irises go bright red, Aqualad grimaces in hesitation.

Finally, Desmond stands back up and growls all his old skin ripping off him and now replaced by thicker grey skin instead of his normal skin in most areas.

Superboy tenses as he roars, but doesn't attack, even as the once-Desmond turns towards the six heroes and growls, some his hair and old skin still attached to the left side of his head, breathing heavily.

Guardian puts his hands out to the sides, but the palms turned towards the teens behind him "Everyone back!" before he runs at Blockbuster, only to be swept aside into a wall a good three or feet off the ground. 

Superboy glares harder before charging at Blockbuster with a hard cross hitting the mutated scientist in the jaw

However, he's hardly affected and returns the punch downwards on Superboy's shoulder/back.

Superboy plants his feet and turns a tight 180 to hit an uppercut on Blockbuster's under jaw, Then jumping to do a double cross combo while he's still off balance.

Blockbuster finds an opening and unleashes his own hard cross to Superboy's face, knocking him back a good ten feet.

As Superboy lands on his shoulder he keeps his momentum going and rolls back to his feet, Standing up and charging, but this time jumping into the air with his hands over his head.

Blockbuster jumps at Superboy, catching the teen's core and throwing both of them through the ceiling. 

"My turn" rose growled passing the dog to ren and flying after them through the hole 

"Okay." Robin murmurs, amazement in his voice as he, ren, Aqualad, and Kid Flash stand under the hole "That's one way to bust through the ceiling." releasing his grappling hook through the same hole.

"You think Labcoat planned that?" Kid Flash questions as he grabs onto Robin's utility belt and the two zip up and out with ren following behind on his own wire

"I doubt he is planning anything anymore." Aqualad says darkly, before jumping through the hole himself.

All now standing on the main floor of the building, An expansive room that only has floors on the sides to separate the two stories.

All three protogés ren and Argo who is put down on the ground watch as rose goats fights against the Blockbuster while he attempts to confine Superboy by holding his arms to his sides.

The Boy of Steel is stronger that the mutant, though, and breaks out of its hold. Ready to strike, if he hadn't grabbed his shins and thrown the taller raven at the other three heroes

Kid Flash and Robin are just barely missed, but Aqualad and ren gets slammed into hard.

Kid Flash uses his speed to keep a closer step on the two entangled older boys, who then separate and he positions himself between their heads as Robin runs to join him.

Blockbuster roars as Robin helps Superboy back to his feet and Kid Flash helps Aqualad.When it roars, rose yells as she punches its face, keeping it distracted enough make the protogés and ren to help eachother.

It's tense, but unmoving for a few moments before Blockbuster charges at the girl,

Kid Flash reacts first, then Aqualad, then Robin, ren then Superboy plus the growling dog

Kid Flash uses his speed to run right at Blockbuster, before sliding underneath him and dodging a crippling downward punch, he remains crouched and low to the ground.

Gaining Blockbuster's attention, before he turns back and finds Superboy and Aqualad both jumping at him with twin punches, The two hit him right in the face, and knock him back, Kid Flash helps the process along by straightening his legs slightly and causing Blockbuster to trip backward over him.

"Thanks for lift" rose smirked "It's okay beautiful i learned that one in kindergarten." the redhead says smugly, standing up and blocking Robin from view before he jumps and rotates over Kid Flash before releasing two of his signature disks, as ren jumped up in a cart wheel mid air shooting at the blockbuster

Blockbuster swings his arm and deflects them as he staggers so he's facing away

Only to find Superboy waiting for him. Superboy stands ready, but Blockbuster, being as large as he is, he catches Superboy around the core with both his hands, before standing up and ramming the Boy of Steel into the nearby pillar

Superboy doesn't seem to feel it, as Blockbuster pulls away he unleashes a one-two combo on the large mutant.

Blockbuster pulled away so he could muster a devastating cross to Superboy's head, Hitting Superboy right in the face, but also crushing him into the pillar behind him.

Before it goes for a second, a water whip wraps around its upper arm.

Turning he finds Aqualad using his Water-Bearings hitting the villain in the face with his knee before planting his feet on the pillar above Superboy's head as his water-bearer turns into a mace.

Which, unfortunately Blockbuster catches with one hand and throws the stunned Atlantean and the Superboy to the side

Aqualad hits with a cry, the floor even cracking under the force, Rose's goes in for an attack but Blockbuster catches her grips tighter and then throws to the second story segment of another pillar.

Superboy then attacks the Blockbuster and slamming him into the pillar as he falls and hits with his own gasp, before a slab of the pillar he fell into falls on top of his left arm and shoulder.

Kid Flash speeds in, as Aqualad manages to get out of the way of Blockbuster attempting to step on his head, Grabbing Blockbuster massive wrist and allowing momentum to turn the villain's back to Aqualad.

