Chapter 8: "We're Screwed"
The next afternoon the group were about a days ride from Lincoln just south of Bluewater Creek, which was rather full of water due to recent rains and more northern snows. They rode down an incline to where they had heard rumors that their quarry, Henry Hill, was relaxing, supposedly with a woman, from the rumor Dick heard. Kristal followed the group from behind, preferring to stay back, remaining watchful. Dick had been more aggravated with her since after the funeral, so she chose to stay well away from him. She had a feeling he wasn't too happy that he was outvoted in her sticking around. And then there was McCloskey. That man still unnerved her, and he had been acting increasingly odd lately. It was better to remain back and watchful anyway.
Still, Kristal was just happy to have her faithful steed back. Running a hand down the black coat of her mustang, the blonde leaned down, cooing softly to her horse. It felt so good to be able to ride him again, and Midnight seemed just as happy to be ridden. The horse was the only friend she knew she could truly rely on -- the only friend she truly ever had.
Straightening, Kristal noticed the boys had stopped and pulled Midnight to a halt behind Dirty Steve. Realizing she was next to McCloskey, Kristal cringed inwardly. Feeling like she was being watched, she glanced at the man. Sure enough, the fool was staring at her. When he noticed her looking back, he even had the gall to smile and sent her a playful wink. But it wasn't a friendly smile. It was more like he had a secret agenda, and she didn't know what it was. And his wink, was just as unnerving. It made the hairs rise on the back of her neck. Trying her best to ignore him, Kristal perked up hearing Chavez speaking in Spanish.
"Lugar peligroso. This is bad medicine, my friends."
A frown pulled at Doc's features as he looked around, his uneasiness growing, "you got that right."
Kristal eyed both men curiously and then looked down at the shack. It was nestled next to the creek and seemed oddly familiar to her. Had this been the shack she had been at with Belle days before she had been shot. No... it couldn't be... could it? It looked an awful lot like it, though. She was beginning to grow wary. This had to be that old shack, the one that Belle said outlaws liked to lay low in - that she had stayed in briefly. Who knew what they might find in there... or worse, who they might find. Pressing her lips together, she grew annoyed with herself. Why was it she always got herself into these crazy situations?
It had been rare form for Belle to be so far from eastern Texas and Oklahoma to begin with. But the older woman had chased a con-man who had taken off with her money and some valuables. In the process they had come across the law. In an effort to lose the Marshall and his men, Belle had done something unthinkable --- something Kris never thought the woman she considered mother would do. Kristal was then forced to go on the run with a bullet wound in her side after doing her best to take down as many lawmen as she could. Somehow she managed to lose them in the process of escaping. Belle had seemingly disappeared, but Kristal doubted the woman went back to Texas. Hell, she had a feeling the woman was probably camping near the border, unless it was true and the Starr gang really was disbanded --- to which, Kris had her doubts.
Still, Belle, Sam, a few others and herself had stayed in this very cabin learning the whereabouts of the man who thought he could steal from and slander Belle and get away with it. Yes, she remembered this damn shit hole now and it made her stomach twist.
Mirroring everyone else's frowns, Steve looked to Doc, "hell, Doc, you grew up in a place worse than that ain't ya?"
The blond man shook his head, remembering that time with anything but fondness. "Yeah, but I've been encultured since."
Pulling out the warrant, Richard looked it over. His eyes then slid to look at the shack below. "Okay, Henry Hill is supposed to be in there with a lady since noon. We'll show him the warrant and take him home."
Fear settled over Charlie, and he shook his head, wanting to run but remained steadfast. "Yeah... Yeah," he stammered, "we gotta take him."
Then McCloskey added at Kristal's side, "yeah, I'd say we do."
Hearing the fool's words next to her, Kristal rolled her eyes. She heard enough. "Y'all are actin' like a bunch o' pussies. It ain't that hard. Ya ain't even shootin' anyone."
Dick turned in his saddle to glare at her, "If it's so easy, then why don't you do it?"
"I ain't the one wearin' a badge now, am I?" Kristal snapped back. A cool smirk appeared on her face, and she kneed her horse forward to face Richard. "I can easily go in there and gun the man down, though. Hell, I bet I can even slit his throat before anyone would be the wiser. Want me ta try?" She was goading him and by the expression on his face, she'd say it was working.
