Finally, an Action!
In Coffin Company, a man can be seen outside of the said building while looking at his phone.
“… It's boring when Y/n is not around.”
This is Aghu, Y/n's little brother, and blood-related. Always envy Y/n at everything. Well, mostly Y/n learn something very fast and can be experts at it in a few minutes. But he can't hate him since he loves his brother.
It is pure talent, everyone wishes they have talent like Y/n. I mean, who doesn't want to have a talent that makes you learn something very fast and be very good at it in a few minutes?
Imagine you learn a math formula very fast and be very expert at it in a few minutes? It's like you learn game mechanics but in real life.
“I wonder when he has feelings for me? Why is he so dense?”
Y/n is not dense, but when it comes to a man, he doesn't know how to figure out if that man has feelings for him or not since Y/n is not into Gey in the first place. He is straight. Plus why would he learn to read man feeling toward him when he doesn't want to be gey in the first place?
Y/n: *beside Aghu* Did you know everyone will die? Even though they are immortal, will they die of a certain event? Like some cursed, or their immortality gets taken.
Aghu: “Here we go again, the nonsense topic.” I know.
Y/n: I see. So how was your day?
Aghu: Nothing interesting at all. You?
Y/n: My source of happiness is just gone… anyways how long will this hack stop?
Aghu: Vice President says in 2 days.
Y/n: Hope your salaries change because of this… well what you wanna eat today?
Aghu: Everything you eat.
Y/n: As expected of my brother. Must follow their brother's taste to be strong like me.
“Oh gosh, I wish I could eat him right here right now.”
Y/n: Have you learned to use your power?
Aghu: No… besides it not working on someone I targeted.
Aghu power is [Manipulation]. It is like some white hair man's power, but it is more powerful than him. Aghu can manipulate everything he wants to be with just the thought of his mind.
Plus he can manipulate some atoms of iron and change them to dirt. He changed the atom of iron into a dirt atom. Plus he can manipulate someone's emotions. And that is Y/n.
He has tried many attempts to make Y/n not straight, but all of them fail miserably since the Y/n atom can't be read at all. It is because Y/n uses [Reality] to change its atom to be unreadable.
He hates when someone makes a clone of himself. But instead of having the power of [Reality], the clone has the power of [Creation]. That clone #1, close #2 has the power of [Liquid].
[Creation] is the power to create everything he wants, like power or some object. But he can't create power [Reality] since Y/n already changed his atom at that time.
[Liquid] is a power that can manipulate any Liquid or Fluid. For example, he can control blood, Lava, and many more. But the most dangerous thing is saliva. Clone #2 can control someone's saliva and turn it into lava, killing them instantly.
Pretty much these two clones are very strong, they work together too. But instead of fighting Y/n, they help him. They destroyed the labs that created Y/n clones since they redeemed themselves as a person that was only worthy of the original.
Y/n WANT to kill them since he is not sure if they have the right mind or not. But he changed his mind after watching them for a few months.
They have now gone missing making Y/n worry, even though he uses [Reality] to find their location, it states that they CHANGE the appearance and atom as they can't be detected anymore unless he meets them again.
Well, back to the story, Y/n and Aghu are walking side by side. Aghu facepalm at Y/n as he says nonsense things to nearby people passing by.
Y/n: Did you know, heroes and villains are like recycling. Unless someone decides to kill the one that can be recycled to villains or heroes.
R-Kid: I see, thank you for telling me. When I grow up I will be the one that does the killing!
R-Mom: Don't listen to this retard honey, he's on high.
R-Kid: On high?
The mom hurriedly walked away from Y/n and Aghu while dragging his kid. Some time passes, and a man licking popsicles can be seen. Seeing this Y/n speaks to him.
Y/n: Biting is colder than licking. It makes the coldness of food stay in your mouth longer than licking.
R-Man licking popsicle: That's what I was thinking too, but can't figure it out until now.
Y/n: Wise decision. Enjoy your popsicles.
R-Man Biting popsicle: Thank you.
Aghu staring at Y/n in confusion. He wonders how Y/n can come out with these dialogues every time he meets random people.
Suddenly, a group of three figures wearing black clocks can be seen entering the alleyways. Seeing this Aghu is suspicious as he looks to see what Y/n does, and what he does?
He goes to random people smoking cigarettes and speaks to them.
Y/n: I spot a three-figure wearing a black clock entering alleyways. They look suspicious, can you investigate this? There is a reward if you find what they do.
R-Man smoking: Hmmm… where do they go?
Y/n: Right there. *point at the alleyways the clock figure entering earlier* Be careful on your journey, I don't know what they can do.
R-Man Smoking: Don't worry, I'm a fucking assassin.
