"It's almost twelve!" I yelled jumping onto Ryan who was on the couch.

"No it isn't. It's 10:12. Calm down." Ryan said trying to push me off. I climbed closer and hugged him so he couldn't push me off.

"But let's bring out the wine and champagne!" I slurred a little and Ryan looked at me.

"You're 20." Ryan said and I nodded.

"I've gotten drunk around you before. You let me get drunk." I slurred again and Ryan looked confused.

"Did you already get into it?"

"You bet!" I yelled sitting up a little.

"You pass out before 2018 I'm gonna be mad that I stayed up and didn't get my New Years kiss." I smiled and started to lean down.

"Have it now." Ryan put his hand out.

"I think not, New Years kiss is a special thing." I nodded, Yes I was drunk (slightly) but I still understood things. I wasn't completely wasted.

"Tomorrow we'll get you dem tattoos." I said and Ryan laughed and hugged my waist.

"That's Great Babe." Ryan said and I nodded.

"I know!" I slurred again and Ryan laughed squirming a little trying to get me off of him.

"Babe, get off I'm gonna go eat." I nodded and fell off Ryans lap and he got up grabbing some cereal.


"What time it is?" I asked placing my hand on my head.


"1! 1! 2! 3!!!" I yelled and Ryan shhh'ed me.

"Babe, that's not how you count." I looked at Ryan surprised, in my drunk phase the turning of the wheels inside my brain took longer.

"Ohhh!! It's one two free four." I said covering my mouth when I said 'free' instead of 'three'.

"Annnddd no more champagne or wine." Ryan said taking the beer in my hands away.

"Heyyy!" I yelled and Ryan put it on the coffee table.

"Eh eh eh." Ryan said shaking his finger in my face. I pouted and Ryan giggled swinging his arm around my shoulders. "Wanna watch Sherlock?" I nodded and Ryan put on the first episode of Sherlock: 'A Study In Pink'.


We had the TV on the count down at New York.

"10-9-8-7-" The count down began on the TV and I had Ryan by the collar of his shirt looking at me. "3-2-1-HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

I pulled Ryans lips against mine as there was a bunch of cheering going on the TV. I was drunk but I knew I wanted to make Ryans New Years kiss special-like he wanted.

I kissed him softly before he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling my lower half closer to him. I let go of his collar and put my arms around his neck and tilted my head to get more force into the kiss.

Ryan was already taller than me but he was standing on his toes to makes matters even worse.

Once I pulled away Ryan smiled.

"Thank you, you made this so special to me. And with Clay, Babe-c-can we renew our v-vows?" Ryan asked twisting his fingers around each other. I placed my hand over his and he stopped fiddling.

"Of corse we can." I said and Ryan sighed. "Want to now?" I asked and Ryan nodded. I took Ryans hands in mine taking a deep breath. "George Ryan Ross III, I love you. You've opened up to me so much in the past few days. And I want you to know something about me," Ryan tilted his head in confusion. "I was stressed about drinking tonight because when I was younger: 14 to be exact. My father came home with a bottle of beer and set it down on the table. He told my mom his work was going to need him to transfer states. But being a family of 3 and my mom being pregnant with the twins. We couldn't move, he ended up moving and packed that night. I remember being so upset and hurt he was leaving us that I found the beer and drank myself to sleep." Ryan gasped and pulled me into a hug. "I'm almost done babe. I'm so sorry, for every bad kid I made, or said. I'm so sorry that we fought. I love you so damn much Ryan Ross. And I'll never stop loving you." I said. And Ryan squeezed my hands.

"Brendon Boyd Urie, I love you. You're beautiful, and sweet and even when I get mad at you if I just see that face I want to kiss you. And thank you, for actually saving my life. And I'd jump in front of a bullet for you. Brendon, I couldn't ever stop loving you. And I figured since you told me about your dad, I should tell you about mine..I was actually 13 and one day there was a lockdown at school and parents came and picked all their kids up after. My friend: Jon Walker picked me up because my parents weren't home. When I got home I was surprised to see my dad sitting at the dinning room table. I said 'good afternoon sir.' He looked at me and scoffed before getting up. 'Why you home so early Boy?' He asked and I remember how much he towered over me at the time. 'There was a lockdown.' I told him trying to go up stairs. He grabbed my arm and threw me out of the front door. And that was the same year I figured out I was gay. I asked this boy: Frank to the dance with me. He said yes and after that we began dating. My dad was homophobic and I guess he found out somehow. He shoved me down the stairs and into the ground and threw my backpack at me. It hit my head and knocked me out. When I woke up I was in someone's bed and there was a ice pack on my head. My mom was sitting there holding the ice pack to my head. She started to ask what happened and if I was ok. All I asked was where's dad? And she told me he left. Left to be with "a better family" than us. And I never saw him again. Later that year I got broken up with by Frank and he started dating this boy named Gerard. Their actually married now I follow them on Instagram. And I'm so happy I found you baby. I love you." Ryan said letting go of my hands and crushing his lips onto mine. I pulled away after we ended up falling on the couch in our make out session.

"Baby I'm so sorry." I said and Ryan shook his head.

"It's fine really, I'm just glad he's gone. Happy New Years Bren." Ryan kisses my lips again.

"Happy New Years Ry." I mumbled against his lips.

Let's hope this year is better than the last
And honestly 2017 wasn't too bad yes there where some rough patches but honestly I did some great things
Some of which are:
-going to Europe
-becoming 'emo' (I guess you could say)
-going to a fob concert
-becoming even closer to all my frens
-becoming comfortable in my body
-dying my hair all sorts of different colors
-going backpacking
-getting through depression
-started Wattpad
And idk if im forgetting anything but oh well
We cant have a serious conversation in this family lol
One of the times one of my family members started crying tonight bc of what she said but then before my grandma spoke my grandpa goes: "So is this cheesecake?" Lol I found that so funny
Also I started 2018 right, I put my songs on shuffle and Na Na Na came on when we where going back to the house we're staying at
We have a plane ride tomorrow oh god
Lol I hope y'all will have a good year :)
(Also infer anything you want to happen after this conversation lol)

~enjoy killjoys~

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