
Oscar is seen, siting on his bed in his room, reading a book by the light of a lantern.

Oscar's aunt than shouted directly to where he is in now.

Oscar's Aunt: "Oscar, supper's almost ready!"

Oscar: "What're we having?"

Oscar's Aunt: "Doesn't matter! You're eating it!"

Oscar than spoke out rather jokingly.

"I never agreed to these terms!"

Oscar's Aunt: "It's part of the "living under my roof" contract! Read the fine print, then come wash up!"

Oscar closes his book and stands up. He is walking toward the door when a voice resounds, causing him to pause. It was Ozpin's voice inside him

Ozpin: "We have to leave."

Oscar continues forward.

Ozpin: "Oscar. Oscar!"

Oscar is about to grasp the door handle, but holds back.

Oscar: "I've decided you're not real, so you might as well give up."

Ozpin: "I understand how you're feeling. I went through the same panic and confusion."

Oscar turns around and looks at an open book on the floor. He bends down and shuts it, talking aloud as he puts it and the one next to it away on a shelf.

Oscar: "It's not real. It's not real. It's not real."

Oscar stands up and his reflection is visible in the window.

Ozpin: "I can assure you, you are perfectly sane."

Oscar: "I'm talking to a voice in my head."

Ozpin: "I didn't say you were normal. I said you were sane."

Oscar starts to leave his room again.

Ozpin: There's quite a significant difference between--"

Oscar: "Shut up! You think this is funny? It's not."

Ozpin: "We are in complete agreement on that matter, I promise you. Believe me, I wish this weren't the case. But as I've told you, our Aura, our souls are combined."

Oscar looks up at the ceiling without really focusing on anything but clearly showing his disgust.

Oscar: "I'm done listening to you."

Ozpin: "Have you ever been to Haven?"

Oscar: "I told you I'm not going, and I told you I'm done listening."

Ozpin: "Do you think you could describe the headmaster's office?"

Oscar: No. Why would I know that? I've never seen--"

Ozpin: "Try. Right now.l

Oscar: It's probably... It's...

His eyes widen and his face slackens. The visual pans around his head in a circle as he continues to speak.

Oscar: "It's autumn-colored... with a large mahogany desk. There's a small table with chairs in a corner for guests, with a tea set that... I... I gave him."

The pan stops when Oscar refers to himself in the first person. He puts his hand to his head, disconcerted.

Oscar: "Why did I say that? Why did I know that? Why did I say that?"

Oscar becomes increasingly bothered and he starts backing up, dropping his hand.

Ozpin: "Because I helped build that school, and the tea set was a gift to the man running it now."

Oscar sits on his bed and holds his head, groaning.

Ozpin: "If you don't believe me, you can look it up. If I recall, your aunt has several books on Mistral downstairs. I'm certain you could find a picture in one of them."

Oscar than straightens up and lowers his hands.

"That... that's right, I must've seen it in a picture."

He than sighed very frustratingly

Ozpin: "Oscar..."

Oscar stands upright, tightening his fists at his sides and shouts.

Oscar: "Stop talking to me!"

Ozpin: "I have a grave responsibility to uphold. We both do."

Oscar than falls to his knees in distress.

"I never agreed to anything."

Ozpin: "No, you didn't. And neither did I, at first. But you do have an opportunity."

Oscar: "For what?"

Ozpin: "Greatness, hopefully. Greatness in knowing that, when the world needed help, you were the one to reach out your hand. It won't come without hardship, without sacrifice, but I know you don't want to live the rest of your life working as a farmhand in Mistral."

Oscar puts hands on his head again, eyes wide in suprise.

"So you just decided to read my thoughts?

Ozpin: "I... well. They're our thoughts, now."

Oscar than groans very uncomfortably.

"Get out of my head!"

Oscar's Aunt: "Oscar! Supper time! I better see clean hands!"

Oscar looks toward the door, but remains silently on the floor.

Back at Mantle Kingdom...


