Chilton Formal
At this weeks Friday night dinner Emily, Rory, Tina and Lorelai are all sitting around eating dinner. "Your grandfather called last night and told me to let you know he's bringing you back something very special from Prague girls." states their grandmother
"Wow, Prague. How amazing is it that he's going to Prague?" comments Rory
"That's cool, I heard that Prague has nice shoes" smiles Tina at the though of a new pair of shoe's
"It's supposed to be lovely, very dramatic castles everywhere and lots of Shoes"
"Did you know the cell that Václav Havel was held in is now a hostel? You can stay there for like $50 a night." an excited Rory adds before turning to her mum and Tina "Hey, maybe on our big trip to Europe we could go to Prague and stay in his cell."
"Absolutely. And then we can go to Turkey and stay in that place from Midnight Express and don't worry Tina we can go shoe shopping"
"Lorelai, what are you doing?" questions their grandmother
"Getting rid of the avacado." answers her mum like it's the most common thing ever.
"Since when do you not like avacado?"
"Since the day I said, "Gross. What is this?" and you said, "Avacado." gaining a giggle from Tina
Turing away from her daughter to her granddaughters "I'm focusing on you two now. Tell me all about the Chilton formal next week."
"There's a formal?" questions their mother , in the excitement of getting asked Tina forgot to tell her mum.
"How do you know about the formal?" frowns Rory
"Yeah, how do you know about the formal?" wonders Lorelai
"I read my Chilton newsletter."answers Emily. who knew she got the newsletter
" Since when do you get a Chilton newsletter?"
"Well as a major contributor to Rory's and Tina's education I figured I had the right to ask for a newsletter to be sent to my house." as Emily goes to get her copy of the newsletter.
"Are you serious?"
"And it's a good thing, too, since you don't bother to read yours. One of us should be up to date on the goings-on at Rory's and Tina's school."
"Hey, Mom, I read my newsletter."
"You did?" asks their Grandmother who is shocked that Lorelai would even pick my something to read
"That's right."
"What was the picture on the cover?"
Leading Lorelai to answer uncertainly "It was a picture of a really rich kid in plaid." causing Tina to laugh knowing that that was not the cover. As their Grandmother shows Lorelai the cover "It was a spotted owl."
"In plaid." jokes Lorelai as the girls try hold back their laughs
"The owls are endangered and Chilton is taking donations to help them." before turning to the girls "You both gave a very nice one, in case you're interested." causing Tina to smile that owl was so cute.
"Mom, don't be giving donations on Rory's or Tina's behalf. I'll do that."
"How can you do that when you don't bother to read the newsletter?" sassy's back their grandmother
"I read the newsletter."
"You didn't know they were taking donations."
"It's a private school. They're always taking donations. They teach a class in it. I'll get them next time."
"Well what about the owls?" complains her Grandmother
"They'll live." replies her mum wanting the conversation to be over.
"Well apparently they won't, dear. That's why they need the donations in the first place."
Looking away from her mum to the two girls Lorelai questions "So, you two have a formal coming up?"
"Yeah, but I don't think I'm going to go." answers Rory before Tina can open her mouth
"Nonsense. Of course you're going." firmly states her grandmother
"Mom, if Rory doesn't want to go she doesn't have to go and what about you Tina are you going to go" questions her mum
"Well I don't understand why she wouldn't want to go, so are you going Tina" as everyone looks to face her
"Yes I got asked today I'm going" grins Tina
"Is it Matt" questions her mum getting a nod from Tina before turning back to her mum "I know you don't."
"I'm gonna go get another Coke." as Rory leaves the table
"So Tina do you need a dress, we can go shopping if you would like and who is taking you" inquires her Grandmother
"It's ok I already knew what dress I am wearing and I am going with Matt he goes to Chilton with me"
"Well that's lovely, what is his last name?" Not wanting to give away who he is Tina stands up from the table "I think I'm going to get a coke too" Leaving her mum and grandmother at the table.
After the end of the eventful Friday night dinner the girls are all in the car driving back to Stars hallow.
"Why didn't you mention the dance?" questions Lorelai taking her eyes off the road to look at the girls
"'Cause I'm not going." answers Rory while Tina shrugs "I just forgot to tell you"
"Oh. But why aren't you going?"
"'Cause I hate dances." frowns Rory
"Good answer. Except you've never actually been to a dance and your sister is going you two would look so cute in your dresses"
"So you really have nothing to compare it to." adds Tina
"No, but I can imagine it."
"That's true. However, not really, since you've never actually been to one you're basing all your dance opinions on one midnight viewing of Sixteen Candles." comments Lorelai
"So you should have a decent reason for hating something before you really decide you hate it." adds Tina from the backseat
" Trust me, I'll hate it. It'll be stuffy and boring, the music will suck and since none of the kids at school like me, I'll be stuck in the back listening to 98° watching Tristin and Paris argue over which one of them gets to make me miserable first."
"Rory's it's not going to be that bad" smiles Tina
"OK. Or it'll be all sparkly and exciting and you'll be standing on the dance floor listening to Tom Waits with some great-looking guy staring at you so hard that you don't even realize that Paris and Tristin have just been eaten by bears."
