(06) clan of none

Hitomi regretted doing the domain expansion.

Not that she should, but she just couldn't stand the questions or curious looks that Gojo and even Geto had been sending her way. Gojo mainly had been pestering her, just to get her to tell him how she had done it. Domain expansion was something incredibly hard to do, but once you mastered it, you could do it like it was nothing. And with cursed energy like hers, even an incomplete domain was pretty powerful.

Gojo couldn't do it, not yet at least. So, if there was one positive thing that came out of this, was that she could hold this over his head. Hitomi was better than him at one thing; one very powerful thing to be exact.

Hitomi threw back her head and laughed to herself. Maybe she didn't really regret casting a domain.

In a jovial mood, she hummed as she walked down the corridor. As she arrived at the training room, Hitomi could hear strands of a conversation. Smiling, she opened the door and in a manner that was quite dramatic, greeted her two classmates. "What are you two ladies gossiping about in here?"

"Hey!" Gojo looked outraged. Meanwhile, Geto just shook his head, smiling a little.

"Where's Yaga-sensei?" Hitomi asked as she kicked off her shoes.

"He has some meeting that came up suddenly," Geto replied, crossing his arms. "We have to train by ourselves, which means..."

"We can do whatever we want," Gojo smacked his hands together. Wary of the smirk on his face, she took a step back.

"Just remember we can't train here with cursed techniques," Geto stated matter-of-factly and quite firmly.

"Then we all know who's going to be the winner," Hitomi started to say. "It's definitely going to be..."

"Me," Gojo finished the sentence, the annoying smirk still present on his face.

"Oh that's what you think? Please, your physical strength is practically negligible," Hitomi scoffed, dismissing his words. But it was a lie. Gojo did not just have an insanely powerful cursed technique, but also was blessed with an inhuman amount of strength. Same with Geto. Both these boys happened to have extremely strong cursed techniques and unnatural strength. But she was no slacker; she could take down Gojo in a fight without cursed techniques, that much she was sure of.

Gojo made a face and rolled his eyes. Geto looked like he was regretting everything, especially the choice of being here.

"Let's make a bet then," Gojo said, stretching his arms over his head. "You win, I'll buy you lunch for three days from wherever you want."

"Make it a week and I'm in," Hitomi answered, already grinning at the thought of spending Gojo's money. He really should not be making deals with his wallets; but eh. She was benefiting from it.

"Done," Gojo replied. "But if I win, you're gonna tell me how you did the domain expansion."

"Actually," Geto looked like he was very reluctantly admitting this out loud. "I'm kind of curious about it myself."

"Geto!" Hitomi huffed, almost puffing up her cheeks. "You were supposed to be on my side! Well, whatever. I'm gonna win and Gojo's buying me lunch."

"We will see about that," Gojo said, as he got into a fighting position.

Geto stepped back. He was not going to be involved in whatever this was; though admittedly he wanted Gojo to win so that he could find out how Hitomi managed to do something as hard as the domain expansion like it was nothing.

"Don't go easy on me," Hitomi replied.


Then they lunged at each other.

Physical fights were interesting, Hitomi had noted. Most people generally fought in a pattern. While they switched up their moves to try and surprise their opponents, if you had trained yourself to see, to observe, you would notice even their surprise moves came in patterns and their bodies moved in a specific way. Hitomi had stayed up late, trained herself to recognize these patterns and study them obsessively so that she could break them.

As Hitomi swung her right fist to strike Gojo's face, he grabbed her left arm and twisted it behind her back. Letting out a sharp gasp, she kicked his feet, sending him stumbling to the ground. Not wasting a second, she slammed her body into his, holding him down.

"You already lost," Hitomi taunted, shifting the force of her weight to his back. "I already have plans about where I want to go for lunch."

"Do you now?" Gojo spoke and she could just hear the smirk in his voice.

Before she could react, Gojo flipped her over and pinned her on the floor, his knee pressing onto her stomach. His blue eyes were bright and teasing.

"You're heavy," Hitomi said, irritated. "Jerk."