"No! No, we are not killing anyone." Dick growled, his glare darkening on her.
"Then grow a pair o' balls, Dick an' get yer ass in there ta get yer wanted man. Stop pussy footin' around." Kristal hissed back. She wasn't one to shy away from a challenge. Fear normally egged her forward before it held her back. At least, with most things.
Dick continued to glare at her while thinking of possibilities in getting this job done. And then it hit him. "Heya Billy, why don't you and Miss Starr go on inside and have a look-see."
Surprise flickered over Kristal's features. That was not what she had been expecting. Then again, Billy had the badge. He could quickly issue the warrant. "If that's how ya wanna do this, oh fearless leader." Kristal mocked. She wasn't thrilled about going inside, but she wasn't afraid. Like everything else in her life, she would deal with whatever happened head on.
Dick's eyes narrowed on Kristal, "you can back each other up. In case things go south."
From the back of the group, McCloskey's voice rang out, "she can back me up anytime."
Irritation washed over Kristal's face, and she was about to send a snappy comment back, but Charlie beat her to it, "shut it, McCloskey. We don't need your shit right now." Charlie then turned to her and gave her a warm smile and a nod.
The sound of a grunt came from McCloskey's way, and she turned to see the man holding his side, and Chavez looking smug. Kristal eyed both men and felt something odd fill her. A sense of warmth, of camaraderie, of what a family should be like. Both boys had stuck up for her when she hadn't even asked them to. It was a gesture not lost on her. Movement then caught her eye, and she watched as Dick took out the warrant and handed it to Chavez, who passed it down the line to Billy.
Ignoring the woman, Dick eyed Billy carefully, "go on, now Billy. You go in there and see if Hill is in there. And if he is, then bring him to us." Then Dick finally looked in Kristal's direction, "you can watch his back since you wanted no part in becoming a deputy, but apparently seem to have more balls then we do. So you can prove how brave you really are."
"She's brave enough, Dick," Chavez stated, with a reassuring nod. "Trust me."
Dick shook his head, "I wish I could be as sure as you, Chavez." His eyes remained on her, scowling with contempt, "I need some reassurances."
"Fuck you, Dick. I ain't afraid o' shit. An' when I prove it to ya..." Kristal growled, pausing as she dismounted from her horse, and then turned to glare daggers at him, "ya can kiss my ass."
"I'll be happy to kiss -"
"Shut the fuck up, McCloskey, or I'll cut yer tongue outta yer goddamn mouth!" Kristal snarled, cutting the man's perverted remark off.
Billy, who had remained silent during the entire exchange, opened the warrant and scanned it. He nodded, and a smile broke out on his face. Taking his jacket off, he followed Kristal's suit and slid down from his horse. "Well, then..." He offered his arm to the blonde woman, "shall we?"
Eyeing Billy's arm, Kristal raised a brow. "Hell, no!" And walked off without him.
Billy chuckled at the woman's attitude before hurrying after her, leaving the rest of the boys to watch them with worry in their eyes. They knew Billy was a loose cannon, and Kristal was a spitfire. Taking in Henry Hill was either going to go very well, or it was going to end badly. And by the looks on all their faces, they had a feeling it was going to end badly.
"You sure sending them in was the right thing to do, Richard?" Doc couldn't help but ask.
Slowly, Dick shook his head, watching the door of the shack as the two entered. "No, I'm not. But would you rather have gone instead?" Seeing Doc shake his head, Dick sighed, "the way I see it, they're the most foolhardy and willing to put themselves in harm's way."
"Yeah, but sending a girl in..." Doc just wasn't sure about that part. He was sure Kristal could handle a lot, but this was a bit much.
"You heard her, Doc. She act's like she ain't afraid of a damn thing. There's got to be something she's afraid of. And I'll figure it out." Pressing his lips together in thought, Dick's gaze remained on the shack. "Besides none of us know what she's done as an outlaw. Hell, she came to us with a bloody hole in her side."