Blockbuster opens his monstrous hand, causing Kid Flash to lose his grip and catch the speedster's smaller wrist in it.

Aqualad stands, his tattoos glowing as his water-bearer turns to a mace once more, prepared to hit Blockbuster's turned back, Though Blockbuster swings Kid Flash like an extension of his arm, throwing the two into each other.

Knocking Aqualad into a pillar across the room, and Kid Flash into the front of the building.

Kid Flash hits the ground hard, while Aqualad falls but slumps against the pillar just managing to look up before Blockbuster hits him with an uppercut to the Atlantean's stomach.

The move destroying the pillar and Blockbuster continues his move until he has Aqualad pinned against another pillar and a hand around his throat.

Rose recovers and sees this and in full of fury, seeing her teammate being beaten

She then did her punch in the face, then did the diagonal kick to the chest, The Blockbuster then grabbed her legs threw her, but she flipped upwards off, And sweeps him off to the ground

The whole building shakes and the pillar cracks where the floors meet at one of the corners.

Blockbuster then hits tries to hit her but, stops as it gets shoot at by ren, it grabs rose before she can kick its face and throws her at him Robin had watched the entire scene and noticed the damage the blockbuster was causing to the building

"Of course." the Boy Wonder realizes, pulling up the floor plan of this room. "KF, get over here!" Kid Flash gets to his feet and follows the Boy Wonder's call as Blockbuster then grips into Aqualad's face, ready to uppercut him

but is stopped by Aqualad's water-bearer turning into a small circular shield, Seeing this as he stumbles to his feet, Superboy charges at Blockbuster along side with lady rose Hitting him in the kidneys just as Aqualad's shield breaks.

As the others fight robin shows kid flash the plan on his hovo glove

"Got it?" Robin asks.  "Got it." Kid Flash confirms.  "Go!" Robin commands as the speedster zips off towards Superboy and Blockbuster, Zooming around so that he is just off to right of Blockbuster does Kid Flash come to a stop, where the dog hide, before changing direction and hitting Blockbuster with a high speed cross, then picking up the animal so it doesn't get crushed

Nothing happens, but on his knuckles is some of his old skin. "Got your nose." he teases, Argo barks

As rose stand up again she saw Blockbuster throws Superboy down and goes after Kid Flash, barely missing the speedster with two downward strikes from over his head, they then giving Superboy and rose enough time for her to help him to his feet As Aqualad and ren approach  "Superboy, rose, ren, Aqualad." Robin calls pulling up the hologlove again

Meanwhile Kid Flash still had blockbuster distracted running and stopping at one of the pillars "Come and get me, you incredible bulk!" The speedster taunts and  gets out of the way of the punch that destroys the pillar, but some of the debris hits him in the shoulder, Knocking off his feet but making sure Argo was safe

Just barely managing to dodge the double fist combo and dive across the room to keep Blockbuster following him as Robin finishes explaining the plan to the others

"This one, that one and Those thing." he point to the one he wants, the three stronger teens nod and run to it as Robin pulls out three more disks. 

Superboy hits an already damaged pillar breaking it with ease, rose punching the pillar second while ren shoots the third,  while behind Aqualad's tattoos glow as his water-bearer forms a mace as he destroys a next

Kid Flash drops under a cross by Blockbuster and stays just to his right, another pillar now weakened, Blockbuster attempts to hit the speedster again, only to miss, Kid Flash chuckles. "Sorry. Try again." then bolts again. 

While Robin uses chalk to draw a white X on the floor and Aqualad uses his water-bearers to create a puddle that Kid Flash skids through covering up to said X . 

Superboy jumps and hits Blockbuster on his way down with a cross that knocks him straight to the ground, Now right on the X .  Some water is underneath Aqualad's feet and his tattoos continue to glow brightly as electricity crackles, coming from his hands, Which he then touches to the water, Hitting Blockbuster shocking it and making it roar

"Move!" Robin calls as Aqualad releases his hold on the electricity, On the three remaining pillars are Robin's disks, which are now glowing red and green and beeping.

Before they explode. As they do the weight of the roof becomes too much and it breaks right over Blockbuster's head dropping the rubble right on his shocked face, All six teens while the dog is carried by the girl picks it up are running to make it out of the debris field, but can't make it far enough, Superboy jumps over Kid Flash, while Aqualad covers Robin, and ren over rose and Argo, The entire building now crumbled

Superboy punches a small piece of rubble so he can stick his hand through and push the larger piece covering the group of them up with his shoulder.

Rose assists in pushing rocks away and, all six now have evidence of their injuries in their torn suits, but they're okay. Breathing heavily Aqualad turns to ren, Robin and Kid Flash. "We... did it."

"Not perfect but it's amazing experience" Ren pants as Argo howls in a happy tone in Rose's arms

"Was there... ever any doubt?" Robin questions, barely exchanging a look with Kid Flash before they high five, but are forced to drop it as they aggravate their injuries on their sides/stomachs.