An explosion was heard in one of the houses. When the smoke cleared...Sans has his front body blackened. Apparently, the Heater inside of the house that he is inside right now has overloaded to the point where it has exploded from the heat.

"Gahhhhh!!!! (Cough) (Cough) Man! That was one heck of a big explosion that was demonstrated there! How did you even get this much fire dust inside of those heater anyway?"

I told to the man that has owned the house. He than chucked nervously and spoke out to me.

"I...Uuuuuuhhhhh...May have put a bit to much fire dust inside of those heaters. That my have been my fault."

Sans had a deadpan expression.

"No kidding. Alright, I am going to need the Mantle Knights to help you fix it. Now...I am going onto the next one now. So long Mr. Exploding Engineer."

Sans stood up and walked outside as the Mantle Knights than walked and repair the machine that has just exploded. As he walked outside, Emerald than noticed and decide to walk and conversation with him. She took of her the head part of the suit she is in and spoke

"Wow, Sans. That was one heck of an explosion there. I could even see it from somewhere a mile away."

Sans than pinched his nose and sighed in utter annoyance.

"That guy decide to put in way to much Fire Dust. I do not think that even the Protogenium metals can handle this much explosion, and yet I'm somehow fine. Seriously, sometimes that people like him are very irresponsible people."

Emerald nodded, before looking down and spoke up to Sans.

"I am worried..."

Sans than looked up and looked concerned at Emerald.

"Come again, Emerald?"

Emerald was silent for a few seconds, before speaking out.

"I am worried...what if this kingdom is not enough to beat Salem? What about the kingdom towns that we have not went to yet. Ruby's Group is on their way to Haven Academy, which is where the location of Blake's home is currently at, and Beacon has fallen. I am so afraid that...we might fail in this war."

Sans looked surprised, but than puts a hand on her shoulder. She looks at Sans' face, as he spoke, comfortingly.

"Look, Emerald. We had been through many tough times over the years. We dealt with what happened to father. We dealt with Salem's group. We even dealt with a large amount of Grimm attacking us at Beacon. To me...this is nothing different. Besides, all we need to do is weaken Salem's forces so that we can have a chance to attack. True, we cannot simply gave Mantle Fight for us, but we can have the others unite against Salem and her army. As the old saying goes: 'Divide...we fall. But together...we stand.'"

Emerald looked surprised, but seeing Sans' determination on his face, she smiled and spoke out.

"Thanks, Sans. I guess you're right about what you said."

I smiled, before I spoke out to her.

"Come on. We have more houses to go and fix. Shall we?"

Emerald nodded, before they walked up to the nearest house, along with the Mantle Knights.

"Father...I will make you proud of what I'm doing."

Back to Ruby's Group...

Tyrian Callows pulls his tail back. Qrow turns around, swinging his weapon and holding at the ready by his side.

Tyrian: "As I live and breathe, Qrow Branwen. A true Huntsman has entered the fray!"

Ruby gets up and sets Crescent Rose on its end. Mecha and Penny stood up and held onto their wounds that are scratched. Summer stood up and does the same with her weapon. Qrow glances back at Ruby.

"I don't know, this guy's weird."

Mecha: "Weird?! More like Demented and out-of-control here!"

Penny was afraid of the Faunus in front of her. Obviously, she had never seen anyone with insanity like that.

Qrow than faces Tyrian again.

"Look, pal, I'm not sure who you are, but you need to leave my niece alone."

Tyrian chortles.

Tyrian: "Why, friend, my name is Tyrian. And I'm afraid that is not possible. My assignment from Her Grace was to retrieve this young girl. So, that is what I must do. One does not upset the Queen."

Ruby: "Queen?"

Qrow: "Salem."

Ruby: "Who?"

Tyrian: "Hmm, I think we've had enough talk now, don't you?"

Tyrian assumes a crouching position.

Qrow: "Took the words right out of—"

Tyrian rushes Qrow before he can finish voicing the thought and the two fight.