"So, what? You're trying to see how far you can push her before she breaks? Or are you trying to figure out what shes capable of handling, or what she can do since she was an outlaw." The expression on Doc's face was one of shock, and a hint of disappointment. "That ain't right, Dick, even for you. You shouldn't have sent her in there. Not like that."
"It's already done, Doc," Dick replied with a frown, not bothering to answer the rest of Doc's questions. "Now, we wait."
Inside the cabin, the stench of alcohol, cigarettes, and lust-filled the air. It was something Billy was used to, and looking at Kristal, he figured it was the same for her. He noticed she merely wrinkled her nose but was otherwise unperturbed and looked around. The two of them stood by the door, which he felt was foolish, but they needed to find out which idiot was Henry Hill. The best way was to listen in around them and remain close to the door in case they needed to make a swift exit.
"Hide that badge before we get killed," Kristal whispered in his ear, her voice warm against his skin. Billy eyed her and then slid a hand over the tin star on his chest.
"You look spooked." Billy couldn't help but say, happily returning the whisper into her ear. He noticed her shiver and smirked, but refrained from commenting on it.
"Outlaws. Two of them, in the back." Kristal whispered back. "And one at the poker table."
Blue eyes flashed quickly to the three that Kristal had pointed out before turning back to her. He was enjoying this back and forth whispering game, and he leaned back over, "know them, d'ya?" He waited for Kristal to say something back, but she never did. He then caught the quick movement of a nod from her, and he frowned. Well, shit. "Maybe we can get out of here before they notice you."
"Hey, Hill!" A man called out, and Billy noted that Kristal shifted uncomfortably. "Ya want another drink?"
A man next to a busty woman, called back, "nah, I gotta drain it first."
Billy eyed the man and nodded to Kristal. That was their target. She nodded in response, and Billy prepared to back out of the odorous shack, hoping Kristal would follow. Conversation between Henry and the woman who was clearly the man's whore began when he caught sight of the man at the poker table eyeing his own female companion. Nudging Kristal, he motioned towards the card table, "I think someone recognized you."
"Shit!" Was all he heard her say before she nearly fell into him, pushing him back.
"What the hell?" Billy swore but was cut off by her lips at his ear, this time even closer. He could feel her warm breath against his skin. That warm sensation went through him again, and he realized he had to focus on what she was whispering to him.
"Follow Hill. Do what ya need ta get him. I'll take care o' this an' meet ya outside with the others." Kristal then straightened and gave Billy a light push, "hey! Why don't ya watch where yer goin' asshole! I'm walkin' here! Get outta m' damn way!"
Shaking his head, Billy was taken off guard for a moment. First, the warmth that swam through him from her lips at his ear, and now she was pushing him away. It left him somewhat confused. Snap out of it, Bonney, Billy had to tell himself. That was when he noticed Hill was heading for the door, just as the man at the poker table called out to Kristal.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here? The lovely," he paused for dramatic effect and then continued, "and fiery Kristal Starr."
Billy wanted to stay and listen, as well as watch Kristal handle this outlaw, but he had to follow the man on his wanted poster. "Goddamn it..." He grumbled and hurried out the door before the stocky Henry Hill. Getting an idea, he looked over at Dick and the others before heading to the outhouse.
Over with the other's, Dick saw Billy exit the cabin with no sign of Kristal. His heart began to pound, realizing something was wrong. "Now what the hell's he doing? And where the hell is Starr?"
It was then they noticed a man walk out of the building below. The boys looked from one to the other in confusion, before watching the stocky man head towards the outhouse where Billy had disappeared to.
"I have a bad feeling about this..." Dick heard Doc say, and the man had to agree, he felt it too.
Inside, Kristal turned her eyes on the man that spoke. Yes, she knew this man all too well. He had often tried to 'woo' her if it could even be called that. His advances had been crude and he often tried touching her inappropriately. "Mark Stanley. Well, if it ain't the asshole who tried kissin' me after our last heist."
"Aww, now, you ain't still sore about that, are you, Starr?" The man grinned, clearly happy to see her. "I know I've tried to forget it since you nearly carved my face in." His grin darkened, and he turned his head to show the healing scar along his right cheek.