Superboy steps fully out of the rubble they were covered in and looks to the still pinned Blockbuster

"See?" Rose swallowed despite the growing discomfort. "The moon," she gestured up to the sky

The others also close gaze up at the sphere in the sky together, Breathing in the cold air, taking in her surrounds, she gently took super boy's hand she gave a gentle squeeze "You're free now. You live your life." She smiled and he looks at her hand before softly squeezing back smiling, the bark interrupts they're moment and they look down at the excited animal wagging his tail super boy gives the animal a gentle stroke on the head then looks and up at the sky again, but then a figure appears in its light, cloaking him in shadows.

Superboy squints slightly, trying to see who it is, As he slows and turns perpendicular to the ground it's obviously Superman.

"Oh. And Superman." Kid Flash comments, Rose groaned while Kid flash finished, "Do we keep our promises, or what?"  Kid Flash asked Superboy  Martian Manhunter, Zatara, Captain Marvel, and Red Tornado fly behind the krytronian

Followed by Captain Atom, Hawkman, Wonder Woman, Hawkwoman, and the first Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)

The second Green Lantern (John Stewart) brings a platform for the Leaguers who can't fly, Black Canary, Aquaman, Batman, and Green Arrow. 

As Batman steps up to Superman, Flash zooms in, standing to Batman's left. 

Superboy steps up first, gaining scrutiny in Superman's eyes, but not stopping as he lifts the torn front of his suit, revealing the same S that is mirrored on his own costume.

Superman's eyes widen in shock, while Superboy's features soften, Only for Superman's gaze to turn hard and cold, bringing on an annoyed look of confusion on Superboy's face.

"..." rose walks forward, Superboy looks at her and she hold out her hand, He takes it and she smile letting him know everything will be okay.  "Is that what I think it is?" Batman inquired staring at Superboy she replied  " he" she correctly in response.

"He doesn't like being called an "it"." Kid Flash says stepping up while ren face palm at his words then Kid Flash putting his left hand to face towards Superboy as speaks.

"I'm Superman's clone!" Superboy speaks up, gaining a shocked look from Kid Flash.

While Martian Manhunter looks to Captain Marvel, Flash looks to Green Arrow, and Aquaman and Black Canary can only look on in shock. 

Batman's eyes zero in on robin. "Start talking." 

Time skip

Both Green Lanterns have Blockbuster trapped inside a sphere, while Hawkman, Hawkwoman, and Captain Atom fly alongside them.

Superman is having a conversation with Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter. Nothing is said for a moment, then Manhunter places a hand on Superman's shoulder, causing Superman to meet Superboy's gaze.

The clone's look is curios, while Superman's is hard, The clone looks away, then glances back, seeing Superman look down and away from him before finally turning and walking towards him, Superman sighs as he meets his cross-armed clone. "We'll, uh, we'll figure something out for you. The League will, I mean." he corrects himself quickly. "For now I...better make sure they get the Blockbuster creature squared away." then he flies away with a swish of his cape.

Leaving Superboy following him with shocked, hurt, and confused eyes, rose grips his hand in comfort, All six and the dog standing together

"Cadmus will be investigated," Batman says drawing the teens' attention to him, Flash, Wonder Woman and Aquaman as they walk towards them. "all 52 levels but let's make one thing clear-"

"You should have called." Flash pipes up, even catching Batman's attention. 

"And the fact that the building here is destroyed and did the mission which is supposed to be not taking it by you" Wonder Woman added as she glared at her protegé

"End results aside, we're not happy." the Dark Knight growled. "You hacked Justice League systems, disobeyed direct orders, and endangered lives. You will not be doing this again."

"I am sorry, but we will." Aqualad states strongly, even Robin steps up slightly. 

"Aqualad, stand down." Aquaman attempts to command the older teen. 

"Apologies, my king," he even makes reverence as he speaks, then his voice goes firm once more. "but no." this catches an eyebrow raise from the King of Atlantis "We did good work here tonight, the work you trained us to do. Together on our own we forged something powerful, important." 

"If this is about your treatment at the Hall, the four of you-" Flash tries to speak but is cut off off, Kid Flash doesn't hesitate to correct him. "The six of us" the bark catches his attention to the dog in Rose's arms, which also contributed " well six and a half, and it's not." 

"I'm Sorry Wonder Woman, but they are right, I have been taught by you for my whole life it's time to use that knowledge." Lady rose added with a serious tone and expression, Wonder Woman looked at her with the sad eyes but acceptance

"Batman, we're ready to do what you taught us, or why teach us at all?" he speaks the quietest out of the group, but as he steps up to speak to his mentor it's obvious that he feels just as strongly about it as they do.