Rushing Qrow, he twists to the right as he throws his weight into a slash at him with his left wrist blades. It is deflected by the body of Qrow's weapon and Tyrian easily comes round to attack with his right blades. His attack is once again deflected and Tyrian steps back from Qrow, his momentum carrying him.

Qrow slashes twice at Tyrian, missing both times. Tyrian jumps into the air and spins so that he can deliver a landing kick to Qrow followed by a slash with his blades. Qrow dodges both. Tyrian continues flipping, moving away from Qrow until he is ready to come at him again, laughing. Qrow meets his blades in the air with his own blade, resulting in a clash of metal that is strong enough to loudly propel them away from each other. Tyrian flips away while a slightly pushed back Qrow holds his ground in a lunge.

A roof gets damaged and Tyrian uses the bullet capability mom in the gloves of his wrist blades. Tyrian uses his blades to help him stay upright and Qrow is immediately there, attacking. Tyrian dodges, blocks the second swing with his tail and leaps to the side. Their two blades meet several times as they match each other, metallic clashes ringing out, including when Qrow blocks attacks from Tyrian's stinger.

Qrow leaps up and somersaults downward to cut Tyrian with his descent, but Tyrian blocks it with his wrist blades. The powerful clash of their weapons sends out a ripple that blows the roof off of a building behind them. They both pause in that moment, the pressure the two of them are putting on their weapons creating tiny sparks. Tyrian grins and cocks his gloves, revealing the hidden double-barrelled machine guns within his wrist blades. He shoots at Qrow, who jumps off him and continues to deflect every shot while twirling his weapon as Tyrian encircles him, firing at every possible angle while running.

Than, both Ren and Nora join in, but Tyrian easily gets them away. He moves to chase them, but Qrow intervenes.

Qrow: "Don't come closer!"

The two men continue to fight.

Ruby: "Fine!"

She takes Crescent Rose to the top of a building and waits for an opening to shoot Tyrian.

However, both he and Qrow move too fast for her to get a clear shot.

Tyrian manages to uses his tail to disarm Qrow. This slows things down enough for Ruby to repeatedly shoot at him from the roof, but Tyrian just deflects each with his tail.

Qrow switches to punching Tyrian in face. With a final kick, he is successful enough to beat Tyrian down and casually move to retrieve his weapon from where it embedded in a wall. Tyrian waits until Qrow has his back turned before striking, but Qrow merely leaps on top of his own weapon and activates its scythe mode. Tyrian than launched a truck at Qrow, but Penny got in the way, and caught the truck with her hands.

Tyrian went past Penny, and the two continue to battle, their fight taking them to a roof top. They appear evenly matched until Tyrian descends into the building and uses his tail to drag Qrow down, too.

This is enough to make Ruby decide to no longer stay back. Just as she reaches the building, Qrow comes out through a wall, his body and his weapon bouncing. The weapon lands with its blade in the ground, and Qrow perches atop it. Red flickers of damaged Aura move over his body twice.

Tyrian comes out of the floating dust and grime inside the building, purple flickers moving across his body. As the two begin to strike again, Ruby jumps in between and deflects Tyrian's blades with Crescent Rose.

Jaune, Penny, Summer, Mecha: "Ruby!/Ruby!"

Ren holds Jaune back from moving forward.

Tyrian: "Do you wish to be taken?"

Ruby: "No! But I won't stand by and watch someone get hurt!"

Both Qrow and Ruby move in to attack Tyrian and the three clash. His eyes purple again, Tyrian almost gets her with his stinger, but Qrow blocks it.

Qrow: "Ruby! What did I say?! Get back!"

Ruby: "This is my fight, too!"

She attacks Tyrian while he's still locked blade-to-blade with Qrow, but his legs arch away from the swing of Crescent Rose.

Qrow: "No, it's not that. It's—"

Ruby attacks again, and Tyrian moves to her. He flips and sends her back with a two-footed kick. She slides closer to the building and gains her ground, but the wooden beams near the roof have been shaken up too much and a heavy one breaks and descends upon her. Qrow slices it in half so it falls in pieces to either side of Ruby without touching her. Summer than joined into the fight, and attacked Tyrian.