"I wish I could say that handiwork makes ya look more dashin', but it only makes ya look like a donkey's ass that got into one hell of a fight," Kristal responded, noticing how the other patrons were now watching them. She had nearly broken his hand once too. The man was a pervert and he didn't know when to quit.
"Hey! It's Kris!" One of the men from the back called out, making Kristal groan inwardly. "Your ma's been looking for you. She an' that husband of hers ain't too happy you went missing. We've been searching high and low for you. We was beginning to think you were dead."
Mark Stanley stepped closer to her, anger flashing in his eyes at her insult to him. Who was she to talk to him like that? "That's right. We have. Where have you been?" His gaze then went to the door remembering the blond kid she had pushed away. "You got a lover? Is it that blond kid? What's he got that I don't have?"
"Shaddup, Mark." The man in the back snapped, smacking him in the back of the head. "If you're sneakin' around with a boy, Starr, your ma is gonna kill you."
The other man, Hal Lester, then chimed in, "nah, she'll just wish she were dead. Belle won't kill her. She's too 'valuable'. That blond kid will be the dead one." He nudged the other outlaw, "bet Sam'll do it too."
"Y'all got it all wrong, gents. He's just some guy I ran inta. Ya really should pay more attention ta yer surroundin's, Stanley." She turned to Hal, "I don't got no beau. Don't want or need one neither." She then turned to Dax, "I was hurt, had ta lay low fer awhile. Ain't no biggie. I'm here now ain't I?" Kristal tried easing the situation.
For them to think that she was with Billy, honestly made her stomach churn. However, when they mentioned how his life could be in danger, worry flashed in her eyes for a brief moment before it was gone. She would not be the cause of Billy getting hurt... or any of the Regulators for that matter --- no matter how much they annoyed or pissed her off. They were all Tunstall's boys and she felt responsible in keeping an eye on them.
"Some guy...?" Mark grumbled, not believing her at all, "you seemed awfully cozy with that some guy."
"Cozy? 'Cause I bumped inta him? Ya need ta learn how ta read a situation." Kristal rolled her eyes for added effect. And then chaos happened. A gunshot sounded from outside, in the direction of the outhouse.
"What the hell?" Someone said.
"Hey, Hill was out there!" The whore shrieked.
"Think someone shot him?" Said another man.
In a matter of moments, everyone had their weapons out. Kristal managed to pull hers before the other outlaws and shot Mark between the eyes and Dax in the chest. She wasn't about to take the chance that they would take her back to Belle --- which also pretty much confirmed the fact that the Starr Gang was still around. Hal dove behind the table, seeing the other two outlaw's dead and began shooting at her. "Put the gun down, Starr, before you get hurt. I'll take you back to your ma, alive or dead. Don't matter to me none."
"That's funny, 'cause if ya go back with me dead, yer a goner too. An' if ya go back without me, well... She might just have Sam break a couple bones... But, at least ya'll live." The blonde goaded pushing a chair into some idiot racing for the door. The chair caught the man's legs and he fell knocking him down and apparently out cold because he didn't get back up.
Swearing, Kris pulled a knife, throwing it at another man who ran for the door, his gun at the ready. Her knife hit the man square in the back. Ducking behind a wall as more men headed for the door, she searched the room carefully taking in every detail , deciding how she was going to escape.
"You best watch your back, Starr. You made enemies today." Hal shouted at her, shooting in her direction. "Might as well put the gun down. You got nowhere to go."
"The same could be said fer you.. but, I'm still hopin' ta kill yer ass," Kristal called back with a frown, trying to figure a way out of the cabin without going through the front door. That would surely be suicide. It was then she caught a glimpse of the dirty window near the back. She would have missed it, had a stray beer bottle not been thrown through the glass. Racing towards the partially broken window, she shot another man in the stomach and pulled another knife out.
On her way, the whore tried grabbing at her, pulling her back. "You ain't going anywhere, you little slut!" the whore growled, grabbing a wad of her hair. The busty woman pulled Kristal against her, ready to hand the blonde over to the other men.