"What guy?" questions Rory causing Tina to hid her laugh is she really playing dumb who eles would it be but Dean
"I don't know -- maybe the guy who hangs out in our trees all day waiting for you to come home?"
"Dean does not hang out in trees." Defends Rory but they all know that they are true
"He bashed his head on a branch last week when I came out of the house too quickly." smirks Tina
"Why do you care all of sudden if I go?" questions Rory her mum and Tina cause they have never cared if she didn't go to anything before.
"I don't care if you go. I just don't want you to miss any experience because you're too afraid." confesses her mum
"I'm afraid? Of what?"
"You know"
"Of asking Dean. Of him saying 'no.' Of going to a dance with a bunch of kids who haven't accepted you yet. Of dancing in public. Of finding out you should never be dancing in public." states Tina peeking her head though the two front seats.
"OK, OK, I get it."
"Listen, I know you are not Miss Party Girl like your sister, and I love you for that just like I love Tina for being herself, but sometimes I wonder -- do you not join in because you really don't want to or because you're too shy? If the reason you don't want to go is because you really don't want to go and not because you are in any way afraid, then this is the last time I'll mention it, I promise." continues her mum
"I don't have a dress." frowns Rory
"I could make you one" before turning to Tina "Same goes for you"
"Really?" smiles
"Yes please" answers Tina
"Oh yeah. We could get some great shoes and some new earrings. You could get your hair done."
"You won't think I'm an idiot?" looking between the two
"Depends on what hairstyle you choose. This dance could be great for you." smirks her mum
"Don't worry I will help you Rory"
Walking down the halls of Chilton Tina spots Matt with Tristan at the table where Paris is selling tickets to the Chilton Winter Formal. Walking up to the two she greets them both "Hey guys how's it going" getting a kiss in return from Matt and "Could be better" from Tristan just as Paris starts speaking
"Hi, Tristin." greets Tristan with a flirty look or at least that's what Tina thinks the look is
"Two, I assume and what about you Matt two as well"
"You assume right." answers Tristan
"Two for me thanks" as Matt wraps his arms around Tina
"So, who are you taking Tristan? I'm guessing that Matt is taking Tina" questions Paris
"Why, are you free?"
"I'm, uh..." ponders Paris
"Nah, what am I thinking? You wouldn't be free this close to the dance." as he hands her some money for the tickets Matt doing the same.
"Here's your change." handing both boys back their change
"Hey, is your hair shorter?" flirts Tristan
"Yeah, a quarter of an inch." causing Tina eyes to widen who knows how much of an inch they had cut off
"I got it trimmed" continues Paris
" Looks good."
"Thanks." Finishes Paris as Tina and Matt head to his Locker while Tristan see's Rory standing in line.
It's finally Saturday night the night of the formal and Lorelai is sitting on the couch reading a magazine waiting for the Tina to come down as Rory as already shown her mum her outfit.
Making sure that everything looks perfect Tina does a once over in the minor admirting her mums handy work when she hears her mum yell"We're in here!"
Walking down the stairs Tina hears her grandmother "We're in here? That's how you answer the door?"
" Well I was all out of Saran Wrap." sassy's back her mum
"I don't even want to figure that one out. I just want to see my granddaughters. Where are they?" looking around Emily spots Tina walking down the stairs.
"Oh Tina you look lovely" while Tina looks to her mum "Oh hunny you look so pretty and grown up your sister is in the Kitchen"
"Oh, perfect. I want to be all ready for the big entrance. How's the light in here? Never mind. I'll just take one with the flash and one without to make sure we got it right." an excited Emily Gilmore tells Lorehai
"Wow, Mom, look at you. You'd think Anne Taylor was having a sale or something." as Emily, armed with a camera, gets into position
"OK, Rory, come in here please and Tina move to stand near your sister" just as Rory comes into the living room wearing a kitchen towel as a bib and eating a taco causing Tina to start laughing at the sight of her
"Hey, Grandma"
While their Grandmother turns to Lorelai "She has lived with you too long."
"Honey, lose the bib and the taco, put your shoes on, come back out, and let Grandma take the pretty pictures of you and Tina."
"OK." smiles Rory just as Sookie comes in.
"I'm gonna get going." comments Sookie
"You are not driving."
"I walked" reply's Sookie before looking to the stair case "It was nice to see you again, Mrs. Gilmore, or at least make out your shape."
"Call in fifteen minutes or I'm sending out a search party." as Emily takes too take several pictures of Rory and Tina
"I'm so glad you decided to buy them both dresses"
Just then a knock is heard one the door, guessing that it is Matt Tina heads to the door, seeing Matt waiting for her with flowers.
"Hey Matt, you didn't have to bring me flower your so sweet" as Tina is handed the flowers
"It's the right thing to do for taking a date to something" answers Matt causing Tina to blush
"Well I will put them inside do you want to come in for a mintre till we leave
"No problem" as Tina leads them into the house placing the flowers in a vase on the way thou
"Matt this is my mum Lorelai and my grandmother Emily and you knew Rory from school"
"Nice to meet you Matt I have heard a lot about you, all good don't worry" smiles back Lorelai while Emily shakes his hand "I didn't know you knew my granddaughter Matthew, have a lovely night tell me all about it at dinner on Friday Tina"
Waving goodbye to everyone Tina and Matt make their way to his car heading to the dance.