"Who's the loser now?" And Gojo was laughing, laughing without a care in the world.

Annoyed, Hitomi pressed her lips together. There was no way she was letting him win. Letting out a breath, she relaxed herself and let her arms go slack. Gojo grinned as he hovered above her, obviously pleased by the fact that Hitomi was 'giving up'. He relaxed his grip and Hitomi mentally smiled. Idiot.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. And as she felt Gojo slowly move off her, she took her chance. She forced herself upwards and slammed her head into his face. It was a slightly painful move, but totally worth it when she heard Gojo yelping in pain and then proceeding to stumble backwards.

"Ha!" Hitomi exclaimed gleefully as she pulled herself up. "I meant it when I said, that you already lo-"

With his long legs, Gojo reached and kicked Hitomi's knees, sending her off-balance and causing her to slam face-first into the ground. He definitely knew she was the fool here.

"You're the loser! You're the loser!" Gojo almost started cheering as she let out a groan.

"I'm going to kill you, stupid white-haired idiot!" Hitomi lunged for him, ready to tackle him to the ground. But before she could do anything, Geto put his hands between them, stopping her from punching Gojo's stupid face.

"That's enough, you two," Geto spoke firmly. "I would have let you two fight, but you both looked like you were seconds away from using your cursed techniques on each other."

Hitomi scoffed as she rubbed her nose. "I don't need my cursed technique to beat this loser."

"I was the one who won though," Gojo had a smug smile on his face, a smile she would do anything to punch off.

"Hitomi had a better fighting technique," Geto stated, looking between the two. As calm as he was, Geto was also a secret agent of chaos.

"Still, I won," Gojo kept on smirking. "You better not run away from fulfilling your end of the bet. Loser."

"Uggh, you brat!" Hitomi nearly screamed. "I'm going to kill you and rip out your heart."

The stupid fucker had the audacity to laugh. "No need to be so loud, sweets."

Jujutsu High was probably going to see a murder on its grounds, very soon.

It was not like she had revealed something big, but telling the boys about her mastery of her cursed techniques made Hitomi feel like she had lost something. A tiny something, but something nonetheless. But in a way, she was glad this physical fight had taken place. It had been the perfect way to secretly vent out all her irritation at the fact that the very same day was the day of her weekly hospital visit.

The two boys, the so-called (and rightfully so) strongest duo, were off on a mission. While she did get to go on missions with them, because the two of them were special grade sorcerers, they were assigned missions that she wasn't allowed to be on. Or a better word would be, she wasn't let to go on.

But someday, she would be.

'Izuki,' She asked as her hands hovered over the door to her father's hospital room. 'Do you want to come out today?'

'No, I'm too tired for that,' Izuki answered. 'You're gonna have to deal with him on your own.'

'Fine, whatever. Have fun on your nap,' Hitomi sighed as she felt Izuki retreat back into her soul. As Izuki's presence faded, she knew he would not be waking up today by any chance.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door.

Nothing had changed since the last time she had visited, not like she was expecting it too. Nothing was different about this room, except for the flowers that had been changed from bright red roses to dull white lilies. Her father lay on his bed, eyes open as he stared at the ceiling. Upon hearing her enter, he turned his head slightly.

For the sake of politeness, Hitomi greeted him calmly. "Hello, father."

"Hitomi," His voice was the same as usual, though he sounded slightly weaker. But it was nothing out of place.

"How are you doing?" She asked, standing with her arms crossed. Sitting meant carrying out a longer conversation and what she didn't want was a longer conversation that would, in all probability end up in a fight.

"I'm fine," Ayase Akihito answered. "The nurses came by just before you arrived to give me my medicine for the day."

"That's good," Hitomi said. And because she did not have anything else to say, she settled for wringing her hands together, trying to form words to push forward this awkward conversation towards its end.

"How is your training going?" Akihito suddenly asked, looking oddly calm.

"Great, I guess," Hitomi answered, slightly narrowing her eyes. He hadn't really asked about her training in the past few months, so it was definitely kind of suspicious to hear the question. But it was just a simple question with a simple answer. "I've managed to improve a lot of things and my cursed technique has grown stronger."