Tyrian tried to strike Summer, but Summer lives up to being the leader of Team STRQ, and for a good reason. Tyrian tried to strike Summer with his Stinger, but Summer dodged and stuck Tyrian from behind. Summer than appeared in front of him with her speed and struck him in she chest, which send him flying into a building again. Tyrian than looked enraged and charged at her, but Summer reacted fast and kept on dodging his attack. Summer than ducked and did a sweep kick at the leg, which made him lose balance, and caused him to fall on the floor. Summer than tried to strike him, but Tyrian rolls out of the way, while the Scythe is imbedded into the rather rocky ground. Tyrian looked frustrated. He has no idea how to beat Summer, leader of Team STRQ.

As he looks around, he saw Qrow beginning to recover. He smiles and immediately charged at him, catching Summer completely by Surprise. Summer tried to attack Tyrian, but he simply used his tail to, not pierce and inject the venom, but to knock her into a rather very hard building.

Ruby smiles at Qrow in gratitude and affection, and he raises his head from his stance to look at her, only to gasp in pain as he is immediately cut in the abdomen by Tyrian's stinger.

Tyrian chuckles while everyone but Ruby takes a beat from the unexpectedness of it. She, however, immediately cuts off the stinger from the rest of Tyrian's tail. It bounces, spurting purple liquid, to the ground. Tyrian reels back and cries out from the pain. Standing, he whirls to face Ruby, infuriated. His face shows immense fury when he looked at Ruby.

Tyrian: You b!+ch!

He takes a step or two forward and snarls at the both, but is off balance. Nora, Ren and Jaune all move to block his path to Ruby and Qrow. Penny, Mecha, and Summer also did the same thing too.

Tyrian takes a few awkward steps, not engaging. He than looks very afraid, for the first time ever in his own life.

"She'll forgive you."

He than tried to run away, fast. But when he looked back, he did not notice a Mecha Gaster Blaster charging an attack that is aimed to him. When he turned around...




Tyrian got hit by the Mecha Gaster Blaster. This caused him to have his physical body be destoryed the same way the Cinder was destroyed. His entire existence from the blaster...it has been erased.

Mecha is seen holding his hand up, and the other half of Ruby's group came to check them up.

"She may forgive us...but we will never forgive her."

Qrow, who had still been upright with his weapon at the ready, collapses to one knee and clutches at the wound, panting heavily. Ruby and Yang than rushed to steady him.

"Uncle Qrow! Are you okay?"

Qrow: "I'll be fine. He just grazed me."

Yang: "Wh...What happened?!"

Mecha: "We got attacked by some sort of deranged Faunus!"

Pyrrha: "Penny. You're hurt. Here, I can help you out."

Weiss: "I'll help out to."

As Pyrrha got a medi-kit, all the others came to check on Qrow Branwen

He pulls his shaking hand away to show the blood on it. The other three arrive at his side. Mecha looks at his wound, and saw that his heart has finally been exposed fully. The heart shown was green with 2 yellow lines that resembles an upside down V

Nora: "Who was that guy?"

Ren: "How did you get here?"

Jaune: "Why are people after Ruby?"

Ruby: "Uncle Qrow? What's going on?"

Qrow is than breathing heavily and clutching his abdomen again.

"What's your favorite fairy tale?"

Everyone looked confused, until they heard Pyrrha shout out.

"Oh my goodness!!"

Everyone looked at Pyrrha to see what was up, only to see...that what should have been skin on Penny...is actually metal. The scratched part shows off metal parts, and some wires appeared out of the wound, although they are not sliced. Penny looked very frightened, and the others do not know what to think.

"Penny...why is there metal on you?"

Weiss than spoke out, concerned, unable to believe what she is seeing with her eyes.

Penny than looked down, unhappily. Mecha than came in and hugged her, which she returned, despite being taller than Mech. Obviously, this is going to be a very tough night.

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