Y/n: I see. Thank you for accepting my requests.
R-Man Smoking: No need. I must do what I am told to do. See you later with the information.
The man that is smoking cigarettes then goes to the alleyways Y/n pointing earlier.
“How the fuck he managed to make random people accept his request? Is his interaction skill very good?”
Nah, he's just bad at interacting with people he doesn't know. He just randomly speaks what he has in his mind. He knows he should stop doing this, but he just… can't.
Y/n: My car has been covered in dust lately. I hope someone can help me clean it. *look at Aghu* Maybe, perhaps, you can help me? I will reward you for helping me.
Aghu: No.
Y/n: I see… don't worry, the offer still stands if you change your mind.
“Somebody, please make Y/n stop talking weird dialogue.”
(Y/n POV)
“My social skills are not good yet… I should watch some old game NPC dialogue to improve it.”
As they were walking home, suddenly, Y/n, our protagonist heard something that others couldn't hear. He forgot how he obtained this thing, but he will never regret obtaining it.
What did he hear? ‘Soundtrack’. Legend says only talented people have their soundtrack.
The Atmosphere suddenly becomes cold even though it's summer. In front of them, we can see the MR Bean version of the anime standing smugly while looking at them.
Y/n put his hand in front of Aghu as he was protecting Aghu from the MR Bean version of the anime. Who is this? What does he want from Y/n?
{Na Yubin}
Aghu: “Is that… oh it's him.”
Y/n: Na Yubin.
Na Yubin: Y/n~
Y/n: You seem standing in our ways, care to move aside?
Na Yubin: I will… after you accept to join ‘Six Wing’.
Y/n: Only 3 wings can be seen. It should be ‘Three Wing’ instead of ‘Six Wing’. And no, I refuse your offer again.
Na Yubin: Oh~ Why? I and others can change the world if you are on my Team. No one can stop us.
Y/n: The world is already worse, no need to fix it. It was a waste of my precious time.
Na Yubin: Again, you refuse. Is it hard for you to say ‘Yes’?
Y/n: It is, I solo everything. And I prefer to do something alone. I prioritize eliminating rather than protecting.
Na Yubin: That's why you've been called ‘F.E.A.R’. Why is the meaning again? Ah… ‘Forget Everything And Run’? Or…
Y/n: ‘Face Everything And Rise’. That is the meaning of 'F.E.A.R’ Yubin. Don't you dare mess with it, it takes a year for me to come up with a good quote right there!
Aghu: Can you guys… stop fighting at least for a day?
Y/n: I want… but he starts first. I need to finish what has started.
Na Yubin: I will stop once you join ‘Six Wing’. Just join, I can guarantee that you can take everything at Coffin Company for free.
Aghu: Sound like a good offe-
Y/n: Shhh Aghu… Let me handle this. *look at Yubin* If you are the CEO of the Company… I believe. But you are just a mere employee who gets $5 an hour.
Na Yubin: You think that Company is my only source of income?
Y/n: Judging by the way you talk. No.
Na Yubin: Indeed.
Aghu: “I want to go home and enjoy Y/n warm bed.”
Y/n and Aghu sleep in the same room. Both of them take turns every day using the bed and Cushion. No homo. It is another story for Aghu.
Na Yubin: Hope you don't use that pow-
Y/n: [Reality] ‘Yubin faint.’
Na Yubin: You son of B-*faint*
Yubin fell to the ground unconscious. Aghu just sweat drops on this. Even though he has moved with Y/n for a long time, he still can't get used to the Y/n style.
There was a time in an interview to ask what Y/n was capable of, and he stated that he can destroy this world with thoughts of his. The interviews of course don't believe him so he wants Y/n to destroy the world right now.
He really destroys the world and manages to make sure people don't get killed with a special shield. Y/n immediately get rejected, but they recommend he join a place where he should belong. Like Coffin Company, Rhodes Island, Schicksal Academy, Azur lane, Chaldea Security Organization, etc.
But he refused instantly since that place required him to move a lot, especially work out of the country. There was a time he was being asked to join a Villain side, but he didn't join them because it was troublesome.
Anyway, back to the story, Y/n holding his head a little as he closed his eyes.
Y/n: *little headache* Urgh… I forgot that he is strong. So Aghu!
Aghu: Yes?
Y/n: Wanna drink?
Aghu: Drink? Beer?
Y/n: Yup! It's been a long time since we drank one.
Aghu: Oh… yeah. *flashback of Aghu trying to have sex with Y/n but fainting after 1 sip* Damn.
Y/n touches Aghu's back before he teleports both of them into a nearby grocery store. After two of them teleport, two figurines can be seen stalking them from far away.
