iv: a.w.o.a.


Niall stands before me, smaller than ever as my eyes peer into his. He looks almost ashamed, but I can't understand why. Well, I mean I can; most people in the stripper business don't like to be noticed by others. But Niall...Niall gives the lifestyle this innocent authentic glow that drives my longing for him to an all time high.

His delectably milky thighs are completely exposed, the lace panties hugging his hipbones and genital areas in all the right places. A white t-shirt covers his torso and I almost swoon as I sit in awe of what has just happened. The young boy's ass is also perfectly outlined, to a point where it doesn't occur to me that this is illegal.

The only thing running through my run track mind is that Niall may just be a work of art.

"You dance here?" I ask, still grovelling over his plentiful body as he nods, confirming an answer to my question.

"You come here?" he counters, and I shake my head.

"Only because I heard that you were here. I thought...well why not give it a try, if I had the chance to see you again..."


"I met some fans and--"

"Oh god," he groans, "they go to my bloody fucking school. Those girls harass me every day about this I--god shit..."

His hand nervously rubs the back of his neck, and the second I see his fingers shaking, I want nothing more than to take them and kiss them 'till they're still. I can hear him shakily breathing as I refuse to take my eyes off of him. He probably wants me to look away to spare him shame, but I can't. I don't see any shame in this situation; he's just a kid, trying to find a way to find his way.

Niall's just a kid.

"How long have you been here?" I ask him, "You know, dancing?"

"A few months," Niall answers, walking over and sitting down next to me on the floor, "it's not so bad. I get good pay, no one touches me unwantingly or does me wrong, it's just watching everyone else receive the treatment they keep me away from."

"What are you worrying about paying?" I ask him, taking a seat on the floor and sliding off the chair, "There has to be a reason...?"

"College tuition," he answers quickly, "nothing else. I just want to be able to go to school; but my dream school costs too much. It's out of our budget, and I just want to be able to go."

"Which school?"

"Pembridge Hall," he tells me, and I sigh, nodding as I relate to his situation. I wanted to go to one of those expensive schools; but it wasn't Pembridge Hall. I had my heart set on Knightsbridge when I was younger. Though, when I had been introduced to music, that dream faded away right beside my own sanity. The little of it I have left doesn't want to bother with college.

"It's a nice school, isn't it?"

"My mum and dad took me there when I was little. Always dreamed of going there."

"So you decided to take it on your own?"

"What other choice did I have?"

"The choice to be a seventeen year old," I stress, "work a regular job Niall."

"This pays a lot Harry...I want to go to this school."

I stop trying to convince him and simply attempt to think for myself for a second. He really wants this; he's set on it. But I don't want any man that steps foot into this strip club lay a hand on him again; ever.

"...I'll pay for it."


I'm not thinking rationally, and maybe I'm high from the second hand smoking I'm committing by breathing this toxic air, but I honestly couldn't give less of a shit.

"I'll pay for it. I will."

Niall shakes his head in disbelief as he scoots to face me.

"No. I will not let you do this. You're made of money, and I don't want you wasting it on me."

"I literally risked my career walking in here," I say, "my management team would kill me if they knew I was here. The only reason I'm here is because of you."

"That doesn't matter--"

"No, it does." I take his hand before he can pull away from me again. This isn't fair that I can't just help him with the expenses. I have the power; why not use it?

"Okay," I try to compromise, "here's how we're doing this."

"Excuse me?"

"Give me a lap dance, do your thing." I say, sitting back on the chair, his small hand still dangling from my delicate hold, "That's why you're here, right?"

He nods in agreement and I continue,

"I'll pay you, but in the form of the tuition."

"Harry I don't want you to take care of me." Niall repeats, "I'm a big boy. I can do it myself."

"What if--"

"Please," he begs, "at least let me think about it?"

So I allow him that, telling him I'll give him a while to consider. He nods, relief washing over his face when I drop the subject. This is what I want to use my fame for; helping this boy pay for his education (and someone as enticing as him doesn't deserve to stress). With all these samaritan thoughts swirling in my mind, it doesn't distract me from the other intentions I have when the blonde comes to mind.

"But you'll still give me a lap dance, won't you love?"

His entire face burns red when I say it, and when he searches my features for a sign of banter, I shake my head, indicating I'm one hundred percent serious.


"I haven't thought about you all day and searched this entire strip club for you to just say hello," I respond to his shock, "plus, I'm intrigued by this...more scandalous side of you."

'Scandalous' drips off my tongue and trickles down to where my limp length lays (say that three times in a row) and practically sends an electric current through it. My throat runs dry as I think about just what Niall could do to me as I sit on this white chair.

"Alright," he exhales, "what song, then?"