"Try an' stop me, bitch!" Kristal hissed and swung her hand with her knife into the woman's head. A sickening crunch resounded as her knife went through the woman's temple. Holding the woman a moment longer, using her as a shield for the flying bullets, Kristal knew she needed to be quick and let the woman drop to the ground. Jumping onto a chair, Kristal then launched herself out the back window. The rest of the glass shattered around her, and she hit the ground, trying to roll to ease the impact. Still, her shoulder had hit the ground hard, and she felt a warmth trickling down her cheek. Gunshots sounded from behind her, and she quickly pulled herself up and rounded the side of the outhouse just as Billy jumped out the window and landed in... the waste coming from the outhouse, trailing to the creak.
Both brows lifted, and she couldn't help but let out a chuckle seeing Billy in the outhouse sewage runoff. "Wow... Billy. I have ta say, that is quite the look. Shit looks good on you." Kristal had to bite her lip to keep from laughing, and then ducked her nose into the sleeve of her arm, muffling her words, "though, I could do without the smell."
"Shut up, Kris!" Billy grumbled, standing up, his gun still in his hand. He was dripping with the muck and mire of the waste at his feet.
"Oh-ho! Touchy!" Kristal couldn't help but egg on more.
"I swear I'll wrap you in my damn arms if you don't knock your shit off," Billy threatened and was surprised to see a sparkle in her eye.
"Do it, Billy. I dare ya," the blonde challenged.
A smirk pulled at the edges of Billy's lips, and he took a step towards her. He lived for a challenge. A second later a bullet hit the side of the outhouse and his hands dropped to his side. "Later. I'll be all too happy to."
Just then, Charlie rounded the side of the outhouse with both Kristal and Billy's horses. "We need to get out of here, guys!" The two blonds jumped onto their horses and raced over to where the other's were busy shooting the occupants of the shack.
"Bonney! Damnit! Bonney, you weren't supposed to smoke anybody! We got warrants! We're the law!" Dick shouted and then turned to Kristal, "and what the hell, Starr? What were you doing in there? This is bullshit!" He continued to swear as they all turned away from the cabin and rode as fast as they could in the opposite direction, not stopping until they were miles down stream. "Shit! SHIT!" Dick cursed, raking a hand through his hair in frustration.
"We're fucked!" Steve grumbled worry written on his dirty face.
"Oh, god! What're we going to do?" Charlie questioned, trying to hide his shaking hands.
"Hey, it'll be okay," Kristal responded softly to the boy and leaned over to place a hand over Charlie's shaking ones.
Charlie stared down at her hand, noticing cuts along her skin and then lifted his warm gaze to her face to give her a grateful smile, appreciating her effort in trying to calm his rattled nerves. However, looking at her tanned face, covered with bloody scratches, his expression grew concerned. "Are you alright, Kris? You're bleeding..."
"I'm fine, Charlie... no permanent damage," Kristal reassured him with a half-smile of her own.
The man gave her a questioning look. He wasn't sure he believed her. "You know, you're one of us, right? If you're hurt or need anything, we're here for you."
Kristal's lips parted in surprise at the man's words, "Charlie... I..." She paused and lowered her gaze to his hands. Giving them a gentle squeeze, Kristal nodded, "thank you. I ain't ever really had anyone do that for me."
"Never? I thought... well ain't you got a ma? Or a family? I mean... you are a Starr. Part of the Starr Gang?" Charlie questioned curiously, surprised at her admission.
Looking away, Kristal sighed, not sure if she should involve him in the pain of her past. She wasn't a very open person, and emotion was not one of her strong suits. But the way he looked at her, like whatever she said genuinely mattered to him, did strange things to her heart. Was this what friendship felt like? She then sighed, "Belle ain't m' real Ma, Charlie. She raised me... but we ain't ever been a family. I'm more... a tool, a weapon at her disposal for the heists she runs." Acting like it didn't bother her, Kristal shrugged, "We were a gang, not a family. We didn't have each other's back. Most of the gang members were expendable. Belle and Sam's own rule. Don't join 'less yer willin' ta die."
"And were you expendable too?" Charlie asked, his tone soft, genuinely curious, but also concerned.