There. This was the perfect answer.

"Good, that's good," Akihito said, staring out the window. "It's good that your technique is stronger."

After a slight pause, he continued. "Have you thought about it? About taking over the clan leadership?"

Hitomi scoffed. "What clan leadership? Two people don't make a clan, father. We are no clan. Just two people who belong to a family that once had a lot of power."

Seemingly in a daze, Akihito replied, "A clan doesn't have to be multiple people. It can just be two; a father and a daughter. Or it can just be one..."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Hitomi angrily spoke, her voice an octave too high. "How can there be one person? You're still here."

It was his next few words that caused her heart to sink to the floor.

"Not for long. I think my time has come," For the first time since this visit, Hitomi realized her father sounded more tired than he had ever been.

"This existence has been carried out for too long," Akihito continued. "I want it to end."

"Why?!" Hitomi stormed towards the hospital bed, feeling so utterly angry. What he was talking about...it wasn't supposed to happen. It was too soon. "Why should it end? What gives you the right to give up so easily? Are you really that much of a coward?"

"I've always been a coward, my daughter," Akihito said. "I was a coward my whole life. I've been a coward since our entire clan was murdered and it was me who was forced to become the head of the family. I've been a coward for the whole time I raised you. I've been a coward who..."

"Don't you dare!" Hitomi grabbed his frail, unusually cold hand. "You don't get to say anything about it! I don't want to hear it! Just stop, okay?!"

"You were always the brave one for both of us," He was rambling now and his purple eyes, a trait Hitomi shared with him, were watery. "I couldn't even be strong enough for you or your mother. But you are nothing like me. You will be better. You will be much better. Much stronger with a powerful cursed technique."

"I don't want to hear it!" Hitomi staggered back, covering her ears. Much to her horror, tears filled up her eyes. "Stop it! Just shut up!"

"This clan will live on, you know," Akihito said. "Even if you are the last member, it will live on and continue for a long time. It will have a much kinder leader in you, my sweet daughter. A leader who deserves everything."

"Why the hell can't you shut up?!" She wasn't going to cry. She wasn't. Shedding tears over this cursed old man was something she had vowed never to do. And yet... "All of this...all of whatever the hell you're saying, you know that is too fucking late?! You don't get to say such shit now! You have no right."

"There was never a better time," Akihito said, his stare going towards the ceiling. "Things are going to change. The world is a different place from what it used to be. I'm not sure if this is the world I want to be in."

"It's already been decided for me. It's my fate. And all I want is to just..."

"Shut up! Shut up!" No matter how strong her resolve, a few stray tears fell down Hitomi's face. "Don't say anything!"

"...Go peacefully and tell you that I..."

"Don't fucking talk! You stupid old man, don't fucking talk!"

"...love you...and how I wish things were different..."

Before some things happen, there was always this odd feeling, a sign that some important, big thing was about to pass. It was a feeling, an odd fear buried in the pit of her stomach. It shouldn't have meant anything. It was just a feeling. It was nothing important. But...

Hitomi didn't want to cry or scream or shout. She slowly opened her eyes, not wanting to feel anything. It wouldn't have mattered though, like so many other things.

Her father's eyes were closed and there was a peaceful look on his face. His heart monitor had flatlined, and there was a loud buzzing sound, a sound she hadn't even noticed. Somewhere behind her, a door slid open and she heard a gasping voice. Nothing seemed to sink in. Everything seemed to sink in.

She covered her mouth and stared and stared and stared. It didn't matter anymore, did it? Nothing would change it. Nothing at all.

Her father was gone and the clan was officially dead.

Nothing mattered.

Everything did.

Hours later (or was it just minutes??)Hitomi was sitting in the quiet hospital waiting room. It was empty, devoid of people, because of course it was. It was late at night, visiting hours were already over and no one should be here.

No one except a girl who just lost a father she hated.