"You choose." I say as I watch his bum move with his hips when he walks over to dim the lights. He turns on the disco lights and I chuckle looking around as lights begin to flash in different areas of the room. Buzzcut Season begins playing in the speakers and my attention is immediately drawn to where Niall now stands in the center of the room, his back pressed against the metal pole in the center of the room. His pale hands (now looking a bit darker due to the lighting) grip the pole as well, his teeth pressing down onto his bottom lip.

All I really want is for him to be on top of me, right now, but I know the build up will make it better than I expect it to be. His eyes are demanding my attention and I won't deprive him of it. No, not when he's looking at me like that, pulling me under the beautiful blue waves of his eyes.

He saunters over to me, his hips swaying evenly as he narrows his gaze down with my own. I feel myself tightening as the song picks up and his cold hand reaches up to touch my heated cheek.

"Why are you so cold?" I ask.

"Because you're the only one that's warmed this cold soul," he says sarcastically with a wink before slowly placing himself on top of me, "but seriously, it's cold in this place and I'm only in a t-shirt and panties. You expect me to be warm? Don't you feel it?"

"No," I say, "I've been warm since I've seen you."

He nods, licking his lips before pressing them chastely to my forehead. My eyes flutter shut on impact as he pushes his mouth down on the skin that lies right below my hairline. My hands wander to where his thighs stand, gripping them and slamming his ass down on my thighs. His lips pull from my head and rush to my mouth, the colorful tastes I got when I kissed him last making a wondrous reappearance. It's an explosion of fireworks within my entire body once our lips meet again.

His hands travel through my hair as he grips tightly, giving him a good angle on my mouth. My own hands sprawl all over his back, trying to find a crease or an indent to grasp onto for a better grip, both nothing comes so I just revert back to his hips as he grinds down softly onto my groin.

"Mmm..." My voice cracks as he buries his head into my neck, kissing lightly as his hips move with the music, deeper as the proximity between our bodies slowly decreases.

"I want you," I hear him whisper quietly, a wimper following, "I want you so bad Harry..."

"I want you too baby," I respond feverishly, "when are you leaving?"

"Who goes a shit?! I'm leaving now."

I nod, detaching our lips after one last kiss, pulling him off my lap and giving him a slight tap on the ass.

"Get your things; we're going back to mine."


I slam his back up against my front door, his small body folding into itself as he latches his lips onto mine after a car ride that lasted longer than it should've. The warmth of his tongue slips into mouth and I moan softly, loving (and longing for) the 'get to it' attitude Niall harbors under all that fluff.

"Mmm Daddy..." a groan leaves the pits of his throat as I kiss him roughly, the word sending me in a spiraling daze.

"I'm gonna fuck you on this table, you hear me," I whisper seductively, and when he nods I oblige, taking the young boy into my kitchen and bending him over my table, just like I said I would.

I rest my hand on the square of his back as I pick around for the lube I keep in one of my kitchen cabinets. The only reason I have a bottle down here is for specific situations like the one playing out in front of me.

Niall's antsy against table, his hands reaching down to touch his aching length, but I reach over to grasp his nimble hands as soon as he gets a good grip.

"Ah ah ah," I taunt him, "me first."

I set the lube down on the counter beside where his head lays, crouching down and spreading my hands against his ass cheeks.

"I've missed this ass..." I mumble before slipping off the last article of clothing between my tongue and his pink hole. I made him keep the shirt on for reasons unmentioned.

He whimpers when I blow cold air, gripping the sides of the table as I push my tongue inside of him painfully slow. His moans echo throughout my barely lit house as I gradually bring him closer to his edge.

My tongue flicks over his prostate a few times, gasps escaping his body as he jolts against the hard surface.

"Fuck..." He groans, placing his feet on top of my shoulders as I move faster, kneading his cheeks with the palms of my hands and adding more to the pleasure he's receiving.

"Fuck, Harry, I--"

I pull out before he can utter the words, unzipping my pants and pulling my boxers down with them. I see Niall peek his head back, and for a second, he looks so endearingly cute. I can't help myself as I walk over to where he can face me, kissing him softly.

"I'm gonna ram you on my kitchen table," I tell him sweetly and he chuckles before I return to my position, opening the lube and smoothing it all on my hard dick. Niall sighs, reaching over to spread himself even more before I ready myself before him.

"Don't go slow," he demands, "please go fast; I need you now."

"Yeah I can do that," I grunt, thrusting hard into him and emitting a gasp from his pretty pink lips.

"Fuck," he cries, his knuckles a ghostly white as he grips the sides of the table harder than before. I continue like this, thrusting faster and harder than each previous one. Niall looks as if he's on Cloud Nine, his hair messy and ruffled, his eyes dark with lust and his grin turned up from the ecstasy running through his veins. This is the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on. His back arches against the table and his moans become louder by the second. He's hanging off the edge, and he can't even tell me because of the pure pleasure he's experiencing.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuu--"

His toes curl, and his eyes roll back slightly as he looks back at me, tears rolling down his cheeks. The sight alone carries me into my climax, thrusting once more before releasing into his tight asshole.