"Me?" Kristal scoffed, "hell no. I was too damn valuable to Belle. She had me trained young. Learnin' ta scout, sneakin' 'round, actin' invisible. She made sure I was adept with knives and knew how ta use a gun. Ta Belle, I was her little assassin. She had time an' a shit ton of effort invested in me. I'm good at what I do, or so I've been told. I can also pick locks and ride better than most women and men combined if I do say so m'self. Especially better'n those in the gang." There was more that she wasn't saying, but she figured that would be enough opening up for one day.
"I'm impressed. Though, it ain't right either. Didn't you have anyone that cared? That loved you?" Charlie shook his head, sadness in his eyes. But what surprised her the most was, she didn't see any pity, only concern.
Kristal bit her lower lip at first, contemplating an answer. "There were a couple. Marco Sanchez, the Mexican that taught me Spanish... and Ilyonie White Dove, the old Indian woman that would watch me when I was little..." Shaking her head, she turned to see Billy sitting astride his horse, still dripping with the muck from earlier. He hadn't made a sound. But he was staring at her. How much had he overheard? All of it by the look on his face. And yet, she couldnt exactly read his expression either. She couldn't tell what he was thinking and it bothered her. Frowning, her head tilted back to Charlie, "but I think that's enough o' m' life story fer one day."
About to protest, Charlie bit back his words seeing Kristal's expression change. Her face had softened as she spoke, but once she noticed Billy was beside her, her features had immediately hardened back up. That was strange. Why was she so closed off with Billy around? Did she trust him more than the crazy blond? "Yeah, alright. I understand." Charlie gave her a friendly smile. "Anytime you wanna talk, I'll give you a friendly ear."
"Thanks, Charlie. Yer, a pal." Kristal teased, that mischievous sparkle lighting her eyes before turning to Billy. " Haven't ya bathed yet? Ya smell awful."
Billy, who had indeed listened intently to what the woman had said, now smirked at her. "I did owe you that hug. Figured I'd come deliver it personally."
"Bonney, I'm warnin' ya. If ya come near me, I'll give ya a black eye." Kristal hissed, watching as he urged his horse towards her. Clucking to her own horse to back up, she quickly turned Midnight down towards the river. "I ain't kiddin' Bonney, stay the hell away from me."
Laughter erupted from Billy's lips. He loved a good chase, as well as a good challenge. And Kristal was proving to be one of the biggest challenges of all. Kicking his mount into a run, he chased Kristal down towards the creak, whooping along the way.
Off to the side, Dick and Doc had been discussing the events that had just transpired and decided they would all head back to town. They would lay low, staying out of the public view, but they needed to see what repercussions Billy's actions had, and by doing that, they would need access to a paper. It was their best course of action for the moment, though Dick had a feeling that Doc had other reasons he wanted to go into town. He was sure a certain celestial beauty was on the man's mind.
A splash sounded, and both Richard and Doc turned to the creak, their hands going to the guns at their waist. Two horses stood riderless in the flowing water. "What the hell's going on?" Dick called out.
"Billy was chasing Kristal, he caught up to her, and she pushed him off his horse. 'Cept Billy grabbed her and took her down with him." Steve explained, having watched the entire scene. He then spat and shrugged now with disinterest.
Rolling his eyes, Dick grumbled under his breath. Those two were the reason they were in this situation. "Tell them to stop messing around. We're heading out."
Steve nodded and spat some more tobacco on the ground before urging his horse towards the water's edge. "Hey! Dick says we're heading out." He didn't bother to wait for them and turned his horse back to where he had been previously waiting.
Sputtering water out of her mouth, Kristal's face burned with irritation. Why that two-bit asshole, she thought, dragging me down with him. The last thing she knew he had reached for her, still covered in the shitty muck, she dodged and managed to push him with her boot. She hadn't waited to see if he regained his balance, just started to ride off, when something grabbed her hand and yanked her back off her horse. And the next thing she knew, she hit the frigid water of the river. It took her a moment to gain her footing and pushed out of the water. "Damn you, Bonney!" Kristal growled under her breath, drenched from head to toe. Her hat floated nearby and she grabbed the brim before it went down stream.