(Timeskip because nothing is interesting happened at all)
In Y/n's house, we can see Y/n drinking a bottle of Tequila while Aghu has already passed out while holding a cup of ‘Vodka’.
Y/n: Huh… Weak.
He then proceeded to mix ‘Tequila’ with ‘Vodka’ and ‘Tiger’. After that, he stirs a little before drinking it.
“I forgot I have high resistance to Alcohol after drinking beer for a week non-stop when I was at Tevyat. It's all Diluc's fault.”
He continued to drink some mixing beer that he buys from the grocery store. Surprisingly, the store sells various kinds of beer there.
*sound of the door open*
Y/n: Oh welcome back you two. Where are you going this afternoon?
No voice can be heard, instead, two figurines passed by the Living room without Y/n notice as he tried to mix ‘Nail Brewing Atlantic Ale’ with ‘Kingfisher’.
Y/n: *Still hear no voice* Probably very tired from work. Well, look at me, I still don't have a job till now. All I depend on is money from Silverash.
Silverash always transfers $1M to Y/n account bank every month since he wants Y/n to fuck his sister. Y/n of course refuses, but that makes a change to Silverash as he keeps transferring the money to Y/n.
“I should get sleep, *seeing Aghu sleep on the couch* I shouldn't wake him up.”
Y/n yawned before going into his bedroom. Upon arriving in his room, Y/n jumps into his bed miserably as he lands on the ground.
Y/n: Urgh.
???: Y/n are you alright? Do you need-
The feminine voice suddenly gets quiet. But who is she?
“Female? *realize something* I finally got drunk!!! Yes, baby!! That's what I'm waiting for!! I heard if you get drunk you will have a wet dream! Finally, some action I have been waiting for a year!!!”
He doesn't know if he still considers himself a virgin or not. Why? He had a wet dream before with some woman that looked like his MALE friend and his ClONE a long time ago after they disappeared.
But since they already doing blowjob on him… he fuck all of them. That is the dream Y/n felt very real for the first time instead of the nonsense dream he had before.
Sadly, that is the last time he had those dreams after his visit to Tevyat. Anyway, back to our protagonists Y/n, and that is YOU.
He slowly closes his eyes to get into his dream as fast as he can.
(Inside Y/n dream)
Y/n appears in an abandoned dark place. In front of him, there is a tree that has shone with beautiful light from outside.
“This place… where I meet my clone #2 named Layman. He used his liquid power to heal himself, but his liquid is very weak after he got heavily injured by a fire attack caused by me. I still remember clone #1 that works with him together and go with Layman after helping me, Liskax.”
Y/n then walks toward the tree slowly while admiring the tree's appearance. The tree slowly becomes beautiful as he comes closer to it. For some reason, he feels very calm… very calm to the point where he feels very safe as all his problems are gone like that.
Eventually, he knows he can't always feel like this anymore. Most of the time he is always facing a problem. Don't know what God's decision is with his fate.
Every decision Y/n made, can change the future simultaneously. He is like a walking being that will decide someone's fate by looking into them. He managed to get close to the tree as he inspected it.
“Wish I could feel like this in real life too…”
As he inspected the tree, the sound of footsteps can be heard from behind Y/n. The sound slowly gets closer to him as time passes by. Instead of knowing who is behind him, Y/n thinks about his life.
Suddenly, Y/n feels something very soft behind him, but at the same time, he can feel some liquid from the soft thing.
Turning around his head, he sees someone whom he is familiar with. This someone is a female from his wet dream. Thus this female looks very familiar to his clone #2, Layman.
Layla: *look seductively* Hello Y/n~
Y/n: Layla. So how are you?
Layla: *touch her forehead with Y/n* I'm perfectly fine~ It's like I was born for this world~ How about you? It's been such a long time since you left. *smirking* I'm sad, you know?
Y/n: Your smirk said otherwise.
Layla giggles before closing her eyes as she plants her lips onto Y/n as she already battles tongue with him. She wrapped her arm around his head to pull his head deeper while Y/n did the same to her body.
As Y/n closes his eyes, he feels his surroundings changing. Opening his eyes, he sees him sitting on the bed while Layla sitting on his lap while still French kissing him.
Layla slowly grinding on Y/n's crotch resulting in a bulge in his pants. She pulled away from Y/n's mouth with a string of saliva connected to Y/n's mouth.
Layla: *lick her lips* Someone is exciting~
Y/n: Well, who doesn't?
Layla: I will help your friend below there~
Layla pushes Y/n into the bed before going into Y/n's crotch and smelling it. Then she uses her teeth to slowly unzip the pants.
(To be continued)
The next chapter is r18+ btw
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