"Fuck..." I breathe, exhaustion hitting me as I finish off, the both of us remaining in awe of the sex we just had.

"God," he whines, "my ass is gonna hurt so much."

"Don't worry," A smirk emerges on my face, "at least everyone will know that your ass belongs to me and only me, yes?"

"So you're claiming me now?" I hear him laugh heartily and I roll my eyes playfully, pulling out of him and pushing my dick into my boxers.

"Maybe," I respond, "but remind me to get your phone number before you leave, because there is no way I'm letting you just walk away next time."

"Not a problem," he says, "I like doing this. Fucking a music legend."

"Oh..." I say, immediately turned off by the mentions of 'music legend'. It's always been more than my accumulated fame for me. Especially in relationships with others, if not anything.

"Did I say something wrong?" Niall asks cautiously and I shake my head, denying his clause.

"You're fine," I shake it off, "It's nothing. Should I drive you home?"

"It's too late now," Niall shrugs, "I'll stay here."

"No worries," I shrug, "my bed?"

"Your bed?" he asks, and I nod, confused. Isn't it where he stayed the last time.

"Yeah, didn't you stay in there last night?"

"No, we slept in the guest room."

Right. We did do all that in the guest room. Niall and I haven't exactly slept in my bedroom yet. I watch intently as he picks up his clothes off the ground, his dirty underwear hanging from his finger.

"Showers tomorrow, or tonight?" I ask and Niall responds with a quiet 'tomorrow' before walking on upstairs.

"Do you have school tomorrow?" I ask again quickly and he groans, leaning on the stair railing.

"You actually sound like the dean," he laughs and I roll my eyes. I'm not going to keep him from his education, no matter how much he makes me crumble when he looks at me.

"Sorry," I roll my eyes, "I just happen to care."

"I do have school tomorrow," he tells me honestly, "but it's a late start. They've got teachers' meetings and such."

"So what you're saying is," I whirl around to corner him on the stairs, "we can actually spend a morning together without you running out of here in a flurry?"

"Yeah," he smiles, "I guess we can. I don't have to sprint out to catch the train and whatever; we can have a slow easy morning."

"Good," I sigh, running upstairs and passing the guest room, "because what happened this morning wasn't fun for me."

"It wasn't fun for me either," he agrees, "but what I don't like is that you seeked me out in the nightclub."

"Why not?" I ask, concerned, "I just--"

"I know you were trying to find me," he says, sitting down on the bed, "I know. I just wish those girls hadn't spilled the beans. It's embarrassing, you know? Having your private information being thrown around like that because some people are just that cruel."

"No," I respond, seating myself beside him, "I do understand. If anyone understands, it's me. My personal business gets thrown around every day, you know?"

He smirks, nodding as I continue my mini-rant.

"In fact, I remember someone dug up some old pictures of me in golden thongs, and leaked them online. I'm still not sure how they got their hands on the pictures in the first place; they were locked away in secret. It's just something people do for no real reason, you know?"

"It's a fucking punch in the face..." Niall mutters, annoyed, "like, what if... what if I leaked their nudes huh?! That's basically the equivalent of the humiliation they've put me through for the past five years!"

"Five years?!" I ask, scooting closer to him as he takes his phone out, "Now I'm involved. What happened?"

"They've been bullying me since I came out. We all used to hang out together, and I was closer to them than they were to each other. You think that would be a main indicator that I may not be straight, but I guess not. But when they found out, the harassment began."

"Why would anyone harass you...?" I ask, confused as to why someone would want to hurt the boy that appears so fragile and innocent on first glance.

"It's not that hard to pick on the weak," he chuckles, "m'not sure why you're so surprised."

"I don't see you as weak," I tell him truthfully, "I think of you as visually innocent. It's what draws me to you, essentially."

"So what got you crawling back after day one, was my innocent demeanor? Should I be offended?"

"You make it look overly appealing," I confess, but he shrugs it off. And suddenly, as I watch him scroll through his bullies' Instagram posts (exposing a bit too much skin for my tastes), a surge of intrepidness pulses through my veins.

"Let's go on a drive," I say, "I'm hungry. Are you?"

"What?" Niall locks his phone and looks up at me, "I don't understand."

"Let's just go somewhere," I offer, "I feel awake and I don't really want to sleep."

"You're acting like a teenager," he grins, a blush emerging on his face as I get up and walk over to my drawers. I take out a pair of older joggers and a flannel slightly bigger than he is, handing the articles of clothing to him hastily.

"Maybe you've influenced me," A smirk flows with my response as Niall gets dressed. The pants and flannel fit loose on him, and he looks cute and comfortable in my clothes. It's an adorable look; God knows how long I can get away with this until my management team finds out I've been seeing him.

"Alright," I say, holding out my hand for him to take, "let's roll with it for awhile."

next chapter will take a little bit longer,
though it'll probably be shorter; this isn't my only book!

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