Hearing Steve call out to them, Kristal just stood there and waved a hand to him. She shivered and turned towards her horse. "Midnight, I swear... one o' these days I'm gonna kill him." She grumbled, reaching for her horse's reins, she set her hat on the saddle horn to dry. A horse nickered to her left, and she saw Billy's horse still riderless. "What the hell? Where the hell is he?" She figured he would have got up by now like she had. The water wasn't that deep. It came nearly to her chest, but thankfully she also knew how to swim, however the current was strong and she had to reach out for Midnight's reins to hold steady.
Letting out an annoyed breath, she looked around for the blond. "Bonney?" She called out, though her voice was lost to the rushing water. Her gaze raked the water's surface, a frown etching its way across her lips. Where the hell had that man gone to? "If you try an' scare me, Bonney, I'll run a knife straight through yer heart... jus' a word o' warnin'."
Still nothing. Pressing her lips together, she inched her way back downstream, keeping an eye out for the man. As she inched through the water, occasionally the ground dropped out beneath her and she had to tread a little before regaining her footing. Damnit all, where was he? Her gaze carefully moved over the scenery. Still nothing. "Bonney!" She called again, a little louder this time.
"Chiquita! What are you doing?" Called out Chavez from shore. "Dick wants to leave."
Glancing back at Chavez, Kristal shook her head. Why was she so worried? If the fool had drowned, it was no skin off her back. Yet, it still nagged at the back of her mind. "Where's Bonney?" Kristal called out to Chavez.
The Mexican-Indian man looked surprised and then glanced around. "I don't... wait... what's that? Over there!" Chavez pointed to some washed-up debris. It looked like clothes along the far edge of the shore.
Kristal noticed it too and quickly splashed through the water in her effort to get to it. "Billy!" She shouted, realizing it was indeed him. What the hell had happened? "Goddamn it, Billy!" Reaching his side, she pulled him back. He sagged in her arms. "Shit!"
Riding forward, Chavez watched her concern in his eyes as he dismounted to help her. "Is he...?"
The woman dragged him to shore and felt for a pulse, but she couldn't find anything. "No! Damnit! Bonney! Don't you dare die on me." Her gaze lifted to Chavez, worry deep in their green depths, "I don't think he's breathin'."
"How? What happened?" Chavez questioned, rushing toward her. He knelt on the opposite side, his worry evident on his face.
Lowering her ear to Billy's mouth and nose, she didn't hear or feel anything. Panic rose inside her, and she placed her palms on his chest and started pressing down in quick jerks. Nothing. She continued, her gaze focused on Billy dreading what was to come... but if it saved his life...? "I pushed him in the water... I think... I don't know." Her thoughts were all jumbled as she lowered her face close to Billy's. Still nothing that she could tell. "Damn..." She whispered, hesitating. But there was no time to lose. Taking a deep breath, Kristal pressed her lips against Billy's partially open mouth and exhaled to force her breath into his lungs.
And then something shifted beneath her. Arms went around her, holding her firmly and... wait, was Billy kissing her? Her green eyes widened, and she pushed herself away from Billy's former lifeless body. As she sat back, her gaze stared at the grinning Billy, stunned. Had it all been a ruse? Had he tricked her into...? Warmth filled her cheeks, and fire flashed in her eyes at the realization.
"If you had wanted a kiss, all ya had to do was ask. I would have happily obliged." Billy spoke up, smugness in his tone, before breaking into a coughing fit, spitting out water onto the ground next to him.
"Billy... I wouldn't... We thought you were..." Chavez began but was swiftly cut off.
"Dead... or dyin'!" Kristal nearly shouted, anger rising in her throat. "I should kill ya myself fer that stupid little stunt!" She tried her damndest to ignore the feel of Billy's lips against hers. The warmth that exploded inside her for the briefest of moments before she realized what was happening. Wait! Would that be considered her first kiss? A kiss she hadn't even been a willing participant in? "Ya stupid jackass! What the hell was that? Makin' a fool o' me?" Her eyes narrowed, and it took everything in her to not slug him in the face.
"Hey now! You're the one that pushed me in the water. I wasn't gonna go down without a fight. I had to drag ya with me." Billy defended, still coughing a bit.
"An' what? Ya played dead so ya could take me unaware? Scare the shit outta o' me. Thinkin' somethin' happened to ya... that ya had drowned...makin' me feel guilty... Jus' so ya could... that ya could..." Her anger was getting the better of her as she stammered her irritation. "KISS ME!" The fear she had felt for him had been very real, and it scared her. "Fuck you, Bonney! Ya can go ta hell!"
