first incounter
Your pov
It was just another boring day in gotham. Police sirens at 5 am explotions in the distance, that fresh morning brease...WAIT WHAT!! WHY WAS THERE AN EXPLOTION!?! Shit! Gotta find my costume... where is it???! I dont have time for this!!
I grab my costume and head in the direction of the explotion. As i get there i notice that the super sidekicks are already there.late again!! I yell at my self, but before i can leave somone grabs my arm. When i look to see who it is im supprised to see gothams own boy wonder.
"Who are you?" Quetioned the curious bird.
"Im just somone here to help." I reply trying to stay veage. I may be new to the hero thing, but i know robin has a thing for hacking and diging up information that should be bairied.
Its then my mind decides to register that he is still holding my wrist. I flush.FUCK YOU BRAIN!! I yell at my self mentaly. I snatch my wrist from his hand, but i dont leave until i see that he is blushing aswell.
"See you around bird boy." I taunt as i grappel away as sasily as i can.
I may not be the girlyest of girls, but i do know how to catchsomones attention.
~time skipidy~
Its been a few weeks since i first met robin in person, and ive gotten closer to the team...other than wally. Hes too mutch of a flirt.
They finaly convinced batsy to let me join the team. I cant wait to go on my f-
"Hey y/n can i talk to you for a sec?" Quetioned my favorite bird that i definantly do not have a crush on.... ok well mabye i have a small crush, but iys not like he would ever return the fealing.
"Yeah. Sure rob." I replyed masking my almost stutter. Witch i might mention ive never stutterd before i met rob, but now every time i see him its like my mouth is conspiering against me.
He grabed my hand...HES HOLDING MY HAND SHIT!!
Arti just gives me this knowing look. Since shes the only other girl on the team otger than megan i got pretty colse to her. I told her EVERYTHING, and she told me alot as whell, but thats not the point so back on topic.
"I-i was jjust wondering if mabyeyouwouldliketogoonadatewithme?" He rushed out, but supprisingly i undwrstood.
"Yes." Was the only response i could seem to muster out.
"Ill come pick you up from your place saturday at 3 ok?" He asked me. I was still kinda caute off guard so i simply nodded.
~time skip friday 2 cause i lasy~
Exactlt 1 hour till robin comes to pick me up. Now this may be the hormones but i want to look damn sexy. So lets go to the shower!!
~time skip after shower~
All ready to get dressed and go onout.
I said sexy not slutty and this aplys pretty well still showing off my curves, but also not flashing everyone. Alright it passes the test now to wait.
~time skipidy~
Robin.... or now known as dick grayson and i are in the middel of a very heated makout setion and to be honest im not even sure how we got here all i know is that it involved alot of drinks..., but anyways so as i was saying we are back at wayne manor and in dicks room.
3rd pov
Y/n had her legs raper arohnd dicks waist and she was curently kissing dick tung and all. She had gotten down to only her dress and undercloths everything els is gone dissapeard somtime durring the night.
Your pov
Dick started to walk twords what i think is his bed but i cant tell its to dark, but my suspitions arw confirmed when i feel the matress under my back me and dick break apart for air and i look into his beutiful ocean eyes.
"Are you sure you want to keep going?" He asked me. Its cute i can see the lust in his eyes but he still wants my concent before we go any further its so sweet.
"Im sure." I state completely sure that i dont want this to stop.
We then begin to kiss again i can feel his and travel up my back trying to find the zipper on my dress he slowly starts to pull it down as i realise im not wearing anything but underwear under the dress.
He slowly pulls the straps off my sholders and begins to undress me. At first its cold but then i feel his chest against mine apparently his shirt had dissapeard during this. He stops kissing me to look at my bare chest as he starts to grab my brest a sudden knock on the door makes us both freeze and cover ourselves a minuet latter alfeed walks in saying somthing about keeping the noise down but i couldnt hear him well i was to buissy rying not to let my head explode from blushing.
Soon alfred leaves and dick just looks at me trying to hide my face, and burst out laghing.
"You look like a tomato!!"
"Oh ya y-you should see your self!!" Damn my stutter.
"Alright well all things concidered mabye we should just go to sleep."
As he says this he gets out of bed and heads over to his dresser, when he returns he has an oversizws t-shirt for me.
"Thanks" i mutter as i put it on and drift off to sleep.
Bruce pov
"Did you see there faces!?!? Pricless!?!?" I yell at alfrd who just smirks.
"Yes master bruce it was quite entertaining." He replys
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