"Why let them tell us what to do?" Superboy questions, his arms uncrossing as he too steps up. "It's simple. Get on board or get out of the way," He concluded sharply stepping forward joining rose, His hand reaches for hers again and taking it, As a unit, a team, all six, the dog being carried were turn back towards their mentors

Mount Justice; July 8th, 8:04 EDT 

Sarah's clothes

Ren's clothes

Green Lantern and Captain Atom are flying large pieces of equipment around the Mountain, but in the Center stands all six teens, now dressed in civilian clothes

Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Hawkman, Black Canary, Red Tornado, and Captain Marvel.

"This cave was the original secret sanctuary of the Justice League." Batman tells the six teens , Argo in Sarah's arms "We're calling it into service again. Since you six are determined to stay together and fight the good fight you'll do it on League terms." All watch as Batman walks slightly away from center of the room. 

"Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be your supervisor. Black Canary's in charge of training." Wonder Woman added  "I will deploy you on missions." Batman with his serious tone  A pair of sunglasses covers Robin's eyes, clearly there to protect his identity, speaks up.

" Real missions?" he checks.  "Yes, but covert." Batman confirms stepping back to be closer to the group before him.  

"The League will still handle the obvious stuff." Flash speaks up from behind Kid Flash's right shoulder. "There's a reason we have these big targets on our chest." 

"But Cadmus proves the bad guys are getting smarter. Batman needs a team that can operate on the sly." Aquaman continues, then turns his head towards Batman to continue the flow of conversation.  "The seven of you will be that team." Batman states.

"Cool! Wait." Robin does the very simple math and realizes the problem. "Seven?"  Batman only looks over his protgé's shoulder and all five turn to see Martian Manhunter stepping out of the shadows with a green skinned, red haired teenaged girl.

"This is the Martian Manhunter's niece. Miss Martian."  She raises her left hand, giving them a small wave and smile, then a shy "Hi." 

Kid Flash looks down to Robin as he puts one hand on his hip, Robin in turn looks up at Kid Flash. "Liking this gig more every minute." he steps up, minorly blocking her view of Robin and Superboy

"Uh welcome aboard, I'm Kid Flash." using his thumb to point at himself.   "That's Robin," the smaller raven steps to the side and giving Rock 'n' Roll sign. "Aqualad." the Atlantean gives a small nod, but says nothing more. "That hottie is rose, "It's cool if you forget their names but rose would never-" he sighs As he says her name but is cut off " M'gann!!!!" Rose squealed flying past nearly knocking kid flash over and hugging the Martian girl who was equal excited to see her friend " I missed you!" She exclaimed " I missed you too!" Miss Martian returned the smile, The dog barks for attention " and you too Argo!" Who starts licking her cheek making her laugh " stop it! your tickling me!"

"Wha?!...." kid flash says in disbelief " she already knows her?!" " rose tends to make friends with loads of different people" robin reminded chuckling

" and the fact that I was the one who's been helping double m get accustom to earth" said girl smirked still hugging her Friend with the dog barking

" right..." kid flash deflates slightly but perks back up " it's cool though!"

"Its Great to not be the only girl on the team!" Rose said it with joy "I'm honored to be included." Miss Martian says sincerely, clasping her hands in front of her to enunciate her point. 

Aqualad, Robin, and Kid Flash all walk to talk to her However, Superboy stays behind, something, Rose turned back, noticing the  one of who hadn't moved. "Hey Superboy. Come meet Miss M." She smile at the clone as he walks over to her and the others slowly

Miss Martian uses her shape-shifting ability to change her shirt color from white with a red X to black with the green X, matching Ren's green also remove her cape. She looks down before speak. "I like the colors." she admits to Superboy and ren, which they gave her a small smile, which causes Robin to nudge his elbow into his chest with a smirk on his features, While Kid Flash zips to his other side with a bright smile, Rose smiled at super boy who smiles back

They turn they're heads slightly to Aqualad.  "Today is the day." the Atlantean says proudly. They all know it's true.    


Below the reconstruction Cadmus Guardian speaks to Dubbilex and the scientist from the endeavor.

"Cadmus changes today. With Desmond out of the picture the board's placed me in charge." he turns to the scientist. "Dr. Spence, you're acting Chief Scientist. No more G-gnomes suppressing our wills no more secret breeding projects. This is a kinder, gentler Cadmus."

"Then I will of course help in anyway I can, brother." Dubbilex ensures Guardian. 

The entire conversation is being watched by the Light.  "Can the Light afford to leave Guardian in charge without the G-gnomes?" a male asks. 

"We have subtle means of control. What concerns me is the children. We now know the League is employing young heroes to do their dirty work. Tch, that's a dark twist."

  "Yes, but one that can be played to our advantage. Even the temporary loss of the weapon may prove useful. Eventually, everyone sees the Light." a final voice says.

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