Surprise flickered over Billy's features, "You were scared for me? I didn't think you were scared of anything?" The corner of his lip curled up when suddenly her fist came at him, but it never connected. His eyes widened as she recoiled and began to stand up. He noticed she was shaking. But he wasn't sure if it was from anger or the cold or maybe even something else. "Wait!" He quickly sat up, wincing some and reached out to grab her hand, "hear me out, Kris."
"I suggest ya let me go, Bonney. I'm havin' a hard time not killin' yer sorry ass." Her husky voice was low, deadly, and Billy was actually worried she meant it.
"But," Billy tried.
Chavez stepped forward, "let her go, Billy."
Frowning, Billy released her from his grip. But he wasn't about to let it go. "I hit my head if you must know! Completely blacked out. Still got a lump ta prove it." Billy watched her pause in her walk back towards her horse. "If you hadn't done what you did, I probably would have drowned." He wanted to continue and apologize for scaring her, but she was already walking away again without a word back to him.
"Damnit!" Billy swore.
Chavez stared down at Billy, "sounds like you owe her a life debt, my friend." When Billy looked up at him, confusion in his eyes, Chavez continued." If you say she helped you. You owe her. She saved your life. Though, I think you owe her anyway, for taking advantage of her by kissing her."
Throwing a rock at the ground in his frustration, he turned to watch Kristal ride off. His brows drew together in thought, and he nodded. "I kinda couldn't help myself." His hand went to the back of his head, and he winced feeling where he had hit it. "I feel bad for scaring her, though. It weren't my intention..."
He then gave a sheepish smile, "I can't say I didn't like the kiss though. It was..." He paused remembering the feel. It had stirred something in him. "It was nice. Soft and warm." He licked his lips, savoring the flavor of the kiss. "She tastes sweet... sweeter'n that personality she's got. That kiss was like a secret look into the softer side of the woman." Seeing Chavez's brows rise, Billy shook his head slowly, pulling himself out of the memory. "But, to be fair, I didn't know what the hell she was doing. I just felt her lips on mine and kinda went with it."
Thinking about the kiss made him warm again, despite the freezing wet clinging to his clothes. He remembered opening his eyes to see her face over him and coming towards him. He didn't know what the hell she was doing so went with it. Her eyes had been closed and from that proximity he could see a small scar over her weathered nose. Wet, honeyed locks fell into her face and he realized she was actually quite beautiful if someone took a good look at her.
Sure, he had then kissed her. And for a moment he thought maybe she might have liked it until she pulled away abruptly. Again, he had watched her carefully, noting how green her eyes were and how the gold flecks in them seemed to light up as if they were on fire. Of course, that was when he realized his mistake.
"And now you've made her angry. She almost hit you. She wanted to kill you." Chavez reasoned, offering a hand to his friend helping him up.
Taking the other man's hand, Billy stood, wincing at the ache in his head. "Yeah, she did. She stopped, though... Maybe that means she really don't want me dead? Ya think?" It had surprised him. She had every right to hit him. He shouldn't have kissed her but he honestly had no idea what she was doing. Why hadn't she followed through on hitting him, though? He deserved it. "I'll apologize when she cools off... if she ever does." Billy looked in the direction, Kristal rode off in. It was weird. The feel of her lips on his felt right. It felt like he was whole again. It had warmed him from the cold of the water. And he so wanted to do it again. But now he made a mess of everything and very much doubted he'd ever have that chance again.
Still, he hadn't meant to take advantage of her. That was the last thing he ever wanted. "You think she'll ever speak to me again?" He didn't know what he'd do if she didn't.
"Who knows. You get under her skin, my friend. You more than anyone else." Chavez responded with a shrug.
"I know." Billy couldn't help the smile that flickered over his face and lit his eyes. He enjoyed riling the blonde outlaw up. It was entertaining. "Well, if nothing else... that dunk in the river got me mostly clean. I guess I owe Kristal more than I realized." He chuckled and moved to his horse to meet up with the rest of the Regulators.
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