Documents were filed and signed and all that was left to do was...cremate...him. It was apparently a tradition in their family. No one was ever buried. They were all cremated and their ashes scattered in some river.

One of the nurses had draped a blanket over Hitomi as she was led out of the room, a blanket she had a tight hold on.

What did she have to do...?

Oh yeah. She had to call Yaga-sensei. The old man had the misfortune of being an old friend of her father's. He should know

Somehow, she reached into the pocket of her skirt and pulled out her phone. The brightness of the screen made her wince and her fingers trembled as she dialed Yaga's number. It didn't take him very long to pick up.

"Hello?" He spoke, picking up the call.

"Hey Yaga-sensei, it's me, Hitomi," She answered with a nervous laugh. She wasn't even sure how to say what she wanted to say. "So, um...things happened and..."

"What's wrong?" Yaga's tone of voice instantly shifted to one of concern. He knew her far too well. "What happened?"

"Well, dear old father died. And I don't know what to do. I guess I have to cremate him. And just...I don't know."

"Are you still at the hospital? I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Oh..um..thanks, I guess. I'm gonna go now. I need to call Shoko."

"Be safe, Hitomi," Yaga's voice was kind, yet held pity in it. And she hated it. She hated any forms of pity; she hated being pitied. It made her feel small, and no matter how much people thought they were doing something to help, it didn't feel like helping at all.

She hung up, not having the heart to say bye. With still trembling fingers, she dialled Shoko's number. The phone rang and the dial tone seemed to echo through her head, a noise that never ended. But thankfully, Shoko picked up quickly and the noise cut off.

"Hey Hitomi," Shoko said. She sounded bright, cheery and unaffected by the darkness of the world. "What's up?"

"Shoko...," Hitomi's lips quivered as she spoke. "Father just died."

"Oh shit," Shoko cursed. "Fuck that's...how are you doing? Where are you? Still at the hospital?"

"Uh huh. And I don't really know how I'm doing. I just...I hated him, I hated him so much. You know that."

Shoko must have remembered the white lie she had told her all those months ago, because her voice sounded a little angry. "I do. And you should hate him. He doesn't deserve your love. Not after what he did."

Hitomi sniffled. "I know. I know. But why can't I stop being sad, Shoko? My heart hurts so much. It feels like I've been stabbed. And I hated this man. I hated him so much. He was cruel. But...it's...I don't know why the fuck I have to be sad for this oaf!"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Shoko spoke, sounding a little agitated. "He was your family and even if you hated him, he was still your family. It's okay to be sad about losing a family member. You are allowed to express your grief, your emotions, your anger, everything. You're allowed to do that."

"Fucking hell, Shoko," Hitomi cursed again. Why did this have to happen to her? Why? This was a punishment, she was sure. A punishment for her past sins. It was a curse inflicted on her by this world, this cruel, ugly world. "I..fuck!"

"What do you plan on doing now?"

"Yaga-sensei is coming to help me with things. I guess he'll help me with the funeral and shit."

"Do you want me there? Because I can be there in half an hour."

"No, please. Stay at the school and deal with the boys. If they ask anything, just tell them I'm on a mission. Don't say anything about my dear old Dad."

"Are you sure?" Shoko sounded a little wary. "You know how those two are."

"Shoko, we've lied to them a thousand times before and they still don't know. Trust me, if I want to tell them about things, I'll do it myself."

"Alright. Leave that to me. You take care, okay? And the second you need me, let me know. I'll be there. Love you."

"Love you too, girlie," Hitomi said, speaking with a sad smile on her face. Shoko was the best. She owed that girl so much.

Hitomi rubbed at her eyes, trying to alleviate the itchiness caused by her tears. There were things to be done.

A clan of two was now a clan of none.

happy birthday, gojo!

in honour of my fav white-haired anime man's birthday, here's an update! this should have been posted a while ago, but life just got in the way. but i promise I'll be updating more frequently; in all likelihood, on a weekly basis. I just have to finish prewriting some chapters.

in the meantime, i hope you enjoyed this chapter! your comments and votes would mean a lot!

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