Arriving at the dance Tina feels like she is one of those classic teen movies, she is with the guy she is seriously crushing on who also happens to be her boyfriend and she feels like a princess in her dress. Making there way though the crowd Tina spots Louise and Madeline eating the bread off the plates.
"You guys look amazing I love your dresses" smiles Tina
"Thanks but you two are so cute together I wish I could get a boyfriend" thanks Madeline before looking and seeing their dates alone "Enjoy we will see you later we got to find save our dates" leaving the two alone
"Would you do the honor of dancing with me Miss Gilmore" asks Matt holding out his hqand
"Why of course Mr Rothschild" taking Matt's hand who leads them to the dance floor, the two start dancing comfortable in each others arms. Looking around the dance floor Tina notices Dean and Rory dancing together but also Tristan watching Rory from the side of the dance floor.
Looking at Matt Tina asks "Do you reckon that Tristan likes Rory"
"I think he does he looks at her with such longing but I could be wrong he's not the type to want a relationship from what I have seen in the past"
"Interesting anyway I'm sorry about my grandmother she can be a bit over the top but how does she know you" questions Tina
"She knows my parents and grandparents, sometimes I have to go to dinner party's and she is there" answers Matt
"Wow you poor thing" fake comforts Tina but soon turns her head around when she hears Paris yelling.
"Now you can just go all over the school and just tell everybody that Paris Geller couldn't get a date to the dance. That she had no one and since she couldn't just not come, she had to get her mother to ask her cousin Jacob to take and then she had to give him gas money to make him do it. Go ahead! Tell them!"Yells Paris
"I don't have to. You just did." states Rory as Paris looks around to see everyone looking at her.
"Well that was different" smiles Matt "Would you like something to drink"
"Yes please you really are a great boyfriend you know" grins Tina as Matt goes to get her a drink
Looking across the dance floor Tina sees Dean and Rory starting to walk away but Tristan steps in front of Rory causing Dean too shoves Tristan. People around them stop dancing and start watching the two guys including Matt who has just come back with drinks
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" asks Dean
"OK, you will not push me again." an angry Tristan replies
"Are you seriously trying to act tough? You're wearing a tie for God's sake."
"Outside! Now!" Yells Tristan just as the music stops abruptly
Tina turns to Matt "Should we do anything"
"I don't think so lets just let them work it out on their own" before the two go back to watching the fight
"I'm not fighting you. It'd be like fighting an accountant. I'll call you when I need my taxes done." states Dean just as Tristan lunges for Dean but it takes a few other boys and a man to separate them including Matt
"You don't want to fight me Tristan!" yells Dean again
"Why not?"
"'Cause I'll kill you, idiot! Come on, Rory, let's go." which causes Tina eyes to widen that's a big statement just as Rory and Dean walked away Tristan breaks free from the people holding him back.
Dean turns around to face Tristan "You will not come near her. Ever again." After finishing his threat Dean and Rory finally leave.
"Wow. That was good." comments Madeline
"Whatever." adds Louise while rolling her eyes walking off while Matt comes over to Tina
"That was full one, do you want to head home the event is kind of over now" nodding her head and taking Matt's hand the two grab their coats and head back to Matt's car.
Arriving back at her house Tina leans over from the seat and kissed Matt "I had a great time tonight for most of it so thank you"
"No problem it was interesting, I will see you at school" giving Matt one final Kiss Tina makes her way to the porch watching Matt's car drive off. Entering the house making sure to be quiet in case her mum is sleeping. Walking into the living room Tina is greeted by her sleeping mum and grandma not wanting to wake them Tina walks up to her room before getting in her PJ's and heading off to sleep.
The next morning Tina is woken by her mum's yelling down stairs, checking the clock to see it that it is only 5:30 Tina heads down stairs cause if her mum is yelling at 5:30 it must be important.
"Where's the phone? Call the police." Tina hears her Grandmother yell
"Why would you call the police" a sleeply Tina asks why yarning as she makes it to the bottom of the steps.
"Oh my God Tina you scared me I thought you were lost or kidnapped I didn't know you got home, is Rory up stairs with you" her mum questions quickly while hugging the girl
"I got home last night and you two where asleep, so I just went to bed and Rory left the dance before me" looking at her mum and grandmother
"Did you hear what Tina said? Call the police! Call the police!"
" Mom, stop it!"
"What are you doing?" yells Emily
"I'm looking for the phone. What do you think I'm doing?" yells back Lorelai while trying to find the phone"
"Do you need anything" Tina asks the two but Lorelai just looks at her
"Sweetie you can just go back to sleep I will come up soon" wanting to get Tina away from the fight that is about to happen between the two eldest Gilmore girls
"Ok" a sleepy Tina answers as she heads up to her room falling asleep quickly completely missing the major fight between Lorelai and Emily and Rory and her mum.
Yay a new chapter done
Sorry about the wait, Enjoy
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