Damian Wayne// X reader


i was walking around the corner after i just picked up some pads and chocolates because its of cource that time of the month. As my heels clicked on the concrete i started to feel weird as if maybe i was being watched i thought that was crazy but then again this is gotham city.out the corner of my eye i saw a old women and these three thugs harassing her.

"hand the bag over" said one particularly crooked looking thug"and me and my friends will get out of ya hair" he added. i walked over feeling really bold and scared as hell "Hey back off and go back to whatever hell hole you crawled out of she obviously isn't giving it up some move along fellas" 

All three men looked at each other and started to bust out laughing  i narrow my eyes, one guy ironically yells out "is this bitch on her period" they fall on the ground balled up still laughing as if they were the joker.  I balled my fist keeping in mind i have my bag with pads and chocolate and chuck it at them "i guess this bitch is" i yell back.

the chocolate and pads flew everywhere it was a disaster, i walked up to the men who got off the ground and continued to harass the women i tried to hold it back but i balled up my fist and punched one of the thugs it didn't have much affect but i know damn well it hurt my hand so that had to count for something. 

"alright thats enough" one of the other men say as he grabs both my hands placing them above my head shoving me against one of the walls. The other two goons followed their friends lead and walked over to me as one of them pulled out a knife i yelled to the old women "run NOW" she did as i told her and ran as fast as she could.

"No smart ass remarks now?"asked one of the thugs, i smirked and chuckled "guess not" i replied then spat in his face. The other two thugs widened their eyes witnessing this. "Oh i'm going to enjoy this" he said taking the knife from on of his friends and putting it up against my neck i lean back trying to get as far away from the blade as possible but i was still against that damn wall.

Old Women's POV

i couldn't full take in what was happening but i ran like i have never run before and when i got out that alley i ran all the way down the street until i tripped. "Are you alright Miss" said this fluent young man as i looked up i was relieved to see that mask with that R symbol "ROBIN!, THANK GOD,  you must not worry about me down that street there a girl these men are attacking her Please hurry". i saw his eyes narrow he looked down at me quick "get inside mam" and ran even faster than i did.

Y/N's POV 

the man and his friends still had my hands above my head and all i could feel was there hot breathe up against my body. "look here you've disrespected me and my brothers and that's not going to end very well for you" he took the knife and placed it on my cheek very softly at first then pressed down hard and slid it across my cheek. i hissed at this feeling "yea that didn't feel to good now did it" he let my arms go and dropped me to the ground, suddenly all there men started kicking me and punching me i could feel the bruises starting to form. they took the knife one knelled down and lifted up my shirt exposing my stomach started from the bottom of my bra and dragged the knife down harder and harder i started to scream.

"HEY" shouted a figure coming into the ally he was small but yet not that small i cant explain it all i know is his voice made everything sound safe. i started to doze off but i all i could see was this figure kicking these thugs ass's before i knew it all three of them were on ground like me. all i felt was these arms pick me up and i closed my eyes.

when i woke up i was on my coach in my apartment wrapped in bandages but no shirt and no pants. I quickly rose up but i just keep feeling stinging from my stomach "ahh fuck" i said "yea that wouldn't be to smart now would it" i jumped there was a boy standing in my kitchen leaning is back against my counter i would have been completely freaked if he wasn't kind of cute he had green eyes he had the whole baby face thing going but in a sexy way and he was just the right amount of tall. "umm who the hell are you" i spoke carefully getting up off the couch "Y/N you may not know me exactly but all you do need to know is i have been taking care of you" i widened my eyes and stared at him "okay this is getting to much how do you know me" i said to him.

"your wallet duhhh" he replied "look Y/N i don't know why exactly i'm telling you this but i'm the guy that saved your life last night, i'm robin" he added i looked at him astonished i actually had no words i mean i did but i didn't know how to put them. "i just needed to make sure you were okay before i left he said grabbing his jacket off the kitchen counter and started to walk towards the door. "Why" i said looking at him as his back was turned towards me he turned around and waled to me looked me in the eyes leaned forward and said "because you needed help okay" i rolled my eyes "oh what so just cause i'm a girl i cant take care of my self" i protested "N-No that's not what i'm saying" he replied i looked at him narrow eyed "yea well that's what it sure as hell feels like" i say as i take my hands and push his chest moving him away from me and crossing my arms.

he chuckled i looked at him"whats so funny" i said he looked me up and down and said "your cute when your mad" i could feel myself start to blush so i rolled my eyes and turned my head hoping he wouldn't see. he walked closer and closer until i could feel his body and mine touch my face was so freaking red i was still mad but kind of turned on by him. he smirked "yea you are so blushing right now" i couldn't lie i was but he didn't need to know so i punched his arm "shut up bird boy" i turned so i was facing him we both looked at each other i smiled at him and he returned with a smile i wasn't sure what i should do i mean hes cute hes caring and he here in front of me do i kiss him do i tell him to move what do i do.

i decided to go for it i leaned in and he followed our lips connected and it was nothing but pure bliss once our lips were disconected i could see him blushing "awww look at that bird boy has feelings" i chuckle he mumbled something but i couldn't hear "i'm sorry what was that birdy" he looked up and down side to side everywhere but me then when our eyes were locked together he said"my name is damian" i smiled "hi damian" he chuckled "hi Y/N"

we started to kiss some more but hen he just had to ruin it "so your on your period that's unfortunate" he laughed i opened my mouth to speak but i figured it better left alone so i just grabbed that boys shirt and kissed him more.  

Hey Guys not my Best and i'm aware i have been gone and i'm terribly sorry i'm finally on summer vacation and i'm going to update like i should have been doing

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